Follow skills need to break at EotM map edge

Follow skills need to break at EotM map edge

in WvW

Posted by: epborden.7492


So first let me say I understand the entire point of the map floating in the sky is that basically you should keep your butt on the map. Being feared or knocked back off the edge makes total sense.

Here is a basic scenario:

You’re a warrior and you’ve got a sword. You savage leap towards the enemy but before you land they commit suicide by jumping off the edge. You savage leap off the edge too because the skill follows them. In one way this is a crafty little trick to screw with you and that makes sense. My only issue is if that situation played out and it was accidental and there were no crafty tricks, it just happened. Another example would be using rush. If you can’t do a weapon swap you’re kind of screwed because you’re “locked in”.

This is just an example with warrior which is what I play. What do you think about this? Does this annoy you?