For the Toast!
I’ve really enjoyed being in the SoS borderlands. Tarnsihed Coast players are really coming together as a group and pitching in. Outstanding job tonight by everyone that participated. We held the Oceanic server off the map until about 12ampst…. so basically 6pm their time. Outstanding job.
I look forward to seeing you guys all again tomorrow on SoS borderlands and Tarnished Coast has more than a 10K lead when we were down by 7K this morning when I got up. Fantastic rally!
Madember (Co-Guild Leader)
The Shadow Legion
The Shadow Legion website
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (
Go to sleep already
God, no. We’re getting close to the Oceanic push. Which is legit, mind you. Not complaining. SoS plays well but still, there’s definitely some time zone differentials that contribute to the flip flopping between us all. We’re up when a lot of players aren’t. A lot of SoS is up when TC isn’t.
It’s actually quite a shame since both servers seem to have strong strategic and tactical knowledge, or at least it is equal for our overall rankings. The swinging back and forth is exciting but a bit sad that timezones play so much into it for both sides.
Go to sleep already
Yeah you guys did suprisingly well o.o. We were surprised by the amount of players you had. At like, 8pm our time you guys still managed to pull together a 40+ man zerg.
TC will win in the end because it has more NA players, end of.
Besides, lol, strategic and tactical knowledge, no…
I think I was in the server during that hold of Sunnyhill and the attack on the Garrison. Darn bugged Lord…
There was also an incredible battle in Ogrewatch Cut in tkitten earlier that morning. We lost it, but it took GoM a force of around 30 to take the keep from our crew of about 10. I was laughing so much during the battle… I loved it. Only wish I had screenshots or video of it.
I only wish I could keep playing. Due to RL obligations I can’t play again until Wednesday or Thursday. And this is such a good matchup too…
Besides, lol, strategic and tactical knowledge, no…
Certainly relative to Gate of Madness, the two servers know what they are doing far more. Early on, it was their lead to lose and they did. If that and other issues demoralize them enough, that’s a leadership issue. And from what I can tell, SoS and TC move around the map and pick targets better. On one end, being on the latter server, I know this means commanders (and a few general players) that are generally listened to and an understood/generally agreed upon prioritizing of defensive areas and offensive routes.
If I truly didn’t believe that SoS and TC were both equally competent, I wouldn’t be lamenting the fact that there’s some off hours issues between the two teams. Besides, if I wanted proof of what I’m saying, all I need to do is look at how well SoS can generally hold when at a disadvantage. Same with TC.
(edited by Sharpclaw.7510)
TC will win in the end because it has more NA players, end of.
Besides, lol, strategic and tactical knowledge, no…
You must be jelly.
You jelly bro?