Full Auto-Loot
Just think, looting was much worse during beta. The loot would drop where the player died often time in the middle of the enemy zerg…
It doesn’t even always seem to be immediately upon finishing an enemy always either. Its just annoying at times having to hunt around for bags on the ground.
I’m sure I’ve left a couple dozen BoH on the ground unclaimed in the heat of battle.
I think auto looting would be nice. I can’t imagine it would be too hard to add. DAoC did it.
“Did you see that? Tell me you saw that!”
Since I’m always in motion, I always run by my loot and need to circle back, spamming [F]. I don’t think that’s what ArenaNet intended, but that is was it happening right now.
Sanctum of Rall
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The problem with full auto loot is that it encourages suicide bombing, like the wizard bombs of DAoC. Personally, i think any rewards you get from WvW should be based around taking keeps and achieving team based goals rather than just killing another player.
If I remember correctly from beta, they wanted to have full auto-loot, but couldn’t for technical reasons. They probably will get around to fixing it, but for now, this is a compromise system
I personally think there should be a NPC that automatically gets all the loot you get. Almost like a bank, then you can go there and pick out what you want to keep, and sell the rest instantly and stuff like that.
This way you dont have to worry about loot bags and f spamming, you dont have to focus on anything else but the combat when fighting, and you might get happy to find some awesome loot when you finally decide to check what you’ve earned.
The problem with full auto loot is that it encourages suicide bombing, like the wizard bombs of DAoC. Personally, i think any rewards you get from WvW should be based around taking keeps and achieving team based goals rather than just killing another player.
That runs into the problem of first repair costs not being offset and two making leveling through WvW even worse than it already is. I do think there needs to be better rewards though for the team based objectives but until they get things more balanced population wise that is a lost cause.
Since I’m always in motion, I always run by my loot and need to circle back, spamming [F]. I don’t think that’s what ArenaNet intended, but that is was it happening right now.
Exactly, looting makes me act counter to what I should be doing which is killing more enemies.
It would be a good start if honour badges simply went to currency instead of having to be looted.
I’m sorry, I did not mean that you should not be rewarded at all, I was unclear. Leveling via WvW is one of things I really like!
Perhaps a good compromise would be to make each kill worth a little coin which is automatically given to you. The XP for killing the player stays the same, but you get no badges or loot. that way you have cash for repairs and you can level in WvW, but you don’t have to pick up bags and you can use karma for gear if you help your server in WvW.
Don’t care about loot — kill the kitten enemy!
They came from beyond the Mists to take and destroy everything we hold dear, and you talk about your personal gain? What a shamefur dispray …
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas
It would be nice if you were auto-given badges as you kill, let the other loot be on the ground, but even then it’s not all that important.
In my opinion, in the heat of battle, if the enemy is doing it right, you shouldn’t even be able to loot; looting should be for the victor.
Server – Fort Aspenwood
To be honest I feel like looting is an old MMORPG mechanic that should be done with. Items should go directly to your bags when a mob/player is killed, and if they are full they go to an “overflow” window like the one currently implemented.
Haha, I’ve played WvW twice, got around 50 kills and I never realized loot bags were dropping from players.
Autoloot yes!
yes i also want a auto loot and not pressing F all the time or when on a siege loot loot loot loot loot then back on the siege and iff you wait to long for to loot it disapear
It’s kind of a pain to run around and loot… but at least grabbing the bags is instant. In WoW, you had to stop, crouch down at an enemy, and pick up their kitten. It took way longer than this, which conveniently places bags at your feet.
Makes killing with cannons very worth it.