Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Stealthreaver.9216


Some of these are probably terrible ideas, but it’s fun to dream
1) a smaller map or faster movement around the map
2) Something to encourage leveling / battles aside from the Zerg rush
3) Defense against the Zerg / pack rush
4) events to bring players together – like extra pvp Xp on a given map or events in a WvW setting
5) a leveling system similar to hot, where you gain a super skills at certain intervals, with more powerful ones that work in your starting territory only. Some crazy ideas:
-Maybe set a beacon that knocks back enemy players a long ways or for a long time
- a darkness spell that makes everything black – imagine the chaos and strategy potential
- a ladder to climb castle walls or cliffs in your territory for shortcuts
- upgrade to fortress with automatic defenses and alarms showing where the enemy is and how many there are on the map (from castle to gnome stronghold). People love to turtle (and hate it too heh)
- bombing glider runs
- catapults that launch people then let them glide down
- super rifles to take out Zerg rushes in your territory
- zombie games where if you die you go to the other team (really more of an event with a start and end)
- a massive war event where you die and you’re out (smaller map and faster game hopefully – need anti hiding controls). Lots of large teams.

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Sviel.7493


I love you, but I hate all of your ideas. I’m sorry o3o

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: SloRules.3560


Man you are clearly new to wvw, or atleast new to any discussion on wvw. We want less pve in wvw we want wvw in wvw. Fair fights against people, without overpowered gimics ruining everyones day. Even when i attack a garrison i want to fight with people there and not with huge amount of acs and banners and a hp sponge that is lord. Though we are used to acs and well they give some advantage to defenders and can be taken down relativly easily if you have frontliners to push, so its kinda ok, though some positions for acs are just rediculous.
Also absolutly no gliding, what do people have with gliding, its a gimick that further undermines relevance of melee.

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Norbe.7630


Some of these are probably terrible ideas, but it’s fun to dream

may i know on what tier are you?
so i can explain the goods and bads of the ideas you mentioned as a casual player too

Duterte Death Squad [DDS]
Gate of Madness

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Stealthreaver.9216


I’m honestly not sure what tier I’m on, so probably the lowest tier. I am in a heavily populated server. I’ve been playing WvW for a while now, but I’m usually on my own since my guild is on a different server.

I can see balance is an issue.

Some of the ideas come from a game called continuum where they had moderator hosted events like world war three where it was an elimination death match with lots of massive teams or death matches with lots of small teams (which helped make it balanced) where if you died you switched to the team that killed you.

Ladders would be cool though I thought the solution to balance was to give the smaller team bigger weapons

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Man you are clearly new to wvw, or atleast new to any discussion on wvw. We want less pve in wvw we want wvw in wvw.

Yea but…. I’ve seen us asking for catapults that launch Asura and ladders for scaling over walls several times in the past.

Also, some of us do want gliding if you’ve kept up with any of the posts here.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Gwaihir.1745


Siege towers. Can only build in keep and require a golem to pull them. Would be hard to balance, only usable when no outmanned is on, and are marked instantly for all teams on map when built.

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Sarika.3756


I so want catapults that launch asura… Oh, the dream… But… Only from the ones with the big spoon.

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


1) a smaller map or faster movement around the map

This is the one I liked. I’m more iffy about some of the other things you suggested (though I think some of them could work if executed perfectly).

On the whole, I just wish they made more *different* *types* of maps, instead of repeatedly make maps that works the same way. Like you say, A Small or Fast Map. A map where you can go in and run around and look for action when you’re sick of sitting guarding a tower, or falling asleep in the zerg etc.

Many different ways they could make such a map, and different styles to play on them etc. I just want something different from the same *4* now large maps with 3 way siege battles and tower zerging.

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Stealthreaver.9216


As an asura I approve of catapults to launch us. I feel 6 feet tall! I love it when my character says that, like 6 feet is huge

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Elizabeth Reed.9173

Elizabeth Reed.9173

I also would like to see gliding implemented in WvW. Especially for the “vertical maps” it would make a lot of sense and it would be a refreshing new way of combat. It also would solve some major issues with the current meta.

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Some of these are probably terrible ideas, but it’s fun to dream
1) a smaller map or faster movement around the map
2) Something to encourage leveling / battles aside from the Zerg rush
3) Defense against the Zerg / pack rush
4) events to bring players together – like extra pvp Xp on a given map or events in a WvW setting
5) a leveling system similar to hot, where you gain a super skills at certain intervals, with more powerful ones that work in your starting territory only. Some crazy ideas:
-Maybe set a beacon that knocks back enemy players a long ways or for a long time
- a darkness spell that makes everything black – imagine the chaos and strategy potential
- a ladder to climb castle walls or cliffs in your territory for shortcuts
- upgrade to fortress with automatic defenses and alarms showing where the enemy is and how many there are on the map (from castle to gnome stronghold). People love to turtle (and hate it too heh)
- bombing glider runs
- catapults that launch people then let them glide down
- super rifles to take out Zerg rushes in your territory
- zombie games where if you die you go to the other team (really more of an event with a start and end)
- a massive war event where you die and you’re out (smaller map and faster game hopefully – need anti hiding controls). Lots of large teams.

LOL, some of these are indeed just right down horrible, but some would be OK.

A map-wide darkness or heavy fog for example, limiting visibility, as long as it does not happen too often (lets say once every 6 hours max) and doesn’t last too long (maybe 10-15 min), would be kinda fun, it would greatly benefit people who are more capable to adapt and go from mostly ranged into mostly melee and also have a faster reaction time as a group. Both defensive and offensive siege would be affected by this unless they are already “set-on-target” (for example trebs). It’d be interesting.

Player launching siege and ladders !!!!! these would indeed be extremely fun, but they would cause such great imbalance in the game. DAOC had classes that could under certain conditions scale walls and take out defenses. Here, it would just completely ruin the game because mesmer + launch or ladder into location + portal, and I certainly do not see and do not want mesmers to be nerfed to make portal unusable.

The other stuff, would just drive people away once the novelty passes, since as stated above, WvWvW needs to be focused on players fighting other players, rather then gimmicks.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Stealthreaver.9216


Maybe mesmers can’t climb ladders
Interesting thought on darkness countering the ranged advantage. As a rogue it seems like ranged characters do have an advantage in that they can avoid the large aoe damage big groups put out once you get close. One on one it’s not as noticeable but with groups it’s a different balancing requirement.

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Only if I can push the ladders off, JUST as you reach the top

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Stealthreaver.9216


I would really like to see an engineer remotely detonate a bomb off to knock down a ladder and make a dozen players tumble down. It would also be neat if engineers could build warning sensors that alerted everyone on the map of where the enemy is so they could see the ladder fall too.

So what can be done to encourage people to spread out and not get annihilated by the Zerg? Hmmm. It should be a positive carrot and not a negative stick or it won’t be fun. Make ladder points that are spread out around the castle and can only have one ladder at a time?
Ok maybe it has to be more than ladders. Let’s say I’m logged in and I see a commander, I’m probably going to run to the commander. But what if the commander could appoint 5 or so sub commanders that could be seen at other areas of the map? One might have a stealth symbol. Another might have a siege build symbol. Another might just be a smaller patrol looking for small groups. Now I have options. The Zerg can’t be in all those places at once. But what will the other team do? Will they just Zerg back the forts lost, or will they split? If a small team of defenders can hold off a Zerg attack, they may have to split to defend. So how can a small team defend? Well there are cannons and arrow carts and ranged attacks and wall repairs (make it so they can repair without taking damage). But those can be crushed fairly quickly by numbers….so maybe bigger weapons like a mega rifle or maybe make a large cliff that people can glide off of to make bombing runs. Engineers have bombs
It would be cool if every class had a special purpose in WvW.

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Stealthreaver.9216


Oh oh a defense flag to rally defending groups. That could be useful. And maybe make some holes in the walls to shoot through without getting hit. However it’s harder to get to ladder spots quickly from those spots so it’s risky.

Fun WvW ideas from a casual player

in WvW

Posted by: Yuffi.2430


We already have the flagging features you mention. How’s that for quick service from Anet!
Commanders can nominate Lieutenants within their squad. The Commander or the Lieutenants can place map markers or use target markers (so you can tag the Lieutenant leading a separate group within the squad).

The walls on the old keeps (Bay and Hills) and I think the towers too had simple crenelations (raised sections to take cover behind). Don’t recall seeing these on the new map but I may have simply overlooked them.

We have cannons, AC and wall repairs. Try a balister for your mega-rifle. We have vertical cliffs – lots of vertical cliffs. Gliding isn’t going to be a priority for a while so bombing runs will remain a thing of the future.

Ladders could be a new siege type, I think that might work. Say 50 supply to build on account of being a quicker method of entry than a ram or cata would be? Ladders should be target-able and subject to both knock-back and pull to topple them. I think every class has one of these skills somewhere. Perhaps also have NPC guards target ladders as a priority to topple then switch back to players.