Fostering Competition

Fostering Competition

in WvW

Posted by: Aeneasx.1589


Is there really no other way to foster competition within WvW other than the lame Zerg point / cap dynamic?

Why don’t we have or will we ever have the ability to track our individual and or Guild participation and statistics in WvW?

A leaderboard like the Camelot Herald would be nice.

As it is, WvW just feels like a big play ground with no consequences or recognition for not being bad.

Just zerg – zerg – zerg… then your server may win, what do you or anyone else get? Nothing.

backstabd 22222222222222 finish
Sylvari Rouge

Fostering Competition

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


You should put your server info so we can understand where you are coming from.

There is allot more than zergs in t1 there are scouts all around and a sentry in every tower/keep. Small scale players play a huge roll as well through yaking/greifing/and cutting off reinforcements. One or two of our guilds runs with 50 to 80 players and the other forces are groups of 10-30 but no matter the size they communicate with one another and form strategy. This teamwork is often beyond the foot soldiers understanding. If you server has a teamspeak ask someone for the info so you can listen in and increase said understanding.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
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