Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Ramelot was SFD having a bit of fun, which at the end of the day is the reason why we play games. We are far enough behind in points that I’m surprised there are people begrudging them that. Its not like we can take second place let alone win with a 90,000 point deficit, 1 day to go and coverage as limited as we have. We are if anything gracious in defeat. Its surprising and disappointing to see some of you so derisory in all but certain victory.

(edited by Besetment.9187)

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Arus.1482


Also good job FA for speed hacking, one of your guys was zooming around Ramelot a number of times at warp speed.

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


Was his name Brave Sir Robin?

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

MAG looks like they were having a bit of fun. Kinda bummed they are going down the ladder instead of up.

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: norman.7026


Ramelot was SFD having a bit of fun, which at the end of the day is the reason why we play games. We are far enough behind in points that I’m surprised there are people begrudging them that. Its not like we can take second place let alone win with a 90,000 point deficit, 1 day to go and coverage as limited as we have. We are if anything gracious in defeat. Its surprising and disappointing to see some of you so derisory in all but certain victory.

Seriously, I can’t believe how mad some of you are at the bit of silly fun Ramelot was. I was busy last night, but I saw some screenshots and wish I had been able to make it. If Maguuma were trailing by only a small margin, it might be another story, but we’re coming up on the last day of the match and it’s pretty much impossible to pull back into second, even if we held all 695 potential points constantly.

Instead of fighting this losing battle to the very end, a bunch of Maguuma players got together and decided to do something fun and funny instead—and if you think that was a serious strategic movement, you might want to check your sense of humor.

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Ramelot was SFD having a bit of fun, which at the end of the day is the reason why we play games. We are far enough behind in points that I’m surprised there are people begrudging them that. Its not like we can take second place let alone win with a 90,000 point deficit, 1 day to go and coverage as limited as we have. We are if anything gracious in defeat. Its surprising and disappointing to see some of you so derisory in all but certain victory.

Seriously, I can’t believe how mad some of you are at the bit of silly fun Ramelot was. I was busy last night, but I saw some screenshots and wish I had been able to make it. If Maguuma were trailing by only a small margin, it might be another story, but we’re coming up on the last day of the match and it’s pretty much impossible to pull back into second, even if we held all 695 potential points constantly.

Instead of fighting this losing battle to the very end, a bunch of Maguuma players got together and decided to do something fun and funny instead—and if you think that was a serious strategic movement, you might want to check your sense of humor.

It’s just the FA trolls who were unhappy their gold/karma per hour went down.


Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Kiado.9362


If there was a queue to any borderland in the last few days, it was for the one where we are all trying to join the Goons/SFD in having a good time. kitten I was just in voice chat listening to everyone at Ramalot last night, and I was cracking up. If you can’t beat em, kitten them the F off.

It was said before, and I will say it now. You want to see for yourself? Don’t believe what you are hearing? Transfer to Maguuma. You will never lack for opponents. We have excellent leaders, but they can’t pull soldiers out of their rears (at least not to my knowledge) and give you the fight you want. Most people hit “B”, see the score, and decide to do something else. The rest of us fight because its what we do, it’s fun, and we are still trying to have a good time.

Lujan Storm – Maguuma
The Pangolins Den [PANG]

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


I was thinking, imagine SoS night presence, plus Mag daytime, could be pretty powerful.

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Shintai.5618


Bugger me crazy. Now DB alter is destroyed too and cant be repaired with Orb either.

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


Welcome to kitten hackers… Last week we had 2/3 borderlands with NO altars left.

edit: excepting the far north starting orb of course…

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: sil.4160


I was thinking, imagine SoS night presence, plus Mag daytime, could be pretty powerful.

I agree, thats why SOS been trying to recruit some NA guilds over

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Bunnehboo.6025


can we see current scores for this match and less bickering?


Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Aithere.2950


As of 2:54 Pacific Time


Sanctum of Rall
Caedas [CDS] |

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Coming from Fort Aspenwood I have experienced the absolute opposite of what you are saying. You guys have plenty of people, you just don’t put them in the right places at the right times. For example, the last two nights have been extremely boring WvW because all your people just fortify a supply camp. Which is cool, if you want to just hold that… but while you are holding it, we own 90% of all the other stuff on all the maps. This is really really boring. I know a few MaGOONba guilds were trying to hold the south supply in FA BL around 8pm last night. There were maybe 40 of them? We managed to kill them all with about 15 of us, using hit and run tactics… lure a few into overextending and then kill. It was a fun fight, but at one point they all just gave up and bunched up on the supply node for whatever dumb reason. My mesmer friend killed a crapload of them with feedback.

Just saying, if you guys actually took group of 10 or so around the map to take towers here and there, we might have some good fights starting.

Ive also noticed you guys fortify pangloss sometimes. SO basically all our random PUGs who just entered EB will slowly trickle in and die to ballista. I guess if thats fun, more power to ya. A few of us heard about it and we just had warriors run in with endure pain, fear bomb, hammer CC and wipe the cave out. So I dunno if you guys are getting an illusion of success when you hold a single supply camp against the random PUGS trying to hit it 2-3 at a time.

And the ram thing at a camp… I have no idea why someone tried golems on it, trebs from the tower north of it would destroy everything.

I guess I sound like a complaining jerk… maybe I am, apologies. But if your server is just keen on holding single supply camps, its a really really boring WvW for us, because SoS can’t put up a fight when they sleep and we are stuck with 90% of the map while you guys don’t do anything.

You are officially on crack if you believe Mag has any kind of queue inside WvW at all. Unless there’s some big push on a borderlands, and literally everybody from all the other borderlands converge on a single borderlands (which has happened twice this week), there are absolutely no queues to be had on Mag. We’re lucky to properly field 2 borderlands on the weekend, let alone get queues for them all.

Also Pangloss had exactly 20 Mag inside it, and I came out with significantly more then 200 kills inside of an hour against multiple large pushes. Hell, we killed 2 golems in there. That’s a kitten sweet kill to death ratio. But hey, if you want to play player vs door and flip the towers for karma all day, you go right ahead. Mag will continue to farm your server and play this as player vs player game.

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Cirus.5748


To Maguuma, it seems as if some of you here are trying to claim the moral high ground. From what I’ve seen of these posts it’s been “our server hasn’t had any queues in the last few days and we are out numbered, if we had more people we’d win”.

The problem with that theory is, you’re also suggesting that you actually did have the numbers and you did have queues in the first few days of the matchup. Because your server was coming 3rd and the rest of your server decided to give up and not queue for WvW is no-ones fault but your own. Never give up, and you’ll always stand a chance.

For those that been joining WvW just trying to have some fun while being hopelessly out numbered, I understand the situation you guys are in and it’s normal to make some fun out of a hopeless situation, there is nothing wrong with that. Some of the most fun I’ve had in WvW is while we’ve been hopelessly out numbered. The question is how much of an impact so few can make on so many
Example, once my server held Etheron keep for 8 hours, we had no camps to continue feeding the supply and we were out numbered 5:1, it was all team work and resilience that kept us going.

Vanguard Of Exiled Mercenaries – Blackgate

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Mag fields 2 full borderlands on the weekend and outmanned in the other 2 every weekend. That isn’t an opinion, that’s just how it is.

And we held Etheron Hills keep in Fort Aspen BL against continual hammering from both SoS and FA for 52 hours this match up with the odd supply camp off and on. Maguuma Alamo beats SoS’s silly little 8 hour defense.

(edited by Rhyis.7058)

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


That’s the point Cirus. You can’t pretend to know our situation until you have played in it. And for the record, we held the hills keep on an enemy borderland with an orb for over 48 hours in this very matchup. But there is simply not enough players participating to keep that kind of presence on every map the way the other servers can. That’s why we say we need more bodies. We aren’t claiming we would win, we are saying we would be more competitive if we had more and some folks are saying we are wrong as if they know our situation at all.

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


siege golem kitten trolled by anet

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Cirus.5748


Did you guys have the numbers on Monday and Tuesday? I’m not sure if you did but that’s the impression I’ve gotten.

I have been in this situation many times before, we’ve had lots of servers crush Sea of Sorrows, even during our own (Aus) prime time and then the rest of our server gives up and the queues are empty, even in prime time.

This is the server problem, people give up on fighting too easily when they lose.

There are always the few people who continue to fight, no matter how bad it is, and you can still achieve things and have a lot of fun against the zerg.

Vanguard Of Exiled Mercenaries – Blackgate

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Badwrong.3596


So yesterday evening was great fun. Seemed like Maguuma finally sacked up and had various groups all over FA borderland. Not just one zerg in a single spot defending.

For the 4-5 hours I was on, the potential points for both FA and Maguuma stayed around +300. If only that sorta map control was attempted the entire week, we might have had a much closer match.

I’m sure some still feel they lack numbers. But my opinion still stands that you guys spent to much of the time in a single spot with all your forces. Most of the time when I saw Maguuma players this week, it was a HUGE zerg. Very rarely did I see smaller groups of 10 or so that spread out to take objectives. You guys might like to blame your server population, but I what I saw was not a population issue it was just an issue with putting all your forces into one spot.

Last night though, totally different experience. Fights all over the place, you guys were up on the score just fine. I’d say Maguuma won NA primetime last night (or at least the 4-5 hours I was on).

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: OPrey.4537



Last night maguuma had a serge of players and for the first time even had a temporary que into Maguuma. We spread out because we had the additional players. Typically we are out manned 2:1 or 3:1 and still hold out fairly well vs FA. 1:1 we clean house and held our Borderlands until at least 10pm EST when i logged off.

The only missing piece this week for Maguuma was players. We are making an effort to get more players into WvW and hopefully our player count will increase more next week.

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Speaking as a fort aspenwood player I think our biggest problem is no one wants to spend money. o.o

we’ll fight a maguuma garrison and they’ve got 5 arrowcarts on the walls in safe spots and in the keep room itself. You check an FA wall on our garrisons and we’ve got zip. Half our stuff doesnt even have upgrades ticking when full of supply.

we also only very rarely seem to have proper strategy for keep busting. I know earlier in the matchup maguuma were holding the hills (dont remember if it was shad, or EH.) but they had tons of carts lined up in that choke. Our commander and a mesmer got everyone to wait, had the mesmer break through the lines and open a portal in the back of the room unoticed. We swarmed in behind maguuma and took the keep. Stuff like that is really cool to see.
Sadly I see more things like the most recent maguuma garrison bust I was a part of. In which maguuma had several carts (couldnt count them as they literally refused to render for me) guarding a choke into the keep lord room. The only concern was that to the immediate right of our zerg was a set of stairs that when you walk up allows you to completely bypass the chokepoint. I literally hopped into the keep lord room without taking a scratch. And even after telling the zerg where it was, they threw themselves head first into the chokepoint and died. Meanwhile SoS took bay because we had no defenses at it and it was un-upgraded.

Fa certainly has the capacity to do great things. But it seems most of our advantage comes from outnumbering our opponents for ~16 hours a day.

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Badwrong.3596


Also Pangloss had exactly 20 Mag inside it, and I came out with significantly more then 200 kills inside of an hour against multiple large pushes. Hell, we killed 2 golems in there. That’s a kitten sweet kill to death ratio. But hey, if you want to play player vs door and flip the towers for karma all day, you go right ahead. Mag will continue to farm your server and play this as player vs player game.

I roll around with about 10 people usually, not a huge zerg, and we prefer to find actual PVP fights and not bang heads on a door. So I’m with you there, I enjoy the actual combat much more than killing a stupid keep lord or trebbing a wall for 10 minutes.

Pangloss is great, I’ve done the exact same thing you guys did. The reason it works so well in bringing you kills, is that the unorganized masses go straight there when they zone into Eternal BG. Its close to the spawn, so they mindlessly trickle in to die from ballista. Which kinda makes me wonder what you mean when you say you say, “Mag will continue to farm your server and play this as player vs player game”. Holding Pangloss is a player vs ballista/arrow cart game, period. Its taking advantage of the bottleneck entrance for easy kills. It allows you to hold that spot with much fewer numbers, as long as the attackers don’t coordinate anything. I’ll say again, I’ve done the exact same thing and its fantastic badge farm, but its far from actual PLAYER vs PLAYER combat.

I rarely goto EB myself, I find it to be the most zerg filled map sometimes. However I did hear Pangloss was being held earlier this week. It took about 5 of us to push in with endure pain and other defensive skills and then fear/CC people off the siege, which allowed the mindless zerg I mentioned earlier to take the place. This took all of 10 minutes or so? Its just a matter of getting a few people in there to make a gap in the siege fire for everyone to pour in. But, 99% of the time no one does that, they just inch forward at the doorway to get farmed.

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


How can murdering players be far from “actual pvp”. PvP is just the act of killing other players. How that happens is irrelevant.

And yes, EB is the terrible land of grub killing pubbies. I never go there either unless it’s for Pangloss adventures.

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Chalky.8540


Holding Pangloss is a player vs ballista/arrow cart game, period. Its taking advantage of the bottleneck entrance for easy kills. It allows you to hold that spot with much fewer numbers, as long as the attackers don’t coordinate anything. I’ll say again, I’ve done the exact same thing and its fantastic badge farm, but its far from actual PLAYER vs PLAYER combat.

Complaining about strategic use of choke points and siege in WvW. You may have selected the wrong game mode.

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: wombat.6123


Just a screenshot of SoS’ awesome gameplay today.

FA had only 10 people at this time period in EB and we must’ve been too much for SoS because they put up 3 arrow carts and 3 ballistas at the spawn. That probably wasn’t enough to hold back 10 people at spawn, so they also had 2 trebs firing at spawn. GG guys.


Wombling Wombat
FA – Protectorate of Aspenwood [PRO]

(edited by wombat.6123)

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: TheMightyChoob.4365


Heh yeah, I feel kind of bad for the SoS oceanic crew. They had the most boring job ever this matchup.

Bad Maguuma player
Pyromancers [PYRO]

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Elterzzz.4378


Got to really commend Maguuma for their efforts. They were really organised as one has already mentioned the 5 arrow carts in their towers. Putting up a fight against 2 worlds in 2 different timezones. Looking forward to versing you guys again. And good fight to FA, shame we fought in different timezones.

Dragon King of War; Death Divine X; Mesmereyezzz;
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


Well Elterzzz, odds are we are vs each other again starting tonight, so get your kitten ready, cause we are ready to push it in.

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Hey Badwrong,

I was right about you rolling in a group of 10 fighting Maguuma and then thinking we have equal numbers. Zerg vs. Zerg FA & SoS have more players.


Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Not that I’m pushing this, but if some of the Oceanic groups from SoS headed to FA, which has a pretty nice NA Primetime, we’d stand a helluva better chance against the servers we’re about to face in Tier 3. Just a thought. I’m sure things like that have been discussed before, just tossing out my 2 pennies.

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


Daedalus, not gonna happen, tons of NA guilds just moved to SoS from Dragonbrand, among other sources. Hopefully will lead to actual 3 way fights in primetime instead of 1v1 with the other NA server, and then SoS running wild at night.

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Badwrong.3596


Complaining about strategic use of choke points and siege in WvW. You may have selected the wrong game mode.

Don’t try to jump into the middle of something without reading it all. I never once complained about using choke points and siege. I said in the EXACT same post that I also have held Pangloss with lots of siege pointed at the chokepoins. Its a great tactic and its a real easy spot to cut off some supply near an opponents spawn.

The guy was bragging about FA only flips keeps and he engages in “real PVP”. Which is pretty silly, since what he did isn’t the real “PVP” he described. I’m not saying any of this is bad, I’m just pointing out his broken logic against his own words. Of course, reading would have made this clear if you had done it.

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


I will point out I experienced no queues for any of the borderlands last night on FA during EST primetime. I don’t know if Maguma is imagining we have hour long queues to get into wuvwuv all the time, but it’s really not the case At least for me! Others experience may vary.

Was nice to see maguma out and about killing people and taking stuff. I even saw a sea of sorrows player! (farming kraits )

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Daedalus, not gonna happen, tons of NA guilds just moved to SoS from Dragonbrand, among other sources. Hopefully will lead to actual 3 way fights in primetime instead of 1v1 with the other NA server, and then SoS running wild at night.

When did that happen? Well, looking forward to the next time we see each other then. Cheers to future fights!

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


We just fought dragonbrand last matchup (and got rolllllllled hard) and the drama there was guilds transferring from dragonbrand to blackgate. Blackgate went from being 3rd place by a mile to crushing all before them.

If more guilds transferred from dragonbrand to sos that server may not be in great shape.

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


They wont be, and we will demonstrate as much this week when we completely hand them their heads during primetime.

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: TurtleMuncher.9750


^ calm down buddy…


Fort Aspenwood | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058



Don’t try to jump into the middle of something without reading it all. I never once complained about using choke points and siege. I said in the EXACT same post that I also have held Pangloss with lots of siege pointed at the chokepoins. Its a great tactic and its a real easy spot to cut off some supply near an opponents spawn.

The guy was bragging about FA only flips keeps and he engages in “real PVP”. Which is pretty silly, since what he did isn’t the real “PVP” he described. I’m not saying any of this is bad, I’m just pointing out his broken logic against his own words. Of course, reading would have made this clear if you had done it.

Player vs Door is not PvP, in any sense of the word. You set up some siege and auto-attack an defended keep. Doing nothing but killing the opposing faction in a supply camp is the definition of PvP.

How this is complicated for you is baffling.