Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: SherlockBrolmes.4725


Server transfer to Kaineng, push #1 NA.

If you’re really that good, it shouldn’t be too hard, right?

Plus, it will be fun to watch the bandwagon turn Kaineng into a max pop server during the climb.

Hell, if you actually do this, I’ll come join you.

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


Server transfer to Kaineng, push #1 NA.

If you’re really that good, it shouldn’t be too hard, right?

Plus, it will be fun to watch the bandwagon turn Kaineng into a max pop server during the climb.

Hell, if you actually do this, I’ll come join you.

If people are gonna join Kaineng cos TA is there…. Then wouldn’t it just make it another HoD? Since you’re saying the population is the reason HoD is unbeaten. Cos the population will move to Kaineng too like you said, isn’t that right? o.O And HoD beat NSP when AA was at it’s peak, 1-2 weeks after launch before the real imba transfer numbers flooded HoD. Yes, the crowding only became a problem after the first NSP match.

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


^ this is unfortunately exactly how it would go.

once the masses saw that “TA” transferred off to kaineng.. there would be a huge exodus from HoD to Kaineng, not to mention the other numerous people on other servers that would take advantage of it, and xfer there so they wouldn’t be called a bandwagoner while transferring to a top server.

i would love to see TA really try to bring a server up from last to #1 but it just won’t be seen because of the people who play this game.

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Narathkor.8541


So lets get Anet to back it, wait till they make server xfers cost money, then give verified members of TA a one time free xfer to kain only.

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


So lets get Anet to back it, wait till they make server xfers cost money, then give verified members of TA a one time free xfer to kain only.

guaranteed they aren’t going to interfere that much into the game, otherwise people will try to make claims about how its unfair that only 1 guild got free transfers and everyone else has to pay…. then you can count on people saying all kinds of BS things.

right now, the reality of it is, people need to suck it up an dmake the move to less populated servers and spread around as much as possible to make the matches more even…. why won’t they do that? because the nature of the game is winning, so why move if you are winning, you are already accomplishing what the namesake of the game is… and that is where we come to the point we are at now, where the top server people tell everyone else to “get coverage and stop whining about night capping” because they are the only ones with a significant amount of coverage in the times when others are hurting.

same old story, different thread

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Maerys.8713


Giving free transfers to TA members when they officially charge for sever transfers is very sensitive. Anything that costs money is a very sensitive issue. It will open a huge can of worms and I doubt they will give selected players free transfers.

They can actually handle sever transfers like how Blizzard did with WoW, open up free transfers for lower populated severs for awhile or until they hit a required number cap. It is actually a very basic way to handle sever population.

[SYN] Synapse – Titan Alliance – Henge of Denravi

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Gaslov.9164


You guys are really desperate…

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Melphina.9035


So lets get Anet to back it, wait till they make server xfers cost money, then give verified members of TA a one time free xfer to kain only.

Just wait till the last day im still have money in the pool that they will transfer there right before the paid transfers are in place.

Melphina Kobe ~ Thief

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Hux.8739


Wait until just before the free transfer move deadline hits. This is when many guild will make their permanent home.

Huxer(EC) Economic Collapse
Asura Warrior

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


So lets get Anet to back it, wait till they make server xfers cost money, then give verified members of TA a one time free xfer to kain only.

Just wait till the last day im still have money in the pool that they will transfer there right before the paid transfers are in place.

In actual fact, I’ll put money on this.

Actual PvP (or W3) guilds, like Titan have WvW as their core interest. trouble is, with que times on high populated servers a lot of their members have huge que times or dont even get into W3 at all.. Kinda ruins the game if your a W3 guild and most of your guys cant W3 right?

Im guessing here, but ill wager that these guys would rather get more of their guildies into W3 than constantly win matches. Its no fun just watching the score and not participating in it right?

So I’ll bet, just when the date is released for end of server transfers Titan (or similar guilds) will mass transfer to a server with lesser que times to get more of their guys on the field without badwagoners following them.

They know, if they transfer now, coat-tailers will follow and turn whatever server they go to, into another HoD, making que times longer and meaning, again, less of their guys get to be in W3. If they leave it to the last min and dont announce to where or when they go, they may find lesser ques and pop balance.

Thats my GUESS anyway.

afterall, what good is being in a W3 guild if most of your guys cant actually get into W3 right?

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Suds.7235


I’d love it if TA moved, without an announcement, just before free xfers end. Not that I’m opposed to playing with non-alliance people, but I’d love to get to play with my guild/alliance more than I do now.

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


Some of you guys give way too much credit to this titan alliance, its sad really

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Marstar.7162


The other reason Kaineng would not be a viable destination is because it would take 4-6 weeks to actually reach the Tier of Tears.

On the assumption we’ll rocket up the ranks then you are concluding we’ll have minimal resistance … hence a very boring 4-6 weeks.

Clearly this is not in the interest of TA members.

The Elite – GM
Titan Alliance Leader

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


The other reason Kaineng would not be a viable destination is because it would take 4-6 weeks to actually reach the Tier of Tears.

On the assumption we’ll rocket up the ranks then you are concluding we’ll have minimal resistance … hence a very boring 4-6 weeks.

Clearly this is not in the interest of TA members.

I wouldnt of thought getting into T1 is a priority is it? After all that would suggest your priority is purely winning (in scores not in battles). For that, you dont need all your guys in W3 so moving at all doesnt need to even be considered.

However If you enjoy W3 regardless and aim to get as many of your guys on the field as possible, all playing together and all having fun, then being in any tier shouldnt matter.

Although, having zero resistance, also wouldnt suit the bill, I image you’d like to have some PvP and not PvD.

SO i put it to you, it shouldnt matter what Tier any ‘potential or discussed’ move would put you in as long as more of your guys can enjoy playing with the alliance and be on the field against a decent force? yes?

(Just curious and in no way an accusation – wow i have to put this incase ppl think there is a troll in the room lol)

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: YPC.6349


AA has already shown them having 4 hours queue is way better than losing off-hour coat-tail zergs.

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


hmm I dont know. I have a german friend who has a large german W3 guild and they left their high pop, long que server in favor of getting into W3 more often with more ppl.

I’d do the same too if our ques were massive (id move to my friend’s server if i spoke german lol)

I’d favor playing over watching scores and waiting.. that’s just me I suppose.

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Marstar.7162


I wouldnt of thought getting into T1 is a priority is it? After all that would suggest your priority is purely winning (in scores not in battles). For that, you dont need all your guys in W3 so moving at all doesnt need to even be considered.

However If you enjoy W3 regardless and aim to get as many of your guys on the field as possible, all playing together and all having fun, then being in any tier shouldnt matter.

Although, having zero resistance, also wouldnt suit the bill, I image you’d like to have some PvP and not PvD.

SO i put it to you, it shouldnt matter what Tier any ‘potential or discussed’ move would put you in as long as more of your guys can enjoy playing with the alliance and be on the field against a decent force? yes?

(Just curious and in no way an accusation – wow i have to put this incase ppl think there is a troll in the room lol)

Winning isn’t everything, since Fun and Competition are obviously of importance. Hence why 6 weeks of boredom and minimal resistance (while ‘Winning’) is not a prospect any self respecting PvPer would put themselves through.

However I don’t follow the logic that an Alliance created by (some of) the Top WvW Guilds in their respective geographical region would consider ‘winning’ as a secondary goal.

You pose two questions:

Q2 was whether we we would prefer to enjoy playing with the alliance and be on the field against a decent force?

Yes, that goes without saying. However a ‘decent’ force isn’t who we want to be playing against. We want to be competing against the ‘best’ force.

Therefore the answer to Q1 is, getting into T1 has to be a priority as this is where the ‘best’ competition is.

A misconception about TA is that we are a Zerg Alliance. TA alone is not large enough to sustain it’s very own server. We were designed to spearhead and lead the resident militia that co-habit our server. It is a partnership.

If we recruited some more guilds to hit critical mass, and upped the behind the scenes workload to manage a larger organization (and the ego’s that come with Elitists -pun intended) then yes we could possibly lay claim to a server on our own.

However to entertain a move we would have to consider the residents of any Server we transferred too, to see if they want to work with us, and share the goal of moving them up to Tier 1. Unfortunately Anet has yet to offer us the tools to to shake off Tailcoat Riding Freeloaders that flock to success. So they would then need to consider how flooded their server would become with the success we would have together.
Would they be happy with queues? Would the mismatch of ideologies lead to server instability and infighting … leading to losses?

Just to demonstrate that ‘winning at all costs’ isn’t the philosophy of champions, these are some of the things we a Titan Alliance consider before making rash decisions on our future.

If we could move with a guarantee we wouldn’t be followed by unwelcome leeches, while experiencing adequate competition on the climb back to T1, with a server that would fit us like a glove (in terms of queues and a desire to go up to the top) then you can be assured TA would entertain the idea of a server move.

Until then, we’ll make the best possible decisions we can, given what we have to work with.

The Elite – GM
Titan Alliance Leader

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Elaithe.6874


Yep, Marstar pretty much hit the nail on the head.

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


Thanks Marstar, answered my post perfectly and as an alliance leader, these indeed seem like the questions you need to ask. This is of course a hypothetical thread but you cleared up my ‘concerns’ (for want of a better description).

With the introduction of non-free transfers, i think ANet will go some way to stop the freeloaders but yes, 2 problems there; there will always be those who still freeload ftw and trying to move an entire alliance (before or after free transfers end) is a mammoth task.

You seem like a very level headed alliance leader and I can respect you for than and your well put together answer.

weighing up against finding the best possible opposition AND short que times is a tough one for sure and although the gauntlet was thrown down by the OP, as an alliance leader, there are many more things to consider.

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

I don’t think the OP realizes that we already did this, that is why HoD was picked as the server for launch…..

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


How would this be any different than the server they are already on?

They join people flock to kaineg, kaineg wins but its just like any other server.

I respect TA, but instead of asking for help let’s rise to the challenge, teach the new players that come into our server, and get better by ourselves. I am sick of this begging and whining on the forums guys. Sack up. Let’s get in contact with each other, play together, and have fun.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


@ sniffy – i agree, ppl will always follow in the trails of success and claim it as their own.

Then the whole cycle starts again. Point being made is, when transfers are no longer free it may not be such an influx of glory hunters. However, they may not care that it costs money to transfer, as long as they can boast the deeds of others and in that case, yes, rinse and repeat.

Thing is, its human nature to want to win, until people stop using the server scores as a judge of their own indervidual success and start to merely enjoy the game for the period of time that they are able to be online, this will always be the case.

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: SherlockBrolmes.4725


The reasons to do this are:

1. You separate TA from the local HoD population, or as they call them " the militias."

2. You move them to a low pop server (which will likely still be free even after transfers start costing money given that it’s low pop). This INCREASES the likelihood that TA players will be the ones actually fighting.

3. You essentially prove that you, TA, are the reason your server is winning by moving to the “Worst” server, and still climbing back up to the top.

Silly arguments thus far:

-We already did this at launch. This misses the point entirely. Free transfers have lead to players congregating around the easiest win. By attracting hardcore players, you starve yourselves of competition and challenge, two things you allegedly want.

-If you want to compete against the best force, you’re going about this the wrong way. This would be akin to the Lakers courting Dwight Howard and Chris Paul, while stating the goal that they want to have games against really challenging opponents (as they strip them of their premiere talent).

-“Can’t upset the locals by transferring!” It cuts both ways, my friend. If you leave HoD, you could argue that HoD will suffer by losing top-tier talent. You would also argue then that Kaineng gains that same talent. (Advantage Kaineng!) HoD, however, will now have shorter queue times, while Kaineng inherits large queue times (Advantage HoD!). It’s ultimately a wash. Thing is, I’m fairly certain that the people of Kaineng will sacrifice some of their queue times for the chance at winning EVER.

-“But it won’t be fun in the meantime!” That’s a pretty arrogant statement. That’s what I’m trying to test. Can TA, by itself, really dominate every bracket back up to first place? You said yourself that you’re better as leaders than in the trenches. Sounds like you might not believe you can do it afterall…

I give HoD credit for winning handily as the top ranked team. However, I don’t chalk this up to inherently superior play. If players want to make the argument that they are indispensable to their server’s success, the best way to prove it is to prove that they can do it without the rest of that server. Find the “worst” server, and win there. Then we’ll believe.

Wanna avoid the massive zerg exodus? Don’t tell anyone you’re doing it. Just up and do it. Let people know after transfers are changed. That way you can make Anet some extra money in the process.

The only real reason I can see why you wouldn’t want to do this is that you want to keep everyone in TA together, and that some players also like to PvE and don’t want to struggle to find people to play with on a lowpop.

Edit: It’s funny. When we had top-tier players flood Tichondrius in WoW, we didn’t rest on our laurels. It was cool for about a week or two while we destroyed everyone with barely a challenge. Then it was just embarrassing, so we all quit playing. The only games that were still fun were playing against ourselves. There’s a lesson in that…

(edited by SherlockBrolmes.4725)

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Setch.2398


Some of you guys give way too much credit to this titan alliance, its sad really

Titan alliance carries us. I remember a certain weekend where I am pretty sure titan was doing a science experiment.. kept us in 3rd place for almost 3 days.

SOR – [Boss]

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

Sherlock, we don’t need to prove anything to anyone but ourselves. I’m sorry if you feel like we don’t deserve to be #1 but the fact remains the same. We prove ourselves on the battlefield every day. Its a team game, and with the TA and the militia working together, we are strong and a force to be reckoned with. Having not lost a single matchup in Beta (different server), 24 hour matches and 1 week matches should be evidence enough. Not saying we will never lose, but the track record so far speaks for itself. It comes from hard work, organization, planning (way before game went live) and dedication to being a top server. Anything can happen in the future though…..

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


It looks like some people here should be Alliance leaders, you seem to have everything figured out . Some of us in TA with over 15 years of MMO experience, mostly in leadership positions have been unable predict these scenarios and have never even internally discussed transferring, why would we? we’re WINNING! You guys though… you have the answer to fix PvP game wide for GW2, in one swift move! TA transfers to kaing.

Sounds like a great plan. Ill smooth it over with my guild now.
“Hey guys, i know lack of PvP and opposition even in the high brackets have been getting you down, so we have a solution to this. We’re going to transferring with TA to kaeing, some random dude on the forums challenged us, im not sure who he is, he doesn’t even display his guild name or server, its sort of like we’re taking advice here from a level 1 troll alt, but we’re taking up his challenge anyway. Right so back onto the transferring issue. If you thought we had no resistance in the tier of tears, this is gonna be a door banging treat! we will fight for weeks on end against the mighty doors, walls and keep lords until we move high enough to face a server with oceanic forces where we may face some resistance. In these tiers though the guilds are soft, they schedule times to PvP so we will only be fighting other players on, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday as the prime raid nights….alright cool, now that everybody is onboard with that, LETS GET TRANSFERRING!…oh yea BTW…we gotta re level the guild…we will have to do this in pve zones though as there wont be anybody even in the zones at our time to setup a oceanic daisy chain of supply camp rotating….we only have to endure this for like 2 months though, things will be sweet afterwards and with free transfers still open we couldn’t POSSIBLY have the exact same issues we had on henge…or GOM before that.”


Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] – Now Recruiting.

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Virchow.6043


So we’ve correctly identified the very unique snowballing synergy between TA and HoD as the reason no one has beat us yet, something I believe everyone on HoD has mentioned before.

We look at NS and AA as the counter example of a similar synergy that wasn’t close to the magic TA and HoD had at the time, and the following examples of how relatively limited the talented AA and Ruin were following the transfer and hope TA runs into the same limitations to ’bring the level of competition back down." The not so secret hope they just become an IoJ or slightly higher level of competition.

Now as your soul breaks in WvWvW you request a breakup of the unique synergy that crushed you instead of rising up.


You won’t see Vihar or Menaace out there begging for weaker or watered down competition. Chances are you won’t see AA attack something they almost were and want desperately to best.


Honestly, you’re lucky TA loves the fight to the extent they consider it. Sometimes even I hope we lose for various reasons, but I never want to hand it over.

(edited by Virchow.6043)

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: MasterofKhaos.8903


I typically hold my tongue when it comes to things regarding TA, and the right people know why. But coming from someone who was once a part of TA, and one of the founding guilds I can tell you TA is a very strong part of the reason HoD is successful.

TA has the most organization and communication at an alliance level that I’ve ever seen. I’ve been in the inner workings there, take my word their coordination is superior to everyone else.

As they’ve stated they do’t necessarily have the numbers to claim a server as their own. There are multiple guilds in the alliance that number less than 100, but all they do is WvW. They aren’t simply a zerg alliance, they know the mechanics of the game, and their WvW leaders understand strategies and tactics.

Indirectly, they are also the reason why the Militia is so great. Most of these folks transferred when they heard TA was on the server, or when they saw how much HoD was winning. In the beginning, it was TA carrying HoD before the queues spiked to extremes. This population increase is a result of TA being on HoD.

I was there for BWE3 when TA beat AA, GoM vs CD. TA had just picked GoM, but AA had all the badwagoners on CD. And we (as [TBH] was apart of TA then) beat CD and AA.

Instead of asking TA to break up, try to get your communities to organize to be on their level. They are at the top of the ladder for a reason, and they’ve proved it time and time again. Give credit where credit is due.

Props to you guys Sky, Marstar and the rest of TA for sticking to your server and dealing with 4 hour queues (which makes it so they typically can’t field half their forces at any given time.)


WvW/Co-Leader of The Brotherhood
Proud member of NSP

WvW Leader and Co-leader of [TBH]
Co-Founder of Northern Shiverpeaks Council [NSC]

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Jordan.6157


Who the kitten is Titan Alliance?

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


Some of you guys give way too much credit to this titan alliance, its sad really

Titan alliance carries us. I remember a certain weekend where I am pretty sure titan was doing a science experiment.. kept us in 3rd place for almost 3 days.

i remember that weekend different, because the odds were even for 3 days on the weekend until weekday queue times hit… you can’t fight facts, and facts show that queues are much longer for HoD than any other servers who dont even have them during the weekdays except for a small portion of the day.

i could make baseless claims, but i wouldn’t want to be you

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Cael.2641



wut r u doin



Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: SherlockBrolmes.4725



Asserting that someone may or may not be a troll doesn’t pass muster for countering their argument. You’re going to have to do a bit better than that. What does my guild or server have to do with the points that I made? (I’ll give you some hints: I don’t ever recall playing against HoD directly, and my guild is a small guild of close friends).

-“Some of us in TA with over 15 years of MMO experience, mostly in leadership positions”

Means absolutely nothing. I know players with 15 years of MMO experience, mostly in leadership positions who are garbage. It’s actually a rarity that the players in leadership in MMOs are the highest quality players. It tends to be the people willing to finance a website or a vent server, or people who do it for the power trip or the loot priority. That being said, I have similar MMO experience (in leadership positions) and at high levels of play. That’s why, when my friends proposed transferring servers for better competition, I suggested SBI. You know, because I like challenge AND I put my money where my mouth is.

-“why would we? we’re WINNING!”

And here I thought you guys liked challenge and competition. When you’re “the best,” the best competition around is fighting yourself. You’d think after 15 years of MMO experience, you might have learned this simple lesson. But you seem a bit more interested in stacking the deck and pubstomping, so that’s cool. Big tough guy, eh?

-“You guys though… you have the answer to fix PvP game wide for GW2, in one swift move! TA transfers to kaing.”

1. It’s Kaineng, and 2. I’ve proposed legitimate fixes to the WvWvW system in another thread on this same forum. You can find it here: (and yes, it’s written by someone who is on the pubstomping side of things about 70% of the time).

-“Hey guys, i know lack of PvP and opposition even in the high brackets have been getting you down, so we have a solution to this. We’re going to transferring with TA to kaeing, some random dude on the forums challenged us, im not sure who he is … but we’re taking up his challenge anyway."

How about simply, “People don’t want to acknowledge that TA is the real reason HoD is successful, and the only way we can prove that would be to leave HoD. If we really wanna prove our value, we’ll have to go to the worst server there is. Not really much room for argument if we take Kaineng up to #1.”

Remember darling, it’s about the argument, not the person making it.

“Right so back onto the transferring issue. If you thought we had no resistance in the tier of tears, this is gonna be a door banging treat! we will fight for weeks on end against the mighty doors, walls and keep lords until we move high enough to face a server with oceanic forces where we may face some resistance.”

You’ll likely only face each set of servers once as you climb up. Let’s not pretend it will take long if you’re as good as you say you are.

-"and with free transfers still open we couldn’t POSSIBLY have the exact same issues we had on henge…or GOM before that.”

If TA is the be all and end all, and HoD starts getting trashed, perhaps there will be another diaspora and the militia will lovingly follow their overlords to the ends of the earth. Alternately, they’ll stay put or transfer to another top tier server. This would only share the talent around, and increase the overall quality of competitive play (horrible for you, I know…). Remember, many people transferred because of the server rankings, not because they’re following the TA twitter feed.


Nope, just “Idiot” (singular). You.

It’s worth pointing out that I’m only issuing this challenge because I see so much nonsense about how amazing TA is on these boards. I don’t personally have my day ruined from losing to these guys, WvWvW is fun where I am most of the time. But when you see people congregating talent to a single server and then absorbing the rest of the talented (or at least active) players, most of the time you’d expect them to keep looking for greener pastures of fun, competitive play.

Chances are, the highest quality members of TA are doing just that, wondering how they can keep things interesting (they can always pray for JQ to keep things interesting). But eventually that too will fade, and instead of yelling at the lower tiers to get better, TA might just decide they really do want the challenge after all, so they’ll swap to a lower tier and prove that they can turn ANY server into a tier 1 if not #1 server.

(edited by SherlockBrolmes.4725)

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowzerk.4715


SherlockBrolnes, we don’t need this challenge, we don’t need to prove ourselves to you, we don’t need you too. We (HoD) are winning not only b’cos of TA. Remember that, accept that, and pls stop crying

Sanctum of Rall – Frontier Commander of DNS

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: shortcake.8659


I typically hold my tongue when it comes to things regarding TA, and the right people know why. But coming from someone who was once a part of TA, and one of the founding guilds I can tell you TA is a very strong part of the reason HoD is successful.

TA has the most organization and communication at an alliance level that I’ve ever seen. I’ve been in the inner workings there, take my word their coordination is superior to everyone else.

As they’ve stated they do’t necessarily have the numbers to claim a server as their own. There are multiple guilds in the alliance that number less than 100, but all they do is WvW. They aren’t simply a zerg alliance, they know the mechanics of the game, and their WvW leaders understand strategies and tactics.

Indirectly, they are also the reason why the Militia is so great. Most of these folks transferred when they heard TA was on the server, or when they saw how much HoD was winning. In the beginning, it was TA carrying HoD before the queues spiked to extremes. This population increase is a result of TA being on HoD.

I was there for BWE3 when TA beat AA, GoM vs CD. TA had just picked GoM, but AA had all the badwagoners on CD. And we (as [TBH] was apart of TA then) beat CD and AA.

Instead of asking TA to break up, try to get your communities to organize to be on their level. They are at the top of the ladder for a reason, and they’ve proved it time and time again. Give credit where credit is due.

Props to you guys Sky, Marstar and the rest of TA for sticking to your server and dealing with 4 hour queues (which makes it so they typically can’t field half their forces at any given time.)


WvW/Co-Leader of The Brotherhood
Proud member of NSP

Nobody is questioning coordination, they obviously have it. The question is how much is really necessary? How big of an alliance was it necessary to make? No other server has nearly as many organized guilds that I’ve seen.

Asking other servers to try to match it is just asinine. On Stormbluff, I don’t see guilds the size of the average HoD guild except for WM. No other group here has the numbers and the organization that they do, not even close. I’ll see maybe 10-15 people from any other guild together in WvW at a time.

Where are the people supposed to come from then? Should I ask the PvE centered people standing outside the Citadel of Flame? That’s like asking the Wal-Mart checkout lady to manage a nuclear reactor. Should we go to other servers and try to steal their guilds? That just ruins other servers that are already having their own problems.

I hear nonstop that they are looking for “the best opponents” and to “challenge themselves” which is one hell of a joke when you consider what they’ve done is nothing but the equivalent of team stacking in a public FPS server.

some terrible idiot in [pre]

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Atticus Creed.4062

Atticus Creed.4062

From all accounts HoD has a decent server community so I don’t really see why Titan will leave just to prove something. It is all about coverage and the only reason I see TA leaving would be to reduce queue times for the members at the cost of the top spot.

[Res] The Prestige

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Setch.2398


My queue times at night have been pretty good. Less than 15 minutes typically. Lastnight I had no queue at all at 10pm for JQ Borderlands.

SOR – [Boss]

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Other than for EB, the queue times on HoD are not long. There’s usually a borderlands with an extremely short or no queue (usually the one that the guilds are not focusing on) and the other ones don’t have long queues, either. I’ve even gotten the outmanned buff a few times this week. The idea that TA, and by extension HoD wins just because they swarm the map 24/7 is patently wrong.

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


Why I ask your guild and server? maybe im just a relic of the past now and believe in some sort of honour in video gaming, but I still believe that if you seek to formally challenge an alliance of guilds you should state who you are to offer such a challenge. Maybe that’s just the elitist or dougebag in me speaking there.

My point about 15 years of MMOs in leadership is a point of experience and not quality, i don’t cite my experience or playtime as a form to highlight my level of skill or my guilds level of skill, we all know how idiotic that argument is…anyway… its well known how awesome we’re already…why would I be point that out? The point was that through experience we have seen history, we have seen how things playout time and time again throughout history, we can predict scenarios and outcomes based on prior experiences.

Anyway, theres no real point responding to you further, not when you cant detect blatantly obvious sarcasm, "and have never even internally discussed transferring, why would we? we’re WINNING! "that’s sarcasm… OF COURSE WE HAVE DISCUSSED it, its been discussed every day and at every meeting. In TA, in guild…. NOBODY likes the current situation. But until anet sacks up and does something to stop people from following us, there’s no point in transferring off henge.

Id love it if you could see our private discussions Sherlock about transferring, i think you would stop posting about this immediately, but we’ll let you continue posting, its amusing you repeating discussions we have had since the day we got on henge and some even before TA was conceived. I would like say we were 100% right about everything, but we greatly over estimated how highly oceanic servers would be ranked, the general resolve of other oceanic forces, their commitment to WvW and their numbers. Leaving henge as the vastly superior force in the oceanic timeslot.

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] – Now Recruiting.

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: chuloon.9720


Say we were to switch to Kaineng and we DO win our way up after weeks of fighting doors, rebuilding our guild influence, and rebuilding and remotivating the militia on Kaineng. What’s keeping another person from challenging us to do it again thinking it was a fluke?

Honestly, we have nothing to prove to you. We LIKE our militia. Why would we just abandon the community we worked so hard to build just to sate the curiosity of a stranger on the Internet? If a situation arises where we see transferring servers would benefit the alliance, we’ll consider it.

However, look at the numbers and know that we transferred to HoD without telling anyone and people came AFTER we were beating people. After all those fights, we’re still undefeated. If you choose not to look at the facts, then I apologize for not giving you the proof you asked for, but we’re not going to reprove something we’ve already done.

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Heavyhitta.3719


I’m most probably border line or complete G-kick after this post. but you know what, kitten it.

TA proved themselves on GoM, EVERY match…… Never told anyone we were there.
TA proved themselves on HoD, EVERY match…… Never told anyone we moved here

Then the bandwagon follows the success of HoD, if that’s not TA and just the Militia, you know what, good on them.

TA Doesn’t need to offer any of you reasons, excuses, limitations or exceptions period.
You are like a bunch of beaten old wives, looking for excuses, begging for that change or crying a river of tears cause you have been out-played and dominated in a 24/7 format.


Man up, suck it up…. Its that simple.

For all the trolls and wanna be’s out there, keep on smashing that keyboard.

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


yeah , TA doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone. as the militia of HoD , we already approved that they are the main force behind HoD, and that’s sufficient recognition….

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Houdii.2563


We LIKE our militia. Why would we just abandon the community we worked so hard to build just to sate the curiosity of a stranger on the Internet? If a situation arises where we see transferring servers would benefit the alliance, we’ll consider it.

Why do we like them? well anymore at least..

I’m not going to lie and say there are a few good commanders and guilds out there on HoD who have worked very well with TA but on a whole the community is rapidly degrading to kitten the longer time passes.

We honestly(with the help of the amazing ANet transfer system) built a utopia for bads. Anyone who was hated, trolled, left out could just pack up and leave and join the “HoD militia!” and they have in the hundreds(possibly 1000s).

Whereas once players and groups worked together and actually fought now half the borderlands end up in the middle island between the spawns running backwards and forwards with multiple commanders while we lose towers and keeps in the north. It hasn’t caused a loss but it’s just dumb to see a server degrade so much and the maybe once praised “militia” are now nothing more than typical bad pugs.

One thing Ruin did right was get the gen pop to want to defeat them instead of flock to and help them.

Houdii Hoo

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: jmndro.4869


You need a change of perspective, Instead of challenging TA to move from HoD.

Treat it like its WvW on Explorer mode for your server (which ever server you are from). You see asking TA to move from HoD is like ANet nerfing WvW. Why not gear up ( gank up) to Down HoD the WvW boss instead?

JustMe. :)

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


im just going to toss RUIN’s perspective into this. STOP TELLING TA TO BREAK UP. seriously these forums have been a blaze with people demanding stuff of TA and its kinda sad. as much as we hate losing, its part of the game and to deal with this, we are training out troops and looking to fill the gaps in our time zone. ET is slowly building up to be a force that deserves to participate in the first bracket, something we have seriously lacked until now. there have been some shifts in the leadership on ET, guilds have new understanding that interguild bullkitten isnt going to help us win and thus we need to come together and work together.

i’ve been spewing the same story since this forum started: am i frustrated losing, YES. do i roll over, give up and declare TA should break up, NO. its a silly suggestion, let them play with the empire they have built, and let us build a rival empire instead of sitting in the corner with snot running down our faces.

(altho until our local asian-mart opens its doors its gonna be a while before we close our night time gap)

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: SherlockBrolmes.4725


Admittedly, I’m loving the bandwagoners coming here to ask me to stop crying. I haven’t once suggested that WvWvW is unfair because TA is too good. I haven’t made any complaints about my own games with them because I frankly can’t recall any. So I really can’t see where the stale retort of “less QQ” is coming from. That is, if we are presuming basikitteneracy. Perhaps that’s a bit too generous.

All I’ve said is that TA can prove it’s the best WvWvW group out there by separating itself from its zerg following. Everyone wants to win. We get it. That’s why people transfer TO the #1 server. Players that love real competition and challenge transfer FROM the #1 server. (It doesn’t take 15 years of MMO experience to learn that.)

I’m actually pretty receptive to the frustration of players in the TA, who have to endure obnoxious queue times, which keeps them from participating, and keeps them without a full coordinated force. I’m also receptive to the frustration that more and more bads will transfer looking to have their World Explorer or Honor farm gifted to them. I really am.

I just issued a challenge. Want to be the best? Prove that you can repeat your success with any “militia.”

What’s to stop us from calling it a fluke? Common sense? “We don’t believe you, do the exact same thing again!” looks pretty silly, I’m fairly certain we can all agree.

You guys are clearly good, it’s never been my intention to suggest that you’re not good players. There’s this pervasive sense, however, that you’re the reason servers win, and you are the best there is. I’m saying, if you want to prove that, and rejuvenate some of the fun and excitement FOR YOURSELVES, it would behoove you to transfer off (to Kaineng for greatest effect.)


“Why I ask your guild and server? maybe im just a relic of the past now and believe in some sort of honour in video gaming, but I still believe that if you seek to formally challenge an alliance of guilds you should state who you are to offer such a challenge.”

Super srs. Had my honor questioned in a video game. Oh dear. The truth is, you’re looking for a reason to discredit my comments based on who I am. If I’m from SBI, you can just call me butthurt for losing. If I’m from Kaineng, then I’m just begging for scraps because I’m the bottom of the barrel. I would have otherwise been happy to state my main character, guild, and server. At this point, I think I’ll choose not to. (Here’s a hint tho: my server wins most of the time, pretty handily. We haven’t played you much, and I spend more of my time trying to figure out how to make the game more fun for losing teams than enjoying the fact that I stomp them.)

“OF COURSE WE HAVE DISCUSSED it, its been discussed every day and at every meeting. In TA, in guild…. NOBODY likes the current situation. But until anet sacks up and does something to stop people from following us, there’s no point in transferring off henge.
Id love it if you could see our private discussions Sherlock about transferring, i think you would stop posting about this immediately”

I have a feeling you’re absolutely right about this. Why didn’t you say so? How about, “Well, we’re happy proving our skill by staying on top, but we are hoping to find more of a challenge and reduce our queues. Right now, the biggest obstacle to this the free transfer system, but we might try something like this if it gets really bad.”

Do you think I would have trolled that answer? No. If you had said, “Look, we get your point, but we feel we’ve already done that, and at this point we’ve invested too much into HoD. We have friends here, we have a good relationship with our home server, and we like being high pop for those of us that PvE. We don’t wanna re-level guilds. Hopefully the overall quality of competition goes up, but until then, we’re happy with where we are.”

I would have no problem. Far from it, I’d actually have some respect for the answer. (It’s worth noting that some of you HAVE said as much. And I respect that.)

TIL that the words “basic” and “literacy” are censored when used together.

(edited by SherlockBrolmes.4725)

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: SherlockBrolmes.4725


I’ll leave it at this. If you guys don’t WANT to leave, I won’t begrudge you that. It’s a challenge from a random guy on the forums. (Seriously, it’s barely worth responding). If it excites you, go for it, it should be a good and fun challenge. If you don’t think it’s realistic given transfers following you, then that’s cool, don’t sweat it. You guys are good. That’s largely due to alliances and recruitment. But you don’t see the NBA all-star teams crying at the teams at the bottom of the standings to sack up and get better. Or blaming the league for letting them stack their teams. You were smart to link up with HoD. You’re going to be very successful regardless of what happens.

But as someone who is used to the trajectory of winning —→ boredom --→quitting, I feel compelled to challenge you to something that might keep stuff interesting.

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Chewy.9263


^^ wall of text, didn’t read it…


Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Marstar.7162


How big of an alliance was it necessary to make? No other server has nearly as many organized guilds that I’ve seen.

I apologise if i come off a bit harsh in this response, it is very hard to bring equilibrium to a flawed perspective without sounding a bit belittling, and again i apologise.

Big enough in what sense? Big enough to encompass a 24hour clock? Or big enough to lock down enough points per minute to ensure victory?

As in our game-play we want to be efficient and effective. No excess fatty bits and no passengers. A mean, lean Titan Machine.

You have to not that pre-release we were ‘all’ under the assumption free transfers would only last a week. Anet changed their minds. The amount of Tailcoat Riding Freeloaders HoD attracted was outside our pre-release model.

That being said we weren’t even close to the largest alliance that formed pre-release. Without going through them all, how can you not know about the below 2:

Ascension Alliance was larger by a significant margin (Originally FA in BWE3 -> NSP release -> ET currently).

RUIN alone was a single guild larger than the whole of Titan Alliance. Let alone the guilds they approached to form an alliance on Crystal Dessert (now merged with AA on ET currently).

Yes, that’s right, 2 pre-release alliances individually larger than TA merged on ET after release to challenge us.

So the credibility and validity of what you’ve seen comes into question.

Here lies your problem. You seem to be part of 95% PuG populous that fails to research before making opinionated comment with conviction.

Your lack of perspective is indicative of you lack of understanding.

10 guilds with 50 members + 5 large guilds of 150 (15 guilds total) is not larger than 7 guilds of 200 members.

Any1 who says a 15 guild Alliance has to be larger than a 7 guild Alliance struggles to be taken seriously.

Asking other servers to try to match it is just asinine. On Stormbluff, I don’t see guilds the size of the average HoD guild except for WM. No other group here has the numbers and the organization that they do, not even close. I’ll see maybe 10-15 people from any other guild together in WvW at a time.

It seems you don’t even know your own server very well.

SBI is a server that did not want to form an alliance pre-release. SBI is a server that adopted a different philosophy. SBI is made up of old guilds that came together and an un-official server of previous WvW games like DaoC (amongst others).

These Guilds have described the war between HoD and SBI similar to that of The Roman Empire to the Germanic Horde. Regimented Order vs Organised Chaos.

This is the server you have chosen. You are doing perfectly fine against ET and JQ with this philosophy and gameplan. Is it so bad being #2 with a unique strategy?

The only asinine thing here is you expecting your opposition to emulate SBI rather
then ask your fellow SBI residents to keep fighting tooth and nail like they were weeks ago, rather than give up, and prove you don’t need an Alliance to be #1.

Where are the people supposed to come from then?

Merge Guilds that are WvW-centric to reach critical mass of organisation and efficiency like what commonly happened when guilds became too small to tackle end-game content in every game since 1990?

Encourage those that have left to come back? Look at a PR campaign?

Should we go to other servers and try to steal their guilds? That just ruins other servers that are already having their own problems.

Come steal Guilds off HoD? We have too many, and with the right proposal, maybe they will be up for the challenge?

How do you expect to improve if you are unwilling to try something new? Come up with your own ideas (instead of asking me for answers :P)? Or improve on other people’s ideas?

The Elite – GM
Titan Alliance Leader

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Marstar.7162


Part 2 of essay 0.o

I hear nonstop that they are looking for “the best opponents” and to “challenge themselves” which is one hell of a joke when you consider what they’ve done is nothing but the equivalent of team stacking in a public FPS server.

Again you seem to lack perspective on this matter.

Pre-release we did NOT announce where we were going. We did so , because we wanted to challenge AA, RUIN and the other Alliance of BWE without ‘stacking’.

We were told that the window for Tailcoat Riding Freeloaders to find out where we were and transfer to us was 1 week.

We dominated the 24hour matches ‘unstacked’. Our initial success caused the Tailcoat Riding Freeloaders to swarm to HoD.

There is absolutely nothing we could have done retrospectively, or otherwise, to change this.

AA on the flipside went with the opposite approach, announced NSP as their release server and extended an invites far and wide.

Their larger size then TA, was unable to handle the queues they created, and elected to leave NSP b4 NSP was mature enough to sustain itself.

Together with RUIN they took over ET. Even so, they still struggled to match SBI. However they are doing what is necessary to improve and progress. If in your opinion SBI isn’t then you should find out why not and become proactive rather than come here and ask others to dumb down their game :P

Again i am not trying to troll you, or SBI, just being blunt

The Elite – GM
Titan Alliance Leader

Formal Challenge to Titan Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


I’m not sure what queues you’re referring to, I have instant queues on all borderlands, even last night in EB… Anyway, im sure the next week will prove interesting.

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] – Now Recruiting.