Fix. Necro. CONDIES!
What class are you currently playing? Maybe some of the people here can help you on how to deal with necros.
I do agree condi necro is broken. Amount of bleeds they can pump out is just insane.
The general tip to deal with necros is stay away from them and attack from range as much as possible. The Chill to the Bone and Reaper Shroud are probably the most deadly, and both have limited range.
plz fix Condi Thief its BROKEN
Servant of Dhuum
Wondering why “IDIOTS” is not kittened…
but BTT: He´s right .. and not to mention all the trolling classes with cheesy runaway builds.. thiefs, warrior, druid…
As an elementalist i am not even able to kill most mesmers gimping around spitting out their condi kitten
You think Necro broken ?! just wait for Scourge lol
You complain about condi necros, but you are fine with warriors with their immunity, stabi, blocks, heals? Or with druid troll builds that are almost immortal?
All ppl seems to hate necros. But our time will come (soon!)
You complain about condi necros, but you are fine with warriors with their immunity, stabi, blocks, heals? Or with druid troll builds that are almost immortal?
All ppl seems to hate necros. But our time will come (soon!)
Its always bin like that, they want a punching bag that dosent fight back. Go for Necro hes a safe kill. Whn the Necro wins 1/10 fights they call for Nerf. Usually its just a poor player or a l2p issue
Servant of Dhuum
Dont bother paladin,90% of the people here run condi themselves.Such healthy gameplay,wow.
Power reaper has higher dps than hybrid nec. And better sustain/boon corrupt. Its just l2p issue.
Sure you cant take on condi nec with rev or scrapper that lacks cleanse.
EU Roamer, Dueler, Commander, Fighter, Scout
100% agree this Condi damage buff everything to make it equal with power, than stack 75 stacks of bleed and you die in 4 seconds is ridiculous….. but typing in all caps giving the Illusion you are mad and screaming isn’t going to fix anything it is probably just going to get your ignored
You got to play necro to beat a necro this is where the game is going so be ready for that.
But reaper condi going to get nerfed soon as its a power dmg class and scorges is the condi dmg class. Its just scorges is a great deal stronger with condi and anty condi and anty anty condi (boon croupstion) then reaper ever was. That the real doom and nightmare condi that going to happen to wvw soon.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
(edited by Jski.6180)
You got to play necro to beat a necro this is where the game is going so be ready for that.
But reaper condi going to get nerfed soon as its a power dmg class and scorges is the condi dmg class. Its just scorges is a great deal stronger with condi and anty condi and anty anty condi (boon croupstion) then reaper ever was. That the real doom and nightmare condi that going to happen to wvw soon.
that is because people complained that Condi necros/ Condi builds more so were crap, than ANet decied to buff condi and over buffed them buy not takinginto consideration that 72 stancks of bleed is broken when each stack does the Base damage. this wasn’t an issue when you couldn’t stack over 25. they forgot to nerf the condi damage when they buffed the Condi stancks and duration.
They needed to reduce the damage and have DR to it that would bring it in line with Power and we wouldn’t see your standard comp in zerg fights be
- 10 gaurdians
- 8 Rev
- 20 condi
- 10 heals
right now in order to play in WvW you need an ridiculous amount of Guardians just to survive in the COndi beats all meta. And yes my number above is no where accurate but it gives you an Idea.
I love GW2 and I like what Anet has done in many aspects, ALTHOUGH
They tend to try and fix things and when things go south it seems like they run around grabbing their heads screaming cause they don’t know how to fix it. This also seems to be exclusively the WvW team.
-They bring Condi on par with Power but over buff them and never fix it. which in turn causes the same problem they tried to fix and imbalance between power builds and Condi builds.
- They do mega servers and link servers to fix the problem of low end servers never having enough people to play WvW, than pit rank 23 vs rank 1 servers and they get steam rolled and than pair them with servers that are much higher than them and the lower end servers get talked down to and treated like kitten by the linked server cause they are lower than them. Which causes the lower end servers to stop playing WvW which causes the same problem you had to start. lower end servers no playing.
Anet I think at this point needs to restructure their WvW team LOL can we just agree that their team needs to be fix, cause if we get a competent team that understand balance than condi damage wont be an issue anymore
At this point it feels like the WvW team all play on BG or top 3 ranked servers and all play Condi build characters and are winning so they see no need to change it. Again this is pure speculation that is more satire than conspiracy, but it fits better than the nothing they have said about the issues
The real solution is the zergs need more tactics warriors with warhorn and shouts. It’s pretty dank.
The real solution is the zergs need more tactics warriors with warhorn and shouts. It’s pretty dank.
Or even more necros to outnecro the necro zerg. That works too.
than stack 75 stacks of bleed and you die in 4 seconds is ridiculous…..
I guess I’m playing my necro wrong.
~ Kovu
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]
want to beat a nerco up just run a con spec tick him up when he leave reaper form intrup heal skill he instantly dies.
than stack 75 stacks of bleed and you die in 4 seconds is ridiculous…..
I guess I’m playing my necro wrong.
~ Kovu
I think you need to run 10 Necros at the same time.
want to beat a nerco up just run a con spec tick him up when he leave reaper form intrup heal skill he instantly dies.
apart of condie reaper being able to run like 30k hp,with passive condie transfer and some active too,uhm,does it work,lol?u probally talking about power reaper,which indeed can die easily.
than stack 75 stacks of bleed and you die in 4 seconds is ridiculous…..
I guess I’m playing my necro wrong.
~ Kovu
Nope you are only thinking of your self and not realizing there are more than one necro in a group, or more than one professions that applies bleed. In fact my whole post only mentioned necros once and then I quickly converted that spoeech to encompasses all condition builds.
Just as a FYI there are other professions that can apply bleeds from a distance… Like you know Arrowcarts…(which isn’t a actual profession, but playing against Dragonbrand, Fa, and Yaks you would swear it was) a crowd favorite of FA to put 10 + Acs on a tower wall …. and that is being generous and nice in the count.
but I digress, your not the only one on the field playing.
(edited by Kaimick.5109)
what should i say….i got myself 4 pieces venatri gear with much healing power, vitality and thougness to deal with condi…..then i had lesser dmg than other players but i thought: now i am not one hit as mesmer…..but: healing power is not worth it…the heal amount is not as good as i thought….thougness i was told after creating my armor is nothing that makes the dmg from conditions bearable… does NOT affect conditions…only good stat is health….so now i try to change stats to viper or maraudeur….(ok, honestly speaking: i want a power build..BUT: power seems to be the weakest attack build since enemies can have thougness……and everyone is going to be a condi attacker….)…
after getting the pieces ventari i was not one hit….i was 3 hit…or when they crit…2 hit…
so ventari gear is…well useless i find….
also i wanna point out…..that i want to go 3 years back in time and say to myself: DONT choose mesmer… gives better classes for a power build…just NOT the mesmer….or you are like every other mesmer and using the only good power weapon…the sword…but be carefull: you are going fast down…since it is a close range weapon…..and your mantra heal is nerved in the future…and thiefes have a heal per critical hit………you dont have so much heal…you are just good in cleaning conditions…but that is useless in pvp since they spam you with condis so it is a who is going faster down competition…and since you dont have so much experience you wont be able to learn so fast…you die too fast…and when you look at videos it would not help you that much….looking and learning are different shoes…and you are not sooo fast reacting to the steps the enemie player is doing in wvw / pvp…..take a class that can take more dmg…..
i really want to have a class change that just resets every hero point i got so that i just must make the HP new…and not the map, the story, and lvling my crafting…. not making a new char…..i am one of the players that dont want to play the story again (why is the story from living world season 2 not for every character you have?)
but i think WE also make something wrong: everyone is crying : nerv that class, nerv another class….and they do…..and it will be harder in pve too when they do it…..instead of crying: nerv, nerv, nerv…you should say: buff that class please….or: i give you a sample what i wish for my class…please make these changes or take them as guideline for upcoming changes….
when everyone is crying: this class is op, nerv it….and they nerv it, then the nerved class is crying: this class is op…and so on…..
isnt 75 bleed stacks like 12k dmg?4 ticks would mean like 48k hp at least,what on earth you runing if you survive 4 sec with that?
So, the average condi necro applies 15 to 20 stacks if bleeding, better ones maybe a wee but over 30 or short to 40. Thats far away from 75. And you still ignore the massive damage of other classes with spikes of 20000 or above. Some p/p thiefs kill you with one shot, warriors are invulnerable while killing you in 5 secs. So what.
isnt 75 bleed stacks like 12k dmg?4 ticks would mean like 48k hp at least,what on earth you runing if you survive 4 sec with that?
Any commander build can survive that, but it isn’t about surviving it is about the fact that 48k damage from one condition is serverly out powering Power builds, when the initial reasoning for buffing CONDI damage was to put it on par with POWER builds
So, the average condi necro applies 15 to 20 stacks if bleeding, better ones maybe a wee but over 30 or short to 40. Thats far away from 75. And you still ignore the massive damage of other classes with spikes of 20000 or above. Some p/p thiefs kill you with one shot, warriors are invulnerable while killing you in 5 secs. So what.
Why are you trying to make this a class war. I am strictly talking about condition damage and not prefacing any class. but since you want to bring up the lack of understanding how a thief that burst you for 20k is widely diffrent than in this case a necro damage.
Thief burst down one target, that is usually roaming or strangling behind, that is the dangers of roaming and or falling behind
A Necro as your used them as an example affects up to 5 targets with an ability to apply 20 stacks of 1 condition to 5 people ( Note that if your really thinking that 75 stacks by one necro was even remotely possible than you truly know nothing of WvW and are only hear to complain about things your not educated on). With CONDITION DAMAGE being so over BUFFED right now NOT NECROS, let me repeat it for you again NOT NECROMANCERS BUT THE CONDITION DAMAGE IT SELF, has more killing potential than a Thief that nukes your for 20k runs away waits 30 seconds and kills a second person.
Which BTW with out Boons and Condi cleanses that ( since you wanted to use necro ) 1 necro joined with the other 4 Necros in group just killed a lot more people in the same time that horrible Thief killed one person. Although with the Spellbreaker new Elite, as proven on the test weekend breaks the counter meta and makes the condi meta the only meta. Although I have some faith still left to think that the elite will change and be not so game breaking for WvW ( PLEASE UNDERSTAND I REFERENCE IT PROBLEM FOR WVW ONLY ) <—- all caps so people don’t miss the intention
and I have never seen a Pistol pistol thief kill you in one shot unless you were wearing no gear and were idk level 5, I mean seriously I doubt that is even possible even for a full zerker thief to one shot you with Pistol pistol
warriors Invulnerable for 5 seconds is a easy animation to see, dodge and cripple or slow, just cause they are immune to damage doesn’t make them immune to affects. I have never had a warrior kill me while on my thief roaming when he was invul. Lets not strawman this now
(edited by Kaimick.5109)
lol, only way to make a high bleed stack with nec is shroud 5 and 4 and this two skills need 5 sec to get casted. so if you stand 5 sec next to the slowliest class in the game without dodging or blocking or leaping way from necro, its a l2p issue.
its more important to nerf all this nub “endless mobility perma dodge 10k backstab every 3 sec and 4k dmg autoattack thiefs” and the “i press 2 buttons for endless invul 12k dmg with every GS /AXE hit warris”.
You guys are talking about bleeds that not what scorg is going to have on you its going to be torment and burning at high stacks. Bleeds are nothing compared to that. I am going to go as far and say your going to miss these days of it just being bleed and resistance is a boon that works in wvw. Once scorg is out any imagination of a real counter to condis is gone and dead. I am not sure why Anet is adding in a class who bluntly deals with it counter so hard. Boons are going to be more of a condi then the condis them self.
All Punishment skills crouped some better then others. Unending Corruption is another boon gone and its aoe. Demonic Lore is death condi for all this corruption that gose to torment. Then there the necro skills that also corruped boons. This is going to be out right silly the condis that are coming unless they are major nerfs.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
(edited by Jski.6180)
lol, only way to make a high bleed stack with nec is shroud 5 and 4 and this two skills need 5 sec to get casted. so if you stand 5 sec next to the slowliest class in the game without dodging or blocking or leaping way from necro, its a l2p issue.
its more important to nerf all this nub “endless mobility perma dodge 10k backstab every 3 sec and 4k dmg autoattack thiefs” and the “i press 2 buttons for endless invul 12k dmg with every GS /AXE hit warris”.
Why are you conflating 1 necro getting 75 stacks? that is impossible it takes multiple sources to get 75 stacks of any condition on someone. Secondly I am not arguing against any class I am rather making the point that CONDITION damage is the issue. it is people like you that assume ignorantly that Necromancers are the only class that give conditions.
Lastly you strawman the fact that Necros aren’t bad and people need to learn to play and yet cry over a warrior and thief killing you a solo player at a time in comparison ( again your the one that brought this up ) to a Necro that can build 20 stacks easily and do 12k a tick to 5 people over 3 seconds minimum.
Necro does 60k damage spread over 5 people per a second for a total of nearly 100k damage over 5 people and your complaining about a 4k back stab to one person. when in reality if Condition damage was brought into check with the high stacking ability and duration this wouldn’t be an issue for
to apply conditions, cause me unlike you realize there is more than 1 profession that applies conditions
Also as a side note that isn’t the only way,
Trait into the fact you can apply bleed through Fear, torment, and chill will all create a bleed stack, it becomes very simple with the right weapons to get 40 to 50 stacks with in mere seconds. Wooden potatoes can apply 100 stacks of Bleed in around 10 seconds on a single target he has a whole video of it.
You guys are talking about bleeds that not what scorg is going to have on you its going to be torment and burning at high stacks. Bleeds are nothing compared to that. I am going to go as far and say your going to miss these days of it just being bleed and resistance is a boon that works in wvw. Once scorg is out any imagination of a real counter to condis is gone and dead. I am not sure why Anet is adding in a class who bluntly deals with it counter so hard. Boons are going to be more of a condi then the condis them self.
All Punishment skills crouped some better then others. Unending Corruption is another boon gone and its aoe. Demonic Lore is death condi for all this corruption that gose to torment. Then there the necro skills that also corruped boons. This is going to be out right silly the condis that are coming unless they are major nerfs.
during the beta test honestly Scourge wasn’t that bad… maybe it is people didn’t build them right but I ran a scourge commander build that did the whole transform one condi to another and boon strip, nothing changed to much other than I was commanding on a necro with a portal that had no limit to it and could port onto walls of keeps and usally broke WvW in big zergs. The only game breaker was the Spellbreakers Elite when combined with any CC and unable to break it though stability. those impossible never seen before 75 stacks to 100 stacks were ending fights in 2 to 3 seconds.
with that said they did say things were powered up beyond what they will be at release to see how they work and what not so I am sure we are going to see a decrease in effectiveness of many fronts.
isnt 75 bleed stacks like 12k dmg?4 ticks would mean like 48k hp at least,what on earth you runing if you survive 4 sec with that?
if we talking around highest amount of con damage you can have is around 3200 would mean it.
3200 × .06 = 192+ base bleed dmg is 22 x75 = 16050 bleed tick.
It’s kind of unfair that you die when you get outplayed.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
(edited by Junkpile.7439)
You guys are talking about bleeds that not what scorg is going to have on you its going to be torment and burning at high stacks. Bleeds are nothing compared to that. I am going to go as far and say your going to miss these days of it just being bleed and resistance is a boon that works in wvw. Once scorg is out any imagination of a real counter to condis is gone and dead. I am not sure why Anet is adding in a class who bluntly deals with it counter so hard. Boons are going to be more of a condi then the condis them self.
All Punishment skills crouped some better then others. Unending Corruption is another boon gone and its aoe. Demonic Lore is death condi for all this corruption that gose to torment. Then there the necro skills that also corruped boons. This is going to be out right silly the condis that are coming unless they are major nerfs.
during the beta test honestly Scourge wasn’t that bad… maybe it is people didn’t build them right but I ran a scourge commander build that did the whole transform one condi to another and boon strip, nothing changed to much other than I was commanding on a necro with a portal that had no limit to it and could port onto walls of keeps and usally broke WvW in big zergs. The only game breaker was the Spellbreakers Elite when combined with any CC and unable to break it though stability. those impossible never seen before 75 stacks to 100 stacks were ending fights in 2 to 3 seconds.
with that said they did say things were powered up beyond what they will be at release to see how they work and what not so I am sure we are going to see a decrease in effectiveness of many fronts.
I realty think ppl just are not use to playing it but even then you saw unkillable players as well as 10k condi ticks. As well as barro effect golmes in wvw (that alone is a real problem).
That the thing boon strip is going to get in the way of scorge more then help your team. A scorge gets a lot from taking a boon away from some one to the point that as a class they can be a bit weaker with out the other person having boons to a point (all though there base condi out put is still high end). The scorge class clashes with to much in gw2. It makes boon strips weaker it makes condi clears weaker it makes boons more of a liability then a boon. It makes the game very bunker aimed and more siege humping aimed. It lets for more non go zones for players (as long as a scorege is with in 1,500 ranged there soul things stay so you can “mark” up siege and conter siege placements and still be safe.)
If you think condis are making wvw bad now scorge is going to be a game end for wvw.
Look at it this way a scorge can not play with spell beaker mez and its very elite spec it cant play with non stab gurds that well it cant play with support ele well it cant play with rev well. Scorge only plays well with other scorges but so much so that its all you need out side of a “driving” class and maybe reapers / necro because barror effects them to a great effect.
I just cant see this game working out any more with a class like that making it in the game. Necro condies are bad for the game play and feels bad to fight but to take away the on real counter of boons with a class like scorge is foolish on anet ends.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
(edited by Jski.6180)
isnt 75 bleed stacks like 12k dmg?4 ticks would mean like 48k hp at least,what on earth you runing if you survive 4 sec with that?
if we talking around highest amount of con damage you can have is around 3200 would mean it.
3200 × .06 = 192+ base bleed dmg is 22 x75 = 16050 bleed tick
Base condition damage is 0 at level 80 so it’s a bit less.
A full ascended sinister equipment set would give you 1381 condition damage. Runes, sigils and infusions would increase that a bit of course.
isnt 75 bleed stacks like 12k dmg?4 ticks would mean like 48k hp at least,what on earth you runing if you survive 4 sec with that?
if we talking around highest amount of con damage you can have is around 3200 would mean it.
3200 × .06 = 192+ base bleed dmg is 22 x75 = 16050 bleed tick
Base condition damage is 0 at level 80 so it’s a bit less.
A full ascended sinister equipment set would give you 1381 condition damage. Runes, sigils and infusions would increase that a bit of course.
What is great about these last few is it is proving that any condi build is just as bad as a Warrior and thief that others are complaining about, especially the 3 second Hundered blades at 20k damage and assuming less damage per a tick of at least 15k at 3 seconds is 45k damage in the same time Hundred blades goes off on a full zerker, even assuming the best vs the worse
you stand in 100 blades the whole time and get hit for 20k while he was invul
Most condi class are ranged and hit you for 15k for just 1 second if you got your cleanse off in time. doesn’t seem like it is all that different you can’t hit either one.
but the harsh reality is your going to take at least 2 ticks of damage before the cleanse 80% of the time which means 30k damage. compared to direct power damage of 20k over a stun and 3 second ability.
Hopefully people now see that besides a few ignorant people trying to Blame one class Condition damage as a whole needs to be brought back down to be in line with Power builds, They can keep the large stacking potential, and the duration they just need to put the damage equal or at least close to that of power damage. If they always assume the average player will cleanse Condis off with in 2 ticks put the initial two ticks on par with anything Power can put out in roughly 3 to 4 seconds.
You know whats really making me laugh? Its that when PoF comes out it will get worse lol.
isnt 75 bleed stacks like 12k dmg?4 ticks would mean like 48k hp at least,what on earth you runing if you survive 4 sec with that?
if we talking around highest amount of con damage you can have is around 3200 would mean it.
3200 × .06 = 192+ base bleed dmg is 22 x75 = 16050 bleed tick
Base condition damage is 0 at level 80 so it’s a bit less.
A full ascended sinister equipment set would give you 1381 condition damage. Runes, sigils and infusions would increase that a bit of course.
base condition damage is 22 at 80.
isnt 75 bleed stacks like 12k dmg?4 ticks would mean like 48k hp at least,what on earth you runing if you survive 4 sec with that?
if we talking around highest amount of con damage you can have is around 3200 would mean it.
3200 × .06 = 192+ base bleed dmg is 22 x75 = 16050 bleed tick
Base condition damage is 0 at level 80 so it’s a bit less.
A full ascended sinister equipment set would give you 1381 condition damage. Runes, sigils and infusions would increase that a bit of course.
base condition damage is 22 at 80.
No, base bleed damage is 22 at level 80, I’m talking about the condition damage attribute. That attribute is 0 at level 80.
(edited by Pifil.5193)
there are other professions that can apply bleeds from a distance… Like you know Arrowcarts…
These posts crack me up!
I’m really sorry you’re letting a whole bunch of necros stack bleeds on you, but that’s no reason to kittenpost about servers as if yours is any different~
~ Kovu
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]
isnt 75 bleed stacks like 12k dmg?4 ticks would mean like 48k hp at least,what on earth you runing if you survive 4 sec with that?
if we talking around highest amount of con damage you can have is around 3200 would mean it.
3200 × .06 = 192+ base bleed dmg is 22 x75 = 16050 bleed tick
Base condition damage is 0 at level 80 so it’s a bit less.
A full ascended sinister equipment set would give you 1381 condition damage. Runes, sigils and infusions would increase that a bit of course.
base condition damage is 22 at 80.
No, base bleed damage is 22 at level 80, I’m talking about the condition damage attribute. That attribute is 0 at level 80.
Oh i see sorry for misunderstanding
isnt 75 bleed stacks like 12k dmg?4 ticks would mean like 48k hp at least,what on earth you runing if you survive 4 sec with that?
if we talking around highest amount of con damage you can have is around 3200 would mean it.
3200 × .06 = 192+ base bleed dmg is 22 x75 = 16050 bleed tick
Base condition damage is 0 at level 80 so it’s a bit less.
A full ascended sinister equipment set would give you 1381 condition damage. Runes, sigils and infusions would increase that a bit of course.
What is great about these last few is it is proving that any condi build is just as bad as a Warrior and thief that others are complaining about, especially the 3 second Hundered blades at 20k damage and assuming less damage per a tick of at least 15k at 3 seconds is 45k damage in the same time Hundred blades goes off on a full zerker, even assuming the best vs the worse
you stand in 100 blades the whole time and get hit for 20k while he was invul
Most condi class are ranged and hit you for 15k for just 1 second if you got your cleanse off in time. doesn’t seem like it is all that different you can’t hit either one.but the harsh reality is your going to take at least 2 ticks of damage before the cleanse 80% of the time which means 30k damage. compared to direct power damage of 20k over a stun and 3 second ability.
Hopefully people now see that besides a few ignorant people trying to Blame one class Condition damage as a whole needs to be brought back down to be in line with Power builds, They can keep the large stacking potential, and the duration they just need to put the damage equal or at least close to that of power damage. If they always assume the average player will cleanse Condis off with in 2 ticks put the initial two ticks on par with anything Power can put out in roughly 3 to 4 seconds.
I’m not sure where your figures are coming from.
Bleed is (0.06 * Condition Damage) + (0.25 * Level) + 2 damage per stack per second,
So at level 80 base Bleed damage is 22 per stack per second. Each 100 points of Condition Damage gives +6 per stack per second
So if everyone of the 75 stacks of bleeding came from people with 0 Condition Damage it’d be 22 * 75 = 1,650 damage a second. 6,600 over 4 seconds.
If everyone who applied that bleeding was running full Ascended Viper or some other HoT style 4 stat combo with major Condition Damage they’d have 1173 Condition Damage which would be let’s call it 22 + (11.73 * 0.06) which is 92.38 per stack. 92.38 * 75 = 6,928.5 a tick. So, that would be 27,714 over 4 seconds if everyone who applied those was running full Ascended Viper.
I’m ignoring runes, sigils, food and so on for the sake of simplicity, the numbers would be higher with those. This also doesn’t take into account the power component of the attacks that applied bleed and it also ignores the fact that, as you said yourself, one person can’t really apply 75 stacks of bleeding on their own.
So it’s a number of people doing roughly 6,928 DPS through bleed damage.
Xpack in a few days, then you will have something to complain about:)
Just make it like pvp already
Anet can we maybe fix or remove Thief from the game ? It kills me alot so I tought I come here and whine about things that bother me ingame.
Servant of Dhuum
Then you won’t like the new thief spec from the PoF…
Ye, stop necro condi, then stop necro power. Then necro will be.. er.. where we all want Thief to be.
there are other professions that can apply bleeds from a distance… Like you know Arrowcarts…
These posts crack me up!
I’m really sorry you’re letting a whole bunch of necros stack bleeds on you, but that’s no reason to kittenpost about servers as if yours is any different~~ Kovu
Its adorable when you think that only necros are the issue and not condi damage. It kind of fills the same kitten posting i did intentionally to prove a point that your are oblivious to. You play the Victim or create a strawman argument and place a generic class there for targeting and get mad. Instead of Blaming the source of the problem.
What is great about your post is your to blind to see your own strawman but can quickly point out others. Thanks for this response
Please make my hero invulnerable. I don’t like to die, this bothers me a lot.
Condition damage really needs to be addressed. You have simplified the game so much with easy condition spam since HoT released. Enough is enough. Fix it. Nerf the damage or the applications of it. I don’t care. Just DO SOMETHING already.
Condition damage really needs to be addressed. You have simplified the game so much with easy condition spam since HoT released. Enough is enough. Fix it. Nerf the damage or the applications of it. I don’t care. Just DO SOMETHING already.
That is right QQ.
They need to Balance this, from Condi to power builds regardless of what profession you play it needs to be brought into balance.
This is one of two large unbalances they have in the game, between server match ups being completely off and condi damage being buffed to be on par with Power and going way above it these are things people have to deal with but shouldn’t.
To any one else QQing ( lol sorry QQ not you ) about another class killing them and trying to victimize one particular class your part of the problem.
I agree, necro is completely broken, just like the warrior, give them a buff already!!