Future of WWW

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: spiritus.7983


I’m a www player in general, spend 95-99% in the battleground. Personaly I never understand ppl, pve-ers, who rather spend their times killing an AI who allways move the same, is predictable and allways resparn in same place. I prefer the challenge to kill a real human opponent, to outsmart him or be outsmarted by him and learn by my mistakes.

Anet they said a big update will come in the future, and here is my problem. I’m more afraid of arenanet then all the guilds leaving my server. I represent a somewhat big group of ppl who are www players only. They have no intrest in dungeon, crab events, carving pumpkins, picking up eggs or what ever… and expecialy none of them set foot in the new fractals and probably never will. I made that mistake yesterday, and after an hour with 99 party fails/disbands/etc I made finaly one dungeon and got 5 fractal relics. Since a ring cost 1350 tockens…. yeaaaa right… you never see me in that place ever again.

What is for me and ppl like me is www.
People who play regulary WWW have tones of karma, is not uncommon for ppl to have 500 000karma or even over a million karma. I dont farm specificaly for that karma it simply add up from all the fights, camp, dolyacks, keeps… what ever. I bought all the things I can possible buy and karma keep pile up. it is literaly nothing else or better to buy with that karma

What I’m asking is this: In the next patch please put something for www players too.
Equipement and weapons equivalent to A*scended but the curency to be in Karma+badges if honor. For example a Greathsword to cost like 500 000karma and 500honor badges… or something like that (forum trolls who will scream “its too expensive /cry”… no is not, it means you just dont play www much).

This way PVE-ers will have what they like (dungeon pumpkins and A*scended gears) and www players have what they like war, fights and gear too

I hope arena net read this, in my opinion is a good ideea, thre are pve players but dont forget www players too

Evil, GH -Charr rule.
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.

(edited by spiritus.7983)

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Arlandino.7513


I bought this game for WvW…I spend most of my time in WvW.

Not feeling the love of attention from Anet on WvW

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Genocide.4506


Different maps maybe something similar to the Sea of Sorrows map

Blackgate thief :)

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: spiritus.7983


no, no more maps, my server have problems in filling 2 maps… yet alone another extra map. Maps are good like this. And no dungeons in the www maps, I dont want my borderland to fill with pve-ers sitting at the entrance spaming LFG withoud giving a crap I’m loosing next door all my keeps and camps

Edited: please support this post. is not unsensible or stupid what I propose here, its eazy and nobrainer for everyone to realise.

Evil, GH -Charr rule.
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.

(edited by spiritus.7983)

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Thresher.3049


Well said, I’ve no interest in PvE unless I ‘have to’ do it for gear. As a condition necro (Tou/Prec/Condition Damage) none of the WvW badge armour or many of the weapons are any good for me, so we don’t even have variety there. 1600 badges, 750k Karma (after 2 full sets of Orr armour) and nothing to spend it on.
(I’d sooner drill a hole in my head than have anything to do with a legendary weapon!)

Despite that, there are two things I roll out for after a work day.
-The people I deck (and sometimes deck me) are a real challenge I will not find anywhere else.
-I am proud of my server and the people I play with, win or lose we play hard and I’ve been here since early release

Kind of funny though, looking at my character, you’d never guess its destroyed over 14,000 people… including some Anet dev’s this arvo that made the mistake of not staying in the happy carebear land of dumb mobs, pumpkins and shiny loots
(get off my lawn)

Pinot Noir (Necromancer) Pinot Blanc (Warrior)
KnT Blackgate

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Wildman.9641


By the time Anet does anything WvW will be reduced to a couple servers with long Qs. My main LOL was that each time to 80 I am forced to walk all the way to Orr to get armor.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Excession.2198


I think part of the problem with WvWvW, is that Anet seem to feel it is NOT PvP related content, only PVE.
Just look at patch notes, you see two types of changes in them, non-tagged and PVP only tagged, yet the PVP changes do not apply to WvWvW.
For example:
*The projectile speed of all grenades has been increased by 10-15%.
*Grenade: This skill’s damage has been decreased by 10% in PvP only.

And another example:
*Dancing Dagger: This skill’s damage has been reduced by 50%.
*Cloak and Dagger: This skill’s damage has been reduced by 33% in PvP only.

While WvWvW is treated as the red-headed step child of PVE, it is not going to improve.

Another part of the problem is Dev focus, think of it like this, 1 million players take part in the PVE aspect of the game, and of those 1 million players, 1 percent take part in, and focus mainly on WvWvW.
Who, as a Dev, would you focus on making, and keeping, happy?

Political Correctness is Tyranny with manners

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: spiritus.7983


Another part of the problem is Dev focus, think of it like this, 1 million players take part in the PVE aspect of the game, and of those 1 million players, 1 percent take part in, and focus mainly on WvWvW.
Who, as a Dev, would you focus on making, and keeping, happy?

I not saying to not make pve-ers happy. they can have all the gears, skills, pumpkins, dungeons or whatever they like. Not saying to take away something from that million of pve-ers.

Just saying to give us www players something too. WITHOUT destroying WWW by making a major change to fk up. Karma+badges its ok in my opinion. a www player shoud have enough of it, there are already implemented in game so I see no problem, Just put a NPC who sells equivalent a*scended and we are fine (I am fine), happy to fight

Evil, GH -Charr rule.
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Excession.2198


Another part of the problem is Dev focus, think of it like this, 1 million players take part in the PVE aspect of the game, and of those 1 million players, 1 percent take part in, and focus mainly on WvWvW.
Who, as a Dev, would you focus on making, and keeping, happy?

I not saying to not make pve-ers happy. they can have all the gears, skills, pumpkins, dungeons or whatever they like. Not saying to take away something from that million of pve-ers.

Just saying to give us www players something too. WITHOUT destroying WWW by making a major change to fk up. Karma+badges its ok in my opinion. a www player shoud have enough of it, there are already implemented in game so I see no problem, Just put a NPC who sells equivalent a*scended and we are fine (I am fine), happy to fight

Dont get me wrong, I agree with you, they need to give WvWvW some love too, I was just pointing out what I feel is part of the problem.

Political Correctness is Tyranny with manners

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Arlandino.7513


I bought Guild Wars 2 as it was sold as a PvP oriented, non grind mmo. WvW is PvP whether Anet cares to admit it or not.

To ignore it would be foolish. If they want to make this a PvE game and focus on the tedious, gimmicky, non-rewarding dungeons and rip people off with their RNG chest cash grab business model then please let us know now so we don’t have to keep hoping for them to pull their heads out of the sand.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Xyanide.8650


i don’t oppose to pve. but plz at least try to make them fun. this stupid one time event can be bugged is fun tho, and nothing else.
very disappointed this so called “big update” has less size than the previous halloween one, and there’s nothing to do with wvw.

[NöPë] from Stormbluff Isle
In morte ultima veritas

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


I think the easiest fix the Dev’s can do is to make PvE armours and weapons available in WvW for badges and karma. This is possibly the easiest implementation they could do.

All stat variable items, weapons, armour etc should be made available. Give people who like to PvP more an option to gaining something by doing what they like.

Some people do not even venture into PvE anymore. Heck, after I finished cursed shore the only thing I’ve done is WvW. There just wasn’t anything else in PvE that was “interesting”.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Look at Wall of Reflection. Still borked after all this time:

“Protect the targeted area with a wall of mystic power that reflects projectiles”.

Yet it STILL doesn’t work against arrows from arrow carts, ballistae bolts or catapult stones!

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


wall of reflection does not work against AOE. Would be great if it did, but it would make it stupidly powerful. You would destroy a siege engine in seconds by reflecting its shot back.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


I don’t think Anet realise how many of us only play this game for WvW. I think the WvW experience is AMAZING and the WvW team of devs are AMAZING. I just wish they would speak with a louder voice in Anet HQ and stop the dungeon/gear/pve teams from getting all the resources to improve that aspect of the game which we all know is just AI fights.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: spiritus.7983


thats why I made this post, prior to that patch, not after.. when is nothing to do… except rage quit. we make our case karma+badges for items. plenty of that in www.

Evil, GH -Charr rule.
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Dhar.6392


Planetside is coming out… another Wv3 type game. Don’t rage quit just move on to something else. Sounds like most of you have milked Wv3 for all its worth right now.

IF Wv3 numbers are significant enough (decline enough); the Devs will have to make changes to pull folks back… if they don’t then stay gone. I like the game too, but if the Devs ignore me- then I’m better off somewhere else.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: kanikani.2430


While I know most people PvE, I cant honestly think there are more people doing the fractals junk or other dungeons then WvW. Or even sPvP, the number do not go over WvW but they put much more time into these areas.

I agree they have put little to no effort on WvW so far, and no comments to say that they will. I really enjoy it but I expect nothing from the Devs at this point.

Ishionna (80 Ele)

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Sherman.4631


Only reason why people don’t do wvw is plain obvious, you don’t get enough money out of it, loot are pretty terrible, puzzle jump are meh and the money form event is just a joke, barely a sliver sometimes

We’re out of chicken

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

By playing in WvW only thing that decently can be "FARM"ed is Karma.Not even WvW only badges are farmable actually.They are rare loots.

So if i want to gear up , i need to farm pve.And if i wanted to do that , i would have been playing a farm based mmo not pvp based GW2.

Taking a castle or keep…Actual meaning of WvW just giving you a decent amount of karma.Even tho WvW’s actual rewards are badges.You get what i mean here.

Also , the item line of wvw vendors or karma vendors are ridiculous.

Gw2 turns out to be a PvP based game which is forcing you to do PvE if you want some decent gear to use it at PvP.

Sorry but i don’t have to get any fun from this system.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


lol funnily enough I totally agree on the getting F all for money side. I made myself bankrupt twice by helping the server by fortifying a keep and buying siege prints. The rewards from WvW are terrible compared to the cost of effort to do it properly.

I wouldn’t mind too much if you can buy everything with Karma. I would love to get my hands on a set of T3 armour, but unfortunately its only gold that can buy it but thats never going to happen because WvW = Biggest money sink in the game. Exotics is nothing compared to the amount of money it takes to upgrade and fortify on a daily basis.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


no, no more maps, my server have problems in filling 2 maps…

Do all maps really need to be filled?

That’s not how other WvW type games worked. In Planetside, there were always more maps than players to fill them — this was by design. The idea was that if one map wasn’t fun for whatever reason, you’d always have another map to go to. As long as there’s good reason for zerg to fight zerg (and not simply play the fort-swapping game) then it should work out nicely to have more maps than you can fill. (Battleground Europe also always has areas to fight in than any team can possibly fill. EVE certainly does this as well. The need to fill up every map is a bit silly, really.)

At the very least, though, they could keep us at 4 maps but start replacing the borderlands so that they are all unique maps. We should have 4 maps, not 2 maps with copies.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: dooger.2640


I bought this game for pvp and to pvp with my guild. At this point people are all bored to tears, the game launched with only one month of end game content.

I would start with adding a few instanced scenarios we can play with our real toons, and make them fun, maybe a Battle for Praag(Warhammer sytle), or even a warsong (wow sytle) gulch, Remove/reduce down state in them as a trial, remove water combat everywhere, focus game play on team work vs splitting up solo and bunker guarding.

WvW cash/item rewards are fine as is, it does need to provide some sort of glory, instead of focusing on the lowest form of wvw which is pve flipping of objectives with a zerg (either off hour or prime time).

Anyone who has rvred more than a few years knows the fun is all about taking a skill team out in a lake and out maneuvering / out smarting / outplaying a much larger force. We wanna see those stats zone wide.

Its absolutely critical to small guild recruiting to see who is performing at a high level, so we can then see if they can do so in a team environment.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: spiritus.7983


no, no more maps, my server have problems in filling 2 maps…

Do all maps really need to be filled?

That’s not how other WvW type games worked.

please do not lecture me about www :P I’m from a lower tier server and we really have problms here. dunno how is on other server but trust me… one more map will do more harm then you think.

Evil, GH -Charr rule.
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Skaag.2954


Only reason why people don’t do wvw is plain obvious, you don’t get enough money out of it, loot are pretty terrible, puzzle jump are meh and the money form event is just a joke, barely a sliver sometimes

This is why the “PvE Community” seems so much larger than the purely WvW one. I know many players who actually enjoy WvW more, but the progression and rewards are just not there. Of course they go out into the PvE world and grind for gear, gold, and tokens. Because you simply can’t find it in the WvW world. They go WvW for fun, but PvE for the progression.

The next person that tells me to go “grind mobs for gold in WvW zones” and just buy crafted stuff is missing the point too. That is just another way PvE is being forced on a community of players that are looking for something different. Not to mention how unfair it is to the rest of the players who are trying to achieve what the the zones are truly intended for with a limited number of players per map. If farming gold is the answer, how about make guild claimers and objectives reward gold on par with what a PvEr can make grinding events and mobs?

As to the suggestions of more maps. More maps does not have to mean ALL at the same time. A rotation of maps between match weeks would be enough imo. Maybe 3 different BL and EB maps. Each week you get a different pairing of EB and BL maps (keeping all BLs the same for balance reasons). This would at least add a bit more spice to the WvW by expanding the tactics and strategies we face each day. This would also allow Anet to play with new types of objectives, WvW focused events, and map environments for us to enjoy.

Iceheart / Skaag [RUN]
Elementalist Corndog General

(edited by Skaag.2954)

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I too have spend 90% of my time in this game in WvW and have absolutely no desire to grind PvE dungeons for loot to play WvW.

I too fear for what ANet is doing to WvW. I don’t know why it doesn’t receive much attention at all. I fear it’s because they have no clue and hope it’s because there’s more PvE and sPvP players in this game and they just focus on them instead and WvW is just insignificant in the grander scheme

I would however just have wished they had told me before they sold me their game that WvW wouldn’t be a priority and PvE would be so dominant.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Fletch.4603


I bought this game for WvW…I spend most of my time in WvW.

Not feeling the love of attention from Anet on WvW


I should be able to get any item in game for karma

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: John Lucier.5486

John Lucier.5486

Nope, with the new ascended system they will be forced to introduce a PVP stat, Resilience anyone? Even AION had it…. because even if they release ascended gear as is for badges or karma, they will never be able to balance it so the players who are NOT wow locust dungeon farmers will be on the same par as those dungeon farmers, in which case just like Agony resistance, they will have to release a stat for the PVP facit, only obtainable through wvwvw… further turning the game into WoW

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Amins.3710


Some things that would be neat, that WAR introducted, would be the instanced pvp from taking a zones… something… anything.

Any way in which we can ‘progress’ through WvW instead of having to PvE for ‘progression’.

Don’t half kitten a game that is supposed to be centralized around WvW / PvP.

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Game is in progress and new items will be added over and over again. Some players just refuse to do dungeons. I refuse to do dungeons, and i hope we will have the alternative. Gold or badges , crafting

no.1 WvW kills

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Dhar.6392


While I know most people PvE, I cant honestly think there are more people doing the fractals junk or other dungeons then WvW. Or even sPvP, the number do not go over WvW but they put much more time into these areas.

I agree they have put little to no effort on WvW so far, and no comments to say that they will. I really enjoy it but I expect nothing from the Devs at this point.

There are other threads that suggest the Wv3 Dev Team has been working to solve the ‘culling’ problem- that’s their main focus; and one reason many who would be playing Wv3… aren’t or quit. And of course, plenty who don’t think it can be fixed.

The lack of ‘tangible’ of obvious improvements could be a clear sign from Anet that they don’t expect a solution anytime soon and that if Wv3 is your thing- you might need to check out another game.

Gw2 is F2P… we can always come back later.

(edited by Dhar.6392)

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: notebene.3190


I don’t like PvP.

Exceptions for me in the past were Darkness Falls and the 30th level BG in DAoC. Also, Wintergrasp. That was really fun and impersonal and a blast.

I had no intention of doing WvW, but after going on a quest to see if it was going to be feasible for me to get 100% Exploration (I went to WvW early on, figuring if I couldn’t do that, there would be no reason to try for the rest), I fell in love with WvW, and it’s one of the things I do mostly. I use it to get about 90% of my daily done, to make money, and those two things just ‘happen’ while I’m running around learning and having fun. I don’t really have to think about it too much.

My two biggest fears for WvW are:

1. Guild vs Guild. I’ve heard talk of it. I don’t really know what it is? It just ‘sounds’ like something that would pull a lot of people out of WvW, leaving a GDI like me out in the cold.

2. Gear Progression. You could get Exotics a lot of ways. If you had money, you could buy them. You could buy them with karma. You could craft them yourself, with far less money than out right buying them (at least I did). Lots of different ways for us to get the same equipment, and we all met up in WvW, and when it wasn’t about zergs, it was about coordination and skill and teamwork. Not the ‘Sword of 1000 Lies’. Now, you apparently get them in super dungeons where undesirables are slowly being weeded out, and if you have a lot of money. No way to just buy them with karma (I don’t think?), or to craft them (for a lot less than outright buying them, as the materials were fairly easy to get or buy). So if you don’t like dungeons, or will tolerate dungeons but aren’t Chip McSuperSauce, and don’t have a lot of money…but have 400 crafting and time and karma, you won’t ever get those. My concern there is if we start seeing a gap in the ability to do well between those with Exotics only and those with the ‘Sword of 1000 Lies’.

Granted, too soon to tell, but those are my biggest fears at this point.

But I wouldn’t trade the past few months for anything. If it all ends tomorrow, it was a lot of fun while it lasted.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Kyma Grey.9410

Kyma Grey.9410

Wv3 2013 :

- Naval Battle, Guilds can purchase and build diffrent battleships!
- Mounted Combat
- Airships – Galore-action
- 20Miles under the Sea Wv3-Warfare! Underwater combat at its best! PewPew


Darkroom JP Annoyance http://is.gd/erW1Ov
AMD 13.×.beta4 Test http://is.gd/mRomyO

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Brehon.4085


I play for the WvW as well, but I am rapidly losing the faith and patience.
I get the impression that gw2 is a pve-driven game, with sPvP tied or 2nd, and WvW is a distant 3rd, slap on content to appease ‘niche’ players.

1 set of gear to chose via badges…useless to my necro.
Invisible army/culling issue causes half of my deaths, easily.
WvW is riddled with to much pve content.

I feels like ‘they’ knew DAoC was the standard bearer game for open field RvR, but it is as if the devs didn’t actually play the game itself, and have missed out on why DAoC RvR really shined.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: kanikani.2430


I would like to address the money/gold side of things. People claim that they do not do WvW because the rewards are not decent enough. I level up a char strictly through WvW and at this point have about 25 goldish made. That seems plenty of me, I am never broke or out of money there. My question would be why are people farming money? For legendaries? Most of them are dumb or ugly, I cant seriously think that is the reason.

So people are supposed to farm Orr, so what they can get better gear and thus be better at farming Orr? I dont see the point, maybe its me, I tend to play games for fun. But yeah plenty of money to be made in WvW, I assure you much more then dumb events, now those are a time/money sink. Candy corn is worth how much now?

But yes the devs lack of improvement or acknowledgement of WvW is a major problem. But I doubt that most players know about this. If they minority plays WvW, only the extreme minority is on these forums.

Ishionna (80 Ele)

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


I would like to address the money/gold side of things. People claim that they do not do WvW because the rewards are not decent enough. I level up a char strictly through WvW and at this point have about 25 goldish made. That seems plenty of me, I am never broke or out of money there. My question would be why are people farming money? For legendaries? Most of them are dumb or ugly, I cant seriously think that is the reason.

So people are supposed to farm Orr, so what they can get better gear and thus be better at farming Orr? I dont see the point, maybe its me, I tend to play games for fun. But yeah plenty of money to be made in WvW, I assure you much more then dumb events, now those are a time/money sink. Candy corn is worth how much now?

But yes the devs lack of improvement or acknowledgement of WvW is a major problem. But I doubt that most players know about this. If they minority plays WvW, only the extreme minority is on these forums.

Its obvious that u have never bought a single seige or upgraded a single camp.if u tell otherwise.then we know your making up the story. In which case i feel bad for the server you play on.

Wvw is the biggest goldsink in gw2 whether people choose yo acceptit or not.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


Less and less people will play WvW.

This is the future.

The best way to adapt to this future (should you care) is to develop tactics and gear to take over objectives with the fewest number of people possible.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: NaughtyProwler.8653


You guys should all go grind that dungeon for ascended gear for WvW… wait a second…

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Fiction.6418


I have been complaining to anyone who will listen lately that I got this game for it’s pvp focus as it was sold and hyped for the last couple of years. I also do not see that being the case so far. I hope this changes, and I would fully be behind the implementation of a wvwvw karma/badges vendor with ascended quality gear.

Evidence – 80Asura Thief | Skáldskap 80Human Guardian | Pirateking 80Human Mesmer
Pvp Inc. [PvP]
Ferguson’s Crossing

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Drexciyian.9453


The biggest disappointment to me if the maps, when they announced WwW they made it look like it was going to be a massive zone where their were things for the zergs to do while their were plenty of meaningful objectives for small groups to do but what we got instead were 4 medium size maps that promotes zerging and even has a special zerg icon(orange swords)

BOON Control

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Azariah.8420


2 things, firstly money, it’s not impossible to make money from WvW, but the rate is ridiculously slower and harder to maintain(assuming you make upgrades and such) than it is in pve. ive probably made 40 gold(since launch, including random loot found there as well) from wvw in total, which whilst more than enough for my own personal needs(apart from cultural t3 which is more of a want) it pales in comparison to the amounts people are making from pve. So not impossible, just much much slower than other forms of money grinding.

If a gear grind rocks up, im probably leaving, i HATE gear grinding, reason i stopped WAR reason i stopped swtor, especially considering the remarks made about how that would NOT happen in gw2.

On a side note you can use the orange swords to mess with the zerg as well

80 Thief – Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Sea of Sorrows

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: spiritus.7983


2 things, firstly money, it’s not impossible to make money from WvW, but the rate is ridiculously slower and harder to maintain(assuming you make upgrades and such) than it is in pve. ive probably made 40 gold(since launch, including random loot found there as well) from wvw in total, which whilst more than enough for my own personal needs(apart from cultural t3 which is more of a want) it pales in comparison to the amounts people are making from pve. So not impossible, just much much slower than other forms of money grinding.

thats good. ppl complain but if you think about the population we have its good. If they slightly increase the gold/loot drop the maps will quickly fill with “LFG karma/gold farm” and every noob make a lvl 1 character, press B and rush to that www gold farm, cloging up the map. Plus I allways belive upgrating tower sieges shoud be a guild/server effort, not a single person doing it all

Thats why I said in the first post, for a www equivalent a*scended item, to use badges… you need to worth your salt in contributing if you want that item. Then I remember about the tones of karma ppl get over the time. I still support this, karma+badges, and to be verry expensive… I only buy my weapon once so I dont care even if is 500k karma + 500badges :P in time we can get that.

Evil, GH -Charr rule.
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

I think part of the problem with WvWvW, is that Anet seem to feel it is NOT PvP related content, only PVE.
Just look at patch notes, you see two types of changes in them, non-tagged and PVP only tagged, yet the PVP changes do not apply to WvWvW.
For example:
*The projectile speed of all grenades has been increased by 10-15%.
*Grenade: This skill’s damage has been decreased by 10% in PvP only.

And another example:
*Dancing Dagger: This skill’s damage has been reduced by 50%.
*Cloak and Dagger: This skill’s damage has been reduced by 33% in PvP only.

While WvWvW is treated as the red-headed step child of PVE, it is not going to improve.

Another part of the problem is Dev focus, think of it like this, 1 million players take part in the PVE aspect of the game, and of those 1 million players, 1 percent take part in, and focus mainly on WvWvW.
Who, as a Dev, would you focus on making, and keeping, happy?

ABSOLUTELY right… This is the EXACT same thing that led to the ultimate demise of City of Heroes. The Devs outright said the same thing about the PVP community, who happened to make up a larger part of the game than anticipated. They sat back, crossed their arms and said we don’t care about you, and a huge exodus of PVPers left at once. While this didn’t immediately hurt the game, the ramifications were soon realized as there was nothing left and the large portion of a community were gone. November 30 will mark the end of that game, and this game is heading in the same direction if they don’t address the concerns of the wvw’ers.

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Mark.3615


While I mainly agree with the OP I have a futher issue with the new gear iniative.

Giving new better gear to players will change the balance of WvW. Assuming that everyone gears up to the new level the player vs player aspect will not change much but.
Siege will be less effective. [ mainly in deffence, most attack seige is used on the buildings]
The mobs out in the world will be comparatively weaker, making tagging animals in a fuight to get the cheap res a more viable tactic.
New players, and alts of people who want to try out new variations will be comparatively weaker.
And worst [for me] Guards and keep lords will be easier to kill. Now I like a good keep ninja mission but I don’t want it made that easy. It allready takes no more than 3 decent players to take down a Keep [not tower] Lord. So adding better gear to the game will help our favorite folks, the night cappers.

I would sugest changing the level 80 boost mechanism to remove any gear gains past the exotic level. So anyone in ascended armour will get the stats for the equivilent Exotic gear.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


There are so many issues in WvW at,

Server balance
Server off peak hours
Free transfers
Mesmer abusing portal bomb + Culling
And now Carebears roflstomping WvW players.

This patch should have been a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR WvW patch.
This might not go well, half my guild is jumping over tomorow.
Wonder how many more people /quit by their decision.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


Fully agreed with OP and most of the posts here. We need better options for gear and/or money/loot for those of us who love WvW or even play this game ONLY for WvW.

SPVP just got a new map right? There’s always new PvE content with every event. But in general there’s a lack of Dev attention on WvW.

Why, for example, remove Orbs of Power entirely when they could have done something more fun and interesting that doesn’t affect the balance of a fight like changed them to increase gold/drop rate in WvW for the server that owns it. But no, they take the lazy way out because WvW is not a big dev priority?

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

(edited by Zephyrus.9680)

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Hackers made sure no short term solution could be found.
Any buff or debuff would still make them hack it, even if it was a 1 copper increase of money.

Nothing to blame Anet for, but our own servers hackers who ruined it for all of us.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Nidhogg.2950


I agree with the OP, I dont want to have to grind dungeons for top gear but find myself swimming in loads of karma.

Id rather not spend badges though as I use those for siege :-p

Guildleader of Vitas, Gunnars Hold

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


No more maps, but perhaps, replacement and updated maps overtime would be nice for different scenery. Maybe even new castle design.

I would really like to see people being rewarded for the boring and less exciting things, like Yaks and upgrading. Currently you can spend a lot of gold upgrading things, only for it to get run over by a zerg so you basically just wasted gold and got nothing in return. Especially when you’re on lopsided servers that have no EU coverage and everything you bought is taken like candy from a baby overnight because there’s nobody there to protect it.

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Razarei.2809


“Waaaaaaaa ANet doesn’t care about me or my WvW interests. Waaaaaa screw you Anet.”

ANet is a godsend in terms of a company, no doubt there. Fact is, they do care, and they’re probably revamping as we speak. If you guys don’t know what NDA is, look it up. Whether changes agree with you or not, that is not their concern, that’s yours, but changes are made for the best.

I guarantee almost 80% of the people in this thread are server hoppers. How ascended gear creates a problem for you guys as well is beyond me. The sole purpose of that gear is for agony resistance which is a condition only available in upcoming dungeons. Don’t PvE though do you? Why do you care?

Very few people bought this game solely for WvW, whether you like that answer or not. WvW is just but a small fraction. There is SO much do in guildwars 2 and limiting yourself is the reason why you’re here on the forums complaining.

The interest in Wvw is there, but it is not the majority. You can call tactics, personal achievement etc, but what WvW essentially is is a zergfest. The servers with the biggest numbers and the biggest time coverage wins. WvW is not purely PvP, which is why it’s categorized under PvE.

The concept of WvW is great, but it’s implemented well. If you want to be rewarded more for your no-lifing in WvW, pray ANet makes a change to the way WvW works, because right now it’s a zergfest.

Skill plays a very small factor in it. Yes it is fun, but that’s where it stops. Playing WvW almost exclusively doesn’t make you elitist or awesome, it’s there as a side factor amongst PvE and PvP. WvW as it is, is that just that.

You can say PvE or Arena PvP is boring, and you can’t understand why other people do it, but belittling them isn’t the way to go about it. People have different interests, end of story.

I’m a PvP/WvW head too, but why don’t I spend most / all my time in there? Because it’s pointless. I’m missing out on over half of the game’s content, and despite my personal skill level, it won’t make a slight difference cause of the way wvw works.

If you ask me, WvW is in a horrible state due to a few things:

1) WvW is nothing about a collaboration of skill, just zerg fests and time coverage
2) The whole capping mechanism needs to be changed.
3) Server transfers

Server Transfers need to be limited to bi-monthly periods, AND cost quite a few gems.

WvW needs to be changed from what is a zerg fest on locations to more about overall management and skill. How could this be changed?

So yeah guys, while you’re all here complaining about the state of WvW, I’m off enjoying other things in the game. You guys should try it sometime, you might like it.

Elementalist – Blárp, Razarei, 55HPMonk, Need More Defense
Revenant – Master Blárp [Desolation]

(edited by Razarei.2809)