I think it’s unhealthy and limiting for any guild to be 100% about PPT, or to be completely indifferent.
Spending every night on a trebuchet or arrow cart is as bad as doing nothing but running around looking for OJs or waiting for another guild in the OS.
What seems to work best, is push the enemy and if they defend, have a good fight; and vice-versa. If they are poor fighters or don’t respond, continue to take real-estate until you get a good fight. If no one can fight you, hold on to real-estate so that your server can advance until you find someone who can fight you. Rinse and repeat.
My opinion:
PPT gives fights meaning. Fights give PPT action and excitement.
Otherwise, fights without purpose get boring after a while; likewise PPT is a little ho-hum without the risk of conflict.
As usual, somewhere in the middle is just right.
My opinion:
PPT gives fights meaning. Fights give PPT action and excitement.
Otherwise, fights without purpose get boring after a while; likewise PPT is a little ho-hum without the risk of conflict.
As usual, somewhere in the middle is just right.
Yep a good mix between ppt and ppk sounds like a perfect solution. PPT should be most important, like you said you need your server to fight for something. But ppk could make fights so much more interesting.
Why do you not take it to PvP where there is no risk of you taking a spot that a player who wants to participate in the game mode doesn’t get put in queue? Or any of the other adverse effects your play style may cause to others in the population?
I don’t need to fear about that problem arising since I am on NSP. We usually don’t queue EB during the week and on weekend we only queue one map (most of the time it is EB). My choice of server was not random. I did chose a low population server because of what I intended to do.
Thanks for your concern.
Of coarse you do not fear the problem. You are creating and promoting the problem.
As much as I can appreciate your desire to have fun on a personal level, the fact that you are unwilling to aid your team when called upon, and only in what they consider the most dire of situations, is evidence that you do not care for the game modes purpose. Your behavior in this situation adds to the reason players such as myself, will leave a particularly server. you mentioned your servers population and standings in a negative way, when it is likely your desire to ignore your team entirely , has contributed to it.
Thanks for the constructive critism. Everyone is open to their belief. As for me… my team game is when I play with my friends. PPT is, as I said secondary. I do PPT like everyone once in a while. I just don’t make it my goal.
Maybe I contribute to the problem of my server being low populated. Who knows
But as for myself (maybe I really am a selfish person :O ) I don’t mind NSP staying low pop. I like outmanned fights. Here are a few videos featuring some of my friends. This, is what I play Gw2 for.
I love how in the first video you kill that random asura necro and get a “Trash Collector” achievement pop-up^^.
I really don’t understand ppters. Is siegehumping fun? Not for most people. And its not like there is a reward for it. The points literally don’t matter. If you really think ppt should be more important than fights, lobby anet to award the matchup winner with a reward that is actually worth getting.
If winning a matchup accurately reflects skill in battle, as well as actually being rewarded at the end of the week, maybe PPT would be worth a dam. But it doesn’t, and you don’t.
You need players on the map who are solely looking for fights. They keep the enemies occupied while the PPT’ers do their thing. Get on comm’s and find out when the map fighters are engaging whatever server, then go quickly flip one of their structures.
There is no reason why both of the groups can’t work together.
If we don’t fight the enemy “Fight Guilds” what are they going to do? They will roll over our pugs and PPT guilds and take our EB corner till we come to fight them, Us fighting them is way more beneficial for the server then us avoiding them.
I really don’t understand ppters. Is siegehumping fun? Not for most people. And its not like there is a reward for it. The points literally don’t matter. If you really think ppt should be more important than fights, lobby anet to award the matchup winner with a reward that is actually worth getting.
PPT is not siegehumping. PPT is flipping a target location to ensure the most points to a server at the end of the tick. FA does this all the time because the points do matter. Have a look at the score evolution this week:
Notice all those high INCOME numbers? That’s PPT. That’s helping to driving the score.
i never said anything about avoiding fights.. just maybe fight guilds can fight for an objective more important than the sentries surrounding sm?
[Qrew] Leader
i never said anything about avoiding fights.. just maybe fight guilds can fight for an objective more important than the sentries surrounding sm?
I truly wish we could fight on a lord room more often.
The only problem is that there are usually too many annoying factors when engaging ennemies near a more important objective. I like to be on equal footing when I fight someone. If the camp is mine and I see a solo roamer. I leave the camp and fight him. If he wins he can take the camp, if I win I keep it. It is much more rewarding to win a fight with pure skills and tactics. I dislike fighting when I see AC’s raining down and I dislike fighting as a solo roamer when 2 enemies go hide into a camp to get the NPC advantage. Some may like it, but I truly don’t…So I don’t do what I dislike to others
The only reason why I would use those annoying factors when my enemy can’t is when I am outnumbered (see here the portal to get into a structure to recover my HP, fighting down in the open while my servermates use AC’s to rain on the outnumbering force or running into a camp to get assistance from my NPC when I’m in a 1 versus X situation).
Pure skills and GW2 is mutually exclusive since there is RNG in how much dmg you do
Pure skills and GW2 is mutually exclusive since there is RNG in how much dmg you do
There is indeed a bit of RNG. like in any other MMO or RPG. Does it negate what I said, I doubt it :S
A good player is easily noticeable. The way he manages his cooldown and the way he dodge. The way he read what his opponent is doing. That my friend is pure skill.
I never understand this separation between PPTs and Fights, honestly.
As someone who used to (quite a while ago now) be i na guild which only wanted fights, I remember some days where we’d run around and do nearly nothing all night because we spent so long looking for the “perfect” open field relatively even fight, which of course almost never happened.
Contrast that with now, where I am not in a guild but rather follow one of the guilds doing an open raid and we go around attacking / defending none stop, and we have fights every 5 minutes all night long, without fail.
So really, in my experience trying to playing"just for fights" results in you actually getting very few fights and no points, and playing to capture or defend objectives results in more fights and more points. The 2 really aren’t seperated.
Gunnar’s Hold
I never understand this separation between PPTs and Fights, honestly.
As someone who used to (quite a while ago now) be i na guild which only wanted fights, I remember some days where we’d run around and do nearly nothing all night because we spent so long looking for the “perfect” open field relatively even fight, which of course almost never happened.
Contrast that with now, where I am not in a guild but rather follow one of the guilds doing an open raid and we go around attacking / defending none stop, and we have fights every 5 minutes all night long, without fail.
So really, in my experience trying to playing"just for fights" results in you actually getting very few fights and no points, and playing to capture or defend objectives results in more fights and more points. The 2 really aren’t seperated.
Agreed with you. If you just sit and do nothing, fights won’t come to you. As I said before, PPT is the magnet for the fights (as it stands for me). Once I get a fight, I won’t stop it to save a fully upgraded garrison or such.
The difference is that contrary to a PPTer, I will almost never use my time repairing objectives, building defensive siege, upgrading structures, I won’t run from a fight in order to save an objective and I won’t besiege a structure that is heavily defended. The fight is there and I’m enjoying it ; PPT is only something that happens while I’m looking for a fight.
(edited by Phantom.5389)
Pure skills and GW2 is mutually exclusive since there is RNG in how much dmg you do
There is no such thing as pure skill. There is always more than ‘just skill’ involved even in the most controlled setting. Chaos is part of any fight or war.
Agreed with you. If you just sit and do nothing, fights won’t come to you. As I said before, PPT is the magnet for the fights (as it stands for me). Once I get a fight, I won’t stop it to save a fully upgraded garrison or such.
The difference is that contrary to a PPTer, I will almost never use my time repairing objectives, building defensive siege, upgrading structures, I won’t run from a fight in order to save an objective and I won’t besiege a structure that is heavily defended. The fight is there and I’m enjoying it ; PPT is only something that happens while I’m looking for a fight.
Thank you phantom for putting it into words i could not,
You just have to be content with people playing how they like. You obviously don’t like being pressured to give up the PPT battle, trying to pressure people who don’t like PPT to play that way is no better.
But there is a difference. This IS a PPT field. In the same way you can walk a golf course without playing golf, it goes without saying that the priority is for golf and the golf players. You are welcome to walk as long as you don’t have any negative impact on the current games.
Sir, you are wrong on that point. It is not a PPT field. It is WvW.
World versus World (also known as WvW) is a Player versus Player game mode where players from three different servers, or worlds, battle in the Mists.
Look at the -Roles- Section.
-The combat among zergs can also be divided into open field and wall fighting.-Roamers are usually individuals or very small groups that go behind enemy lines to achieve objectives that would normally be impractical or impossible for a zerg. They include : Killing or deterring enemy stragglers and reinforcements.
To each their taste. I highlined the aspect of WvW that I do.
Roamers who contribute to ppt and roamers who don’t want to aren’t the same. Beside, nice try, but no cigar. It is still is a ppt field no matter how you seek to twist it. Ppt is the only way to realistically win.
To illustrate the ridiculousness behind the line of thinking some of you have let’s use spvp or tpvp. Yes, killing opponents gives points in pvp, but if you refuse to play the capping part (PPT) your team will have every right to hate you because winning without capping is not realistic all things being equal. The same applies in wvw.
There is no such thing as pure skill. There is always more than ‘just skill’ involved even in the most controlled setting. Chaos is part of any fight or war.
Skill includes the reading of the situation. How you deal with those uncontrolled factors. Here is an example of such a player. Lady luck is everywhere, but I like to think that some players are able to push lady luck in their favor ^^
Ive been fighting for this server for over 2years now and its starting to upset me that my server no longer plays to win the match up.. Theres a matchup forum website where guilds argue and scold one another for “PPTtryharding”, so now we have many great guilds who dont give a crap about PPT.. Our pugs try to hold what tick and upgraded keeps they have but cant hold off against the enemy zergs.. Now our top guilds sit outside stonemist or each other’s keeps waiting for the enemies to show up for a fight. They dont care that we’re whispering them for help in our borderlands. I just dont understand why they cant cap points, defend and find fights at the same time.
Q, we do still play to win matchups, we just realize when matchups aren’t winnable. We were behind HoD by like 15k on thursday, yet we ended up winning. Even our fights guilds suck it up and are willing to do some ppt when push comes to shove. The issue is Mag has insane coverage, and after having seen t3 not many people want to go back so people don’t even want to try.
Though to be clear, on some level I do agree with you. I find it silly at times, guilds will run to the other end of the map to fight at the orange swords, but won’t cata the wall of a tower down right in front of them even though an enemy guild is inside the tower.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
Pure skills and GW2 is mutually exclusive since there is RNG in how much dmg you do
There is no such thing as pure skill. There is always more than ‘just skill’ involved even in the most controlled setting. Chaos is part of any fight or war.
True chaos theory is annoying. In online games you can also add latency and computer hardware. Gaming mouse makes many things easier.
Roamers who contribute to ppt and roamers who don’t want to aren’t the same. Beside, nice try, but no cigar. It is still is a ppt field no matter how you seek to twist it. Ppt is the only way to realistically win.
To illustrate the ridiculousness behind the line of thinking some of you have let’s use spvp or tpvp. Yes, killing opponents gives points in pvp, but if you refuse to play the capping part (PPT) your team will have every right to hate you because winning without capping is not realistic all things being equal. The same applies in wvw.
There is no such thing as roamers who contribute to PPT and roamers who don’t contribute to PPT.
As I said a ‘’for the fight player’’ will eventually give his server a portion of PPT. Same as a ‘’PPT player’’ will sometimes join in the open field battle.
For sure one might spend more of his time killing enemies while the other will spend more time playing the objectives, but eventually both are contributing to their WvW community.
I agree that PPT is the only way to actually win the matchup. I can yield you that point (unless PPK comes back).
But is playing PPT the only way to play WvW. The answer is no. It might be the most efficient way to win, but not the only way to play. I know for sure that some people only join WvW because it is open, you are not forced to play in a SPvP playground. You could even walk around and do the jumping puzzle if you like. it is an Open PvP game mode.
The jumping puzzle is outside the actual WvW realm.
As well, you cannot argue that you contribute to the PPT unless your ensuring bloodlust is active or you are honestly killing guards and yaks.
The jumping puzzle is outside the actual WvW realm.
As well, you cannot argue that you contribute to the PPT unless your ensuring bloodlust is active or you are honestly killing guards and yaks.
BL JP is still there (and I occasionally see people go there and leave map).
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
The jumping puzzle is outside the actual WvW realm.
As well, you cannot argue that you contribute to the PPT unless your ensuring bloodlust is active or you are honestly killing guards and yaks.
I’m sorry if I gave the worst example of how WvW is open. But yes there is still a JP in the borderlands and I sometimes see people heading over there or towards the skritt town to do what one would call PVE.
As I said earlier, even ‘’for the fights players’’ will give PPT to their server even without bloodlust. *PPT is the magnet used from ‘’for the fights players’’ in order to get actual fights. It’s just that once they get an interesting fight in the open, the PPT notion is lost for the duration of the fight usually.
I will try to give an example of what I mean.
-A person runs 5 miles per day in order to gain a better cardio. His main goal is to gain cardio. While it is true that his main focus is to increase his cardio, he may also lose extra weight and gain some muscles. A person doing heavy lifting (on his leg day) might tell him that from what he is doing, he won’t gain muscle, because for him the most efficient way to do so is to lift weight (see here squat/deadlift and such). Hope this helps to clarify the misconception that the ‘’for the fights players’’ contribution to PPT is non-existent.
Ive been fighting for this server for over 2years now and its starting to upset me that my server no longer plays to win the match up.. Theres a matchup forum website where guilds argue and scold one another for “PPTtryharding”, so now we have many great guilds who dont give a crap about PPT.. Our pugs try to hold what tick and upgraded keeps they have but cant hold off against the enemy zergs.. Now our top guilds sit outside stonemist or each other’s keeps waiting for the enemies to show up for a fight. They dont care that we’re whispering them for help in our borderlands. I just dont understand why they cant cap points, defend and find fights at the same time.
U need to split WvW into 2 things. PPT and OF or GvGing. At walls u can’t move ur guild etc. also no1 want to fight against acs and brainlessly push gates. Next thing is that everyone play what they want right? U wanna PPT so play PPT, guilds want gvg and of so let em do that Or just ask Anet ppl to make of / gvg arena for us
Don’t mention OS, cos only 1 guild can fight at specific moment and this holds up for 50 players only – at my server is 8-12 gvg guilds so they won’t fit there
To illustrate the ridiculousness behind the line of thinking…
The irony is strong…
WvW in terms of “winning” as in the score & PPT is a complete and utter joke, and is utterly worthless, for the vast majority of matchups over the course of this game “winning” has consisted of the difference in the number of players the servers have online between about 1am and 3pm the next day, and mindlessly PvDooring against minimal or zero resistance at those times.
The only ridiculous line of thinking is that of deluding yourself that PPT and “winning” at PPT is anything but a totally valueless exercise.
I never understand this separation between PPTs and Fights, honestly.
As someone who used to (quite a while ago now) be i na guild which only wanted fights, I remember some days where we’d run around and do nearly nothing all night because we spent so long looking for the “perfect” open field relatively even fight, which of course almost never happened.
Contrast that with now, where I am not in a guild but rather follow one of the guilds doing an open raid and we go around attacking / defending none stop, and we have fights every 5 minutes all night long, without fail.
So really, in my experience trying to playing"just for fights" results in you actually getting very few fights and no points, and playing to capture or defend objectives results in more fights and more points. The 2 really aren’t seperated.
This has been my experience exactly as well. As long as there are roughly even populations on the map, “playing for PPT” has actually resulted in the most fights for me. I also don’t understand this supposed tension between fights and PPT, they seem to go hand in hand to me. It’s fun to have something to fight over, or to fight for, and the objectives that lead to PPT provide that.
To illustrate the ridiculousness behind the line of thinking…
The irony is strong…
WvW in terms of “winning” as in the score & PPT is a complete and utter joke, and is utterly worthless, for the vast majority of matchups over the course of this game “winning” has consisted of the difference in the number of players the servers have online between about 1am and 3pm the next day, and mindlessly PvDooring against minimal or zero resistance at those times.
The only ridiculous line of thinking is that of deluding yourself that PPT and “winning” at PPT is anything but a totally valueless exercise.
You have worked hard to miss the point so completely. The point was, are you part of the problem or part of the solution. If you refuse to play for PPT in a game designed to be won with PPT you only make it worse and therefore are part of the problem.
The point isn’t so much about winning than it is about showing respect to those that play the game as it’s intended to be. I personally don’t care a bit about the end result, and fights are what is more interesting, but I play to win even if it is mathematically impossible to win. It is a question of attitude.
You have worked hard to miss the point so completely. The point was, are you part of the problem or part of the solution. If you refuse to play for PPT in a game designed to be won with PPT you only make it worse and therefore are part of the problem.
The point isn’t so much about winning than it is about showing respect to those that play the game as it’s intended to be. I personally don’t care a bit about the end result, and fights are what is more interesting, but I play to win even if it is mathematically impossible to win. It is a question of attitude.
I wasn’t responding to your point, I was responding to the irony of your choice of words, bothering with PPT when it is fundamentally broken and utterly meaningless, is to use your word ‘ridiculous’.
As for the problem, there is no problem, if you want to play meaningless PPT that is your choice, just like if others want to play for fights that is theirs, the only people not showing respect are those like yourself who think everyone should focus on the PPT aspect and play your way.
You have worked hard to miss the point so completely. The point was, are you part of the problem or part of the solution. If you refuse to play for PPT in a game designed to be won with PPT you only make it worse and therefore are part of the problem.
The point isn’t so much about winning than it is about showing respect to those that play the game as it’s intended to be. I personally don’t care a bit about the end result, and fights are what is more interesting, but I play to win even if it is mathematically impossible to win. It is a question of attitude.
I wasn’t responding to your point, I was responding to the irony of your choice of words, bothering with PPT when it is fundamentally broken and utterly meaningless, is to use your word ‘ridiculous’.
As for the problem, there is no problem, if you want to play meaningless PPT that is your choice, just like if others want to play for fights that is theirs, the only people not showing respect are those like yourself who think everyone should focus on the PPT aspect and play your way.
I’ve already explained before why the alternative to PPT isn’t equally as legitimate. You can decide to ignore it or disagree, it’s your right, but the arguments provided since forever are not equally valid on both side.
You have worked hard to miss the point so completely. The point was, are you part of the problem or part of the solution. If you refuse to play for PPT in a game designed to be won with PPT you only make it worse and therefore are part of the problem.
The point isn’t so much about winning than it is about showing respect to those that play the game as it’s intended to be. I personally don’t care a bit about the end result, and fights are what is more interesting, but I play to win even if it is mathematically impossible to win. It is a question of attitude.
I wasn’t responding to your point, I was responding to the irony of your choice of words, bothering with PPT when it is fundamentally broken and utterly meaningless, is to use your word ‘ridiculous’.
As for the problem, there is no problem, if you want to play meaningless PPT that is your choice, just like if others want to play for fights that is theirs, the only people not showing respect are those like yourself who think everyone should focus on the PPT aspect and play your way.
Fundamentally broken? I do not think that term means what you think it means. There is literally a static value per property in WvW, that tally in preset increments of time. Very simply, very specific, and extremely functional.
You offered no reasonable explanation in the least, that supports your irrational claims in this case. And meaningless? It is quite factually, very meaningful. I determines how you stand in the rankings.
You do understand that making irrational claims, simply because you do not like something on a personal level, does not change it’s definition or make the statements less unreasonable right?
Fundamentally broken? I do not think that term means what you think it means. There is literally a static value per property in WvW, that tally in preset increments of time. Very simply, very specific, and extremely functional.
You offered no reasonable explanation in the least, that supports your irrational claims in this case. And meaningless? It is quite factually, very meaningful. I determines how you stand in the rankings.
You do understand that making irrational claims, simply because you do not like something on a personal level, does not change it’s definition or make the statements less unreasonable right?
I’ve already stated why as a points scoring competition it is fundamentally broken, see below:
WvW in terms of “winning” as in the score & PPT is a complete and utter joke, and is utterly worthless, for the vast majority of matchups over the course of this game “winning” has consisted of the difference in the number of players the servers have online between about 1am and 3pm the next day, and mindlessly PvDooring against minimal or zero resistance at those times.
Perhaps read things next time rather than throw insults…
(edited by zinkz.7045)
I want ppk! Watching timer to tick is not fun
Just the WvW
Fundamentally broken? I do not think that term means what you think it means. There is literally a static value per property in WvW, that tally in preset increments of time. Very simply, very specific, and extremely functional.
You offered no reasonable explanation in the least, that supports your irrational claims in this case. And meaningless? It is quite factually, very meaningful. I determines how you stand in the rankings.
You do understand that making irrational claims, simply because you do not like something on a personal level, does not change it’s definition or make the statements less unreasonable right?
I’ve already stated why as a points scoring competition it is fundamentally broken, see below:
WvW in terms of “winning” as in the score & PPT is a complete and utter joke, and is utterly worthless, for the vast majority of matchups over the course of this game “winning” has consisted of the difference in the number of players the servers have online between about 1am and 3pm the next day, and mindlessly PvDooring against minimal or zero resistance at those times.
Perhaps read things next time rather than throw insults…
You appear to be having difficulty with the difference between subjective opinion and objective fact. You didn’t offer a reason for anything. You simply offered a personal complaint.
You appear to be having difficulty with the difference between subjective opinion and objective fact. You didn’t offer a reason for anything. You simply offered a personal complaint.
You seem to have posted empty rhetoric, if my post and what was very obviously implied from the fact I gave (if you think the fact was opinion, then that is down to your ignorance of that fact) were too difficult for you to understand the first time, I suggest you re-read it.
(edited by zinkz.7045)
You appear to be having difficulty with the difference between subjective opinion and objective fact. You didn’t offer a reason for anything. You simply offered a personal complaint.
You seem to have posted empty rhetoric, if my post and what was very obviously implied from the fact I gave (if you think the fact was opinion, then that is down to your ignorance of that fact) were too difficult for you to understand the first time, I suggest you re-read it.
Don’t let them drag you into an arguement about who can argue better rather than being concerned with the actual topic mate. At the end of the day they log on to guild wars to work a job without getting paid basically. Others take the aspect of gw2 they find fun (in my case fights) and do that alone, for now we don’t have to worry because anet have yet to declare it worthy of a ban however close they seem to pulling that card. For those that actually enjoy ppt however, youre doing exactly what we’re ‘preaching’, doing what you find fun
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
no ppt means server drop
server drop means less or bad fights
no fights means no fun
no fun means people dont play
either way means a loss of service to anet. its all about balance.
no ppt means server drop
server drop means less or bad fightsno fights means no fun
no fun means people dont playeither way means a loss of service to anet. its all about balance.
[Qrew] Leader
To illustrate the ridiculousness behind the line of thinking…
The irony is strong…
WvW in terms of “winning” as in the score & PPT is a complete and utter joke, and is utterly worthless, for the vast majority of matchups over the course of this game “winning” has consisted of the difference in the number of players the servers have online between about 1am and 3pm the next day, and mindlessly PvDooring against minimal or zero resistance at those times.
The only ridiculous line of thinking is that of deluding yourself that PPT and “winning” at PPT is anything but a totally valueless exercise.
You have worked hard to miss the point so completely. The point was, are you part of the problem or part of the solution. If you refuse to play for PPT in a game designed to be won with PPT you only make it worse and therefore are part of the problem.
The point isn’t so much about winning than it is about showing respect to those that play the game as it’s intended to be. I personally don’t care a bit about the end result, and fights are what is more interesting, but I play to win even if it is mathematically impossible to win. It is a question of attitude.
What about players that want fights only? Anet didn’t make border for them So they have to fight at PPT borders, simple. Also where is wrote that u must ppt? Fighting is also part of WvW so gvg play as intended. Next thing is what win give u? 3 more chests for ranks? Don’t make me laugh pls, winning don’t give u a kitten lol
no ppt means server drop
server drop means less or bad fightsno fights means no fun
no fun means people dont playeither way means a loss of service to anet. its all about balance.
And then u transfer to gold server again and have fights
To illustrate the ridiculousness behind the line of thinking…
The irony is strong…
WvW in terms of “winning” as in the score & PPT is a complete and utter joke, and is utterly worthless, for the vast majority of matchups over the course of this game “winning” has consisted of the difference in the number of players the servers have online between about 1am and 3pm the next day, and mindlessly PvDooring against minimal or zero resistance at those times.
The only ridiculous line of thinking is that of deluding yourself that PPT and “winning” at PPT is anything but a totally valueless exercise.
You have worked hard to miss the point so completely. The point was, are you part of the problem or part of the solution. If you refuse to play for PPT in a game designed to be won with PPT you only make it worse and therefore are part of the problem.
The point isn’t so much about winning than it is about showing respect to those that play the game as it’s intended to be. I personally don’t care a bit about the end result, and fights are what is more interesting, but I play to win even if it is mathematically impossible to win. It is a question of attitude.
What about players that want fights only? Anet didn’t make border for them
So they have to fight at PPT borders, simple. Also where is wrote that u must ppt? Fighting is also part of WvW so gvg play as intended. Next thing is what win give u? 3 more chests for ranks? Don’t make me laugh pls, winning don’t give u a kitten lol
They can go play another game is the answer. It is sad but it is not because you have no place to play football that you are as legitimate to play football on a golf course as a golf player. Golf players are more legitimate to play golf on a golf course than football players. At best you will be tolerated. And remember that I’m myself indulging in duels regularly and it doesn’t stop me from acknowledging that fact.
Finally, if the only motivation to win lies with loot in this game (and in life) you are missing so much… I hope one day you will get it…
To illustrate the ridiculousness behind the line of thinking…
The irony is strong…
WvW in terms of “winning” as in the score & PPT is a complete and utter joke, and is utterly worthless, for the vast majority of matchups over the course of this game “winning” has consisted of the difference in the number of players the servers have online between about 1am and 3pm the next day, and mindlessly PvDooring against minimal or zero resistance at those times.
The only ridiculous line of thinking is that of deluding yourself that PPT and “winning” at PPT is anything but a totally valueless exercise.
You have worked hard to miss the point so completely. The point was, are you part of the problem or part of the solution. If you refuse to play for PPT in a game designed to be won with PPT you only make it worse and therefore are part of the problem.
The point isn’t so much about winning than it is about showing respect to those that play the game as it’s intended to be. I personally don’t care a bit about the end result, and fights are what is more interesting, but I play to win even if it is mathematically impossible to win. It is a question of attitude.
What about players that want fights only? Anet didn’t make border for them
So they have to fight at PPT borders, simple. Also where is wrote that u must ppt? Fighting is also part of WvW so gvg play as intended. Next thing is what win give u? 3 more chests for ranks? Don’t make me laugh pls, winning don’t give u a kitten lol
They can go play another game is the answer. It is sad but it is not because you have no place to play football that you are as legitimate to play football on a golf course as a golf player. Golf players are more legitimate to play golf on a golf course than football players. At best you will be tolerated. And remember that I’m myself indulging in duels regularly and it doesn’t stop me from acknowledging that fact.
Finally, if the only motivation to win lies with loot in this game (and in life) you are missing so much… I hope one day you will get it…
Give me other game with same combat then I’m not missing anything lol ppt…such amazing…smash doors for whole day…so much fun
I wouldn;t be able to play football at golf court cos of security and rules
Also i can give u example from real life too, shopping centre is supposed to make u buy stuff, but ppl meet there cos they WANT that and it is allowed
So once again, don’t blame ppl for fighting cos they want it and it is a way of playing WvW too – WHERE ANET WROTE THAT AT WvW U HAVE TO PPT ONLY?!
It isn’t about loot lol – when i want loot i go fractal. It is about fights – IT IS fun for me – not some knocking in doors with a head like a zombie, and no1 can prohibit me to do this
(edited by Kasteros.9847)
To illustrate the ridiculousness behind the line of thinking…
The irony is strong…
WvW in terms of “winning” as in the score & PPT is a complete and utter joke, and is utterly worthless, for the vast majority of matchups over the course of this game “winning” has consisted of the difference in the number of players the servers have online between about 1am and 3pm the next day, and mindlessly PvDooring against minimal or zero resistance at those times.
The only ridiculous line of thinking is that of deluding yourself that PPT and “winning” at PPT is anything but a totally valueless exercise.
You have worked hard to miss the point so completely. The point was, are you part of the problem or part of the solution. If you refuse to play for PPT in a game designed to be won with PPT you only make it worse and therefore are part of the problem.
The point isn’t so much about winning than it is about showing respect to those that play the game as it’s intended to be. I personally don’t care a bit about the end result, and fights are what is more interesting, but I play to win even if it is mathematically impossible to win. It is a question of attitude.
What about players that want fights only? Anet didn’t make border for them
So they have to fight at PPT borders, simple. Also where is wrote that u must ppt? Fighting is also part of WvW so gvg play as intended. Next thing is what win give u? 3 more chests for ranks? Don’t make me laugh pls, winning don’t give u a kitten lol
They can go play another game is the answer. It is sad but it is not because you have no place to play football that you are as legitimate to play football on a golf course as a golf player. Golf players are more legitimate to play golf on a golf course than football players. At best you will be tolerated. And remember that I’m myself indulging in duels regularly and it doesn’t stop me from acknowledging that fact.
Finally, if the only motivation to win lies with loot in this game (and in life) you are missing so much… I hope one day you will get it…
Give me other game with same combat then
I’m not missing anything lol ppt…such amazing…smash doors for whole day…so much fun
I wouldn;t be able to play football at golf court cos of security and rules
Also i can give u example from real life too, shopping centre is supposed to make u buy stuff, but ppl meet there cos they WANT that and it is allowed
So once again, don’t blame ppl for fighting cos they want it and it is a way of playing WvW too – WHERE ANET WROTE THAT AT WvW U HAVE TO PPT ONLY?!
It isn’t about loot lol – when i want loot i go fractal. It is about fights – IT IS fun for me – not some knocking in doors with a head like a zombie, and no1 can prohibit me to do this
Show me a law that specifically states I should not urinate on your shoes? Shouldn’t I be free to do that as well? Under your “it’s fun for me” theory, I should.
And the rule you asked for:
Officially listed as things you may not do in the legal documents section at the bottom of this page.
This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith
There is also a section that states that you may not degrade another players experience. Which I feel you are doing when you play outside the intended parameters of the game.
(edited by coglin.1867)
They can go play another game is the answer. It is sad but it is not because you have no place to play football that you are as legitimate to play football on a golf course as a golf player. Golf players are more legitimate to play golf on a golf course than football players. At best you will be tolerated. And remember that I’m myself indulging in duels regularly and it doesn’t stop me from acknowledging that fact.
Finally, if the only motivation to win lies with loot in this game (and in life) you are missing so much… I hope one day you will get it…
If the Golf course said “Play your way” maybe you could play football there. Anet has said “play your way.” That includes playing for capture points or playing for fights. Sorry you don’t see it that way, but it is the way i play.
(edited by Ballads.2509)
To illustrate the ridiculousness behind the line of thinking…
The irony is strong…
WvW in terms of “winning” as in the score & PPT is a complete and utter joke, and is utterly worthless, for the vast majority of matchups over the course of this game “winning” has consisted of the difference in the number of players the servers have online between about 1am and 3pm the next day, and mindlessly PvDooring against minimal or zero resistance at those times.
The only ridiculous line of thinking is that of deluding yourself that PPT and “winning” at PPT is anything but a totally valueless exercise.
You have worked hard to miss the point so completely. The point was, are you part of the problem or part of the solution. If you refuse to play for PPT in a game designed to be won with PPT you only make it worse and therefore are part of the problem.
The point isn’t so much about winning than it is about showing respect to those that play the game as it’s intended to be. I personally don’t care a bit about the end result, and fights are what is more interesting, but I play to win even if it is mathematically impossible to win. It is a question of attitude.
What about players that want fights only? Anet didn’t make border for them
So they have to fight at PPT borders, simple. Also where is wrote that u must ppt? Fighting is also part of WvW so gvg play as intended. Next thing is what win give u? 3 more chests for ranks? Don’t make me laugh pls, winning don’t give u a kitten lol
They can go play another game is the answer. It is sad but it is not because you have no place to play football that you are as legitimate to play football on a golf course as a golf player. Golf players are more legitimate to play golf on a golf course than football players. At best you will be tolerated. And remember that I’m myself indulging in duels regularly and it doesn’t stop me from acknowledging that fact.
Finally, if the only motivation to win lies with loot in this game (and in life) you are missing so much… I hope one day you will get it…
Give me other game with same combat then
I’m not missing anything lol ppt…such amazing…smash doors for whole day…so much fun
I wouldn;t be able to play football at golf court cos of security and rules
Also i can give u example from real life too, shopping centre is supposed to make u buy stuff, but ppl meet there cos they WANT that and it is allowed
So once again, don’t blame ppl for fighting cos they want it and it is a way of playing WvW too – WHERE ANET WROTE THAT AT WvW U HAVE TO PPT ONLY?!
It isn’t about loot lol – when i want loot i go fractal. It is about fights – IT IS fun for me – not some knocking in doors with a head like a zombie, and no1 can prohibit me to do this
Show me a law that specifically states I should not urinate on your shoes? Shouldn’t I be free to do that as well? Under your “it’s fun for me” theory, I should.
And the rule you asked for:
- you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith*
Nice edit removing the part that said (PVP), and more edits lol.
While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith, a.k.a leeching.
(edited by Ballads.2509)
They can go play another game is the answer.
The only people that should be playing another game is those like yourself that have zero respect for other people and want to play in their own little dictatorship, where everyone must play the way you do, there are games with private servers for people like you.
Your opinion is worth no more than anyone else’s, even though you seem to think it is, of course feel free to point to where it states explicitly that people must sit in towers scouting, refeshing siege, etc for PPT rather than fighting.
Finally, if the only motivation to win lies with loot in this game (and in life) you are missing so much… I hope one day you will get it…
Peoples motivation lies with fun, something you don’t seem to get, if you have fun sitting in a tower for hours, building siege, etc then great you do that, that is not fun for everyone, and it is absolutely none of your business what other people do in WvW for fun unless they are breaking actual rules by hacking, siege trolling, etc, playing for fights breaks zero rules despite your delusions over the matter.
(edited by zinkz.7045)
To illustrate the ridiculousness behind the line of thinking…
The irony is strong…
WvW in terms of “winning” as in the score & PPT is a complete and utter joke, and is utterly worthless, for the vast majority of matchups over the course of this game “winning” has consisted of the difference in the number of players the servers have online between about 1am and 3pm the next day, and mindlessly PvDooring against minimal or zero resistance at those times.
The only ridiculous line of thinking is that of deluding yourself that PPT and “winning” at PPT is anything but a totally valueless exercise.
You have worked hard to miss the point so completely. The point was, are you part of the problem or part of the solution. If you refuse to play for PPT in a game designed to be won with PPT you only make it worse and therefore are part of the problem.
The point isn’t so much about winning than it is about showing respect to those that play the game as it’s intended to be. I personally don’t care a bit about the end result, and fights are what is more interesting, but I play to win even if it is mathematically impossible to win. It is a question of attitude.
What about players that want fights only? Anet didn’t make border for them
So they have to fight at PPT borders, simple. Also where is wrote that u must ppt? Fighting is also part of WvW so gvg play as intended. Next thing is what win give u? 3 more chests for ranks? Don’t make me laugh pls, winning don’t give u a kitten lol
They can go play another game is the answer. It is sad but it is not because you have no place to play football that you are as legitimate to play football on a golf course as a golf player. Golf players are more legitimate to play golf on a golf course than football players. At best you will be tolerated. And remember that I’m myself indulging in duels regularly and it doesn’t stop me from acknowledging that fact.
Finally, if the only motivation to win lies with loot in this game (and in life) you are missing so much… I hope one day you will get it…
Give me other game with same combat then
I’m not missing anything lol ppt…such amazing…smash doors for whole day…so much fun
I wouldn;t be able to play football at golf court cos of security and rules
Also i can give u example from real life too, shopping centre is supposed to make u buy stuff, but ppl meet there cos they WANT that and it is allowed
So once again, don’t blame ppl for fighting cos they want it and it is a way of playing WvW too – WHERE ANET WROTE THAT AT WvW U HAVE TO PPT ONLY?!
It isn’t about loot lol – when i want loot i go fractal. It is about fights – IT IS fun for me – not some knocking in doors with a head like a zombie, and no1 can prohibit me to do this
Show me a law that specifically states I should not urinate on your shoes? Shouldn’t I be free to do that as well? Under your “it’s fun for me” theory, I should.
And the rule you asked for:
- you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith*
Nice edit removing the part that said (PVP), and more edits lol.
Are you suggesting WvW is not a PvP mode? If your are arguing that it is, then that rule, by definition, applies. If your arguing that it is not, then your suggesting your against PvP fights.
To illustrate the ridiculousness behind the line of thinking…
The irony is strong…
WvW in terms of “winning” as in the score & PPT is a complete and utter joke, and is utterly worthless, for the vast majority of matchups over the course of this game “winning” has consisted of the difference in the number of players the servers have online between about 1am and 3pm the next day, and mindlessly PvDooring against minimal or zero resistance at those times.
The only ridiculous line of thinking is that of deluding yourself that PPT and “winning” at PPT is anything but a totally valueless exercise.
You have worked hard to miss the point so completely. The point was, are you part of the problem or part of the solution. If you refuse to play for PPT in a game designed to be won with PPT you only make it worse and therefore are part of the problem.
The point isn’t so much about winning than it is about showing respect to those that play the game as it’s intended to be. I personally don’t care a bit about the end result, and fights are what is more interesting, but I play to win even if it is mathematically impossible to win. It is a question of attitude.
What about players that want fights only? Anet didn’t make border for them
So they have to fight at PPT borders, simple. Also where is wrote that u must ppt? Fighting is also part of WvW so gvg play as intended. Next thing is what win give u? 3 more chests for ranks? Don’t make me laugh pls, winning don’t give u a kitten lol
They can go play another game is the answer. It is sad but it is not because you have no place to play football that you are as legitimate to play football on a golf course as a golf player. Golf players are more legitimate to play golf on a golf course than football players. At best you will be tolerated. And remember that I’m myself indulging in duels regularly and it doesn’t stop me from acknowledging that fact.
Finally, if the only motivation to win lies with loot in this game (and in life) you are missing so much… I hope one day you will get it…
Give me other game with same combat then
I’m not missing anything lol ppt…such amazing…smash doors for whole day…so much fun
I wouldn;t be able to play football at golf court cos of security and rules
Also i can give u example from real life too, shopping centre is supposed to make u buy stuff, but ppl meet there cos they WANT that and it is allowed
So once again, don’t blame ppl for fighting cos they want it and it is a way of playing WvW too – WHERE ANET WROTE THAT AT WvW U HAVE TO PPT ONLY?!
It isn’t about loot lol – when i want loot i go fractal. It is about fights – IT IS fun for me – not some knocking in doors with a head like a zombie, and no1 can prohibit me to do this
Show me a law that specifically states I should not urinate on your shoes? Shouldn’t I be free to do that as well? Under your “it’s fun for me” theory, I should.
And the rule you asked for:
- you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith*
Nice edit removing the part that said (PVP), and more edits lol.
Are you suggesting WvW is not a PvP mode? If your are arguing that it is, then that rule, by definition, applies. If your arguing that it is not, then your suggesting your against PvP fights.
Wvw is a mode all unto itself. Not pvp not pve not siegevsiege, but a combination of all 3 making its own mode.