Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: Tarkus.1702


All right, it’s time for me to post this. I’ve just joined the game after months of inactivity and I created a new character in Fissure of Woe. Since I never played WvW before, my plan this time was to level by both PvE and PvP.

Well, I don’t know what’s the situation in other servers, but both Fissure of Woe and Vabbi get owned by Ruins of Surnia server all day long. The maximum we can do is holding 5 camps and 2 towers at our Borderlands, before getting beaten back in 20 minutes to our citadel. This totally ruins all the fun, and I’m thinking of trasferring to another server, even tho I still don’t have many informations on how to do it. Fighting (hence, playing) is pratically pointless and, obviously, the whole thing is totally unbalanced.

Maybe this post aswell seems pointless, but I’d like to know if there’s any chance things will get balanced in the near future since we’re already the last 2 servers on rankings and can’t get to a lower tier.

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: Parsee Komeiji.2049

Parsee Komeiji.2049

I’m sad to say it, but… your chances don’t look good.

Even if Ruins of Surmia manages to climb into Tier 8, I don’t think you’d have much better chances against Whiteside Ridge or Ring of Fire.

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


That is not true, WSR has less WvW’rs than RoS has right now.
And if not for the recent transfers, both Vabbi and FoW were doing better, eventually things will work out for them. In fact, RoS should be gone this week if nothing extreme happens. For everyones sake (for RoS too because it is boring as hell) it is better if people on Vabbi and FoW take a 1 week break.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: TyPin.9860


Agreed… gives me time to do some fractals and farm some mats for Twilight^^

I have some friends on WSR server, will be fun to duel them once in a while :P

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

Since you’ve been gone 2 months you probably missed how things evolve in the last tire. Do not despair, FoW is a nice server, a bit on the unmanned side, but nice. The Xaoc intrusion is responsible for what you see now.

It’s much more boring on RoS, cose you don’t have what to do, you have 4 maps of green to chose from, i have chased flags yesterday for 30 minutes and log off. Much can still happen until january 28th, but i hope things will stay the same on RoS and we leave this tire for good.

George Cosbuc [MR] Mint Rubbing
Ruins of Surmia

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: Tarkus.1702


Everyone really wish you could get promoted to a better tier really. This is not fun for us as it’s not for you it seems. I just wonder if things will get more balanced once (and if) we get another server as opponent. Otherwise staying here is pointless. I joined this server because I’m italian, but considering my english is decent I will handle myself perfectly elsewhere.

(edited by Tarkus.1702)

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


It won’t be for much longer

The parasitic server hopping from the higher tiers has upset a lot of server balancing. BUT next week I believe RoS will go up, and WSR should go down. WSR might have had gross success versus Vabbi and FoW before, but we lost a large portion of our playerbase this past couple of weeks so it might be more even than before :/

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Depending on how many of the FoW population is left after low morale suffering I think WSR/FoW could be quite evenly matched. Vabbi however…

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: Enzyme.1389


Vabbi itself seems so empty. It is my first server. I hate that we are always at the bottom. Hopefully Anet will add a balancing mechanic similar to Planetside 2 so that servers with low population get encouraged to join wvw.

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


what is fissure of woe and vabbi?

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid Storm.8097

Liquid Storm.8097

As far as FoW is concerned, we’re doing quite well atm. It’s always nice, funny and a bit sad to see Arborstone [FR] retreat even though they always seem to outman us at least 5:1 in every map. I’ll never forget Friday’s battle for Dawn’s tower when they took down our wall and tried to get a huge zerg through it, only to be stunned/immobilized & massacred by 5 of our ballistas and ele AoE. That day I got 42 badges of honor in less than 30 seconds.

People say FoW is dying out in terms of WvW. That’s not how I look at it. Considering we are always outmanned and still manage to hold enough structures to end a week with 100k+ points, I think FoW is doing great given the circumstances.

Staff elementalist @ [SOUL]
Far Shiverpeaks EU

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

what is fissure of woe and vabbi?

They are servers from another planet that is outside of your American one.

Victrixx [xVx]

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: Royce Melborn.3276

Royce Melborn.3276

As far as FoW is concerned, we’re doing quite well atm.
People say FoW is dying out in terms of WvW. That’s not how I look at it. Considering we are always outmanned and still manage to hold enough structures to end a week with 100k+ points, I think FoW is doing great given the circumstances.

Absolutely. It’s those victories against all odds that I enjoy a lot. I can’t imagine it’s half as much fun for the Arbor guys who take our towers with 10:1 players. Sure, you get the tower in the end, but is that really a victory to be proud of?

@Yorric: lol!

Ruins of Surmia (EU)
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: Angelwood.7652


As far as FoW is concerned, we’re doing quite well atm. It’s always nice, funny and a bit sad to see Arborstone [FR] retreat even though they always seem to outman us at least 5:1 in every map. I’ll never forget Friday’s battle for Dawn’s tower when they took down our wall and tried to get a huge zerg through it, only to be stunned/immobilized & massacred by 5 of our ballistas and ele AoE. That day I got 42 badges of honor in less than 30 seconds.

People say FoW is dying out in terms of WvW. That’s not how I look at it. Considering we are always outmanned and still manage to hold enough structures to end a week with 100k+ points, I think FoW is doing great given the circumstances.

I know right, sure most of the time, the french would beat us back because of their huge numbers, but we didn’t care. It’s been extremely long since I had this much fun in wvw, simply because it was a long time since i played it.

One moment them french had us pinned down 10 to 1, and i realised, we weren’t backing away. We simply didn’t need to… Then i was like, hey, we can maybe even win this. Now, no, we lost, but not after we killed about 90% of their zerg.

So yeah i used to be sick of wvw because of our lack in numbers and morale. Now, i might take it up again. Altough some argued it was because we were fighting the french (not meant offensive) but it just raised the morale. Maybe they should do this more often. Like EU vc American servers?

“In due time, all will serve the Asura”
Jester – Hand of Blood [HoB]
Piken Square

Fissure of Woe and Vabbi WvW unbalances

in WvW

Posted by: itsmee.7536


nice necro!

OT: I think the problem FoW is having is mostly due to Vabbi being deserted. This would push the third server to focus them much more since no one is putting pressure on them on the other side. Previously I thought that hacktide would fit well in that tier but I was mistaken. GL FoW, and if you ever see a commander by the name psychotic, don’t follow him (he belongs to us, he just doesn’t know it yet).

Dijla – Charr Warrior
[GoA] Guardians of Arcane – Officer
Ruins of Surmia – Commander