Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


I reported this 2fly hackers they are taking blackgate orbs on all borderlands printed 2 but they are more,
Hope they get banned i wana see some report from arena net that this 2got their count banned
Its a party full of hackers they are taking towers also plz go there now and ban, they are prety patetic


Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Norris.4527

Chuck Norris.4527

No moderators at all in this game… as we speak HoD Hackers active in Borderlands…. Anet need to step it up on this.

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Yep we are now leting ET geting some bases so this HoD hackers get last, enjoy

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Warstrike.4730


There are 3 of them in total and all of them from HoD :/
Anet need to do something about it.

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Norris.4527

Chuck Norris.4527

Besides those three I think they are working with other HoD players getting them in Keeps…. so sad what has happened to HoD, now a hacker server.

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


And they QQ cause ppl is leaving HoD… pathetic

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Now they took bluebriar with hack … if this game continues like that it will be over so soon

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Swiftstep.7369


Here is the guy blatantly using the flying hack. Same name as I reported to Anet.


Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Sad to see that Optimushaxx still hasn’t been banned. He was reported several weeks ago and he claimed he was “hacked” and he was “out of town”. I guess he’s “out of town” again. Or he just made a new account and has a different number.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


They said they know if players hack…
Well the guy we reported just took the 3 orbs out of Blackgate … i think he knows he has got nothing to lose now

(edited by kefro.9312)

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Warstrike.4730


hm….we just lost all of the orb :/

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Yep let me show were those noob HoD hacker fly with them since they dont have no place to put them, they are doing this on all borderlands:


Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


And now the altars are gone we cant get the orbs back cause we dont have altars… some help arena net?

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


C’mon guys, PARTIES!!! of flyhackers that take towers and orbs? I have never complained over the bugs, broken skillpoints, broken events and all other broken things, it’s a new game afterall and we don’t even have a monthly fee. But this is just ridiculous beyond words. Now we are winning with ease, but let’s stop to think for a second what impact this stuff could have on close call matches, imagine working hard for a full week and then losing to something like this.

Arenanet please, Halloween is gonna be epic, we all know that, but can there PLEASE get some people focused on banning these people 24/7 and fixing this?

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Guru.3245


For everyone calling Henge of Denravi a hacker server, that definitely isnt true, 3 people do not make a server, in fact the people on our server reported the same people for hacking. Also we capped towers fairly, at least in our own borderlands where i was for the past 6 hours or so. However there was hacking with the orbs, which as i said, has been reported by both teams already. So don’t judge an entire server of the actions of a few people.

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


I doubt anybody meant to do that Guru, heat of the moment and all. Thanks for being so fair as to report the hackers.

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


People in our chat are saying that SoS reported one of the hackers before for doing the same thing, I have the name available if any moderators are interested. Can we get an explanation as to why this guy is still playing this game? I hope to update with the forum thread from SoS soon.

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Guru.3245


Agreed, hackers need to be permanently banned from the game, it isnt fun nor fair for anyone with them in the game. I too want to know why this person is still able to play after being reported numerous times.

@Tdawg Understandable, just didn’t want my server to get a bad name, we have enough issues that we’re working hard to rebuild from already.

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


Ok I got it a little bit mixed up, apparently the hackers were on SoS server.

Here is the topic:

Optimushaxx, same guy that is doing the hacks now and in that case it’s also a party of people doing it. Small guess is that it’s even the same party.

I want an explanation from Arenanet why these people are still playing this game. The accountname is the same as far as I see.

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Jon Snow.6780

Jon Snow.6780

In before closed by moderator,with the ‘’closed this threat because private information was seen bs ’’ i got news for you Anet/moderator: We don`t care anymore,because obv,you don`t care!!!
A hacker forfeits any rights he may have when he or she is using hacks ingame and causes grief to all other fair and honest players in the game,and you don`t act even after numerous reports send in about the same hackers,therefore you as a company, causing grief ….think about it!!

(edited by Jon Snow.6780)

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: MajorKong.8095


AFAIK it’s NCSoft that handle bans not ArenaNet. Some of the hackers we played against a few weeks ago still haven’t been banned.

Human Elementalist -The Iron Triangle [IRON]
My WvW review

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Dware.4259


Orbs are really stupid anyway, they should seriously take take them out of the game.

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


They are still online…

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Crawford.4135


Quite amusing out of all the threads on GW2 forums, this is the one their employees refuse to come in and say anything —- because it mentions the WvW Orb.

Unreal ArenaNET

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: patasde.6087


kefro.9312, make ticket right on support with this proofs