

in WvW

Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860

One Prarie Outpost.4860

The hypocrisy is strong in this thread.
Players telling other players they way they play is wrong and get mad when anyone suggests they might actually be unrealistic with their views.


in WvW

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


I see a lot of irrelevant answers that make it sound like the problem is being a roamer or having duels. It’s not. It never was and it never will be so stop the straw men already.

The problem is the intent and the attitude regarding fights and PPT. Competing for PPT will naturally bring fight if the opponent care to defend. So if you want to fight, just wait for the ennemy to come to any objective. The question is, do you roam, or duel because it will let you cap something (directly or indirectly), or you do this in spite of your team?

I know what you mean. But ‘’for the fights’’ players do not take an attitude regarding PPT on itself, atleast that is not the case for me. I think PPT is not a bad thing to fight for but the way I see players defending a keep/tower is just no to my liking.

Exemple : 4-5 AC’S on the wall firing on the people trying to invade when in fact, the ennemies field 20 person while we field 20 too. I would love to ’’defend’’ if it meant getting open field fight in the lord room or by the gate.

As for capping towers/keep. The same thing apply, but this time I am the one that can’t see the sun since there are too many arrows firing down on me.

You also have to take into consideration that blobs usually goes hand to hand with the PPT/karma train. Those fights can be fun for some people, just not for me.

I understand that, but it’s not how the game is designed. I would prefer if my ennemies would come down and face me but, OTOH, I understand the necessity of having sieges for when you are faced with overwhelming odds. If the sieges are built you are stupid to not use them… The goal is still making more points for your server. Whatever accomplish that goal, short of cheating (which too many do), is good.

Maybe WvW is not for you if that is a problem.


in WvW

Posted by: Iavra.8510


PPT are, in it’s core, the carrot that makes WvW function. Basically, we have 4 maps with open world PvP and some people that just walk around, fighting each other. We call them roamers.

But that alone probably won’t attract enough players to fill the maps and the roamers would get bored, so there needs to be something drawing other players on the maps. That being PPT.

So in the end, WvW is for both types of players and there is no wrong way to play. And since this is the internet, everyone will complain about the other one playing the wrong way.

Also note that PPT are, as long there is no tournament, meaningless, so you don’t lose out on anything. And even when there is a tournament, it’s still only a game. And if you are playing for loot, WvW is the wrong gamemode, anyway.

(edited by Iavra.8510)


in WvW

Posted by: Phantom.5389



Maybe WvW is not for you if that is a problem.

Thanks for your concern. I still enjoy WvW enough to still play it after 2800 hours. Been in WvW since level 2, it is the reason why I bought this game along with my brother and my friends. It is the best mode for players who like chaos and outmanned fights. You won’t find that in PvP, you won’t find real players to fight in PVE, you won’t find any challenge in EotM.

Oh, you think WvW is your territory. But you merely adopted WvW; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the PVE/PVP side until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me!


in WvW

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Thanks for your concern. I still enjoy WvW enough to still play it after 2800 hours. Been in WvW since level 2, it is the reason why I bought this game along with my brother and my friends. It is the best mode for players who like chaos and outmanned fights. You won’t find that in PvP, you won’t find real players to fight in PVE, you won’t find any challenge in EotM.

Oh, you think WvW is your territory. But you merely adopted WvW; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the PVE/PVP side until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me!

Calm down and stop pretending you know more than you actually do. For starters, I too play since day one so back-off with with your empty adoption claims. Besaide, I really don’t see how the time spent into the game mode is even remotely relevant with the argument you try to counter.

WvW is not “my” territory. It’s the territory of the people who want to fight for their server. Not just you, your server. The way the game is designed the server that makes the more points wins. So if you fight for your server (again not Guild or you) while not caring about making more point, you are not playing it “right”. Sorry to burst your bubble but, yeah, not all play styles are equal in legitimacy.



in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


Maybe WvW is not for you if that is a problem.

Thanks for your concern. I still enjoy WvW enough to still play it after 2800 hours. Been in WvW since level 2, it is the reason why I bought this game along with my brother and my friends. It is the best mode for players who like chaos and outmanned fights. You won’t find that in PvP, you won’t find real players to fight in PVE, you won’t find any challenge in EotM.

Oh, you think WvW is your territory. But you merely adopted WvW; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the PVE/PVP side until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me!

Are you suggesting you are certain you have been playing WvW longer then that other poster?

Then going on to suggest it is your territory because of it? Does that mean it is more mine then yours since I played WvW Before the first public beta?

I do not feel it gives me claim on it over you, so I feel you got no right to suggest you have claim on it over others. It is one thing to argue your point. It is another to be unreasonably egotistical to the point of claiming you have more claim over a game mode. You basically just erased any reasonable arguments you made up to this point in my eyes.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.


in WvW

Posted by: Phantom.5389


I just baited the troll and he took the bait. I’ve been polite and let his insult towards me or others who play ‘for the fights’’ go. I just could not take anymore as he was inscinuationg my place was not in WvW. Sorry if I offended you also Coglin. I just could not take the condescending tone of Beaumrdier post anymore.

As you may know. The thing I’ve said was a reference to the movie Batman. It was meant as a funny side joke for those who knows the movie.

By that I only meant that he thinks I’m no part of WvW because I don’t PPT everytime I log onto GW2.