Fury's Goodbye

Fury's Goodbye

in WvW

Posted by: Xaurniven.2065


Hullo, Guild Wars 2’ians!

Just wanted to say thanks and goodbye to…well, the people of WvW in Guild Wars 2! I been playing this game for 2+ years with 1 and 3/4 of it being in WvW.

I started off in Whiteside Ridge, moved Gunnar’s Hold, Blacktide, back to Gunnar’s Hold – Desolation….and finally, Piken Square.
Piken has been my home for so long and I consider it my “home server”.

Enough history though, I know how you all get bored of it enough when you were in school/ in school =D.
The main point of this post was to share my appreciation with all the people of WvW…Whether it be my server fighting you or in Piken Square -: Thanks!
You made all my evenings be great and glorious ones! I had so much fun it’s quiet hard to comprehend it.

Last of all, to my Guild, [RaW] Sassari. Props to them for dealing with my kitten -kitten-.

Anyway, Thanks for the fun, alla you!

Made a Goodbye Video summing up all the fun we had and stuff.

Thanks and Happy Hunting’s to you all!

Fury By Furry |Given Fury | Furiously Small | Furiously Risen | Serayath

[RaW] Sassari – Commander

(edited by Xaurniven.2065)

Fury's Goodbye

in WvW

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


Your video could shed a few tears. I hope to find you in the next mmo and cross paths, then kill you. Good luck friend!

Fury's Goodbye

in WvW

Posted by: hotcatz.6834


Gonna miss you Fury, good luck for the future. TS and drunk raids will be quieter without you but not necessarily in a good way