Fix to night capping

Fix to night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Selthus.3174


Segment the WvWvW into two shifts. One shift would last half the day and the other shift the other half. Each half would have its own borderlands and own points.
After the first shift its status is saved and will resume after the second shift saves and ends.

I’m guessing this will not be the easiest to implement and may ruin the idea of a persistent world, but at least it would not penalize players for needing to sleep.

As ridiculous as this idea may seem, it is way better than suspending WvW overnight, diminishing points overnight, or restricting servers to timezones (which would leave Aussies and night shifters limited places to play)

Fix to night capping

in WvW

Posted by: MilkInBags.5136


Just way for the night capping servers to win and go up in rankings. Next WvW round, you won’t be against them.

Isle of Janthir | Defenders of Heroism [Hero] | Elementalist

Fix to night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Selthus.3174


I guess, but once 2 week rotations start I have a bad feeling we will see a lot less motivation to keep trying if all progress is reversed at night.

Fix to night capping

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


Fix to night capping: organize people on your server who play late at night to hold your territory.

It’s a much better solution than complaining and waiting for someone else to hand you something.

Fix to night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


It really sounds like people just want timed battlegrounds and not 24/7 WvW. I am an aussie on a server with low oceanic population, this nightcapping thing can be annoying but its not gamebreaking. Just wait a few more weeks and see if things even out with the matchmaking system.

Fix to night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Selthus.3174


Fix to night capping: organize people on your server who play late at night to hold your territory.

It’s a much better solution than complaining and waiting for someone else to hand you something.

It’s just as boring when you are completely dominating at nighttime. I hope that the server pairing gets better in the future, but I can’t imagine that all server imbalances will be squared away.

Fix to night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Newbie.4586


Fix to night capping: organize people on your server who play late at night to hold your territory.

It’s a much better solution than complaining and waiting for someone else to hand you something.

With Mcl on this one. Some server dominate during the night some during the day it’s how the match works no use complaining about it and if you can’t handle it there’s always sPVP.

Fix to night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


Fix to night capping: organize people on your server who play late at night to hold your territory.

It’s a much better solution than complaining and waiting for someone else to hand you something.

It’s just as boring when you are completely dominating at nighttime. I hope that the server pairing gets better in the future, but I can’t imagine that all server imbalances will be squared away.

The easy fix for this is if your nightkrew are getting bored because nobody will fight them, pull back a bit, let them take a small portion of the map and then bait them into fighting you elsewhere. I’m sure all three sides want to fight each other more than not fighting at all and giving a little territory in order to have more fun whilst still dominating the scoreboard might be beneficial for all three sides. Then if they start getting a bit too brave for their boots crush them into the uncap.

Fix to night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Pradton.8576


The best fix for night capping is to make the earth flat! Get on it Arenanet!

Fix to night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Vim.7318


The problem is when a server has no real night time presence in the USTZ you only need a small contingent of people to cap everything. The NPCs might as well not be there because they offer no resistance whatsoever.

I don’t know what the exact numbers are per map, it is something like 100 v 100 v 100. They should remove guards from everywhere other than supply camps when the it is completely full, you then rely on the players to defend the controllable positions.

When you don’t have queue to log in then the number of guards should increase, they need to be a lot tougher, do more damage and the less territory you control the stronger they get, the more you control the weaker they get. The NPCs should enough to require a decent effort in a TZ you have few players defending.

However, the NPC need to be worth something to kill, i get very little out of WvWing in our TZ but when I play during the US TZ on weekends it is like loot pinatas everywhere, it is crap loot but at least it compensates you for building stuff and repairs.

The game just is totally dependant on players for defence at present. The NPCs should put up more of a fight, especially when you have not many people on. Even if they give you the option to build/buy additional guards and upgrade them. At least you could do something.