GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Good luck to all, let’s see what this week brings

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


We seem to be doing well generally, but my group is getting it’s kitten handed to it left, right and centre at the moment.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Not hard to do well considering the numbers you have on us in Rof. I’ve been taking pictures of your zergs compared to the dots on my minimap to end this whole “we don’t have numbers on you, just better organisation” shenanigans.
As fun as this matchup has been, its getting old especially since most of whiteside ended up joining GH.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Darkstorn.5423


Yea i can attest to that they are at least 3 to 1 in gunnar’s favor in their borderlands defending while we are also seriusly outnumbered in RoF. There is not even a single speck of organization in their defense they just run and zerg every attack we do to death.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


It has been mentioned in each matchup thread so far, Gunnars strength is the reset and it always has been.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Darkstorn.5423


It has also been mentioned that our numbers are the same while having at least double our numbers everywhere = not the same

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Hyung.6140


I think it’s pretty likely that the number imbalance has switched from RoF’s favour to Gunnars – as we’ve said many times publically we’ve made a big effort to get more players involved in WvW from within.

Certainly we haven’t had any major guilds transfer since last week so that should be the same, but I expect RoF are more demoralised than last time, and from the sounds of the posts so far in this thread you’re not very happy about WvW at the moment so that might mean you have less of your guys involved than normal. Kind of a negative-bandwagon effect.

Anyway, I’m sorry you feel outnumbered and I hope you manage to find some good fights this week – see you back in game

Hyinna, Gunnars Hold
[Ub] – My Life for Alesia

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


It has also been mentioned that our numbers are the same while having at least double our numbers everywhere = not the same

Not saying we don’t outnumber you, for the reasons Hyinna said.

What I am saying, is that reset is not a good representation.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

Yeh we always get ridiculously more numbers out for reset than any other night. Other than that our numbers are pretty well matched I’d say. We never really have numbers outside of one BL and EB, but we’re very mobile

Also we’ve only had one guild TCS join from WSR so….

Anyway outside of this petty numbers stuff. I’ve enjoyed our machups recently and im hoping for more of the same this week. Good luck to all.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Looking at the night so far, and last week, I would say that GH certainly have more numbers when we reach our full prime-time, whereas Ring of Fire seem to have smaller but more constant numbers.

At reset Gunnars comes out all guns blazing then die off about 2 hours later, on a general nights play our numbers are mostly gone by 1-2am. Ring of Fire seems (certainly this week) to have been active until 4am~ and back online around 7am for a solid push in EB.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Wenissa.2967


It has also been mentioned that our numbers are the same while having at least double our numbers everywhere = not the same

Yup they got the same numbers as us but got to +500 ppt by being more mobile… shakes head and wonders why they bother with the equality pretence.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Growltiger.3450


I’m a little kittened at the numbers posts – we’ve worked kitten hard on strategy, communication and planning for months now to stop the downward spiral of our server. Can’t you just say “yeah, well played Gunnar’s”? We can acknowledge that we’ve been outplayed by lower population servers in the past but I firmly believe we’ve learned and have improved.

Nothing that we did tonight was by chance or luck – we planned our reset and we executed flawlessly across multiple guilds and multiple borderlands. I’m kitten proud of the effort put in and the thought that went into this reset and even if we lose this week tonight was the most fun I’ve had for blooming ages – not because we kicked kitten – but because we planned, schemed and executed in a unified and determined way.

I’ll say it – well played Gunnar’s, you did yourselves proud. We set goals, we stuck to them. I’m proud to be part of this community.


Sidestrike | Charr Guardian | Cry Havoc – Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


It has also been mentioned that our numbers are the same while having at least double our numbers everywhere = not the same

Yup they got the same numbers as us but got to +500 ppt by being more mobile… shakes head and wonders why they bother with the equality pretence.

The organisation this week has been insane.. had some plans put into effect that have been rolling for a while. The Garrison attack for example which was co-ordinated by three guilds. Numbers are not amazingly bad as we have found defending, when you almost capped garrison we had called attacks off to defend who got there in time. You were not complaning about numbers 3 weeks ago when you were spawn camping us in EB :P Lets see what the reset brings.. we have always had a solid start.

-Dis Noise Terror, Cry Havoc

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Growltiger.3450


The organisation this week has been insane.. had some plans put into effect that have been rolling for a while. The Garrison attack for example which was co-ordinated by three guilds. Numbers are not amazingly bad as we have found defending, when you almost capped garrison we had called attacks off to defend who got there in time. You were not complaning about numbers 3 weeks ago when you were spawn camping us in EB :P Lets see what the reset brings.. we have always had a solid start.

-Dis Noise Terror, Cry Havoc

Three guilds I’d add was about 25 people at most… We are not a megaguild server…


Sidestrike | Charr Guardian | Cry Havoc – Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ripkord.7025


Well, ok – yeah, well played Gunnar’s! You are not 3vs1 and you are not outnumber RoF nor WSR neither. You have to be proud with this legendary wins like volunteers not like scourge. I’m sorry, maybe I’m affected by tonight but honestly you do not have my respect. I have played against many servers and they won the game much, much, better with less people. Maybe this is the other reason why I can not acknowledge you as good. I will see you next week or the week after when you will match servers with the same numbers. Then you will have to prove yourself. And I can remember the week before 2 weeks when you were not so much))
Anyway this is my personal opinion have your fun now because none knows what is going to happen with you next week.

Greetings, Zloby from Ring of fire

Zloby, a nice necro from Ring of Fire

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Growltiger.3450


Well, ok – yeah, well played Gunnar’s! You are not 3vs1 and you are not outnumber RoF nor WSR neither. You have to be proud with this legendary wins like volunteers not like scourge. I’m sorry, maybe I’m affected by tonight but honestly you do not have my respect. I have played against many servers and they won the game much, much, better with less people. Maybe this is the other reason why I can not acknowledge you as good. I will see you next week or the week after when you will match servers with the same numbers. Then you will have to prove yourself. And I can remember the week before 2 weeks when you were not so much))
Anyway this is my personal opinion have your fun now because none knows what is going to happen with you next week.

Greetings, Zloby from Ring of fire

So what has happened between the week 2 weeks before when we were not so much and now? I can tell you it’s not mass migration in to us – unlike our mass migrations out which happened previously – so what is it?

Heck Zloby – I’m sorry if it’s no fun for you but we have worked really hard as a community to get better as well as to recruit. We have had a lot of self-flagellation over the past months and it is finally bearing fruit. We do outnumber WSR yes but I don’t think we outnumber you – if we do not by much. My parties have been wiped by your zerg plenty of times but when we get to a point where we have concerted and planned defence in place we feel safe.

Prove us wrong this week – look for the outmanned buff. These past two weeks have seen some of the best fights we’ve had in wvw. I mean no disrespect to our opponents, I just wish that we got the respect that I think we now deserve from them.


Sidestrike | Charr Guardian | Cry Havoc – Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Okay, this all seems to be getting a little silly.

Tonight, Gunnar’s certainly had more people that Ring of Fire active – that’s a fact. But let’s not exaggerate about the amount you were outnumbered by. The pushes back into Garrison in your borderlands were very heavy that can’t be disputed. When you killed the lord literally every player on the map was pulled in to try and save it – to an extent yes we were more mobile, but of course it is not the entire reason.

There is a numbers difference, but there has been (to my knowledge) 2 guilds join GH since RoF last beat them, one of them being my own and numbering a whole 10 players. So the majority of the numbers are coming from within the server, be it PvE’ers getting involved in WvW or simply players coming out the woodwork because they saw victory.

Once again, there is a numbers difference but it is not 2:1, 3:1 or anything like that. Our forces HAVE been extremely mobile tonight, rarely standing still for more than 10 seconds other than when firing treb’s.

Going from last week, Ring of Fire tend to have the numerical advantage early morning and late night, having a more consistent coverage across the entire day. Gunnar’s coverage fluctuates greatly, coming in fair surges and peaking towards the end of primetime. Reset night will always be an oddity though, for all servers.

Am I surprised that people are going for the numbers argument – not at all. I’m not disappointed/surprised about the lack of “well played”‘s either, I just think it’s a shame that things seem to becoming so heated within mere hours of the matchup despite reset always being the most unstable time of any matchup in any tier.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


Well, ok – yeah, well played Gunnar’s! You are not 3vs1 and you are not outnumber RoF nor WSR neither. You have to be proud with this legendary wins like volunteers not like scourge. I’m sorry, maybe I’m affected by tonight but honestly you do not have my respect. I have played against many servers and they won the game much, much, better with less people. Maybe this is the other reason why I can not acknowledge you as good. I will see you next week or the week after when you will match servers with the same numbers. Then you will have to prove yourself. And I can remember the week before 2 weeks when you were not so much))
Anyway this is my personal opinion have your fun now because none knows what is going to happen with you next week.

Greetings, Zloby from Ring of fire

As stated before it is the reset and we have always had a strong one. As for you acknowledging us as good then don’t for all i care. Perhaps i am in the right place at the right time but the group i run with are usually very out numbered. Take most of the night at garrison until we called a few back to your border. We don’t have to prove anything at all really to ourselves at least.. we have been massively organised this reset and things will keep on during the week too. You was not complaining this bad on the first week you met us though you have to remember. In fact i believe it was the opposite tables. It is hard to tell how many numbers each side have but i still think they are around about even during the week. The consistency seems to be higher in numbers during the days as well.

As for being proud of our legendary wins, i am really kitten proud of what we have achieved like we all are on GH and for good reason. I have massive respect for you all RoF, you have given myself some the best fights in my mmo history and i hope during the week we can have a few more.

And for yourself the people who claim its the numbers that are winning it? Perhaps some numbers in the right place do help, as i have seen RoF put out aswell. You call it fully numbers i call it organisation to give us this lead tonight. Garrison on your borders is an example. Next week will be tough but we will keep the organisation up and if we come across RoS or Vabbi.. RoS looking the most likely then we will give them a good fight i can tell you.

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ripkord.7025


It is not a hate. It is my opinion. And your assertion will not change it. You can writhe whatever you want but saying that you were not many just good and mobile is a ….. Anyway I said what i think. Take it however you want

And btw you can see your correlation even here in the forum

Zloby, a nice necro from Ring of Fire

(edited by Ripkord.7025)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


It is not a hate. It is my opinion. And your assertion will not change it. You can writhe whatever you want but saying that you were not many just good and mobile is a ….. Anyway I said what i think. Take it however you want

No one said we were not many.. but simply the numbers were not as bad as you are making out. Ofc its hard to tell as i was not on any other border but yours. It is your opinion and i doubt anyone has a problem with that. Just simply pointing out a few things and the things that need ironing out.

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Wenissa.2967


You guys act like we arn’t mobile ourselves, that we dont call in support. That your the only ones who can organise. Every fight in our bordeland I was in bar one this evening and we were outgunned 2 : 1 minimum.

You simply cannot hold +500 points by moving equal numbers of troops around. It was +500 arounf 2am and now at 3:30 its still +500. It’s been up and down a little from that, but you simply cannot do that with equal numbers.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: fab.3298


Good fights on GH BL tonight. ICON gave us a bit of a scare early on and i had to call in some backup to get them dislodged. Whilst we were fighting them, some sneaky WSR players nearly ninja’d our hills.

As for numbers, I think we probably outnumber ROF quite substantially, but not because we’ve had a large influx of players from other servers. It’s because we’re winning and have a lot of backup from our PVE players, and because you’re losing they’re staying away. Sure, we have organised very well in recent weeks, but that can’t be the only reason behind our 600pt tick this morning.

Unfortunately your actions during the first week (alliance with ROS) left a sour taste , especially with me. And as a result, I tend to focus on ROF more than i do WSR, i imagine other commanders and guilds are doing the same.

Fab The Guardian
[Re] Rerolled

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


You guys act like we arn’t mobile ourselves, that we dont call in support. That your the only ones who can organise. Every fight in our bordeland I was in bar one this evening and we were outgunned 2 : 1 minimum.

You simply cannot hold +500 points by moving equal numbers of troops around. It was +500 arounf 2am and now at 3:30 its still +500. It’s been up and down a little from that, but you simply cannot do that with equal numbers.

What are you talking about.. you are pulling things out of your kitten. We were outnumbered in the garrison all night almost apart from one time and possibly when we attacked garrison which was countered by a nice attack by NP. You are not reading right, Its not that we are even as in equal numbers, but the numbers are not TOO much different. On the topic of points it is reset… see what happens to the point tick during the week.

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


Possibly the only reason we are winning is because you are whining about numbers on the forums. Its the reset again.. Best of luck during the week.

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

Seems like there are more RoF in the forums than there are in WvW…..

As stated tonight was planned in advance across many guilds to hit hard and fast. My guild group had to charge back to your garrison 3 times to bolster defense and twice we got there to find you in the lords room. We were also wiped twice by a huge zerg at Woodhaven. we were running in a few of groups of 15-20 so as to optimize effectiveness.
You should be aware from the last 2 resets that GH have a strong reset night that trickles off during the week.
As said by others we did outnumber you tonight but as far as things go during the week there isnt much in it.

Look forward to seeing you all in the week

Victrixx [xVx]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: bhavvels.1962


Just finished keeping WSR Borderlands clean from RoH and Gunners Hold(though looks like GH are creeping back), given that we are up against both again and also low on numbers world population wise, we still giving you lot a good fight, we refuse to down down the ladder

(TNC) – Tooth ‘N’ Claw PvE/sPvP –
(WBC) – We Be Chilling – WvW
Whiteside Ridge(EU) Needs you!

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Again with all the community being awesome, being strategically superior etc…
Sending one zerg to the north gate and keeping the other zerg at the east gate at bay when both zergs outnumber the people inside isn’t superior tactics, its superior numbers.
But I guess you can keep thinking your numbers don’t matter during the week. I’m giving up as it seems your forum community works hard on making sure every single GH guy comes here to say how you don’t outnumber us. You also don’t seem to realise how arrogant it looks when you keep pointing out how good your organisation is, which basically reads as saying ours sucks.
And yes, Rof is getting tired of this matchup as now its basically a zerg fest. I know you plan your attacks, but you don’t seem to realise a plan is easier to work out when you have atleast double the numbers on your opponents. I hope to see you go up a tier this week so you get a reality check.

Just noticed a bunch of Xaoc players on GH side in EB…. did they join GH?

(edited by Krosan.2890)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Teutooni.9572


Every fight in our bordeland I was in bar one this evening and we were outgunned 2 : 1 minimum.

When fighting against Gunnar’s Hold, you are always outgunned.

Earlier weeks when we fought RoF, we usually had several groups of 10-20 people hitting different targets on a BL. RoF took this large blob of 30-40 players and stomped a group, waypointed and stomped another. We had to adapt. We now still have groups of around 20 people but make sure they can come to each others’ aid when need be. So the comment of this matchup getting zergy is a bit ironic.

Regarding [XaoC] tags, we have a few of their members currently scouting us out, like many other servers. Can’t say I’m overjoyed about the prospect of them joining with all the recent drama they’ve been involved in. We also have some [rddt] officers from WSR doing the same. So don’t panic (yet).

(edited by Teutooni.9572)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

Xaoc have a few people scouting us I think. As do rddt.

Imo the difference between the two servers is RoF tend to run alot more organised guild groups. I’ve seen some very impressive things from NP, ICON, HxH etc. Whereas GH run organised “PuG” groups (CHvc and SOE aside) – this may give off the impression of random zergs. But (at least not all the time) it isn’t.

EDIT: And the replies in this thread aren’t anything to do with coming in here and brag about how we’re winning, or to insult the way RoF play. People just don’t like being told that the only key to our success, after months of hard work into turning around the frankly kitten position we were left in, was simply due to more numbers. I firmly believe that if we hadn’t done some of the things we’ve done in these last few weeks you’d have beaten us

(edited by Jimmy JimBob.2801)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: evildan.8260


Since the weekly matches began GH faced months of continually getting kicked into 2nd or 3rd place by servers that massively outnumbered us, even though many (with honourable exceptions) of them weren’t much good in an even numbers fight.

We’re well aware of what it means to fight numerically superior opponents which is why we’ve had to try and get more organised, and we know very well what the higher tiers look like.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: tichai.4351


Ok, it’s a fair cop, we have secretly recruited several mega guilds to stomp our opposition and steamroll our way to tier 1. Oh wait, it was only a bad dream.

The simple facts of the matter are this, over the last 2 weeks we have had 2 guilds join is consisting of, at most, 60 WvW players, in that same time period we have had 4 guilds leave us, in terms of numbers, we have lost close to twice the number we recruited.

We have seen an increase in numbers coming from PvE as would any server when they are being successful. We have been able to put out large numbers at reset because we plan for it and ensure the PvE side of the community are both aware of it and are welcome to join in regardless of previous experience. Again nothing different to any other server.

The whole question of numbers is relative to time of day , location, current server activity etc and as such fluctuates constantly.

Ironically, the one server which can justifiably claim to be the underdog in this match-up carry on quietly doing the best they can with the limited resources at their disposal and doing it well.

Imho, I would prefer to do whatever possible to keep WSR in this group simply due to their fighting spirit and if that means targetting RoF, then so be it.

Fortunately, many RoF people seem to share that fighting spirit and ‘get on with the job’ making this an enjoyable match-up regardless of the pointless discussion about numbers.

Scrub Guardian [CHvc]
Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Yesterday before reset you have about 15-20 guys (rof) hitting our south bay constantly, and at one time we had 4 holding back 15 of you guys outside the gate before the npcs, and the irony was that we were still able to down and finish 2 of you guys while the others standing back and watch…

So yea we outnumber you all the time and you guys are putting up a fight with superior skills and organisation, we are not worthy.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Jupitus.4352


One point I will make – why the kitten shouldn’t we be proud if the hard work we have put in starts to reap dividends?

[MM]Jessopia – Soft and Very Squishy – Part of Gunnars Hold Community

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Yesterday before reset you have about 15-20 guys (rof) hitting our south bay constantly, and at one time we had 4 holding back 15 of you guys outside the gate before the npcs, and the irony was that we were still able to down and finish 2 of you guys while the others standing back and watch…

So yea we outnumber you all the time and you guys are putting up a fight with superior skills and organisation, we are not worthy.

Remarks like these is where Rof people get the whole arrogance thing from. Glad to know you killed two randoms while all the guilds were waiting for the reset, GH strong!

No one is saying you shouldn’t be proud, no one is saying your tactics suck. I always had respect for GH and the way you guys have managed to organise yourself and I still do. I’m glad you guys have rallied and are starting to win. What most of us get annoyed about is reading how you claim you don’t have a numerical advantage and you lead with 14K points after about 10 hours of WvW due to being in contact with eachother… No one is accusing anyone of mass recruiting or anything but just because you didn’t doesn’t mean you don’t have more people.

This matchup has already been decided so I hope I won’t be seeing any “this is a great and even matchup but we are pulling through because of our organisation” posts. Because it has stopped being an even matchup.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

Reset really isn’t a fair representation of our numbers. For example we’re currently outnumbered heavily in EB, we had Quentin’s lake overrun by about 4x our numbers.

Anyway let’s please stop this bitterness on both sides and get on with enjoying the match-up

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: tichai.4351


Here are the facts on numbers concerning the reset last night, whether people accept them or not is another matter.

From the outset, our plans were to hit EB, as always, with a couple of guild groups who would organise the randoms there, unsure of numbers as I never got to go there last night but would estimate somewhere between 40 and 60.

As for RoF borderlands, we had several small guild groups working together, CHvc, Imp, TCS numbering 25, we also had 2 globetrotter groups numbering 20, 2 further guild groups numbering 18-20 and a group of independent randoms 15-20. In total 100 max. All running in small groups, sometimes coming together, although more often by sheer luck rather than judgement, nonetheless, the majority were in contact via mumble.

An hour into the reset the Globetrotters switched to WSR borderlands to work with 2 or 3 small guild groups there with minimal resistance which was a shame and by our standards not particularly enjoyable for either side tbh.

So yes, there was a general consensus within the community to hit RoF borderlands hard and I believe we achieved our objectives.

Please feel free to complain about unequal numbers on the forum, in the meantime I am sure your more honorable guilds will do their talking on the battlefield as always.

Scrub Guardian [CHvc]
Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Please feel free to complain about unequal numbers on the forum, in the meantime I am sure your more honorable guilds will do their talking on the battlefield as always.

Just about every guild on Rof feels the same way about the outnumbering, sorry to burst your bubble.
Anyway I said what I wanted to say but since allot of people suffer from selective reading they only ever counter the numbers argument.
Good luck and enjoy the matchup.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Some impressive firefighting by NP last night, well done to them. My backside still hurts.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Remarks like these is where Rof people get the whole arrogance thing from. Glad to know you killed two randoms while all the guilds were waiting for the reset, GH strong!

By “before reset” I do not mean “right before” reset, it was during the day when you have a massive push in our BL, some 10 hours before reset in midnight. Those 15-20 were determined to take bay yet when four (4) of us decided to stand our ground the Zerg suddenly decided to do nothing and wait for reset while the 2 poor souls drop their loots, makes total sense.

And if remarks like yours is a true representation of the general attitude of RoF then I feel less sorry the next time I mow down your people.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: GoNeKrAzY.7308


I find it amusing really. We’re ridiculously outnumbered in whiteside but we refuse to give up and drop down a tier. Good times looking forward to this week cant wait to get back from work….

[TEO] Sigurd Hsring
Gunnar’s Hold
Probably the Only Existing Neon Norn Engineer

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

I have to say the whole attitude from WSR has been very impressive ( a sentiment I know is shared by those I’ve spoken to within our server community). Massive respect to all of you who continue the fight without any whining.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: GoNeKrAzY.7308


@Jimmy Thanks for that For those of us that keep fighting giving up isn’t really in our vocabulary lol. Just fighting till we get better Sadly there are a lot of players in our server that over the last month or so have just stopped even trying to play wvwvw. To be honest if those players just came back on to help us fight, the battles would be a lot more even. And i wont even mention the guilds that abandoned the server….

[TEO] Sigurd Hsring
Gunnar’s Hold
Probably the Only Existing Neon Norn Engineer

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

Haha yea GoNeKrAzY abandoned the server……. Its a game and we play for fun, and what a surprise since we left WsR my entire guild would agree that we are enjoying the game a lot more. Im not going to bang on about the GH community any more but it makes a hell of a difference to how much fun you can get out of the game.
[rddt] were the only guild that i saw trying to build a community on WsR and when they messaged me saying they were leaving it just enforced it for us as well. I don’t blame them for the decision and wouldn’t blame any guild for leaving WsR as even in the days when [Mda] made a community teamspeak and forum no one from WsR was interested. Sorry for ranting but wasn’t very happy with your comment.
Hope to see you on the battlefield soon

Victrixx [xVx]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


First time we broke into bay with the golems last night there was 10 of us (Our guild group) there, and about 30 RoF judging by the sheer number on the walls and in the inner gate when it broke. We got pushed back out except for 2 of us who were in the water with the 1 remaining golem.

Ring of Fire then pushed out after the rest of our forces, and our guild returned through the north outer gate (broken by said golem while this was going on) and then worked on the north inner, while 15 went to the east inner.

You had more on our original push but they all left the keep by the time we came back in. Still nice to know our 10 man guild group at the north gate is classifiable as a zerg though.

During the week I tend to spend my daytime in EB, and the size of the RoF groups that hit Quentin lake on average (always seem to converge there for some reason) are enourmous…. for whatever reason after Quentin that zerg seems to break up.

RoF certainly come online earlier in the day, usually starting around 7am with a fair push in EB. Numbers are more consistent across all time zones whereas GH spike during the evening. Last night there were server events every other day which is where our largest pushes came. Let’s not also forget that RoF also stated they had a few server events, and on the nights in question pushed very hard into GH BL whilst also holding a fair chunk of EB and their own BL, having the highest points income.

When each server does an event they tend to get the lead tick and push harder than normal, Ring of Fire can manage it when they want to and we have seen this. Yes, GH do have the larger numbers at the moment but it is not this 3:1 that is being claimed, and it is only really bigger for a couple of hours a night (excluding events) – whereas RoF I can garauntee outnumber us early morning. Whether you see the early morning numbers difference is another matter.

Not really sure why I put the time into typing that, especially when I’m cranky haven just woken up :P Really, this is all just a little tiresome. Only 2 guilds have joined since a few weeks ago when RoF were the dominant server in the tier, so if numbers have increased it is due to recruiting from within.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: bhavvels.1962


I have to say the whole attitude from WSR has been very impressive ( a sentiment I know is shared by those I’ve spoken to within our server community). Massive respect to all of you who continue the fight without any whining.

We continue to fight because we still have some good commanders that know what they are doing, some of the tactics still make the mark of pushing back and claiming back some installations(even though we might lose them again).

Haha yea GoNeKrAzY abandoned the server……. Its a game and we play for fun, and what a surprise since we left WsR my entire guild would agree that we are enjoying the game a lot more. Im not going to bang on about the GH community any more but it makes a hell of a difference to how much fun you can get out of the game.
[rddt] were the only guild that i saw trying to build a community on WsR and when they messaged me saying they were leaving it just enforced it for us as well. I don’t blame them for the decision and wouldn’t blame any guild for leaving WsR as even in the days when [Mda] made a community teamspeak and forum no one from WsR was interested. Sorry for ranting but wasn’t very happy with your comment.
Hope to see you on the battlefield soon

No offense, but losing TCS wasnt a massive loss to WSR, infact TCS didnt even have a good commander in the first place and a lot of people on WSR pretty much saw this. Im sure its easier now to have other guilds carry weaker ones across to victory

(TNC) – Tooth ‘N’ Claw PvE/sPvP –
(WBC) – We Be Chilling – WvW
Whiteside Ridge(EU) Needs you!

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

If its not a loss then why are you moaning about it? You are right tho. Last week when [TCS] took your hills and bay one after the other the commandig was crappy but hey

Victrixx [xVx]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


For further clarification on numbers and what I am refering to with RoF being more consistent and GH being more of an ‘evening spike’, right now RoF have the highest points tick. Generally is this time of day.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: OchrisO.8450


end of the day GH have had about 3-4 wsr guilds so gh will out number rof one of the guilds being rddt, so people from gh can stop saying that rof has more numbers ^^

Mr Quackers- Guild leader

The Night Pact Legacy [NP]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


We have ~6 scouts from [rddt], not the whole guild.
They fight like demons, though.

One ~11 man guild from RoS and [TCS], one guild from WSR.
We rallied our more PvE-oriented folks, especially in guilds; people also got bored with PvE and hopped over to PvP naturally, and we’ve always had a decent PvE coverage.


(edited by drkn.3429)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: bhavvels.1962


If its not a loss then why are you moaning about it? You are right tho. Last week when [TCS] took your hills and bay one after the other the commandig was crappy but hey

Whos moaning about? just saying TCS are just not good, more like a fifth wheel that are being carried on by other stronger well performing guilds on GH

Alas not all commanders are good, which I did say there are some good commanders left in this world.
I am sure it was easy to capture hills and bay when there is no one around, them npc guards must have put up a good fight.

Anyway! I will say again, not a big loss to WSR

(TNC) – Tooth ‘N’ Claw PvE/sPvP –
(WBC) – We Be Chilling – WvW
Whiteside Ridge(EU) Needs you!

(edited by bhavvels.1962)