GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Quadraxis.7269


I’m The Nebula from the WBC guild and well… while we do hold up sometimes, we are always outmanned, we do love the fights though.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


All trolling and remarks aside, this just isn’t fun at all anymore.
We managed to take back garrison and then we just lose it to a MASSIVE zerg that basically doesn’t even have to do anything besides spamming 1.
This is going to be boring as hell but it seems like GH is enjoying themselves.

(edited by Krosan.2890)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


All trolling and remarks aside, this just isn’t fun at all anymore.
We managed to take back garrison and then we just lose it to a MASSIVE zerg that basically doesn’t even have to do anything besides spamming 1.
This is going to be boring as hell but it seems like GH is enjoying themselves.

Just enjoying you crying about something else again. We will move up this week, so don’t worry you can find a server in the next match up to whine at

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


We’ll try to live up to our reputation…

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Growltiger.3450


So bored with this RoF zerg now, patiently trying to take Woodhaven and we’re faced with a huge 40+ man RoF zerg?

Looking forward to more even matchups in the next weeks… RoF, nothing but numbers…

Sidestrike | Charr Guardian | Cry Havoc – Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ninth Requiem.3250

Ninth Requiem.3250

All trolling and remarks aside, this just isn’t fun at all anymore.
We managed to take back garrison and then we just lose it to a MASSIVE zerg that basically doesn’t even have to do anything besides spamming 1.
This is going to be boring as hell but it seems like GH is enjoying themselves.

(GH player) Honestly? Not really – very little enjoyment to be had. With such a disparity of numbers, there’s no strategy needed, no organization to develop, no tense risk. In short, no fun.
I think I preferred the days when we were outnumbered, and needed to really push hard to make any headway at all.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


This is going to be boring as hell but it seems like GH is enjoying themselves.

Some may be, others certainly aren’t. I am one of the latter. I prefer to be outnumbered.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


All trolling and remarks aside, this just isn’t fun at all anymore.
We managed to take back garrison and then we just lose it to a MASSIVE zerg that basically doesn’t even have to do anything besides spamming 1.
This is going to be boring as hell but it seems like GH is enjoying themselves.

Just enjoying you crying about something else again. We will move up this week, so don’t worry you can find a server in the next match up to whine at

Glad to see I haven’t lost my pet troll.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


Some may be, others certainly aren’t. I am one of the latter. I prefer to be outnumbered.


Wish the rest of them were like you Not seen much of IMP at all this week

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Some may be, others certainly aren’t. I am one of the latter. I prefer to be outnumbered.


Wish the rest of them were like you Not seen much of IMP at all this week

We’re bored

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


I like Bay windows, they remind me of that time we just took a fully upgraded keep from GH borders in response to the insert high number group that took the kitten a little on ours worth the exchange imo (although the Borg will have it upgraded by the morning I’m sure).

Tssssk NP, get your own ideas, I was willing you on at their Garr when we ran out, but mopping up our sloppy seconds on the whole map and getting drilled by a pony team at a camp ;s You forgot to let us take that last tower before coming to flip it though ;x

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: skwas.9873


Some may be, others certainly aren’t. I am one of the latter. I prefer to be outnumbered.


Wish the rest of them were like you Not seen much of IMP at all this week

We’re bored

Now you have time to upgrade GH bay again. Unfortunately, RoF took it from us after us doing the hard work, but hey… we are getting used to that. Many thanks to the very few WSR participants, a true joint guild effort of 1-2 man per guild ;D.

skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by skwas.9873)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Rhymelark.4396


Wow. Well done guys. You kept us running all over the place to defend. With the large attack on Whiteside Borderlands against Garrison, Bay and Hills. We did not know what to protect. We were sorta holding our own in Bay and Hills for a bit after garrison fell but then had to pull out of Hills and protect the GH hills since RoF decided to attack there.

All in all a well coordinated and executed attack WS I salute you o7

So much for a boring week XD Keep it up and lets make this a week to remember

My sword is big enough to back my big mouth.
[RPS] & [PRXM] Lippsy
Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Demannu.2805


Being outmanned givrs you a chance to learn how to manage small company as you will need it next week when servers changes if you want practical advices feel free to whisper me we could provide you with practical session on whatever map either of you want take that as a friendly proposal make a trolling out of it if it makes you feel better

thanks to all GH for holding +410 till morning reinforcements arrives

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: skwas.9873


Thanks Demannu, but that’s actually what WSR is better at, compared to the more larger scale battles, since we have always been low on numbers and in bottom tiers. This is the typical playstyle you will find on any bottom tiered server. There simply aren’t enough ppl to cover every tower, keep and camp. WSR is not about having dozens of people everywhere, and not about zerging. We do have commanders and form bigger groups when needed, and obviously pugs will tag along, but mostly we are scattered in small groups throughout the maps doing what needs to be done, and with style ;]

skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by skwas.9873)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Agreed, I would imagine WSR have better experience of the way the lower tier’s play and managing smaller groups than yourself really given the different ends of the tier’s you are both coming from.

There were times in the matchups where WSR felt like they were overblobbing, we would take 5 guys to pangloss and get 30 show up to get it back :P But it’s all part of their charm, when backed into a corner there is very vigorous defence.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


Our small roam is strong, Skwas will typically roam 10 people covering the bl’s with great success usually. Overblobbing randomly is due to the large number of pick ups and new players arriving on WSR after Christmas Its virtually impossible to control the ebb and flow of the WSR blob, because its entirely disorganised. Put a blue icon on the map and people follow it like flies on kitten

There are very few organised and well drilled guilds within WSR in wvwvw Those that do remain for the most part are good, but are having to teach the ropes left right and centre to people unfamiliar with the game, let alone wvwvw at large ;> Usually we end up forming roaming groups inter guild (such as the one which took GH bay last night).

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

Nerf work making me miss this fun. Mutter mumble mumble mutter.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


Nerf work making me miss this fun. Mutter mumble mumble mutter.

Nerf work, making me wake up at 7am despite having taken part in more fun (and having another 2am finish) :’(


[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: OchrisO.8450


Sorry i am confused, is this guild wars or flame wars?

also Chvc still what that guild v guild? :P

Mr Quackers- Guild leader

The Night Pact Legacy [NP]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


Guild flaming wars?

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: lOKI.8152


Lost my last bit of interest in WvW the moment i heard Xaoc was transfering over. 3 Options now: Stay out of WvW at all, transfer to one of our enemies or another tier. That from someone who has been on GH since prelaunch.

GH is now back again, playing the numbers game. This time with the numbers on their side.

Lvl 80s: Thief, Necro, Engi, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger

“War does not determine who is right – only who is left.”

(edited by lOKI.8152)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


Lost my last bit of interest in WvW the moment i heard Xaoc was transfering over. 3 Options now: Stay out of WvW at all, transfer to one of our enemies or another tier. That from someone who has been on GH since prelaunch.

GH is now back again, playing the numbers game. This time with the numbers on their side.

You will go up a tier next week, the numbers will even out a lot more. There’s a positive buzz about GH right now, and the organisation and core of the server seem very strong and capable. I’d not be hasty to jump ship, even with the borg joining (however temporarily that will be).

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: lOKI.8152


Shame theres no Jean-Luc Picard around… Or does WSR have something hidden in its backpack ? :-)

Lvl 80s: Thief, Necro, Engi, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger

“War does not determine who is right – only who is left.”

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


We have a warm fuzzy feeling when we encounter the walking ball of lootbags

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

On Jan 29th everyone will find out who their real friends are after the dust settles. I’m completely comfortable with this. There’s a lot to be said for knowing exactly where you stand.

People sticking with the team are welcome and we’re grateful for the support, people leaving, have fun, good luck, I hope you find what you’re looking for (most don’t).

In game it will be business as usual – Merry devious mayhem, no quarter asked or given. Also custard.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: JimFord.4163


Guys, listen to Chris and give us a GvG, it’ll be good fun!

Lord Fordy – RoF
[NP] – Night Pact
DPS Ranger Mentor

(edited by JimFord.4163)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Growltiger.3450


Sorry i am confused, is this guild wars or flame wars?

also Chvc still what that guild v guild? :P

Flaming boring this week…

And sure – if we go ahead with the Friday night big GH bang we’ll be sure to hunt you down and slaughter you like the dogs you are! We thought you’d be tired of CHvc wiping you out by now


Sidestrike | Charr Guardian | Cry Havoc – Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: OchrisO.8450


Sorry i am confused, is this guild wars or flame wars?

also Chvc still what that guild v guild? :P

Flaming boring this week…

And sure – if we go ahead with the Friday night big GH bang we’ll be sure to hunt you down and slaughter you like the dogs you are! We thought you’d be tired of CHvc wiping you out by now


sounds like fighting talk i think all that can be said is bring it!

Mr Quackers- Guild leader

The Night Pact Legacy [NP]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Growltiger.3450


sounds like fighting talk i think all that can be said is bring it!

Again? sigh. All that NP blood is making my greatsword rusty!

You owe me a new grinding stone…

Sidestrike | Charr Guardian | Cry Havoc – Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: OchrisO.8450


sounds like fighting talk i think all that can be said is bring it!

Again? sigh. All that NP blood is making my greatsword rusty!

You owe me a new grinding stone…

how about we give you the loot from your dead body’s?

Mr Quackers- Guild leader

The Night Pact Legacy [NP]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: bhavvels.1962


Our small roam is strong, Skwas will typically roam 10 people covering the bl’s with great success usually. Overblobbing randomly is due to the large number of pick ups and new players arriving on WSR after Christmas Its virtually impossible to control the ebb and flow of the WSR blob, because its entirely disorganised. Put a blue icon on the map and people follow it like flies on kitten

There are very few organised and well drilled guilds within WSR in wvwvw Those that do remain for the most part are good, but are having to teach the ropes left right and centre to people unfamiliar with the game, let alone wvwvw at large ;> Usually we end up forming roaming groups inter guild (such as the one which took GH bay last night).

Yea was funny last night, the GH zerg at WSR Arah supply got deflated after trying to head in to our small group via the otherside, I dont know if anyone took a screenshot on the pile of GH bodies left in Arah, whoever charged that rush should be told off!

Yea after that, thought it would be a good idea to visit GH’s borderlands and see what is there for the picking, suddenly more WSR players arrived and after catching GH Bay, we had a little bloc party Until RoF wanted to join in!

But yea numbers were our downfall this time but it shows we can swarm and take almost a good segment of the map right under your noses!

(TNC) – Tooth ‘N’ Claw PvE/sPvP –
(WBC) – We Be Chilling – WvW
Whiteside Ridge(EU) Needs you!

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.4871


Do something about this uneven numbers.. Its taken the fun out of wvw.
GH wanne have a fair fight or u guys to weak for that?

There’s only one..

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


Our small roam is strong, Skwas will typically roam 10 people covering the bl’s with great success usually. Overblobbing randomly is due to the large number of pick ups and new players arriving on WSR after Christmas Its virtually impossible to control the ebb and flow of the WSR blob, because its entirely disorganised. Put a blue icon on the map and people follow it like flies on kitten

There are very few organised and well drilled guilds within WSR in wvwvw Those that do remain for the most part are good, but are having to teach the ropes left right and centre to people unfamiliar with the game, let alone wvwvw at large ;> Usually we end up forming roaming groups inter guild (such as the one which took GH bay last night).

Yea was funny last night, the GH zerg at WSR Arah supply got deflated after trying to head in to our small group via the otherside, I dont know if anyone took a screenshot on the pile of GH bodies left in Arah, whoever charged that rush should be told off!

Yea after that, thought it would be a good idea to visit GH’s borderlands and see what is there for the picking, suddenly more WSR players arrived and after catching GH Bay, we had a little bloc party Until RoF wanted to join in!

But yea numbers were our downfall this time but it shows we can swarm and take almost a good segment of the map right under your noses!

Small group? i presume you are talking about the group at bay about 11-12 GMT right?
If so i was the leader of that charge, It was rushed tactics on the mumble which wiped the WSR players camping and running around there around about 3-4 times. The small numbers you had were still a larger force than us. I pushed the randoms too far and got caught up at the siege which we were charging at.

It was very funny watching you all run into the same deathtrap constantly at Arah

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: evildan.8260


Yea was funny last night, the GH zerg at WSR Arah supply got deflated after trying to head in to our small group via the otherside, I dont know if anyone took a screenshot on the pile of GH bodies left in Arah, whoever charged that rush should be told off!

I was there for that- it was hardly a zerg and you outnumbered us by some margin.

We’d wiped or chased you back up to Longview some five or six times by then when we had no right to so it’s only fair you wiped us when we went for your siege.

It’s been a fun few weeks and we’ve had some great fights vs WSR- glad you could show up with some numbers while RoF seemed to be taking the night off.

Edit- what the scrub said^^

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Growltiger.3450


Do something about this uneven numbers.. Its taken the fun out of wvw.
GH wanne have a fair fight or u guys to weak for that?

Apparently we’re too weak, that’s why we got stomped by you so comprehensively for the two weeks prior to this one when three guilds joined our server…

Oh wait…

Come on enough on the numbers – yes it’s spoiled this week. Sorry! What do you want us to do? Most “legacy GH” WvW players on GH seem to be leveling alts this week. I’m not sure what you expect.

Sidestrike | Charr Guardian | Cry Havoc – Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: bhavvels.1962


Our small roam is strong, Skwas will typically roam 10 people covering the bl’s with great success usually. Overblobbing randomly is due to the large number of pick ups and new players arriving on WSR after Christmas Its virtually impossible to control the ebb and flow of the WSR blob, because its entirely disorganised. Put a blue icon on the map and people follow it like flies on kitten

There are very few organised and well drilled guilds within WSR in wvwvw Those that do remain for the most part are good, but are having to teach the ropes left right and centre to people unfamiliar with the game, let alone wvwvw at large ;> Usually we end up forming roaming groups inter guild (such as the one which took GH bay last night).

Yea was funny last night, the GH zerg at WSR Arah supply got deflated after trying to head in to our small group via the otherside, I dont know if anyone took a screenshot on the pile of GH bodies left in Arah, whoever charged that rush should be told off!

Yea after that, thought it would be a good idea to visit GH’s borderlands and see what is there for the picking, suddenly more WSR players arrived and after catching GH Bay, we had a little bloc party Until RoF wanted to join in!

But yea numbers were our downfall this time but it shows we can swarm and take almost a good segment of the map right under your noses!

Small group? i presume you are talking about the group at bay about 11-12 GMT right?
If so i was the leader of that charge, It was rushed tactics on the mumble which wiped the WSR players camping and running around there around about 3-4 times. The small numbers you had were still a larger force than us. I pushed the randoms too far and got caught up at the siege which we were charging at.

It was very funny watching you all run into the same deathtrap constantly at Arah

It didnt really wipe them out as we still still left standing in Arah, you lot just vanished after taking the alternative route around, though most of us kinda knew youd do that Mind you a lot of us were teabagging your TCS players that were part of it

Though that was the WSR pug militia(they a crazy bunch, dont take orders, dont speak english, dont even use team/map chat!), still have a bunch that never listen but do the job well of running about and getting themselves killed a bit

(TNC) – Tooth ‘N’ Claw PvE/sPvP –
(WBC) – We Be Chilling – WvW
Whiteside Ridge(EU) Needs you!

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


Our small roam is strong, Skwas will typically roam 10 people covering the bl’s with great success usually. Overblobbing randomly is due to the large number of pick ups and new players arriving on WSR after Christmas Its virtually impossible to control the ebb and flow of the WSR blob, because its entirely disorganised. Put a blue icon on the map and people follow it like flies on kitten

There are very few organised and well drilled guilds within WSR in wvwvw Those that do remain for the most part are good, but are having to teach the ropes left right and centre to people unfamiliar with the game, let alone wvwvw at large ;> Usually we end up forming roaming groups inter guild (such as the one which took GH bay last night).

Yea was funny last night, the GH zerg at WSR Arah supply got deflated after trying to head in to our small group via the otherside, I dont know if anyone took a screenshot on the pile of GH bodies left in Arah, whoever charged that rush should be told off!

Yea after that, thought it would be a good idea to visit GH’s borderlands and see what is there for the picking, suddenly more WSR players arrived and after catching GH Bay, we had a little bloc party Until RoF wanted to join in!

But yea numbers were our downfall this time but it shows we can swarm and take almost a good segment of the map right under your noses!

Small group? i presume you are talking about the group at bay about 11-12 GMT right?
If so i was the leader of that charge, It was rushed tactics on the mumble which wiped the WSR players camping and running around there around about 3-4 times. The small numbers you had were still a larger force than us. I pushed the randoms too far and got caught up at the siege which we were charging at.

It was very funny watching you all run into the same deathtrap constantly at Arah

It didnt really wipe them out as we still still left standing in Arah, you lot just vanished after taking the alternative route around, though most of us kinda knew youd do that Mind you a lot of us were teabagging your TCS players that were part of it

Though that was the WSR pug militia(they a crazy bunch, dont take orders, dont speak english, dont even use team/map chat!), still have a bunch that never listen but do the job well of running about and getting themselves killed a bit

The group at Arah were wiped a few times. We wiped at the push on Arah from Bay.. not taking anyone from the side although we did that once and survived. Perhaps you were not there the whole time but it looks like you are fatasising a little :P

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: skwas.9873


We were there once and got wiped once. It was mostly a group of pugs that wiped there a few times in a row. I told them to back out because I saw the portals, invis pushes and later the flank coming from miles away, as I was observing from longview and discussing new plans since we had Cloaa inside bay for a long time already :]

That actually ruined it for us there, since they kept your presense in the area high.

skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by skwas.9873)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


You repelled RoF at your South gate, but neither they nor you noticed me sneak through past you all on my lowbie Mesmer, no checks, no nothing

You just wouldn’t leave Arah

I had been sat inside the Bay for 1hour waiting for you to get bored of meat grinding our worst pugs with the predictable portal rushes, while the rest of the organised group waited inside Longview. Eventually they got bored of waiting and ran down to join the lemmings, got you to back off.

I disconnected inside the Bay just as we were ready to steal it from under your noses with a coordinated backdoor portal rush)) I was not happy hahaha

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


You repelled RoF at your South gate, but neither they nor you noticed me sneak through past you all on my lowbie Mesmer, no checks, no nothing

You just wouldn’t leave Arah

I had been sat inside the Bay for 1hour waiting for you to get bored of meat grinding our worst pugs with the predictable portal rushes, while the rest of the organised group waited inside Longview. Eventually they got bored of waiting and ran down to join the lemmings, got you to back off.

I disconnected inside the Bay just as we were ready to steal it from under your noses with a coordinated backdoor portal rush)) I was not happy hahaha

The majority of us had gone/Wiped at Longview when people trailed up there and started wiping, Still fought you well with odds of at least 2:1. And who said you lads are always outnumbered. I am very impressed with how it all went, considering half the group that was with us were not on mumble and it was rushed tactics on the comms. Looking forward to seeing TEO and Whiteside again on the Friday. No Portals involved btw.. that were called by me at least.

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: skwas.9873


Just saying, I’ve seen how CH operates and manages their pushes. Portals or not in this case, I was just generally speaking. I know you guys are dangerous and fearless and pack a serious punch, and that pugzergs don’t stand much of a chance generally :]

[edit] And as far as our numbers, again, the whole WSR wvw population was concentrated on 1 map and only the top section of it, since that’s all we had to work for at that time ;]

skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by skwas.9873)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


Was not running with CH par one or two of us, this was a complete pug group and hardly a zerg. We were outnumbered none the less. Eitherway it about enough time to stop the chatting on the forums i think, See ya on the battlefield.

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

Had alot of fun fighting WSR tonight.

Felt we had good balance. We’d wipe you. You’d wipe us. We’d wipe you. You’d wipe us etc.

Ended up trying to defend Hills with he outmanned buff. Seems all of GH are doing other things this week now so maybe the fights won’t all be so bad

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


Hats off to WSR for the EB action just a while ago o7


GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: skwas.9873


With best regards ;D

skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Garrus.5089


Regimental Photo :P

WSR 1st Siege Golem Service
“We get knocked down, but we get up again, ain’t no treb gonna keep me down.”

“Whiteside Ridge. Get me the SGS.”


Traxus Ironsmoke – Iron Legion Engineer

(edited by Garrus.5089)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Mewjo.8967


It’s a sight to behold.


GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

Hats off to WsR for taking SM. Not so much for leaving so many Mesmers alive inside lol. But seriously well done guys, i wish i was in WvW tonight.

Victrixx [xVx]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: bhavvels.1962


lol took SM just like that something RoF couldnt do

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