Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:
end of the day GH have had about 3-4 wsr guilds so gh will out number rof
one of the guilds being rddt, so people from gh can stop saying that rof has more numbers ^^
No one has said RoF has more, at best I have said that RoF has more CONSISTENT numbers across the time zones.
GH has more, I don’t think anyone is denying it, just not as many as are claimed by comments like “3v1”.
end of the day GH have had about 3-4 wsr guilds so gh will out number rof
one of the guilds being rddt, so people from gh can stop saying that rof has more numbers ^^
No one has said RoF has more, at best I have said that RoF has more CONSISTENT numbers across the time zones.
GH has more, I don’t think anyone is denying it, just not as many as are claimed by comments like “3v1”.
Yea, the unbalance happens at certain time periods which you mentioned some posts back, but yea things go 3v1 during the timings when more of GH users are proactive and a spike of GH turn up but once the dust has settled RoH and WSR just take the areas back we need
end of the day GH have had about 3-4 wsr guilds so gh will out number rof
one of the guilds being rddt, so people from gh can stop saying that rof has more numbers ^^
No one has said RoF has more, at best I have said that RoF has more CONSISTENT numbers across the time zones.
GH has more, I don’t think anyone is denying it, just not as many as are claimed by comments like “3v1”.
Yea, the unbalance happens at certain time periods which you mentioned some posts back, but yea things go 3v1 during the timings when more of GH users are proactive and a spike of GH turn up but once the dust has settled RoH and WSR just take the areas back we need
Well, since I logged on this morning I’ve seen WSR and RoF both in the highest ticks. With WSR having (apparently) lost a large bulk of their guilds and yet still getting into highest tick it’s either vastly superior organisation, or that the numbers are far more mythical than people suggest :P
RoF last night u capped cliffside with my group of 4 still inside tower… we just waited buff to expire and capped it again… next time check tower after u cap
RoF last night u capped cliffside with my group of 4 still inside tower… we just waited buff to expire and capped it again… next time check tower after u cap
Ok man thanks for the advice.
Well, since I logged on this morning I’ve seen WSR and RoF both in the highest ticks. With WSR having (apparently) lost a large bulk of their guilds and yet still getting into highest tick it’s either vastly superior organisation, or that the numbers are far more mythical than people suggest :P
Without saying it crudely, I think WSR lost the guilds that offered confusion than progression and that is the nicest way I could really put it…
Now there are guilds and commanders that are left where players do listen and we have taken things back from RoH and GH. You do get the odd straggler players who know little/no english but when there is a commander present people will follow and a good percentage of those commanders lead a good run. Ironically! there hasnt been any kitten/flaming or trolling in Team chat which for WvW isnt new it’s pretty scarey, have to purposely start kittenings to make it feel more like WvW
(edited by bhavvels.1962)
Just wanted to say we at “Love United” had an epic battle last night (before reset) trying to take Bay in GH borderlands. Great defence by GH (and a few WSR players that kept harassing our trebs!) and thanks for the really fun battles at the camp!
I think it took us around 3-4 hours in the end lol but we did eventually claim it.
As far as GH coordination goes it definitely felt that as soon as we got close to taking Bay the number of defenders increased, so nice job there.
Overall wanted to say that we as a guild had a great time even though we didn’t get as far as we usually do on our WvWvW night
We obviously try to take over as much as we can, sometimes it doesn’t work out that way. But we still had some great battles!
We are not a WvW guild but everyone in our guild enjoys the event when we do it. The important thing to us is that everyone has a good time. So thanks again! and see you on the Battlefield this week.
Jaredette Triumphant (one of the commanders of Love United)
end of the day GH have had about 3-4 wsr guilds so gh will out number rof
one of the guilds being rddt, so people from gh can stop saying that rof has more numbers ^^
Stop talking out of your kitten At least if you’re going to make claims, get your figures right. We have had one full guild transfer from WSR TCS, and atm we have 6-10 scouts from rddt assessing our server.
haha i bet that vale farming was good loot bags for you LOVE fellows :P my lives for the trebs! you were amazingly persistent there, we kicked you out of bay a lot of times, but you didnt give up at all… and i see you claimed it even after i thought we were safe and left O_O
Great. So this time we are getting the bandwagoners ON our server. I am already missing the times when the fair-weather-players jumped OFF our server. Since I cant stop those guys from transferring I at least wont be silent about that topic. Stay where you are. Dont want you here. * holdshisstaffhigh * “You shall not pass/transfer !”
Good loot for most! :P I kept forgetting to pick mine up ^^ (silly little loot bags)
Yeah we were all having a good time so stuck too it! I did notice that most of your defence had left when we eventually got it!
till next time Starhejm!
i dont know about the defense size, dont want to make excuses, sorry. when we had kicked you out of bay (for like 3rd time >.<) and cleared all trebs in vale i thought were fine and took a break. afterall had got my kitten kicked for 3 hours straight lol. i was one of the warriors who kept going over the left side into vale to do damage on trebs >.< i donated a lot of bags
@ thebrazza Genuinely pleased you guys enjoyed your evening and a near 4 hour siege showed your determination. I think, possibly our ‘hardened veterans’ on defence may have tipped the balance in our favour at times.
As it was a guild event it would explain why you were willing to throw so much siege at us so close to reset as we were wondering why you were doing it.
Fair enough that a server can rally PvE players to the cause, but some of this is the typical bandwagon BS that will end once paid transfer is in place. A second look at weekly scoring would be nice too, to end these weekly matchups repeating for a few weeks on end.
It’s getting just a bit too predictable.
@Tichai Yeah we weren’t bothered about how much siege we were using, we were there for fun and that alone. You all supplied us with epic battles! you guys defended that Bay like it was your last stand! we just couldn’t seem to get past the “kill box” just inside the inner gate.
@Steelo So it was you coming over the side! hehe.. nice work I think there was 3 GH and 3 WSR that seemed to take it in turns to attack our trebs
I was that mesmer there trying to defend them :P
Good times.
Looking at the map atm, WSR are pushing further than RoF.
It’s not due to GH pushing RoF more, as we have only a small presence in each BL as I write this, and EB we are fighting both.
Given WSR has actually lost guilds and RoF were the previously dominant faction (we a few weeks ago yes) it’s interesting that WSR are now pushing them back. So, going from what we can see so far I can only guess the numbers difference is more created by morale/frustration differences between the servers than actual player counts.
Winning server always gets players joining in, losing always gets them dropping off. Just the way it is.
Well im happy here and im sure GH will vouch that we are an asset to them as well. WsR seem a bit sore which i understand. I still have a lot of respect for the likes of [TEO] who manage to post on the forums without winging. You can try and belittle us but but we don’t really care. The guild is having more fun then ever in WvW which is why the guild is putting out double the numbers it was on WsR.
Speaking of no real loss, in my entire time on WsR i never saw much of either of your guilds so you are no real gain for WsR are you.
If you have a problem with [TCS] solve it in the borders as this is going nowhere.
Well im happy here and im sure GH will vouch that we are an asset to them as well.
Well.. Dunno if I’d go THAT far
Fair enough that a server can rally PvE players to the cause, but some of this is the typical bandwagon BS that will end once paid transfer is in place. A second look at weekly scoring would be nice too, to end these weekly matchups repeating for a few weeks on end.
It’s getting just a bit too predictable.
Bandwagoners>! – oh yes all those people joining on that T8 victory train! We’ve had two guilds join us, and one joined us before this matchup. Free transfers closing earlier would not have changed the results much at all.
As for numbers atm we currently have outmanned buff in both RoF and WsR borders.
Looking at the map atm, WSR are pushing further than RoF.
It’s not due to GH pushing RoF more, as we have only a small presence in each BL as I write this, and EB we are fighting both.
Given WSR has actually lost guilds and RoF were the previously dominant faction (we a few weeks ago yes) it’s interesting that WSR are now pushing them back.
I’m sure the fact GH and WSR both leave eachother allone has nothing to do with us being pushed on our borders.
For what it’s worth we’re currently outmanned on 2 borderlands, and its been like that most of the day.
top1 server of the matchup hit top3 for easier points, or top2 if they start gaining on points. We’re currently far ahead and don’t need to kick WSR to secure our position – for the moment.
top2 server of the matchup almost always focuses on top3, unless they’re very close to overtaking top1 and need to slow down their pointgain. Right now WSR competes very closely with RoF so it’s in their best interest to hit RoF whenever possible.
top3 server tries to get points wherever possible, usually off top2 as it’s the first goal and by hitting the top2 server they make it more likely to take their place.
WSR has their reasons to focus RoF down as they’re still fighting for the 2nd spot and staying in the tier.
GH just takes the easier points now, with no need to specifically hit any opponent. As WSR already occupies RoF a bit, it makes it easier for GH to hit RoF in EB as well, although GH also pushes northward in EB.
That’s how the game is designed, rather than having the two weaker servers banding together against the top1. We’ve all been there at some point, being the first, second or third, and GH and WSR both hitting RoF (with GH also taking the easy points off WSR whenever possible) is the ‘natural course of action’.
I know it sucks.
The funny thing is when we are ranked second you never hit WSR aswell so your logic is kind of pointless.
And I’m sure the general consensus of 1v1v1 is not to always pick on the last server… The most logical thing in a 1v1v1 scenario is the 2nd in rank to be targetted.
Anyway good to know your not attacking WSR, thanks for the confirmation. The number one server with a 20k lead is only out for easy points…ok…
Anyway good to know your not attacking WSR, thanks for the confirmation. The number one server with a 20k lead is only out for easy points…ok…
Reading comprehension seems to be falling short, so I’m going to call and end to my participation in this particular discussion topic.
Speaking of no real loss, in my entire time on WsR i never saw much of either of your guilds so you are no real gain for WsR are you.
If you have a problem with [TCS] solve it in the borders as this is going nowhere.
Probably because we are the ones pushing and taking over places meanwhile the rest of you lot are still figuring out AC and CM afterall your guild is a mixed bag ours is not. Can galdly say the people in WBC and TNC are causal but we know when to put on the game face and take back what is ours and do it right.
We’ll see in the borderlands, watchout for WSR flag poles they do hurt when they land in your pretty face
Well im happy here and im sure GH will vouch that we are an asset to them as well.
Well.. Dunno if I’d go THAT far
Quoted the truth
Neandramathal maybe you should come to WSR
(edited by bhavvels.1962)
Well im going to ignore the WsR trolls. Freyn was joking you fool.
Anyway i believe these forums are going to become very heated soon lol.
Ive got my popcorn ready…..
Quoted the truth
Neandramathal maybe you should come to WSR
Well whether Gunnar’s consider my guild an asset or not is up for question too :P
WSR? Nah, I predict WSR/Vabbi/FoW matches very soon and I’m tired of those
Well whether Gunnar’s consider my guild an asset or not is up for question too :P
IMP is a great asset to Gunnar’s Hold. You prove and show a behavior we enjoy and appreciate very highly. And, you all fight very skilled.
- Insky
Even if that was the case (it’s not btw) you have no right to complain given that you teamed with ROS against us. It’s entirely hypocritical.
Please read my post again, full, until you are done with selective reading.
Maybe i should emphasise one bit: not to take any credit off from our opponents or small talk them, but we’ve managed to build a 20k advantage over one day, with both our opponents tied close together. It was not an issue last week(s), when RoF was still considered a threat for top1 until late weekdays, and still might threaten GH’s points if only they show the organisation and dedication of the past matchups.
It’s the morale hitting, not any hidden agreements, personal feuds or train of newcomers – thanks to winning, GH morale is high and more people step into W3, while it’s going different direction for you.
On the GH/WSR front, we’ve just capped almost whole WSR map, with RoF map almost untouched and RoF at our doorstep.
We came at your doorstep after you had capped WSR and you immediately had a zerg of about 40 people in it. We had some fun fights tho.
Anyway this matchup has gotten to the point where most of Rof is hoping it will be over soon. Capping an entire borderlands when you feel like it isn’t about having good communication.
Especially dissapointing as transfers are closing soon and just now we end up in a completely one sided matchup. Hoping it won’t hurt the server more then it should.
Recap half the map, 40man zerg inc, lose the whole map. Rinse repeat for 6days.
Yeah gh pretty much sucked the fun and equality out of the matchup now, we’re having our fun competing with RoF though, they seem to have lost a bit of spirit :/
And confirming [TCS] were not a major loss to WSR, losing any guild is difficult especially 20 or so active wvw players, but you won’t find many people here who have a positive word to say about the [TCS] commander GH have my utmost respect for the way they execute their wvw, they have some powerful well drilled guilds who play really well together. [TCS] are holding those coat tails tight, being dragged to glory they’d not have reached on WSR for sure
Enjoy your fights.
if you dont cap back we might tier up :X underworld doing too well ;(
this is going to hurt when the full xaoc arrives.. i wouldnt recommend to upgrade :X
(edited by Steelo.4597)
We were there, too – getting obliterated by Dzagonur for two (three?) weeks straight, waking up to having one-two camps and nothing else across all maps, striving to just keep our homemap safe during primetime, not to mention the EB.
We waited them out, working on our attitude and organisation in the meantime. We managed to win our first matchup for months (remember we lost the first time we got matched up against RoF/RoS now), what stirred the community and brought more people into the format, simply because of winning. We managed to maintain that momentum and only then all of it brought newcomers over, of course combined with the announcement of paid transfers.
A lot of what’s happening is down to morale on all sides, very much rising on GH (seriously – first victory since late october, and then that was the only one on the way for a long time) and clearly dropping on RoF; not sure about WSR at the moment.
The game’s very design and close run between RoF and WSR is to ‘blame’ now, too. I think that if either secured 2nd spot somehow, GH would have to focus on them more rather than kicking everyone in the weak spots.
Love the dramas
RoF player here (tall norn dreadlock girl member of Warp, that usually charges mindlessly and dies horribly hehe)
Ok it is 2:1 “only” during reset time (and w-end prime time) while in the morning numbers r even (or slightly on our side), now u see where i’m heading?
When “everyone” is online GH outnumbers us and capture SM, upgrade towers etc, when no one is around RoF (but same goes for WSR) struggles to take back what was lost.(and then, with some exceptions, forget to upgrade…sigh).
That said i personally am having a lot of fun playing with my guildmates, just know our limits (as a server) and know that there’s gonna be no way for us to win this matchup, we’r too outnumbered for our server game style.
Kudos to everyone on the field, xpecially to WSR who held it’s ground badly outnumbered till now, luckily u guys got couple of new guilds (those WAR fielded something like 20 guys on our BL).
cya around
Greetings from Gunnars.
Have to say I’m a bit disappointed in WSR tonight. For the first time in our weeks of fighting you guys I feel that tonight was the first time you guys have actually used a cheap trick/bug abuse against us.
You guys triggered a breakout event even though you had 2 towers and your keep. What gives? Been having a great fight with you guys in EB tonight, I’m sure you will agree. Even though we have been pushing you in EB hard you have been pushing back and giving as good as you got. Suddenly you feel the need to abuse this glitch( as I’m sure the event is not supposed to activate unless you own no structures in a map) in order to take back a tower. Obviously its just a tower, and not even upgraded so there wasn’t much damage done(apart from the 3 trebs we had inside hitting Overlook) I just feel a bit disappointed to end a good night of action on a move like this.
Yeah i’ve kittened at people for doing that before Crosstrack. Unfortunately some people don’t know how the breakout event should work and don’t realise it’s not intended. I’ve even seen players on our own server do it.
Hi Cross, I was there shortly, and I don’t agree with your pov. First of all, the entire WSR border was wiped clean by GH, and so we all decided to just leave it (we were running around there getting zerged from 2 sides by an easy 50-60 GH) and just help at overlook, which was clearly in trouble. Overlook was hit from many angles, trebs, cata’s etc, and were definately outnumbered for a good while, until we started to win some fights here and there. I think that when we own only one keep, two towers and a camp in the entire 4 maps that WSR doesn’t have to feel bad about taking this course of action to get rid of the next 3 trebs that were clearly a big threat to overlook.
That said, some good fights overall, especially in Pangloss tunnel, and underground.
On 2nd note, why did none of the 3 trebs on the hills south of overlook take out the one we were building (and used to take out your 3 in 5 shots…)?
Having great fun fighting NP in our BL
WSR doesn’t have to feel bad about taking this course of action to get rid of the next 3 trebs that were clearly a big threat to overlook.
I understand your reasoning, but it is an exploit. You’re not supposed to be able to use the breakout unless you have 0 towers or keeps on a map.
Very well played NP & co in our sunny. We finally got it back after maybe 2 hours of fighting for it. Half that time with the door down.
Have to say we made some silly errors, but you outplayed us there
@Ventus- A very just comment you made that i will agree with to clear the air a bit. Yes [TCS] are getting glory at the moment that we would not have otherwise gotten on WsR. But this isn’t through a lack of trying by us either, we aren’t just cruising the GH glory. We are turning up to events and helping out where needed and coordinating with other guilds.
As to the comments to me as a commander i believe they are unnecessary. As with a lot of commanders i still have a lot to learn. I’ve never claimed to be even a good one, i actually consider myself a very average commander at best. But use my tag mostly to rally my guildies.
Anyway i wish you all with the rest of the matchup. Cheers!
Well whether Gunnar’s consider my guild an asset or not is up for question too :P
You guys are scrubs. I mean, look at Freyn, he’s not even a real norn. I have seen humans that are taller than him!
On a more serious note, both Imp and TCS have been a huge asset to the community. The thing with Gunnar’s is we support each other. You can call it getting carried, I call it getting involved – both giving and receiving support.
Great fun at Sunnyhill, NP. Thanks.
For all i know i consider TCS a huge asset to our server.
Nice guys, no flaming at map chat and doing the best they can , as we all do, to help our server.
Same goes for IMP. I am more than happy to have Freyn and Co at Gunnars Hold.
I am sorry for RoF and WSR, this week wont be fun. i hope you can do something to stick through it, maybe hold some other kinds of events or try special tactics – i hope we will be gone next week and you will have better matchup. If you want some fun with me, im not fighting for Gunnar’s this week because no need.., pm me for some duels and stuff if you like, or maybe we can just hunt some quaggans and then look at the sunrise together =) I am very sorry, i know exactly how this kind of matchup feels, but keep together and better times will come!
btw commanders of RoF and WSR: green EB is not as bad as it seems. arenanet calls it a “target-rich environment” – roaming can be fun and very rewarding in terms of exp and gold, just be faster then the enemy blob and dont try to hold towers! people loved it when i took them cruising around dzagonur’s EB and we had lots of fun – good luck!
(edited by Steelo.4597)
It comes at a pretty bad time to have 630+ ticking in GH’s favor for an entire week as it hurts the morale more then it should right before the transfers close. Its pretty much pointless to be in WvW before Xaoc go to bed.
I hope this won’t affect WSR and Rof to much.
Look at the tier below , this pretty much settles RoS tiering up next week >_>
I know how you feel Krosan believe me. For 2 months we were coming online only to see us hold nothing but a few spare camps or hopefully a tower.
Hopefully for all of us we will move up next week and all will get more balanced fights.
This all would be no problem if after server transfer you were banned from WvW for 2 weeks…
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