Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Chophop.3967


I’ll bite, I was not being as mature as I could have been. Maybe we can settle this like mature adults sometime, probably not though

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


sPvP can be done regardless of Server! Send him something sometime, I’ll be more than happy to referee between you two.

In all seriousness I’m just curious to see who wins now.

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Darwinism.8619


“that kitten, kitten, [PRO] kitten, kitten, zerging kitten… bunch of kittens from kitten Devona’s kitten Rest… can kitten off and die…. im kitten glad they are kitten leaving…”

im guess’n thats what many are saying in Vent Mumble or TS…. and thats ok… but to those that enjoyed the Rivalry… for those that were good sports… this “[PRO] kitten” will miss you… Ferg and Kain… i hope im able to find a new Arch Nemesis as worthy as many of you were… (shakes fist at Arch Nemesis)

Darwin Ism(HumanThief) Thin The Herd(HumanMezmer) Abuzz Kill(AsuranD/D Ele)
[PRO] World Defender

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


You know how in Lord of the Rings they show the massed Hoard of Orcs outside of the castle?…And how everyone knew they were going to die but fought despite that knowledge?…That’s how I’ve felt against DR, except we don’t have a Frodo or Gandalf to save the day and win in the end.

Figured nerdy references would be best.

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


Whenever I’ve seen a horde of DR, I usually try to get into a friendly keep or run. Of course, you can’t hide from DR for long….

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: TheComet.6471


just go up a tier already DR <_<

ps: they have over 100k on the other two servers combined right now


Kaineng – Co-Leader of Skrittical Hits
Sybol – Healing Bunker Charr Mesmer (80)
Dresdon Honorclaw – Zerk All-Ranged Charr Warrior | Hawke Fullmoon – Melee Ranger

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Themanbat.3206


You know how in Lord of the Rings they show the massed Hoard of Orcs outside of the castle?…And how everyone knew they were going to die but fought despite that knowledge?…That’s how I’ve felt against DR, except we don’t have a Frodo or Gandalf to save the day and win in the end.

Figured nerdy references would be best.

God this made me laugh so damn hard. Those two might not be there in WvW, but I’ve Aragorn rushed into that mess so many times I lost count. XD

Angelic Synergy [Holy], Andromeda (Mesmer)/Samson of Mice (Guardian)/Ren the Stumpy (Engi)

(edited by Themanbat.3206)

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Acotje.5689


How many commanders does it take to grab a tower?

*I was only commander on the map, then, out of nothin 10 others appeared…very nice WTF-moment :P

Commander Aco Derpalist


Hello darkness, my old friend.

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


God this made me laugh so damn hard. Those two might not be there in WvW, but I’ve Aragorn rushed into that mess so many times I lost count. XD

I think I will now be making an Asuran Thief named Frodo.

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Themanbat.3206


Don’t worry, you’re poking fun at no one. Would just like to point out though that letting DR wipe the map today was within the consent of the major guilds fighting in Ferg.

We could’ve held the map if we chose to. But doing that will slow DR in racking points, thus another week of DR/Kain/FC holding hands, and we wouldn’t want that now, do we?

Ferg – if you could have held it you would have, stop making excuses. You had the numbers in there last night but your skirmish strats wont work unless you get to pick the time and place of the fights. It always fails vs coordinated movements, ie: DR map control of Ferg. And if the “major” guilds on Ferg “agreed” to let DR have it, well bro there was sure a heck of a lot of the same guild tags ive been seeing repeatedly in Wv3 still in the fight. Didnt see a change in Ferg defenses last night vs any other night.

I so love how both Ferg/Kain has found an amazing way to rationalize their loss for 10 weeks straight. It boiled down to “we let DR win”. Well let me tell ya what I think:
- if Ferg could have won – it would have
- if Kain could have won – it would have
- 9 weeks ago in the first matchup for domination Kain stood a solid chance to take/hold the coveted #1 position, but couldnt come together as a team
- 4 weeks ago Ferg could have dominated 2nd place, again no teamwork as a server

Both of you can post your grumpy threads on coulda/woulda/shoulda/if i wanna…but the truth is you both were beat. And not recently, you were both beat 9 weeks ago when it all started, ie: before the populations were out of balance. (agree that Ferg did have a slight disadvantage, but not so much it couldnt have been overcome)

All through the thread both servers have stated you’re not letting DR move up…well what happened there? Kain had an awesome shot at #2 which would have led to a tier move shortly after DR…but instead of widening the gap with Ferg, they chose instead to pretty much focus all fights toward DR. Ferg, on getting those mass transfers in that boosted your population to more than Kain, again could have widened the gap, took 2nd and held it. Instead, focused on DR and small group skirmishes in lieu of server progression. You blame DR for everything, and try to puff up small group fighting into some kind of Wv3 domination. Well maties, check the score over the last 10 weeks: domination is 10 weeks of winning, anything other than a week win equates to “primetime” gaming at it’s best, ie: great in the moment but meaningless in the bigger picture.

So stop the hate. You both lost, deal with it. Tons of folks on DR have been giving almost continual props to both of you, yet the majority of post from you have been negative towards DR. Stop the whining and QQnd and excuse making…fix it and move up, or enjoy the bottom tier and watch as you continue to lose more and more gamers. (or pray you get upper tier guild transfers as you obviously cant move up on your own)

DR – AWESOME JOB and well deserved regardless of what Ferg/Kain thinks as its just jealousy typing
Kain – I’m still rooting for you! Even with the loss of some major guilds in Wv3 you’ve still fielded some darn good fights. I’d almost say your Wv3 stepped up after the loss of the guilds in my opinion. (SoS — help Kaineng!)
Ferg – Chris/Np nice work on helping build framework for Ferg progressing. Hope it continues and does a mirror image of DR on moving upward in tier.

To all the gamers who gave it their best, props and respect to you all. To all those that continuously posted excuses…well, made me laugh at your pitifulness.

The last 10 weeks? Exaggerating much? There have only been 7 weeks of loss for Kaineng since Week 42: From 2012-10-13 to 2012-10-19, arguably our proudest moment.

I for one am not going to miss your chest-beating, exaggerating, and gloating. It is pretty audacious of you to call FC’s bullkitten when you are a consummate bullkitten artist. Remember how DR “chooses” who will come 2nd and 3rd each week? How’s that working out?

The people on FC/Kaineng (not to mention DR) might have stopped caring about your BS, but those in the next tier up won’t be so used to it.

I hadn’t actually read Drednyte’s latest, well you know what it is (mostly because I knew what it would be), but, ya, this^ Also, “mass transfers?” NP’s active WvW population replaced maybe 15% of the main guilds who all left (while your numbers were multiplying). We haven’t been able to match your population in one BL with our entire WvW population since they all left, hence the non-existent que times for us, EVER. And if you think the last two nights’ “defense” was no different than any other’s you really are delusional. I know you like to ignore facts and live in your own little universe, but try to remember where you are in reality.

Angelic Synergy [Holy], Andromeda (Mesmer)/Samson of Mice (Guardian)/Ren the Stumpy (Engi)

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Karg.2381


Thanks for the fun and facepalm moments ive had during this ongoing matchup. I have a great deal of respect for all you guys and gals on ferg and kain. I moved from a mid teir EU server to DR when they were on the bottom, think it was the same week pro turned up.
It was a refreshing change and ive loved the spirit of this tier.

Good game peeps, much love and be well. Give ET a warm welcome haha


Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Valorwing.2865


Props to the SIN guardian who beat my butt twice lol. I enjoyed our brief but prolonged battles with eachother. I remember you from a few time before our last 2 fights.

Im going to miss FC and KAIN. All the faces I’m used to seeing in WvW will be truly missed. I’ll also miss zerging Chris everytime I see him :P. Love you all NP SIN KAIN ENVY BRO and all the rest I didnt mention. GL in the future. I

f I come across Chris again in the future I’ll be sure to burn his face off for old times sake :P

Jaded Imperfection

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: ErlendR.6107


You know how in Lord of the Rings they show the massed Hoard of Orcs outside of the castle?…And how everyone knew they were going to die but fought despite that knowledge?…That’s how I’ve felt against DR, except we don’t have a Frodo or Gandalf to save the day and win in the end.

Figured nerdy references would be best.

Totally agree ><
And those devs sayin “i will miss kain and ferg” of course u will miss have the 100% wvw map kids -.-
I cant belive devs comin and say “strategy” -.-
I hope kains and fergs have a better week this time ^^

Proud ex-Kaineng T8 best server ever vs DR & FC

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


I’ve been thinking…does this mean Chaster is “He who arrives on the Dawn of the Third Day”?…Because that’s totally fitting for him. :p