Flawed ranks/schedule - make a preseason

Flawed ranks/schedule - make a preseason

in WvW

Posted by: Solstice.1097


Prior to leagues starting a lot of transfers occurred without enough time to allow ratings to adjust nor any mechanism to factor in this change. Example Kaineng is seed #1 in NA Bronze league. This messes up the entire schedule because Kaineng is not even close to a top 3 contender but the schedule is based around this.

Some servers play each other three times and some play once creating even more imbalance when a server that plays 1st rank three times vs a server that plays them once or twice.

We need to:

A) admit that transfers render the rating system invalid and either find a better way to rate them or lock transfers for a few weeks prior to season starting. (and this is not even admitting the truth about servers ‘tanking’ which is a different story)

B) make a fair schedule.

I propose for A) that we have an official Pre-season The pre-season would be specifically designed to determine rankings and schedules for the league and would have its own rewards to encourage play to limit “tanking” or sandbagging ratings. The pre-season would be announced in advance and a player’s server would be locked in at the start of the pre-season (the server you’re on as of start of pre-season is what your wvw rewards will be tied to).

B) have 8 weeks. With NA Gold as the only exception, all servers play each other server twice. not 3 times, not 1 time, exactly twice each. If 2 servers tie, the tie is broken by total points scored in the 2 matches the servers played each other.

Flawed ranks/schedule - make a preseason

in WvW

Posted by: Solstice.1097


inb4 cries of “population imbalance so it doesn’t matter.”

population imbalance is a different story. Yes it exists I’m just saying it needs to be accurately reflected in the season, making sure the servers are in the right places is the most basic fundamental way to reduce the # of huge blowouts.

Flawed ranks/schedule - make a preseason

in WvW

Posted by: calankh.3248


I don’t know this would help. There was clearly a lot of gaming of points right before this season started, so that some servers (FA, I’m looking at you) would drop a ranking so they could faceroll people instead of being stomped themselves. I think a preseason would just extend this period, and it has nothing to do with population.

I think the whole league system isn’t working; they need to do something else.

Flawed ranks/schedule - make a preseason

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnar.4257


WvW isn’t supposed to be fair or balanced. Remember?


Flawed ranks/schedule - make a preseason

in WvW

Posted by: Solstice.1097


WvW isn’t supposed to be fair or balanced. Remember?

Your comment is irrelevant to my post. You’re referring to a dev post that it will never be balanced like sPvP is, which is true, but clearly there is a common goal for the matchups to be as exciting and fun as possible within the imbalanced system.

I’m just suggesting we find a more accurate way to rate servers that accounts for the pre-season transfers as well as a schedule that makes a bit more sense. It would appear the schedule was designed specifically to avoid ties instead of to achieve fun.

Flawed ranks/schedule - make a preseason

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnar.4257


WvW isn’t supposed to be fair or balanced. Remember?

Your comment is irrelevant to my post. You’re referring to a dev post that it will never be balanced like sPvP is, which is true, but clearly there is a common goal for the matchups to be as exciting and fun as possible within the imbalanced system.

I’m just suggesting we find a more accurate way to rate servers that accounts for the pre-season transfers as well as a schedule that makes a bit more sense. It would appear the schedule was designed specifically to avoid ties instead of to achieve fun.

You’re asking for a system to allow the server-ratings to properly reflect the transfers that happen pre-season. Why? So the schedule properly reflects the strength of servers. Why?

Because you don’t want the season to be decided by a poor schedule rather than how servers perform in their matches. You don’t want some servers to have an “easy” schedule and get an easier ride to the top of their league, possible beating better servers who have a “hard” schedule.

Face it, on some level you want a fair competition. You perhaps don’t want it 100% balanced in every tiny detail like sPvP, but you do want it balanced to an extent, at least in terms of the schedule and matchups.

If you actually have no interest in fair competition, why do you care about the schedule?

But it appears to me that you do want fair competition, to a reasonable extent. Sadly for you, and the rest of us:

At no point did I, or would I have, said “Fair competition” WvW is not intended to be “fair”.


(edited by Ragnar.4257)

Flawed ranks/schedule - make a preseason

in WvW

Posted by: Solstice.1097


WvW isn’t supposed to be fair or balanced. Remember?

Your comment is irrelevant to my post. You’re referring to a dev post that it will never be balanced like sPvP is, which is true, but clearly there is a common goal for the matchups to be as exciting and fun as possible within the imbalanced system.

I’m just suggesting we find a more accurate way to rate servers that accounts for the pre-season transfers as well as a schedule that makes a bit more sense. It would appear the schedule was designed specifically to avoid ties instead of to achieve fun.

You’re asking for a system to allow the server-ratings to properly reflect the transfers that happen pre-season. Why? So the schedule properly reflects the strength of servers. Why?

Because you don’t want the season to be decided by a poor schedule rather than how servers perform in their matches. You don’t want some servers to have an “easy” schedule and get an easier ride to the top of their league, possible beating better servers who have a “hard” schedule.

Face it, on some level you want a fair competition. You don’t want it 100% balanced in every tiny detail like sPvP, but you do want it balanced to an extent, at least in terms of the schedule.

If you actually have no interest in fair competition, why do you care about the schedule?

But it appears to me that you do want fair competition, to a reasonable extent. Sadly for you, and the rest of us:

At no point did I, or would I have, said “Fair competition” WvW is not intended to be “fair”.

I think you’re exaggerating what Devon was saying there. If you’re simply saying nothing will ever be done, then you are mistaken. The servers already WERE matched by rating. Why? Because it’s more fair. So there is immediate evidence that yes these things are taken into consideration.

I’m just saying the rating system being used is severely flawed by the large transfer waves prior to the season.

Yes Anet can only influence and not directly control population imbalances, time zone imbalances, skill, tactics, etc. That’s why it will not be “fair” however they have 100% control of the matching system, the league system, the rating system, the rewards offered, without even changing the gameplay in any way.

Flawed ranks/schedule - make a preseason

in WvW

Posted by: TooBz.3065


The problem occurs when you take a fundamentally unfair system and then combine the unfair system with things we associate as fair.

A “season” of a “sport” is generally fair. Yes, some teams are better than others, but it’s almost always based on player skill (viewed as a “fair” difference), not the size of the team (viewed as an “unfair” difference).

If WvW is not suppose to be fair, then you shouldn’t pretend it is.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

Flawed ranks/schedule - make a preseason

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnar.4257


WvW isn’t supposed to be fair or balanced. Remember?

Your comment is irrelevant to my post. You’re referring to a dev post that it will never be balanced like sPvP is, which is true, but clearly there is a common goal for the matchups to be as exciting and fun as possible within the imbalanced system.

I’m just suggesting we find a more accurate way to rate servers that accounts for the pre-season transfers as well as a schedule that makes a bit more sense. It would appear the schedule was designed specifically to avoid ties instead of to achieve fun.

You’re asking for a system to allow the server-ratings to properly reflect the transfers that happen pre-season. Why? So the schedule properly reflects the strength of servers. Why?

Because you don’t want the season to be decided by a poor schedule rather than how servers perform in their matches. You don’t want some servers to have an “easy” schedule and get an easier ride to the top of their league, possible beating better servers who have a “hard” schedule.

Face it, on some level you want a fair competition. You don’t want it 100% balanced in every tiny detail like sPvP, but you do want it balanced to an extent, at least in terms of the schedule.

If you actually have no interest in fair competition, why do you care about the schedule?

But it appears to me that you do want fair competition, to a reasonable extent. Sadly for you, and the rest of us:

At no point did I, or would I have, said “Fair competition” WvW is not intended to be “fair”.

I think you’re exaggerating what Devon was saying there. If you’re simply saying nothing will ever be done, then you are mistaken. The servers already WERE matched by rating. Why? Because it’s more fair. So there is immediate evidence that yes these things are taken into consideration.

I don’t see that evidence at all. The first week of the schedule has the servers in the same order as the random-matchups left them, but after that it’s pretty random. I see no evidence that the schedule is designed to reflect the rating of servers.

In EU gold league, servers that were T1 at start have more matchups against servers that were T3, than against other T1 servers.


Flawed ranks/schedule - make a preseason

in WvW

Posted by: Solstice.1097


WvW isn’t supposed to be fair or balanced. Remember?

Your comment is irrelevant to my post. You’re referring to a dev post that it will never be balanced like sPvP is, which is true, but clearly there is a common goal for the matchups to be as exciting and fun as possible within the imbalanced system.

I’m just suggesting we find a more accurate way to rate servers that accounts for the pre-season transfers as well as a schedule that makes a bit more sense. It would appear the schedule was designed specifically to avoid ties instead of to achieve fun.

You’re asking for a system to allow the server-ratings to properly reflect the transfers that happen pre-season. Why? So the schedule properly reflects the strength of servers. Why?

Because you don’t want the season to be decided by a poor schedule rather than how servers perform in their matches. You don’t want some servers to have an “easy” schedule and get an easier ride to the top of their league, possible beating better servers who have a “hard” schedule.

Face it, on some level you want a fair competition. You don’t want it 100% balanced in every tiny detail like sPvP, but you do want it balanced to an extent, at least in terms of the schedule.

If you actually have no interest in fair competition, why do you care about the schedule?

But it appears to me that you do want fair competition, to a reasonable extent. Sadly for you, and the rest of us:

At no point did I, or would I have, said “Fair competition” WvW is not intended to be “fair”.

I think you’re exaggerating what Devon was saying there. If you’re simply saying nothing will ever be done, then you are mistaken. The servers already WERE matched by rating. Why? Because it’s more fair. So there is immediate evidence that yes these things are taken into consideration.

I don’t see that evidence at all. The first week of the schedule has the servers in the same order as the random-matchups left them, but after that it’s pretty random. I see no evidence that the schedule is designed to reflect the rating of servers.

In EU gold league, servers that were T1 at start have more matchups against servers that were T3, than against other T1 servers.

it could be more fair is part of my OP

Right now if each server won based on their initial rank (i.e. no upsets) they wouldn’t even finish in order!!! If there were no upsets the points would look like this:

rank 1
rank 2
rank 4
rank 3
rank 5
rank 7
rank 6
rank 8
rank 9

It’s better to be ranked 4th place than it is to be ranked 3rd so you get an easier schedule and win 3rd place.