Flanking: An underused but amazing strategy. (Video included)
Some of those attacks make it look as though they cant see you, now I cant say for sure and flanking is a very good tactic not only for defense but also for attacking but the rendering issue may have been a factor in some of those.
Overall though awesome clips and great teamwork.
That looks okish when you do it but if you are the attacked ones , the rendering issue is so high until you notice somthing is coming you are dead , others call it mesmer exploit
Desolation Satsugai
That looks okish when you do it but if you are the attacked ones , the rendering issue is so high until you notice somthing is coming you are dead , others call it mesmer exploit
I won’t lie, that rendering issue is a bad one.
I think what was causing the most damage to our enemies wasn’t our tactics, but that they never adjusted to it. They never watched their flanks and allowed us to portal bomb them unmolested.
We’ve been doing this. Is is a very effective strategy, especially since we’re invisible because of the technical issues ^^. Very annoying when it happens to you but we’re all in the same boat for the time being.
But, yeah, even when ArenaNet fix these issues it’s still going to be worth doing. The FoV in this game is fairly limited, players love to facerub mindlessly against doors, and as it’s often impossible to communicate to others flanks like this make perfect sense.
P.S. You can portal golems too.