Free Server Transfers + 1 Week Match = A Lot of Leaving the Losers...

Free Server Transfers + 1 Week Match = A Lot of Leaving the Losers...

in WvW

Posted by: niwaar.5631


First off, I play on Crystal Desert. A server that had been doing quite well in WvW until last week when we were stomped (alongside Blackgate) by Jade Quarry. Fastforward a week and we get matched up with the Ruin backed Eredon Terrace. With this back to back festival of woe, we have had many of our core WvW guilds transferring off to other servers (including Eredon Terrace).

So I ask you, how does continuing to allow Free Server transfers every 24 hours help the game?

By allowing these free transfers and then not enforcing the promised “you can not play in WvW until the next match” transfer penalty, ArenaNet has provided a system where players are actively running away from defeat and perpetuating one sided losses.

Free transfers are supposed to be there to balance server populations to help curb WvW queues. But who wants to transfer to a realm that has no queue because everyone has folded and do not care to even try?

There needs to be some major overhaul on how WvW plays out, but the first thing required is to eliminate free transfers.

Free Server Transfers + 1 Week Match = A Lot of Leaving the Losers...

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


I think free server transfers was the greatest mistake and still the greatest mistake they are STILL making. People don’t use this to “balance servers” or to “play with friends”. They use it to server hop and exploit it so they can get increased gains. Till they end it, WvW well just be even worse.

Free Server Transfers + 1 Week Match = A Lot of Leaving the Losers...

in WvW

Posted by: Rusty.8697


+1. completely summed up WvW’s current issues.

Silborn, General of Defenders of [Hero]ism

Free Server Transfers + 1 Week Match = A Lot of Leaving the Losers...

in WvW

Posted by: Punny.9210


i do agree is bad

but on another side if they dont love you anymore why you wanna hold them there


Free Server Transfers + 1 Week Match = A Lot of Leaving the Losers...

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


Because they need to man the kitten up and try. Not give up within 2 days of reset and switch.

Free Server Transfers + 1 Week Match = A Lot of Leaving the Losers...

in WvW

Posted by: Mira.3681


It does seem that the time is well overdue for the free server transfers to end. I think they did serve a purpose, however; I spent time on different servers to get an overall feel for the communities there and the population (in both PvE and WvW, because I enjoy both). But I decided on a server weeks ago, so hopefully everyone has landed where they want to be. As far as WvW goes, free server transfers are really not helping matters at this point.

Free Server Transfers + 1 Week Match = A Lot of Leaving the Losers...

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Agreed that there is an easy solution to this problem but seriously. Those people transferring off server so others can win for them? Good riddance. You don’t need people like that. You need people that are interested in building something and sticking around to make sure they see it through.