Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


The hardcore WvWvW Fort Aspenwood guilds are actively involved in team building by providing open nights, server community forum and teamspeak server, and wvwvw training, help, and coordination. This thread to attract people to fill a gap in timezone coverage is but a reflection of their team building efforts.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


I don’t think getting 80% of another server to transfer to yours counts as ‘team building’


You’ve taken a few paragraphs and combined them into one inaccurate sentence. FA, as a server, believes in building inter-guild ties and server-wide strategies – team building.

Also, we were the lucky recipients of a lot of very skilled players from IoJ. They brought a lot of great ideas to our community on FA and we welcomed them with open arms.

Blix, go ahead and ask any of our former IoJ members if they’ve liked FA since they joined. Or, conversely, go ahead and ask what team building things we like to do as a server. However, please don’t just troll our thread with irrelevant nonsense.

I would like stomping the other servers in the tier for 3 week stretches, too. I just find it laughable that what was once a middling tier 3 server now has this giant ego because they got the bulk of another server to transfer to it. To act like ‘team building’ has any impact on WvW is silly, it’s all about time zone coverage, which is why this thread exists in the first place. By asking more people to transfer to you so you can move up a tier you have acknowledged the futility of whatever you’re doing over on FJ.

But by all means, feel free to pretend you’re an elite squad of pro-gamers with a top tier practice schedule. Enjoy tier 2.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


I don’t think getting 80% of another server to transfer to yours counts as ‘team building’


You’ve taken a few paragraphs and combined them into one inaccurate sentence. FA, as a server, believes in building inter-guild ties and server-wide strategies – team building.

Also, we were the lucky recipients of a lot of very skilled players from IoJ. They brought a lot of great ideas to our community on FA and we welcomed them with open arms.

Blix, go ahead and ask any of our former IoJ members if they’ve liked FA since they joined. Or, conversely, go ahead and ask what team building things we like to do as a server. However, please don’t just troll our thread with irrelevant nonsense.

I would like stomping the other servers in the tier for 3 week stretches, too. I just find it laughable that what was once a middling tier 3 server now has this giant ego because they got the bulk of another server to transfer to it. To act like ‘team building’ has any impact on WvW is silly, it’s all about time zone coverage, which is why this thread exists in the first place. By asking more people to transfer to you so you can move up a tier you have acknowledged the futility of whatever you’re doing over on FJ.

But by all means, feel free to pretend you’re an elite squad of pro-gamers with a top tier practice schedule. Enjoy tier 2.

I’m not sure where the “giant ego” statement is coming from. All we’re doing is pointing out our coverage gap and advertising it so that any guilds or people looking for a place to call home know what our server needs. We are already scheduled to move into T2 again, we just want a little more coverage so we can stay there and have fun, fair fights.

We are well aware WvW is primarily about timezone coverage. Our coverage is way too much for T3, but just a little below what we need for T2.

Regardless, “team-building” has a huge impact on a server’s strategy and the ability of it’s guilds and militia to perform. I’m sorry that you don’t believe that inter-guild communication and coordination and militia/guild communication and coordination is important. We do.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Loken.9724


Yeah, like NNK and AoN especially TG?

We might be able to work something out when it comes to gold.

Any Dragonbrand guilds wanting to move up to T2 with us? We’re prepared to swallow our pride if you’re prepared to face the challenge.

This post has nothing to do with DB or YB. Read the original post. This is to fill our time coverage gap. Short and simple. We are not happy simply being in T3. We want to move up and stay there. This is how it happens.

Thank you for the bump though.

Loken your post and these two posts are conflicting. So it’s not good enough your face stomping us, you want to try to convince our guilds to move as well? Sounds pretty dirty to me.

Once again, I said this has nothing to do with DB or YB. did you see me mention any guilds in specific or any server in specific? No didn’t think so. Thank you very much. Also its definitly not good enough that we are ‘face stomping’ you. We want nothing to do with your server, we want to move on to better competition in t2. Nothing against DB, you just don’t have the numbers to match us. You know it, we know it. I think it would be best for both DB and FA if we could fill our coverage gap and move on. Now if you do not have anything positive to contribute to the thread could you please refrain from trolling here.

I do appreciate the bumps.

Once again, FA is filled with amazing guilds ready and willing to do whatever it takes to help you guys make the move to FA. Speak with guilds like AVTR or EPX and ask them about their experiences with the move, from what I’ve been told they are greatly enjoying themselves here.

Alaric the Sic level 3 guard
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Zoel.9154


I don’t think getting 80% of another server to transfer to yours counts as ‘team building’


You’ve taken a few paragraphs and combined them into one inaccurate sentence. FA, as a server, believes in building inter-guild ties and server-wide strategies – team building.

Also, we were the lucky recipients of a lot of very skilled players from IoJ. They brought a lot of great ideas to our community on FA and we welcomed them with open arms.

Blix, go ahead and ask any of our former IoJ members if they’ve liked FA since they joined. Or, conversely, go ahead and ask what team building things we like to do as a server. However, please don’t just troll our thread with irrelevant nonsense.

I would like stomping the other servers in the tier for 3 week stretches, too. I just find it laughable that what was once a middling tier 3 server now has this giant ego because they got the bulk of another server to transfer to it. To act like ‘team building’ has any impact on WvW is silly, it’s all about time zone coverage, which is why this thread exists in the first place. By asking more people to transfer to you so you can move up a tier you have acknowledged the futility of whatever you’re doing over on FJ.

But by all means, feel free to pretend you’re an elite squad of pro-gamers with a top tier practice schedule. Enjoy tier 2.

Hi. I’m Zoel. I’m a member of Ret.

We play in WvW. I’m not going to waste your time. I’m going to tell you like it is. This server isn’t filled with professional players, it’s just full of people who like WvW. If that’s what you’re looking for, that’s what we’ve got. We have a lot of guilds, some of them have bad posters. We cover that up.

A bouncer in birmingham hit me in the face with a crescent wrench five times. And my wifes boyfriend broke my jaw with a fencepost. So if you don’t come to fort aspenwood, it ain’t going to hurt my feelings.

So comon down to fort aspenwood and get yourself a server. Or don’t. I don’t care.

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: zeldamaster.1372


^ that basically sums it all up

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


Haters gonna hate.

FA gonna WvW.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Shuaster.4987


Fort Aspenwood is an amazing server full of awesome people. The only thing that is preventing us from reaching T2 is our lack of a SEA/EU presence. I really want this server to go to T2 and end up becoming a permanent T2 server so we can have our fun fights and we can let the T3 servers have an amazing fight without us stomping them because right now it isn’t possible for us to go to T2 with our large coverage gap. So if anyone is tired of having boring matches and wants to watch FA reach T2 you should consider moving up our server is really tenacious so we won’t leave at the sight of us getting stomped.

Elementalist of [BT]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Shuaster.4987)

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Fort Aspenwood is a good group of non-professional gamers!

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: drtoph.4857


Other things that Fort Aspenwood has to offer.

*a community website with a huge percentage of the FA community coordinates, share builds, strategies and generally gets to know each other.

  • a community TS, which is free, open to all of FA, has dedicated guild channels, and admin privileges for guild leaders and commanders.

As has been said by everyone else, we are a community minded server, looking for a few more guilds to help plug our coverage gap. We aren’t looking for a guild to carry our server, just some more people to hang out with, and help us keep map control while the rest of us snooze, or head to work!

80 Elementalist

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


If you are interested in trying to balance out the upper tiers and generate more server diversity (i.e. golden dream of 6 somewhat even servers in T1/T2 rotating), then consider transferring to FA.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Skapocalypse.5236


Yeah, like NNK and AoN especially TG?

We might be able to work something out when it comes to gold.

Any Dragonbrand guilds wanting to move up to T2 with us? We’re prepared to swallow our pride if you’re prepared to face the challenge.

This post has nothing to do with DB or YB. Read the original post. This is to fill our time coverage gap. Short and simple. We are not happy simply being in T3. We want to move up and stay there. This is how it happens.

Thank you for the bump though.

Loken your post and these two posts are conflicting. So it’s not good enough your face stomping us, you want to try to convince our guilds to move as well? Sounds pretty dirty to me.

Once again, I said this has nothing to do with DB or YB. did you see me mention any guilds in specific or any server in specific? No didn’t think so. Thank you very much. Also its definitly not good enough that we are ‘face stomping’ you. We want nothing to do with your server, we want to move on to better competition in t2. Nothing against DB, you just don’t have the numbers to match us. You know it, we know it. I think it would be best for both DB and FA if we could fill our coverage gap and move on. Now if you do not have anything positive to contribute to the thread could you please refrain from trolling here.

I do appreciate the bumps.

Once again, FA is filled with amazing guilds ready and willing to do whatever it takes to help you guys make the move to FA. Speak with guilds like AVTR or EPX and ask them about their experiences with the move, from what I’ve been told they are greatly enjoying themselves here.

First off I am not trolling I am simply pointing out that your server is trying to recruit people from my server and I don’t like it. If you guys are such a great community then you should let them know not to mention anyone specific when making a topic like this. I want you guys to go to Tier 2 and get out of our hair but not because you steal a lot of our players and cause us to plummet as a result of it. All I am saying is don’t rob Peter to pay Paul, it isn’t right.

P.S. A lot of people don’t like server recruitment topics.


(edited by Skapocalypse.5236)

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Fort Aspenwood is trying to recruit SEA/EU guilds who are interested in playing in T2 from any and all servers and we’re willing to provide assistance with the transfer.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Drigan.7382


At no time since release, have I been worried that Fort Aspenwood would fall apart. The guilds here have all shown incredible resilience with where we’ve all been and how far we’ve come.

Our Community is truly developing into a strong fighting machine willing to work together and focused on getting better. We all have our competitions between ourselves to make our guilds the best and readily welcome anyone and any guild that will join in further pushing us to get better! Just be ready to take the pain to the enemies!

We HAVE members who just need leadership during SEA/EU. If you are a guild thinking about coming over, you will not have a problem adding members to your ranks, we need ambitious Commanders and leadership, and your guild will get the full support of the Fort Aspenwood Community!

Feel free to message me in game or on here if you have any questions about FA and our Community

Spirit Of Faith [HOPE]
Fort Aspenwood –

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Aytrix.4059


I would love a SEA guild or two so I don’t have to wake my kitten up at 7am… I really like to sleep.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Logging off for tonight… Good luck Fort Aspenwood!

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: IRSyKo.5843


FA is right there at being a T2 competitive server.

All we need is a SEA/EU guild who could help prevent the BL turning an enemy color by WM or DB’s NNK PvDooring. Of Course individual players on that time slot would help as well, we have a few commanders who try to organize things at that time but it’s hard without bodies.

Another WvW focused NA guild is always welcome however, we don’t have queus on any BL except EB sometimes

You aren’t gonna join a server who will win every single time, we at FA have no interest in claiming internet glory or fame I won’t lie to you there. Don’t feel the need to carry the server or anything it’s not important.

All we want are some good competitive fights, and the place we will find that is T2. One thing I love is the FA community. I’ve made a lot of e-friends on this server, some good people here.

Anyway with all the guilds moving all over the place, please take a minute to look at FA, and help make T2 more competitive/balanced for everybody involved.

Through discipline, we prevail.
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by IRSyKo.5843)

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Jextapose.6532


To clear up some of this drama with DB, I am rather sure this post was made in an effort to even the field with TC and Kain who have also made similar threads. They are our biggest obstacles to staying in T2. Not only that, but a lot of guilds from SoS are transferring to BG, which has started a bit of a transfer war among the T2 servers for anyone left in SoS who is unhappy. (no disrespect to SoS, just telling it how it is).

That being said, FA would gladly welcome anyone who wants to join us in our eternal hunt for bags.

Aether of the Wind
Field Generator – [VK]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Jextapose.6532)

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Blrrgh.6908


Great WvW community on FA, I have seen an overwhelmingly positive attitude by the server on my time here. FA has the core to be a solid T2 server with a few additions to critical time slots. I would love to keep FA small, but the reality of WvW dictates that any server which desires to benefit from the better fights of T2 must also have adequate coverage to remain in T2. Lot’s of quality WvW fighters here and would love to see a few more.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Rskippy.3620


As a member of IoJ who transferred to FA i can speak from experience when i say myself (along with fellow guildies) got the warmest welcome we could have asked for when we moved. Many of the IoJ members who came across were helping to bridge a time slot where FA otherwise only just had enough to get by, This time slot is now one of FA’s strongest points, And there is a serious amount of appreciation from people on FA for us deciding to come over.

When us Aussies (or late NA players) come online we are generally handed a map that has a lot for us to work with, solidly upgraded and ready for us to defend and make some serious pushes, We take advantage of this on a nightly basis and thank our NA crew for prepping such a sweet battlefield for us, We would just REALLY like to be able to hand over the work we put in to the next time zone.

At current NA hands us maps to work with, we do what we can with them and then at the end of our time we have a few hour hole where servers that have SEA presence capitalize, we would much rather hand a prepared map to SEA presence so they can bridge this gap between oceanic and NA times. This would basically save us from being washed during these few hours and give the NA crew something to work with, Rather than spending half of their time trying to recoup our losses.

I don’t write this to try ’’stomp’’ our T3 opponents more, I write this to try and help us get some coverage in a spot we need it to really be a competitive T2 server, Any guild that decides to come across, know this from someone with experience, FA will be extremely thankful towards any guilds who move across to help fill this hole, as you have seen there are many people on this thread willing to ’’help’’ with transfers for any serious WvW guild that can fill our coverage gap.

Thanks for spending the time reading this (if you in fact did). If you have any questions about this matter feel free to message me in-game and i will see about answering you / getting the answers you seek.

(edited by Rskippy.3620)

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: TIMMEH.8106


Still Looking to beat this pesky Coverage gap!

[BT] Black Talons

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Warm Ember.2798

Warm Ember.2798

^ and I’m looking for some new friends to make during this timeslot! There isn’t really much more to say than what everyone else has mentioned in the thread already, but we’re all still really excited to make some new buddies to play with!

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Pervin.5036


As many others have echoed in this thread, FA is still looking to add some quality members to our WvW community. While SEA/EU individuals and guilds are a big need for the world as a whole, we would welcome any quality person/guild that wants to be a part of our interactive community.

As an individual who came over guildless a month ago ahead of the free transfer deadline, I can attest to FA welcoming over both guilds and individuals with open arms. I was honestly surprised at how warm of a reception we received upon arrival. The community website and Teamspeak server are wide open for all world members. Overall I’ve been very pleasantly surprised at how smooth of a transition the move here has been.

If anyone is considering a move and has any questions, please feel free to contact me if you want the experiences of someone who recently made the move.

[HB] Commander Skarlack – Necro

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


I am originally from Isle of Janthir and moved to Fort Aspenwood with pretty much 60/70% of the IoJ w3 hardcore community about 6 – 7 weeks ago.

I played in 3 guilds on IoJ across US and Oceanic time zones. I tried and tried to grow IoJ but it suffered from a lot of issues and dramas like individuals pulling stunts to deceive our community by deliberately growing rapidly as a guild knowing they are transferring off. When the free xfers finishing was announced we had slipped to T3 from 13 weeks straight of T1/2. We had been versing FA for 3 weeks and although we were winning against them ppt wise as our numbers were a lot more than them they were very painful to see in the open field.

They did more with less and I found myself respawning so often due to well organized guilds even though their numbers were a lot smaller then our Zergs.

When I heard that IoJ w3 community was moving due to IoJ being reddits announced PVE server and only a casual w3 server i decided to move as well. I heard the guilds were going to different locations i decided to go to FA, it was the right place to go and left my main guild (who xfered to Kaineng bandwagon) to fly solo on FA.

I could not have made a better decision.

  • Relatively Drama free (it’s a lie if any server says they are without drams, it’s the nature of anonymity on the Internet)
  • extremely W3 focused
  • play for fun attitude (asking YB and DB to double team us this week, read the first post in our matchup thread, not one person from our community complained about this request)
  • never ever ever give up attitude
  • relish the chance to fight out numbered
  • helpful community full of theory crafters (inc the inventor of the glamour Mesmer)

The only reason we want SEA/Euro guilds is so we can have a competitive chance to stay in T2 and so the US day and afternoon crew don’t have to rebuild our entire w3 situation each day which we know will be much hard to do in t2.

We are not asking for SoS & SoR to implode and move to FA so we can have internet glory by beating BG and JQ in T1. We simply find T3 completely and utterly boring. The three servers capable in this tier just can’t match our numbers and even when they do we USUALLY trounce them (I’m sorry if this sounds like chest pumping, it’s not intended to).

Simple fact is most of FA had their first taste of T2 ever and they/we absolutely loved that week. We got taught a ppt lesson by both BG and TC and we learnt and i can tell you we have improved out of sight. We want that experience back, the competition with strong organized guilds to fight that don’t run away unless they are +50% of your numbers and we want to stay there.

So why did I post this diatribe of stuff people don’t care about?
I did so in the hope 50 people who play from 5am US CST to 11am like what they hear and are willing to come add to our awesome community and grow our regulars that play at this time into w3 champions.

We’re a solid server, FA is full of loyal guilds that will never give up on FA, IoJ moved together because we wanted to stay together and we will stay together. FA is here to stay and we hope you can join us in the fight.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Delvoire.8930


I’m considering quitting my day job just to help fill the gap

80 ~Thief~ Isabella Angel | 80 ~Eng~ Ratchet McClank
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: drtoph.4857


We are getting ready for our first foray back into T2 in three weeks. Come join us this week and temper your steal in the blood of our opponents. You will need it when we face the hordes of Kaenig and BG.

80 Elementalist

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: IRSyKo.5843


Because the other servers have EU/SEA players.

You won’t be alone I promise you.

Through discipline, we prevail.
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by IRSyKo.5843)

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: drtoph.4857


In these tiers, there is no night shift. Just this morning I logged on to see what the situation is, if you are looking for people to fight in the SEA/EU time slot, look no further than FA. Our opponents are fielding multiple guild groups on multiple maps during this time slot. Come on over to FA and farm badges to your hearts content.

80 Elementalist

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Aytrix.4059


Can’t wait for reset and T2! Hope we have some new faces during the SEA/EU prime time.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: etrigan.4213


Why on earth would any EU player want to play nightshift on an American server?!?!?!

Quite honestly: Tier 1 and Tier 2 NA WvW is where its at.

Its crazy action packed, and tons of fun at just about any timezone.

That is why.

Other than that you’d have to ask the hundreds and hundreds of Euro and SEA players that already play in Tier 1 and 2. Its fun man.

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Delvoire.8930


What would happen if FA helped get NNK over to their server? They could be a strong T2 server with that guild helping cover their gaps.

Hmmmm….. Good idea?

80 ~Thief~ Isabella Angel | 80 ~Eng~ Ratchet McClank
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: rhyein.6172


I’m sure DB would be thrilled.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdom.8250


I would recommend FA as a great server to be in for WvW from facing them for countless weeks. However, it is a bit ironic to see you guys recruiting for T2 when you guys are dominating T3. After all, when CD did the same thing before we fell apart, we received flak from you guys for it.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: nightfend.4072


How could Dragonbrand losing it’s Asian guilds help them? Last time I checked, even if FA moves up into Tier 2, that means another Tier 2 server (Tarnished Coast) is coming down to tier 3. So removing guilds from DB’s server will only make it worse for them.

The ranking/server system is hosed.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


Don’t be too hard on FA. They are completely right in needing more to stay competitive in Tier 2. People really have no clue the jump in populations between tier 3 to tier 2 and whether they go against SoS or BG 3.0, its going to be an uphill battle. I think FA and Kaineng are pretty even on N/A, but kaineng will shoot ahead by leaps and bounds every night when WM logs in. So show them a little respect and stop trying to bring them down for wanting to build and become better.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


How could Dragonbrand losing it’s Asian guilds help them? Last time I checked, even if FA moves up into Tier 2, that means another Tier 2 server (Tarnished Coast) is coming down to tier 3. So removing guilds from DB’s server will only make it worse for them.

The ranking/server system is hosed.

No one is sure where SoS will be once everything falls out. Last I read 10+ guilds had left. There’s a chance that server falls below T3. If so, you could see this:

T1 – JQ/BG/SoR
T2 – K/FA/TC
T3 – DB/Mag/YB

So, if that’s the case these actions would actually be quite helpful to server stabilization – especially any Asian guilds on DB since they would have NO ONE to fight in that tier. However, I’m not going after them directly. I’m just mentioning those in particular because you used them as an example.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Aytrix.4059


To the DB posters here: If the guilds on your server are happy in T3 and with the DB community then you have nothing to worry about. They will stay on DB. Now stop getting your panties in a twist, this recruitment thread is for any guild from any server who isn’t completely happy with where they are at.

And thanks for the bumps!

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621



Why on earth would any EU player want to play nightshift on an American server?!?!?!

Quite honestly: Tier 1 and Tier 2 NA WvW is where its at.

Its crazy action packed, and tons of fun at just about any timezone.

That is why.

Other than that you’d have to ask the hundreds and hundreds of Euro and SEA players that already play in Tier 1 and 2. Its fun man.


EU is better. More aggressive. More competitive. Why anyone would turn that down for nightime ghost US servers is beyond me.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864



Why on earth would any EU player want to play nightshift on an American server?!?!?!

Quite honestly: Tier 1 and Tier 2 NA WvW is where its at.

Its crazy action packed, and tons of fun at just about any timezone.

That is why.

Other than that you’d have to ask the hundreds and hundreds of Euro and SEA players that already play in Tier 1 and 2. Its fun man.


EU is better. More aggressive. More competitive. Why anyone would turn that down for nightime ghost US servers is beyond me.

Probably because we aren’t recruiting for Tier 8, we’re recruiting for T2, which has round-the-clock coverage.

Regardless, have fun on SFR and thanks for the bump. I have no idea why you feel the need to troll our thread as it seems you have little experience in higher tier N/A servers recently, if ever.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


Not to be overly dramatic, or a wet blanket, but Ive been on FA before the free transfers ended, and granted, with the new guilds there the climate may have changed. However, I can remember none tooo fun experiences in FA including but not limited to disorganization, selfish self serving people who absolutely refuse to work with each other, asinine orders from commanders who run from battle leaving their group in a split second as soon as a zerg approaches instead of standing their ground and instructing their commandos, etc etc. I wish I could say that these things experiences were few and far between but they were not. Like I said before, the server transfers have changed the dynamic of the game considerably but the thought of this huge psa advocating transfering TO fa leaves my left eye twitching.

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


Not to be overly dramatic, or a wet blanket, but Ive been on FA before the free transfers ended, and granted, with the new guilds there the climate may have changed. However, I can remember none tooo fun experiences in FA including but not limited to disorganization, selfish self serving people who absolutely refuse to work with each other, asinine orders from commanders who run from battle leaving their group in a split second as soon as a zerg approaches instead of standing their ground and instructing their commandos, etc etc. I wish I could say that these things experiences were few and far between but they were not. Like I said before, the server transfers have changed the dynamic of the game considerably but the thought of this huge psa advocating transfering TO fa leaves my left eye twitching.

We have had problems in the past (what server hasn’t?) but we’ve been through the forge of 11 straight weeks of second and third place losses in T3, which trimmed off the fat and we’re a different server as of a month or so than we were just two months ago and way different from three months ago – just ask the server’s we’ve competed against. We gained rating our last go in T2 but got pushed back into T3 because Kaineng’s score in T4 allowed them to hop T3, which pushed us back down. However, it looks like we get another shot at T2 this reset.

We’ve improved a lot, but we also recognize that we still have a lot to improve and we’re identifying those items and trying to figure out how to solve them as a community. Don’t believe me? Take a look at our server forum. I doubt you’ll find many others as active as ours.

The transfers from IoJ were a huge shot in FA’s arm in morale, strategy, and coverage. We are advocating transfers to FA because we truly believe we are a quality server and as a community we are very, very stable. One of the best things about FA is there is no premier guild – i.e. no one guild can transfer and bring the whole thing down. There is also no “alliance”. We have a lot of medium to small sized guilds that all work together. Our alliance is our server.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: drtoph.4857


Not to be overly dramatic, or a wet blanket, but Ive been on FA before the free transfers ended, and granted, with the new guilds there the climate may have changed. However, I can remember none tooo fun experiences in FA including but not limited to disorganization, selfish self serving people who absolutely refuse to work with each other, asinine orders from commanders who run from battle leaving their group in a split second as soon as a zerg approaches instead of standing their ground and instructing their commandos, etc etc. I wish I could say that these things experiences were few and far between but they were not. Like I said before, the server transfers have changed the dynamic of the game considerably but the thought of this huge psa advocating transfering TO fa leaves my left eye twitching.

I’m sorry that you felt that way during your stay on FA. We as a server have grown leaps and bounds over the last couple of months. I would say we were pruified in teh fires of T3, after losing for weeks and weeks on end. We learned not only how to have fun together no matter what, but also how to work together more and more as a server. If, as your signature says, you are still looking for a server out for the servers good, then you may want to give FA another try, particularly if you play during the SEA/EU time slot.

80 Elementalist

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621



Why on earth would any EU player want to play nightshift on an American server?!?!?!

Quite honestly: Tier 1 and Tier 2 NA WvW is where its at.

Its crazy action packed, and tons of fun at just about any timezone.

That is why.

Other than that you’d have to ask the hundreds and hundreds of Euro and SEA players that already play in Tier 1 and 2. Its fun man.


EU is better. More aggressive. More competitive. Why anyone would turn that down for nightime ghost US servers is beyond me.

Probably because we aren’t recruiting for Tier 8, we’re recruiting for T2, which has round-the-clock coverage.

Regardless, have fun on SFR and thanks for the bump. I have no idea why you feel the need to troll our thread as it seems you have little experience in higher tier N/A servers recently, if ever.

Point is noone from an EU server is going to want to come – they have better servers now and better server options. And those who don’t speak English have french and German language servers.

Sorry Americans you don’t seem to grasp that second best is not an attractive option for EU players.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864



Why on earth would any EU player want to play nightshift on an American server?!?!?!

Quite honestly: Tier 1 and Tier 2 NA WvW is where its at.

Its crazy action packed, and tons of fun at just about any timezone.

That is why.

Other than that you’d have to ask the hundreds and hundreds of Euro and SEA players that already play in Tier 1 and 2. Its fun man.


EU is better. More aggressive. More competitive. Why anyone would turn that down for nightime ghost US servers is beyond me.

Probably because we aren’t recruiting for Tier 8, we’re recruiting for T2, which has round-the-clock coverage.

Regardless, have fun on SFR and thanks for the bump. I have no idea why you feel the need to troll our thread as it seems you have little experience in higher tier N/A servers recently, if ever.

Point is noone from an EU server is going to want to come – they have better servers now and better server options. And those who don’t speak English have french and German language servers.

Sorry Americans you don’t seem to grasp that second best is not an attractive option for EU players.

Thanks for your opinion Tagnut. However, it seems you should probably be arguing with all the EU guilds that are already in T1/T2 servers than with our recruitment thread.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


Lol @ all the trolls attempting to tarnish our rep or trying to ward off xfers.
They don’t even realize its helping our cause, unless they do and are using reverse psychology. Then clever clever!

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Oresh.4729


gl to FA one of my favorite server, i still believe you will be one of the next 3 in the near future.
maybe when SOR will implose, that only my opinion of course
have fun with sos and k

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Mephasor.6092


Hey hey. I am mephasor. I played on different servers in NA and EU before I moved to FA. I must say that it the most friendly and helpful server I met. The free TS as well as the forum are used very frequently and it does not matter too much what guild you are in. Everyone is welcome to join the guild channels and to run with the group.

I like it a lot and can only recommend joining.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Loken.9724


I personally have no idea what commander would be running from battle in t3. Sounds made up to me. FA is at its core a group of killers. Sure its nice to have those PPT up there, but at our core we just want to rip people apart and see what kind of designs their bodies make on the ground We love the outnumbered fights, we actively search them out. I’m personally greedy as hell. I want all those loot bags to myself. So the less people with me the better

FA works very well together, we have large roaming guilds, small support guilds, individuals who just like to scout, we have guilds that put their services up for hire for the night. We have guilds that lend other guilds select players to fill in specific build requirements. Basically if you need a glamour mesmer someone will send you one, if you need a hammer warrior you got it, if you need a commander, RET will give you one for as long as you need them. So on and so forth.

I have been around the block in a couple different tiers FA is the best of them all in terms of the types of personalities we have assembled.

Want some video evidence of guild co-operation?

Im shameless with the self promotion I know.

Alaric the Sic level 3 guard
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: neomccoy.2657


Hey FA, wishing you guys the best and hopefully you get new guilds come in before you hit T2.

It will be a fun match for sure


Everything Purple [EP] – Tarnished Coast
Stone Walled – Guardian; Plaguefest – Necro

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Kyto.4269


SEA/EU is where we are hurting, but our server doors are always open for more competitive NA guilds.