Fixes for Blobbing / Lag & Population

Fixes for Blobbing / Lag & Population

in WvW

Posted by: Xoranium.6481


Hey guys,

Not sure if these have been mentioned before but I’m goina throw them on the table anyway.

So here’s the deal…..

Problem 1 Blobbing & skill lag (I think we all know what these are)


Introduce a map icon (lets say a skull) to permanently show on the map any zerg over 50 players, similar to orange swords but in this case it follows the zerg around the map and gives away their position. This in turn i believe could reduce skill lag as it discourages blobbaddons.

Problem 2 Population / coverage

For this one i’d like to give a little more detail, currently the whole WvWvW Tier/Rank/league whatever you wanna call it “competitive system” as far as I can see is mainly based on coverage & population.

So basically all we have is a league that simply orders / ranks all the servers based on pop & cov the highest being at the top obviously.
To me this is just ridiculous, shouldn’t it be based on skill and teamwork?? it is possible..!


Unmanned buff – Get rid of all that so called buff and replace it with REAL stat boosting buffs and give the server that has no man-power a fighting chance.

The KEY is this buff needs to have several degrees of stat boosting obviously dependent on how unmanned you are. And please when I say real I mean like Double or even Tripled stats when 5-10 players face a blob of 50 spawn camping them.. Give them guys and gals a chance jees.. even that play ground, even the 50 man zerg spawn camping would prefer a challenge no?

If something like this is introduced then population should no longer be the viable winner provided solution 2 is graded & triggered correctly.

Well there ya go, just a few constructive thoughts. Please I welcome all yours..


Xor – Gandara Treb Master

There is a Solution!!

[WvW]Xoranium – Thief – Treb Master of Gandara

Fixes for Blobbing / Lag & Population

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


fix blobbing ? easy. a debuff that make you take more damage if there are more than 10 people near you (melee range)

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK