GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: skwas.9873


Hats off to WsR for taking SM. Not so much for leaving so many Mesmers alive inside lol. But seriously well done guys, i wish i was in WvW tonight.

That was not the point of the exercise. If you or any other GH really think we actually intended to keep SM all night, then, lol. I’ve spotted multiple GH inside, but we didn’t care.


skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: GoNeKrAzY.7308


Like Skwas mentioned above. We just did it to prove that we could :p
looking forward to facing you guys again someday. preferably with
more equal server populations

[TEO] Sigurd Hsring
Gunnar’s Hold
Probably the Only Existing Neon Norn Engineer

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: kestralxx.7192


we may be a small group but man did we rule with the golem army!!! go team wsr!!! good job guys

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: skwas.9873


Actually, we had too many golems left. The initial goal was to take our keep and our side of EB. After completing that, we took them to GH’s keep. We didn’t actually expect to make that, since by now I assumed GH would have rallied (you guys and RoF were still active in our border since we just came from there and basically gave that up). Opposition at GH keep was again minimal, and after taking it we still had our golems left with minor damage. At that point GH started showing up taking their keep back, so we ported back to spawn, made a few more golems and just for kicks had a stab at SM, again not really expecting much of success.

Now I know that the naysayers will say, you caught us of guard, many of us are inactive/doing PvE, but the reality is it could happen in more balanced matches too. It just shows that you can never feel safe.

Anyways, thanks for a fun night WSR and GH. Although it still felt for the most part a little one-sided, not ticking more than 60 points or something during primetime, it was still fun.

PS: RoF tsss capping all the easy stuff that we left behind…

skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Indiko.5106


Banana of Rage, Golem Squadron X-1 reporting in! Tonight was a fun night!

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Demannu.2805


Could you please dare to do golems at around 6-7 pm GMT I want to have some corpsedancing

Cheers to all GH players for having 500 income through the night

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Rhymelark.4396


Well done WSR Keep up the fight and keep WvW interesting

My sword is big enough to back my big mouth.
[RPS] & [PRXM] Lippsy
Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: skwas.9873


Could you please dare to do golems at around 6-7 pm GMT I want to have some corpsedancing

Cheers to all GH players for having 500 income through the night

Yes, because doing it in primetime as the lowest wvw pop server makes absolute sense. :facepalm:

Well done WSR Keep up the fight and keep WvW interesting

Thanks man :]

skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Teutooni.9572


Hats off to both WSR and RoF for puting up a good fight at around 9→ pm gmt. I hear you even took stonemist. I really wish I didn’t have to log so early (gmt +2 here), since that was the first bit of interesting fights this week.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


hehe half the Stonemist team got our screenshots in the lords room and ported back to the WP we rallied again, when we heard the numbers were even and we could have some good fights before letting you have it back (since we’d had our fun). As Skwas said, the idea (after we got bored of RoF taking easy flips of our kitten for the trillionth night in a row), was to take back our keep in EB. Then we took back our whole corner. Then since we had golems and 4 Mesmers, we had a go at GH keep (which we got), then since you had full supp we made more golems and thought, why not try SM. So we made a plan, executed it, and danced a merry dance. Beyond that it wasn’t ‘defend SM at all cost’, it was ‘get screenies and mothball’

@Demannu, there were more than enough people to cover both your keep in EB and SM. Your numbers were preoccupied with WSR bl and RoF EB keep defense. They didn’t prioritise your crown jewels, maybe slightly complacent, also minimal cover for either of them to raise alarms. It wasn’t a gap in your coverage as your trying to suggest, your numbers matched the WSR numbers, I can only assume a communication breakdown. If the persons ‘defending’ your keep reported 5 golems there, you should have given up everything to find and kill them before losing something else. This wasn’t an attack you could zerg out, I’m terribly sorry

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

(edited by Ventus.9483)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


there was indeed a gap in our coverage because everyone was so kittening bored of camping woodhaven and cliffside on WSR and RoF for hours and hours they simply logged off. In my case i was offline reading the forum while this happened. With you guys waiting for Xaoc going to bed before you make an effort the people of Gunnar’s are bored to kitten during the first half of our primetime and just dont play anymore.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: skwas.9873


We were bored ‘getting camped’. Taking one tower to lose it 3 minutes later to either RoF or GH. Still, there were enough GH people in wvw to ring alarm bells and send 20 guys to kill us or at least stall us. GH was defending RoF keep in EB too while we were taking our keep and at least 20 minutes later GH keep (although I can’t exactly say how many, but we were outmanned when we started our run, could have been RoF too, I don’t know). So at least 40 minutes had passed until we knocked on SM gate… Finally, after we took SM, GH had way more (angry?) people and chased us off the map.

Anyways, I’ll leave it at that. See you all on the battlegrounds soon :]

skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by skwas.9873)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


there was indeed a gap in our coverage because everyone was so kittening bored of camping woodhaven and cliffside on WSR and RoF for hours and hours they simply logged off. In my case i was offline reading the forum while this happened. With you guys waiting for Xaoc going to bed before you make an effort the people of Gunnar’s are bored to kitten during the first half of our primetime and just dont play anymore.

We don’t wait for Xaoc to head to bed to make plans we wait till we get blue in the face trying to recover the situation in our borders and decide, “na it’s pointless”, we leave it and go have some fun instead
We lose numbers across this time period too, just not as significant a number as you do, the difference at this time is we aren’t over stretched defending it all like you are (and we have closer numbers to you) :P When you’re over stretched you have to make quick choices about what’s more important to lose/defend thankfully for us, our border and RoFs EB keep were more important to you than your own keep and SM.

About 70% of our work in EB was done with the outmanned debuff FYI. How can you be bored when we gave you something to do? We had this same thing happen to us in the tier below when we were running +600. We got complacent, over stretched, didn’t defend what was important. The difference is we rallied, and made it imperative to stop the storm before we lost too much face Even the best server of the matchup can learn some humbling lessons sometimes, and I wish you the very best of luck in the tier above while we’re languishing in the basement again ;x

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

(edited by Ventus.9483)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


Meh im just frustrated because i went offline before cool kitten started Zerging 3-4 hours around your garrisons make one want to /ragequit this game.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: skwas.9873


True that :x

Just a few more days ;]

skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


Meh im just frustrated because i went offline before cool kitten started Zerging 3-4 hours around your garrisons make one want to /ragequit this game.

:( for the past 3 weeks I’ve not gone to bed until either: Our bl is retaken, or we’ve done some cool kitten this has meant some very late 2,3,4am finishes before work the next day at 7am hahaha sleep deprivation ftw there is a very busy bunch of late finishers on WSR haha

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: pejot.4806


Oh yes, I was a bit disappointed that when we finally retook our EB keep after like 2h long siege, WSR seemed to retake their corner without any major resistance :P as most of GH were busy in our part ^^

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


Oh yes, I was a bit disappointed that when we finally retook our EB keep after like 2h long siege, WSR seemed to retake their corner without any major resistance :P as most of GH were busy in our part ^^

We retook it with no resistance with 5 golems, you were a handy distraction although we had no idea of numbers of either side down there and originally thought “wow RoF trying the same thing too”. Then we were a bit pre-occupied with getting our keep back before you did (we thought it was a nice little race, but you clearly had most of the resistance)

I think we hit the map simultaneously, but we spent time making the golems without raising suspicions by running supplies from our own borders The element of surprise is a powerful tool, and we spent more time in preparation than we did in execution.

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: pejot.4806


Unfortunately we couldn’t sneak attack our keep, as there was already a number of GH camping our spawn when I came, which were eager to defend the keep later :P

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: xilius.7890


TBH we did manage to pull some GH numbers to their own Borderland last evening because i and some other members from the alliance were having fun by for example build 1 ram at the watergate and starting to dance Haven’t had that amount of fun in a while so i wanna thank the RoF people who were there last evening

Just a random guy

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


Unfortunately we couldn’t sneak attack our keep, as there was already a number of GH camping our spawn when I came, which were eager to defend the keep later :P

ahhh we thought we’d blown it when some of our group took the supply camp before we’d even got the 2nd golem built.

Definitely wouldn’t have even entertained the plan if we had people being spawn camped when we got into the map

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: DutchError.7039


Since there’s not alot that can be done about the GH domination, how about we set up a duelling spot somewhere?


GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Rhymelark.4396


A nice dueling spot would be the arena in the EB Jumping puzzle. People could watch from the top as 2 combatants fight in there. We just need to call cease fire in the JP. You will be out of the main battlegrounds and will not be mowed over by a zerg from any side.

My sword is big enough to back my big mouth.
[RPS] & [PRXM] Lippsy
Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: DutchError.7039


A nice dueling spot would be the arena in the EB Jumping puzzle. People could watch from the top as 2 combatants fight in there. We just need to call cease fire in the JP. You will be out of the main battlegrounds and will not be mowed over by a zerg from any side.

Problem there is that to reach the EB JP, we need the keep.

I’ve seen some videos of other servers using the area south of the southern camp on the Borderlands as dueling spots, maybe we can use that area too?


GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


i have had some duels with RoF people that transferred from GH (yeah really!) in the territory south of Hylek, where the skill point is. Its out of sight from anyone with WvW business, more or less free from monsters, and has some territory that can be interesting for dueling. i would suggest that place, also because it is EB.

i would duel any class except d/d elementalists, go troll someone else.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

(edited by Steelo.4597)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: DutchError.7039


i have had some duels with RoF people that transferred from GH (yeah really!) in the territory south of Hylek, where the skill point is. Its out of sight from anyone with WvW business, more or less free from monsters, and has some territory that can be interesting for dueling. i would suggest that place, also because it is EB.

That sounds like a pretty good spot, the only reason for people to go there is for the skill point and it has sort of a wall if I remember right. The krait only spawn there when the Hylek are neutral, right? So if we let GH hold the Hylek, it’s a great arena-like area.


GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Neil.4360


Last night was so much fun! GJ WSR, I really didn’t want to cap SM back and just let you and RoF duke it out but even we cannot control the zerg sometimes! lol, certainly not me I’m just a grunt.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed WSR capping SM and you guys deserved it, definitely caught us with our pants down! We were horrifically complacent, but it certainly made for an interesting end to the night!

WSR ftw! well… after GH xD u guys are awesome, u totally deserve a stronger wvw presence cos the players you have are so much fun to play against when you get going! Just as NP are on RoF. If only we could have even numbers sometime to have a real good tear up!

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


We definitely had fun that’s for sure. I think when your on such a hiding to nothing you have to try make your own fun. It can get stale when you just go through the motions.

The group late at night (UK time around 9pm-2am) from WSR that I’ve rolled with this week have forged a quite good working partnership, despite not having voice chat inter group we’ve had some monumental over the odds skirmish wins, I’d not say we had the sheer destructive force of the CHvc group, or the coordination of NP on the attack, but we can turn over a zerg while ‘retreating’ really well now, and knowing when to turn defence into an extremely aggressive attack has become a near art form. Its been such a good learning experience

I’m sure we’ll all reflect fondly on this matchup, dramas blobbing and tsssking aside its mostly all been in good spirit and I’m sure we all took lessons away from each other

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: malakas.8294


Guess im just a bit happy that we ll be in a lower tier now,since i wasnt able to be much online this last month.Too soon i am about to be active again like i used to be,and i really think things are about to be better.Still,i would like to thank skwas for the fact he is still trying with such passion.

WsR server-“WAR”-The Older Commander
Magatha Darkborn

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Noct.1495


Thx alot for splendid GvG fun NP!

Was a great learning experience, thx for the patience and the headsup

Looking forward to ‘see’ you on mumble on Friday :p

Guardian of Cry Havoc (CHvc) – GH

(edited by Noct.1495)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Was interesting but it highlights why I’m not a fan of pre-organised fights. There’s no real reaction’s involved etc, due to the nature of the fight where everyone piles up inside a mass of spell effects and player models you can’t see what’s going on so you can’t react and it’s a game of “Use all your utilities/big hitters in first 3seconds”.

The first time we met [NP] (I think), it was at a supply camp with 6 of us vs about 5 NP and a load of pugs, but because the fight was less of a ball and more hectic people get seperated out into lots of smaller fights, you can see animations you can react – save your abilities for when they are needed, time a stun or dodge a big hit etc It’s an extremely different environment.

However – it was still interesting, and still enjoyable so tyvm. I think 5v10 was a bit out of our range though

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: twigglet.9310


ty very much for the fights was very intresting and nice to see guilds co operating

NP’s number one Mesmer (sorry mal youll always be number 2) ;)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: bunie.4875


Big shout out to [Chvc] for the Guild Vs Guild fights tonight,

Was interesting, you guys fought with honour and was really fun, well played on both sides, lots of good things being said about you guys here on mumble

<3 Bunz – Night Pact [NP]

bunie [NP] – Night Pact Officer

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


[PI] had a nice evening out today fighting on all borderlands either allone or alongside alliance guilds. We had some very enjoyable fights, thanks to GH and the Rof people who fought alongside us.

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


Big shout out to [Chvc] for the Guild Vs Guild fights tonight,

Was interesting, you guys fought with honour and was really fun, well played on both sides, lots of good things being said about you guys here on mumble

<3 Bunz – Night Pact [NP]

Thanks for the night chaps! have much to practice i think and have given us a good few ideas! hopefully we can sort something else out at the end of the week!

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Growltiger.3450


how about we give you the loot from your dead body’s?

Cough – can you mail me those bags please?

Really impressive stuff tonight, thanks for helping to bring a bit of variation to this matchup – not sure anyone’s particularly enjoying it. We were pretty evenly matched early in the evening but when your main force arrived you took things up to 11. I particularly enjoyed the one skirmish when our commander called for a veil, then again and then again and after we wiped we realised all our mesmers had gone to bed!

Great fun, and a lot to think about as we lick our wounds. Still think we’ve had you when we’ve met in the open field though

/salute NP.


Sidestrike | Charr Guardian | Cry Havoc – Gunnar’s Hold

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: UntimelyM.7860


Thanks for the GvG tonight NP, loads of gfs and fun.

Hope to do some more before the reset!

Prozap – CHvc


Engineer – Prozap H [JDGE] Judge Legends & [CHvc] Cry Havoc – Gandara
Youtube Channel-

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: xilius.7890


GH find this one


Just a random guy

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: xilius.7890


Like my previous post this is a person from GH glitching under bay. And no nothing was down


Just a random guy

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: fab.3298


I had the same happen to me before. I popped a cata near the south inner and was ported underground – it could have been an accident. Did he destroy/attack when he was under? If so that’s out of line and i hope Xoac can find out who it was.

Fab The Guardian
[Re] Rerolled

(edited by fab.3298)

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Demannu.2805


Whats wrong with 1st one ? hardly something … 2cnd one i dont know what it has to do with Xaoc.

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Demannu.2805


But it will be easy to find out

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


1st one: There is no breach in the keep so no one should be there regardless. But if you look at it you will see it’s very short for a charr, so short infact that his head is only just above the ground – because he is underneath the map.

2nd one: Again, no breakitteneep (picture is approx 2mins 30s later than 1st) and a player is inside the keep, possibly a thief given you cannot see his target so I suspect is during the fade in/out of stealth and it’s a medium armor class. However, no one said it had anything to do with Xaoc at any point.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: fab.3298


Just going by the tag in the first one.

Fab The Guardian
[Re] Rerolled

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Demannu.2805


I will find out.

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: xilius.7890


They were both attacking us one of them indeed being the thief because i could see the animation of the 1 skill from the shortbow. I could only hurt them with aoe’s and yes those follow eachother in that amount of time.

Again no walls or gates were down because the moment it went down i didn’t have the time to take screenies because we were a little bit outmanned there.(no there was no ‘outmanned buff’ but you know what i mean

and the person without the tag will have nothing to do with xaoc due to no tag at all so let’s not blame them for something that they didn’t do.

Just a random guy

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


I had the same happen to me before. I popped a cata near the south inner and was ported underground – it could have been an accident. Did he destroy/attack when he was under? If so that’s out of line and i hope Xoac can find out who it was.

I can only second what Fab said, as it happened once to me at Bay, as well.
If a catapult is set up at the verge of water at the inner gate (aka as close to water as possible), and it’s destroyed with the person manning it standing behind/by/on it (not in front of it), it is very likely they will end up under textures.
While it’s possible to target something above, and see what’s going on inside, all attacks are ‘obstructed’ unless you swim up as much as possible and use PBAoE/AoE for splash damage; even then no NPCs/gates can be harmed.

I’m not saying it’s not exploiting of a game bug, especially if they were indeed attacking and dealing damage, just that it’s hardly intentional and possibly those caught this time were simply curious to see what they can do, especially that all they really could was porting out (no way to exit the texture bug other than wp away). I know i was curious when it happened to me, but i swam as deep as possible and just checked if there’s any breach in the textures letting me out :p
I’ll use the screens provided to notify ANet of the bug again, if you don’t mind.


GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: cbabd.8053


If he stayed for 2.5 mins in between the two screenshots, it’s hard to see how it could have been anything but intentional glitching. Falling under the terrain can happen to anyone — I’ve fallen underneath the Claw before by accident — but there’s no reason to go inside the inner keep at Bay and certainly no reason to stay there. Doing so removes most of the benefit of the doubt.

[Gunnar’s Hold] [RPS]
Saphnabylni | Alyquia | Hrafn Halldorsson | Roshanai Abbasi | Aghrama Steamfur

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


I had a bit of a night off last night, noticed RoF doing a cracking job when I went to do the puzzle though We had a sizeable group of GH in our borders till very late on, and nobody really fancied organising something interesting to do, I think we’ve had our fun for the week now after Tuesdays fun

Watching the clock till the reset here.

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

GH vs RoF vs WSR - Take 3

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


If he stayed for 2.5 mins in between the two screenshots, it’s hard to see how it could have been anything but intentional glitching. Falling under the terrain can happen to anyone — I’ve fallen underneath the Claw before by accident — but there’s no reason to go inside the inner keep at Bay and certainly no reason to stay there. Doing so removes most of the benefit of the doubt.

I wouldn’t call even a 10 min swim odd, desperately trying to get out
I don’t see the Xaoc dude in the 2nd screen tho.

Also, i was there yesterday – the only mentions of it on /s were ‘wtf where am i’, nothing like ‘hey look i’m under textures and can kill them’ :p Best we can do is spammail ANet about bugs like that.
