Funding the war

Funding the war

in WvW

Posted by: nastyjman.8207



Hey folks, just curious about this other aspect of WvW. War isn’t cheap. Siege equipment needs to be bought. Structures need upgrading. Armor and weapons need repairing.

I’d like to know how players and guilds fund their WvW efforts. On an individual scale, I try to stow money away before hitting the Mists. I would have 50 silver with me. Any income I get at the end of the night, I use half of that towards siege equipment and the other half goes to my bank. This way, I would have a stock of siege equipment just in case someone forgot siege.

But on the larger scale, the structure upgrades intrigues me. Is this a single player who shell out their personal dough on the fortifications, merchants and waypoint upgrades? A fully upgraded keep costs about 3 gold. If an individual does this, are they mentally prepared to lose that keep when the zerg comes rolling in?

I also heard that some commanders get donations (siege equipment and gold) from wealthy players. That’s great, but it’s sporadic. A commander might splurge that cash on upgrades, but it would be demoralizing if the enemy takes it.

With that said, do guilds fund structure upgrades? And if so, how do you collect funds?

First Team to reach 250 has 87% chance to win (Updated 7/30/2014) :

Funding the war

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

It’s a pain to solo fund wvw. It’s set up so that if everyone in wvw helped out then u can make money. Problem is very few people care and fewer yet know what siege goes where and what upgrades to do when. I can be demoralizing to lose a keep that you dropped 3 gold into but no one wants to defend so people just don’t upgrade much anymore. So guild have a “tax” that they use to fund wvw others do it on a donation system. Some people just buy gems.

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

Funding the war

in WvW

Posted by: Nak.8315


I’m not sure what my servers Zergs do. I know there has been comments about community funded stuff.

Running in a Small group, we just do JP for siege. No one spends money on it and tokens are horded for gear options. We do them in a group so we get 8piece per player. And only spend money on upgrading camps if we plan on holding them. Usually the kills/loot we get while holding will pay off the upgrades 10fold.

Call of Fate[CoF]
Ehmry Bay

Funding the war

in WvW

Posted by: Archaic.3549


Weekly Jumping Puzzle Events in our guild support the majority of our siege. A couple of mesmers port the rest of the guild up and all siege, or most, is donated to a commander or representative of the guild.

It makes it so that we rarely ever have to pay for siege out of pocket.

Things like omnomberry pie trays and crap are funded by guild leaders and commanders out of their own pockets. Which a few gold here and there isn’t a big deal when you make 1-5 gold a day without trying.

Upgrades are always handled by individuals who just do it out of the generosity of their heart, lol.

Anyways, that’s how our guild on Blackgate does it.

Funding the war

in WvW

Posted by: Nik Rane.6431

Nik Rane.6431

I also heard that some commanders get donations (siege equipment and gold) from wealthy players. That’s great, but it’s sporadic. A commander might splurge that cash on upgrades, but it would be demoralizing if the enemy takes it.

With that said, do guilds fund structure upgrades? And if so, how do you collect funds?

Commanders on JQ will commonly sit in the EB JP, once their guild has taken over, for free siege blueprints.

Not sure about fortifications; They usually come from big guilds, although I will personally upgrade the smaller things (Towers, Supp Camps) since the money is easily made back by zerging around WvW @ lvl 80.

Funding the war

in WvW

Posted by: jaycatano.6738


What we do on Maguuma is that we all try to pitch in when it comes to siege. Some commanders ask for donations from people who have an abundance of siege from the jump puzzles but don’t use it because they arent very active in WvW. We also ask for siege from guilds who do primarily pve but jump into wvw to do the jumping puzzles because they will most likely never use it. Everyone on Maguuma typically has siege because we do the jumping puzzles pretty frequently and some of the bigger guilds buy there own siege (like us) and get about 10 or so of each siege for any situation. Also guild siege is a great resource to use.

When it comes to structure upgrades usually the bigger guilds take care of it but I know some random people also come by and buy upgrades whenever a commander or someone asks, we dont really have a set way to upgrade structures from what i’ve seen these past couple of weeks. Might be because I don’t usually run with the commanders either or lack of communication on if they do have a set way of doing this or not but i’m sure someone else knows.

Slightly Better Ele
Violent Resolution [VR]

Funding the war

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Hey folks, just curious about this other aspect of WvW. War isn’t cheap. Siege equipment needs to be bought. Structures need upgrading. Armor and weapons need repairing.

I’d like to know how players and guilds fund their WvW efforts. On an individual scale, I try to stow money away before hitting the Mists. I would have 50 silver with me. Any income I get at the end of the night, I use half of that towards siege equipment and the other half goes to my bank. This way, I would have a stock of siege equipment just in case someone forgot siege.

But on the larger scale, the structure upgrades intrigues me. Is this a single player who shell out their personal dough on the fortifications, merchants and waypoint upgrades? A fully upgraded keep costs about 3 gold. If an individual does this, are they mentally prepared to lose that keep when the zerg comes rolling in?

I also heard that some commanders get donations (siege equipment and gold) from wealthy players. That’s great, but it’s sporadic. A commander might splurge that cash on upgrades, but it would be demoralizing if the enemy takes it.

With that said, do guilds fund structure upgrades? And if so, how do you collect funds?

All I do is WvW (and some sPvP, but that doesn’t count towards wealth). I keep 15 of each blueprint type, except golems, stocked on each of my characters at all times and usually contribute at least one print during each siege/defense I’m a part of. I also purchase a couple of upgrades per night, including the occasional waypoint or fortified walls. I don’t use real cash, farm, or zergball. WvW pays for itself and I’ve still managed to maintain about 50-60 gold total in the bank, which I save for fun stuff like cow finishers, blue transmutation stones, character slots, etc.

This part varies from person to person, but what I find works for me is:
Buy basic salvage kits, salvage whites/blues, sell greens to vendors, TP all yellows/exotics, TP/vendor all Tier 1-5 crafting materials as I get full, and TP all loot bags and salvageable junk items (scrap metals/leather straps/etc). Those heavy loot bags (3s each on the TP) and valuable scrap metals (1s each) are a huge and often over-looked income source. I also make my own consumables ( is an AMAZING resource for determining if crafting or buying materials is cheaper… for each step of the crafting process!).

Regarding upgrades, I find that a lot of players who are losing money in WvW are actually just trying to be helpful and end up simply trying to shoulder too much of the responsibility on their own. Any upgrade you buy or print you use will eventually be lost, so you need to encourage everyone to take part and pull their own weight. When I buy an upgrade, I usually throw out a quick /t “just started walls at hills… who’s got the upgrade for bay?” or “I can drop the first ram… who’s got next?” More often than not, other people are willing to pitch in if they know other people are pitching in as well. Be vocal and communicate clearly… not only does it set a good example, but it also prevents people from wasting their valuable prints. I used to see a lot of commanders saying, “I need 2 rams up asap!” and 6 different people would all simultaneously throw down build sites. If it’s clear ahead of time how many are needed and who’s putting the sites down, everyone saves money in the long run.

And one final thing: Some players out there (especially commanders) do have a hard time sharing responsibility and will throw down tons of their own siege/upgrades every day. If you’re part of their group, please send ‘em some silver, a gold or two, or some unused blueprints. They won’t ask for it, but it will definitely be appreciated. You don’t have even to be wealthy… just give what you can afford and think of it as a tip in return for all the free xp/karma/silver you earn just by running with them.

Funding the war

in WvW

Posted by: Stovokor.9368


I used to do the daily Ori run ( fast ) + occasional other income earner for funds. At times we would pool funds for upgrades. I used to WvW alot back then and visible so no issues getting cooperation back then. Fairly common for commanders of large guilds to volunteer funds as well.

However during the decline of SBI when many people tuned out it was hard getting upgrades going because you knew stuff would get flipped as we had no players to defend.
No players to defend upgrades structures is pointless.

On Jade Quarry with SF, guild leadership ask if members need gold for big upgrades.

Funding the war

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


PvE is basicly the keyword. While in WvW gathering anything that isnt bolted down helps a little.