Free xfers moves last placed Kain up

Free xfers moves last placed Kain up

in WvW

Posted by: Sol.8341


As the last server in NA, the only way left is up. Seen some healthy numbers and currently leading both Ebay and ET .

I guess the free xfers works because Kaineng has not been score leading for months.

Poor Ebay, I would have thought they were a mid sized WvW server not destined for the bottom pile.

Free xfers moves last placed Kain up

in WvW

Posted by: Rimmy.9217


I’m not sure that we have more than fifty actual WvWers anymore. And not those at the same time.

Tonight (Saturday) we had a great time on ET’s map, trying to take their Bay while they defended. We had a bigger turnout than I’ve seen in weeks and we sieged that sucker for about three hours before we finally buckled and they overran us.

They did a great job.

But we had casuals on, and people’s significant others and such, filling out our ranks.

Those of us that are left from the old halcyon days are tough as hell and slaughter the groups that roam at this tier… but there aren’t many left.

Congratulations on your points so far – we’ll press you this week and see if you can keep first place.

Trollnado Ele – Ehmry Bay

Free xfers moves last placed Kain up

in WvW

Posted by: Slyther.1297


There’s two factors at work here, the first being that Ehmry completely imploded a few months back and have finally dropped to tier 8 after months of shedding rank points. This coincided with the free transfers so it’s hard to say how the match-up would have gone without them.

Free xfers moves last placed Kain up

in WvW

Posted by: Telly.4962


I’m also happy to see Kaineng get the numbers, even if it means we (ET) are getting beat by them.

The free transfers seem to be working as ET has seen several new people, but obviously not as many as some other servers.

Yep Rimmy, that was a fun fight for Bay, your numbers, tactics and persistence was impressive. What was it, 3 hours worth? and we were trying to hold Hills at the same time. We were scrambling.