GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


I have a nose for trouble, Dhampyr. As was made abundantly clear tonight. I’m starting to get paranoid and think that HoD has some sort of bounty out on me.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

[The point is, tone down the anti-newcomer rhetoric. Tone down the chest-pumping and bigotry against WM, RE, and company. It’s disrespectful, hateful, and simply rude.]

I for one has never said that we do not welcome them, heck, I even wrote a welcome letter to WM, and I’m with rather good relationship with SE/DE.

THE POINT IS to give credits where it’s due. At current, all I’m seeing is that people are giving all the credits to all these new comer, and all those old Kaineng are left in the shadows. They deserve part of that credit, if not, most of that credit, as Kaineng fought hard before they came, and earned its right to go up to Tier 7.

All these negative talk about how WvW in this tier is so boring because of them here, and all the comment saying Kaineng are going up because of these new comers (I admit to certain degree, it does makes a different)

And this is rather unfair for those old Kaineng who really fought hard to this tier to get all these negative comments, as if we fought so hard for nothing. That is the part where I’m upset about. It’s not that I’m chest pumping, it’s not that I dislike them coming, it is the community right now that are saying all these negative things to Kaineng that pisses me off.


“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Pictures.8954


Thank you very much HoD for that wonderful fight in your borderlands. That was one of the best fights I’ve ever been in. I’ve never seen so many siege and the way everyone fought from both Kaineng and HoD was EPIC. You guys are great. Please keep bringing that fight.

Thanks again!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Havvik Nightseeker.3485

Havvik Nightseeker.3485

haha that was alot of fun commanding the attack on garrison in HOD bl tonight. we had atleast 9 trebs up, we got close :P but props to the defense from Kaineng. it was an awesome fight, really intense. next time though the garrison is mine :p

[Wake] main driver/GL

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


I will talk a bit about my own experience for this week’s match.

This week’s reset was the first time I played WvW for real (Previously was just a guild event [SoS] by Chaster and learning how to do the JP) A lot of people in the guild were excited about the reset and Chaster was telling us to sleep early and gather at 8 am (+8 GMT timezone for the guild) for the server reset (though Chaster himself was late…)

+1H after the reset, I tried to jump into EB but was placed into a q so I went to HoD BL where it was really stacked in KAIN’s favour. But 15 mins later I got into EB and that was a different matter. KAIN had captured SM but was fighting hard on 2 fronts. Jiang Gun was leading WM in the assault on GoM side while Valkyrie Slayer was leading the rest of KAIN on the defense of Orge Hill against HoD.

I joined the WM side for a while and I must say that they are a really organized WvW guild and knows what they are dong. They were constantly on the move and their sieges were brutally efficient. VS had more trouble trying to organise the KAIN mob at first and lost some ground but after a while people started listening and the defense started taking shape. There were many battles back and forth.

KAIN did not really have the superiority in numbers due to the split in numbers on the 2 fronts unless HoD and GoM also split their numbers to fight each other but I didn’t really see that happen. There was one instance where WM went to help VS in assaulting HoD and GoM took the opportunity to take back their side of EB and even take anz from HoD but in this case their forces wasn’t split. Later this force tried to assault north SM but we manage to hold them off with less than 10 people as they did not really put up any effective siege weapons. Conclusion is I had a lot of fun on day 1.

However day 2 came and KAIN had captured just about everything and HoD and GoM seemed to have lost their fight. Eventually KAIN zergs would chase HoD or GoM back to their spawns and set up camp there. I was pretty disappointed at how some people from my server spawn camp but I don’t see the point to it and it discourages people from playing WvW which is not what we want.

I hope HoD and GoM can organise their forces on one map so we can have the kind of battles we had on day 1 but you guys are probably discouraged right now. Please bear with us for the week as we move up to the next tier. Hope everyone has fun next week.

Not really trying to start crap, but since it was posted by someone on your own server, I thought maybe you would be more inclined to look at it, read it, and then see why some of the things get said about WM.

To sum up some of the key points.
At reset one guild was assigned to stop a server.
The rest of the server went to deal with the another server.
At one point the one guild assigned to stop a server had to go help the rest of the server stop the one server they were suppose to be stopping because they couldn’t seem to get it done.

Yes you are all Kein now. Yes you all work together. Yes you will be going places. And grats. But if that, written by someone on your own server doesn’t sound like you are being carried you might be delusional.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


[The point is, tone down the anti-newcomer rhetoric. Tone down the chest-pumping and bigotry against WM, RE, and company. It’s disrespectful, hateful, and simply rude.]

I for one has never said that we do not welcome them, heck, I even wrote a welcome letter to WM, and I’m with rather good relationship with SE/DE.

THE POINT IS to give credits where it’s due. At current, all I’m seeing is that people are giving all the credits to all these new comer, and all those old Kaineng are left in the shadows. They deserve part of that credit, if not, most of that credit, as Kaineng fought hard before they came, and earned its right to go up to Tier 7.

All these negative talk about how WvW in this tier is so boring because of them here, and all the comment saying Kaineng are going up because of these new comers (I admit to certain degree, it does makes a different)

And this is rather unfair for those old Kaineng who really fought hard to this tier to get all these negative comments, as if we fought so hard for nothing. That is the part where I’m upset about. It’s not that I’m chest pumping, it’s not that I dislike them coming, it is the community right now that are saying all these negative things to Kaineng that pisses me off.


you worked hard huh. so how recent are these transfers? not one of you is answering that. the funny thing is i was rooting for Kaineng when GOM was in t2, you now see what awaits you. you will be down here with us in due time. gloat now while you can. and now HOD and us will be fighting to stay in this tier. i don’t understand why the recent-ness of the transfers is such a difficult question to answer. if it’s recent, you didn’t work hard at all. if it’s been a while, good job. i give it 2 weeks at most.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

you worked hard huh. so how recent are these transfers? not one of you is answering that. the funny thing is i was rooting for Kaineng when GOM was in t2, you now see what awaits you. you will be down here with us in due time. gloat now while you can. and now HOD and us will be fighting to stay in this tier. i don’t understand why the recent-ness of the transfers is such a difficult question to answer. if it’s recent, you didn’t work hard at all. if it’s been a while, good job. i give it 2 weeks at most.

This is the score BEFORE WM and the NEO alliance fully made it to kaineng.


And this is the week that they started moving (not all)


And the score you are seeing after reset (aka this match) is the time when WM actually start pouring all their efforts into the battle.

Kaineng earned its ticket up to T7, before their arrival, and this credit should be acknowledged to all who didn’t see the full time line.

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

(edited by Chaster Sharpshooter.3640)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Llyrx.3497


i don’t understand why the recent-ness of the transfers is such a difficult question to answer. if it’s recent, you didn’t work hard at all. if it’s been a while, good job. i give it 2 weeks at most.

DE moved in 3-4 weeks ago. WM the week after. RE this week.

DE was the first to move in and help out turning Kainengs WvW to a strongerforce, but we did it with the help of all the native guilds that joined in with us. SoS, KR, KAIN, MoT, TGOG and others, many of which are now in the NEO alliance we started. Chaster is right, It isn’t just us transfers that are doing the work, Yes we effect the outcome of the battle by being there, more numbers, more coverage etc, but the “original” Kaineng guilds are also there every day and night along side us. Minus the few that are negative towards us, Kaineng is start to work together nicely that’s how we are managing what we are.

Also, Tonight was a really good night against HoD, It was an awesome fight, One of the most fun nights I’ve had in awhile.





Yeah, i ran out into them all to take the pictures and died for some of them xD

Kiridono – GL of RE
Overseer of NEO Alliance -www.NeverEndingOdds.com

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


haha that was alot of fun commanding the attack on garrison in HOD bl tonight. we had atleast 9 trebs up, we got close :P but props to the defense from Kaineng. it was an awesome fight, really intense. next time though the garrison is mine :p

That fight was EPIC. Holy schmoly. I should have been in bed hours ago, couldn’t tear myself away. I can’t recall how many times you guys melted the Garrison walls, on both sides of the keep. Awesome job by both servers!

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

A lot of people in the guild were excited about the reset and Chaster was telling us to sleep early and gather at 8 am (+8 GMT timezone for the guild) for the server reset (though Chaster himself was late…)

+1H after the reset, I tried to jump into EB but was placed into a q so I went to HoD BL where it was really stacked in KAIN’s favour. But 15 mins later I got into EB and that was a different matter. KAIN had captured SM but was fighting hard on 2 fronts. Jiang Gun was leading WM in the assault on GoM side while Valkyrie Slayer was leading the rest of KAIN on the defense of Orge Hill against HoD.

I joined the WM side for a while and I must say that they are a really organized WvW guild and knows what they are dong. They were constantly on the move and their sieges were brutally efficient. VS had more trouble trying to organise the KAIN mob at first and lost some ground but after a while people started listening and the defense started taking shape. There were many battles back and forth.

KAIN did not really have the superiority in numbers due to the split in numbers on the 2 fronts unless HoD and GoM also split their numbers to fight each other but I didn’t really see that happen. There was one instance where WM went to help VS in assaulting HoD and GoM took the opportunity to take back their side of EB and even take anz from HoD but in this case their forces wasn’t split. Later this force tried to assault north SM but we manage to hold them off with less than 10 people as they did not really put up any effective siege weapons. Conclusion is I had a lot of fun on day 1.

However day 2 came and KAIN had captured just about everything and HoD and GoM seemed to have lost their fight. Eventually KAIN zergs would chase HoD or GoM back to their spawns and set up camp there. I was pretty disappointed at how some people from my server spawn camp but I don’t see the point to it and it discourages people from playing WvW which is not what we want.

I hope HoD and GoM can organise their forces on one map so we can have the kind of battles we had on day 1 but you guys are probably discouraged right now. Please bear with us for the week as we move up to the next tier. Hope everyone has fun next week.

On the side note … it was just 15 min, not that late. You gotta give me time for breakfast and get set (not to mention I did actually ended up playing LoL til 4 am xD)

But, yeah, day 1 was fun, like super fun.

I had always wanted to beat HoD in the face for my little personal revenge (will share the store if any one interested), and you guys sure did put up a very decent fight.

Despite that TA alliance left HoD, I still see alot of hard fighting spirit in you guys. But one of the problems I’m current observing is that your zerg are too insist on going front assult.

When fighing a zerg, that’s actually a good tactic … if your size is bigger that the other. Or else if you guys would try just to navigate and circle around and strike even from the side can deal massive damage to a zerg.

Oh, another tip, don’t fight at the edge, charge deep into the center of the enemy zerg. Not only this will scatter the big zerg into smaller zergs, but since you charged in as a pack, you are much more concentrated than the other zergs, so it is harder to penetrate. But don’t stop there, since the big zerg scattered, technically speaking, you can see them as fleeing from your zerg, and ask any tactican and they’ll tell you that the chasing side always has greater advantage over those who are being chased. So start find a good group to start picking them off one by one.

This is also why whenever you see suddenly a defending zerg jump out of a keep/tower that’s under attacked usually can easily wipe out most of the attacking zerg, because of the above said tactic.

For thsoe who like to follow my zerg should know, I always enjoy assulting from the back, or even sandwitching my enemies. Not only it cuts off the enemy escape route, but also by charging from the back means the faster you can get to the center of the targetted group, scattering them up faster.

I look forward for more fights tonight

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Kiexcolo.2416


I will talk a bit about my own experience for this week’s match.

This week’s reset was the first time I played WvW for real (Previously was just a guild event [SoS] by Chaster and learning how to do the JP) A lot of people in the guild were excited about the reset and Chaster was telling us to sleep early and gather at 8 am (+8 GMT timezone for the guild) for the server reset (though Chaster himself was late…)

+1H after the reset, I tried to jump into EB but was placed into a q so I went to HoD BL where it was really stacked in KAIN’s favour. But 15 mins later I got into EB and that was a different matter. KAIN had captured SM but was fighting hard on 2 fronts. Jiang Gun was leading WM in the assault on GoM side while Valkyrie Slayer was leading the rest of KAIN on the defense of Orge Hill against HoD.

I joined the WM side for a while and I must say that they are a really organized WvW guild and knows what they are dong. They were constantly on the move and their sieges were brutally efficient. VS had more trouble trying to organise the KAIN mob at first and lost some ground but after a while people started listening and the defense started taking shape. There were many battles back and forth.

KAIN did not really have the superiority in numbers due to the split in numbers on the 2 fronts unless HoD and GoM also split their numbers to fight each other but I didn’t really see that happen. There was one instance where WM went to help VS in assaulting HoD and GoM took the opportunity to take back their side of EB and even take anz from HoD but in this case their forces wasn’t split. Later this force tried to assault north SM but we manage to hold them off with less than 10 people as they did not really put up any effective siege weapons. Conclusion is I had a lot of fun on day 1.

However day 2 came and KAIN had captured just about everything and HoD and GoM seemed to have lost their fight. Eventually KAIN zergs would chase HoD or GoM back to their spawns and set up camp there. I was pretty disappointed at how some people from my server spawn camp but I don’t see the point to it and it discourages people from playing WvW which is not what we want.

I hope HoD and GoM can organise their forces on one map so we can have the kind of battles we had on day 1 but you guys are probably discouraged right now. Please bear with us for the week as we move up to the next tier. Hope everyone has fun next week.

Not really trying to start crap, but since it was posted by someone on your own server, I thought maybe you would be more inclined to look at it, read it, and then see why some of the things get said about WM.

To sum up some of the key points.
At reset one guild was assigned to stop a server.
The rest of the server went to deal with the another server.
At one point the one guild assigned to stop a server had to go help the rest of the server stop the one server they were suppose to be stopping because they couldn’t seem to get it done.

Yes you are all Kein now. Yes you all work together. Yes you will be going places. And grats. But if that, written by someone on your own server doesn’t sound like you are being carried you might be delusional.

I am just saying what I witnessed in EB, if you choose to ignore the fact that KAIN dominated in all the other BLs where WM presence was very small and that 10 non-WM Kainites held N SM against GoM’s main force to interpret that we are being carried by WM then so be it. There will be no convincing you otherwise and I don’t plan to, Chaster has spoken at great length about this and I don’t want to waste my time.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Braddock.5430


Excellent fun tonight.


Krag Oversteen 80 Norn Guardian
Blank Oversteen 80 Sylvari Warrior
2nd in command of [LK] The Light Keepers – HoD

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Snowpea.5469


It’s funny how fast some of you GoM complain about how Kain has more people then you on a map, and how it’s “not fair”. Every time we play you and you are the top ranked server out of the 3 you outnumber people on every map. Stop complaining and play the game. Don’t worry when Kain moves up a tier you can out zerg everyone again like you are used to, until then quit the complaining it’s annoying.

Take a look at the scores after 2 days buddy: 178k, 15k, 11k…. losing / being outnumbered is OK, but when neither your server or ours can hold a single keep, then something’s broken.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


@ GoM

Great fight today in GoM BL. I must admit, I am impressed with the numbers I’ve seen from you today. I was in your map for 7 hours today and with the help of WM, we finally took Sunnyhill just now, although I should have taken it with the 6 golems I put infront of it after Garrison, but for some reason the gate was bugged and wouldn’t take damage…?…

But anyway, this is what WvW is, I dont pay attention to the scorecard, As a front line commander I must say I am impressed with your will. And it even felt that Kain was outnumbered throughout the evening. I came from a server where we had no night crew, and I am so relieved my guild can WvW now knowing we do have a great night crew.

Crazy Leg

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Snowpea.5469


[The point is, tone down the anti-newcomer rhetoric. Tone down the chest-pumping and bigotry against WM, RE, and company. It’s disrespectful, hateful, and simply rude.]

….And this is rather unfair for those old Kaineng who really fought hard to this tier to get all these negative comments, as if we fought so hard for nothing….


I dont think anyone is critisizing you guys who have stuck with your server and worked hard. Personally I’ve stuck with GOM despite it being dismal in almost every way in WvW. I made my character on this server and dont intend to play the flipper game.

I think the anger is directed at the big guilds who switch servers and wreck it for everyone. Stick with your server, deal with the issues. Flipping is like a 10th grade kid heading over the the first grade and beating everyone up.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Snowpea.5469


@ GoM

…. I must admit, I am impressed with the numbers I’ve seen from you today….
… As a front line commander I must say I am impressed with your will. And it even felt that Kain was outnumbered throughout the evening…

I know you’re trying to encourage us, but its actually no fun for at all this week. There were 2 of us trying to defend a camp with some balistas and a group of 6 refused to come within range until they were joined by at least 30 others, at which point they wiped us in about 3 seconds…. fun!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


[The point is, tone down the anti-newcomer rhetoric. Tone down the chest-pumping and bigotry against WM, RE, and company. It’s disrespectful, hateful, and simply rude.]

….And this is rather unfair for those old Kaineng who really fought hard to this tier to get all these negative comments, as if we fought so hard for nothing….


I dont think anyone is critisizing you guys who have stuck with your server and worked hard. Personally I’ve stuck with GOM despite it being dismal in almost every way in WvW. I made my character on this server and dont intend to play the flipper game.

I think the anger is directed at the big guilds who switch servers and wreck it for everyone. Stick with your server, deal with the issues. Flipping is like a 10th grade kid heading over the the first grade and beating everyone up.

This is not what this is about.

RE actually had the intent to move to Ferg to bring it up, but we know we needed a night presence as well for a solid alliance. When we heard WM moved to Kain, we came here because being the last big NA Primetime WvW guild left on a server will not cut it in T5-T4. No matter how big RE is, we are not a 24 hour WvW guild, and we have felt the pain of not having one.

We came here to help bring it up in the tiers, we are starting from scratch here just as SE and WM did, please try to show support if you can, atm we still feel like outsiders, and I can imagine how WM is feeling too. Please, if yall dont mind, we are only trying to help bring this server up.

Crazy Leg

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


@ GoM

…. I must admit, I am impressed with the numbers I’ve seen from you today….
… As a front line commander I must say I am impressed with your will. And it even felt that Kain was outnumbered throughout the evening…

I know you’re trying to encourage us, but its actually no fun for at all this week. There were 2 of us trying to defend a camp with some balistas and a group of 6 refused to come within range until they were joined by at least 30 others, at which point they wiped us in about 3 seconds…. fun!

Sounds rough, and I know the scorecard says what it says, but in all honesty, I have enjoyed WvW so much today, only due to the fact that GoM will not give up. This is what WvW is about, non stop sieging and battles, I love it, this is the only reason I play this game lol. GoM zerged wiped Kain zerg numerous times today, and at one point I thought we were going to be spawn camped on you BL. Dont be so down man, WvW is a rush for me, the good and the bad.

Crazy Leg

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


transfer guilds … the bane of WvW


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Goblin.1586


I’m concerned that there’s going to be four servers that should be in tier 8, but only three slots. And that down the road what that’s going to mean is that servers will be playing for second place so they can stay in tier 8, where they’re having fun, rather than moving up to tier 7 where they get kicked and have no fun.


It’s actually a good thing that servers have left t8 and t7 (soon) as this will give way for other underpopulated servers to finally have their rightful spot in t8/t7. Sure it will mean steamrolling for a week which leaves no fun for the rest, but in the long run it will be better as it will allow other servers to be placed in a tier where the population of all 3 servers will be more or less balanced.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Brimwood.7963


Urgh god, all this pointless talk of ‘getting carried’ or not. Why can’t people just simply see it this way:

The original people at Kaineng worked hard to improve their game and establish Kaineng as a fun server with a solid WvW player base.
This work has clearly improved Kaineng’s reputation and has now attracted other guilds to the server thus allowing us to move further forward.
We could not have moved forward without BOTH the original team AND the new guilds that have come in.

And, to Kaineng’s eternal credit, the people in the new guilds that have come in are pretty much all extremely polite, capable and lovely people. One must assume that they, at least in part, chose this server because the vast majority of the old Kainengers are also polite, capable and lovely.
In short, Kaineng would not be the great server that it is without the old crew but at the same time it would not be able to move up (not beyond tier 6 or 7 anyway) without the new people. As the new people so far have not been bragging or otherwise provocative in ANY way (in fact they’ve been pretty much the ideal newcomers you want to see on your world), I really don’t see any problems here.
Kaineng will not lose its identity moving up.

Now stop this pointless argument and go do some WvW!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dreian.7625


Group Hug! <3

Now go kill some people.. and share some awesome stories please.. I’m far from home and can’t play..
I went to forums to read some action stories… not this… you know.. whatever this is..

Dreiel | Sylvari Elementalist | “Dodge here, dodge there, dodge everywhere”

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: sheldon.3825


It was good to c the GoM borther’s garrison being fully upgraded today especially me and my crews spent 8 hours defending it yesterday and upgrade it up to wp. but we lost it today b4 minight central time. It’s really sad when there’s handful of ppl but they are uncontrollable.

Valkyrie Slayer Warrior [Commander]
Shelenn Elementalist / Pink Cloak Thief / Valkyrie Templar Guardian
Member of [GR] from Kaineng Server

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Leghyker.1530


If the point is to have epic battles by large number of players, at what point does the neighbor kid that you ganged up on, no longer comes out to play?

Not much fun for either side if there is no longer a battle to be had.

This isn’t meant to be a snipe or complaint. After all, I have had a great time killing the tourists. However, this will lead to the “whats the use” syndrome by the losing teams, IMHO.

We Need Therapy
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Skyblue.9358


At the moment when ppl start to think “We are Kains!” , and say something like “We Kains …” instead of “You Kains…” then they belongs to Kain. Who care where they come from and when they come?

Actually before ppl shout here about the transfers I don’t even noticed that we hv a large transfers. I don’t mean to offense anyone, but the situation is that….we always flood the BL before, sometime I don’t queue in WvW because I don’t think our enemy will hv fun due to our number. Who will really count if these ppl are new transfers? Or hv that time to check every players’ guild name if not commander?

Yes, we hv huge numbers, it make the game less fun in some sense I know, but WM is Kain, SOS is Kain, RE/DE is Kain, Neo alliance is Kain, and all guild names we see in Kain are belongs to Kain. We are no reason to stop ppl to come to our server. It is hard to control our number in BL since we all love WvW! It is hard to stop us queue up in reset day since many of us want to shine our server and bring our server honor.

All I can do is that, I will not look down any enemy, I don’t admire spy, pm commanders, bug attacking, killing ppl right after they step out the Asura gate when we already hold the full map….and try to ask my friends not to do such things.

To those unpleasant to our scores, we will soon go upper tier and hope this would make you feel better. Don’t worry on where we can go, we are from T8 no doubt, but no rule said lower tier can’t play WvW, can’t reach T1. Let’s enjoy the process, even if we may lose someday, we already hv fun

Winter Skyblue, Elementalist, Kaineng

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Lonya.2384


What fun we had tonight with our little team of 10-15 people against your large group of 30+. I imagine it must have bruised ego’s to have such a small group without a commander, take 2 towers and 3 supply camps right under your noses and hold the items for well over an hour.

That being said, I can also imagine the fun your group had when they realized, one single person was capturing 3 supply camps and staying 2 steps ahead of you.

Perhaps your training isn’t quite finished

Oh and to the previous poster, the group I was in tonight didn’t think of you as Kain, we thought of you as badges…

HoD = home for life

(edited by Lonya.2384)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


I just want to tell Kain thanks for the badges. I chalked up 50 of them today, I did not want to stop until I got that 50th. However you are safe from me for awhile, I need sleep but I really have to ask you, if you train that much how come it takes 4 or more of you to take me down? Second question, how can you run so fast when the odds are not 4:1 in your favour? It was priceless when only 4 of us recapped Gods when you had not only the NPCs but 6 Kain as well and a ballista aimed at our doorway. However you had to save face so brought your zerg over and portal bombed our doorway. If you really require some training give me the time and place and send out 4 of yours to meet me. I will train them to respect HoD!

Theftwind (HoD)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


I just want to tell Kain thanks for the badges. I chalked up 50 of them today, I did not want to stop until I got that 50th. However you are safe from me for awhile, I need sleep but I really have to ask you, if you train that much how come it takes 4 or more of you to take me down? Second question, how can you run so fast when the odds are not 4:1 in your favour? It was priceless when only 4 of us recapped Gods when you had not only the NPCs but 6 Kain as well and a ballista aimed at our doorway. However you had to save face so brought your zerg over and portal bombed our doorway. If you really require some training give me the time and place and send out 4 of yours to meet me. I will train them to respect HoD!

LOL I was there for that. Depite being heavily outnumbered, we still outplay them. Thats what WvW should be about. Im from HoD and I don’t care that we are getting stomped. I am yet to walk into a battle with the guys from HoD and not feel like we have really outplayed our opponents in each case, but only lost due to a zerg from a larger server. I would complain, but Im completely fine with badge of honor farming :p

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: General.7803


Im WM Jang Gun.

We moved to Kaineng sever at 25th december, with 100 guild member and friendly 100 active ppl , for refreshing and new motivation coz boring game and enemy.

Now we did part of Kaineng. Now WM, SoS, DE, RE….any guild that i don’t know and Non-guild pug is a TEAM. We have to help each other and respect.
When GW2 start, in SBI many ppl and CMD begrudge(?) us during 1 month but now SBI and WM miss each other. We will work very hard for Kaineng. Though we work more than other, i like pug that shoot the Treb alone, kill the Dolyak, small havoc-party, a few guys awesome defend keep, etc..

Anytime u can come us “wm-united.com”, tell us.
We already know that without ur help, we can’t go up.
Though it’s easy now, we will be very hard at soon. When that time, we will want each other very much. OK. come on let’s hug.

ps. to HoD and GoM
If u have write time, come to battle and let’s fight. Plz show ur strength.

Im sry again that i can’t speak English very well coz i learned Eng 20years ago. :X

[WM] GW2 leader, “Jang Gun”.
I’m sorry, i can’t speak English very well.

(edited by General.7803)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Heros Slayer.7081

Heros Slayer.7081

Had a lot of fun in last nights battle between long and garrison in HoD BL. even though we outnumbered kaineng at first they put up a very strong fight to hold it untill they got some reinforcements. I just hope my fellow HoD players will stay encouraged and put up this fight even if we dont take the structure we are fighting for in the end.

on a side note i had a lot of fun shooting people off the edge of the cliff during the fight, at one time i got shot off as well and just face palmed thinking to myself “With how many people i shoot off the cliff you think i would have been smart and stayed away from it” =) anyways looking foreward to more fun after i get home from work later.
also i want to thank my fellow HoD WvW players, I was gonna take a break this week, because WvW is all i do, but you showed me that there are more that want to put up a fight.

Lvl 80 ranger
WvW member of LK on HoD
on a side note no one cares if you 1v3-5 in WvW.

(edited by Heros Slayer.7081)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


I just want to tell Kain thanks for the badges. I chalked up 50 of them today, I did not want to stop until I got that 50th. However you are safe from me for awhile, I need sleep but I really have to ask you, if you train that much how come it takes 4 or more of you to take me down? Second question, how can you run so fast when the odds are not 4:1 in your favour? It was priceless when only 4 of us recapped Gods when you had not only the NPCs but 6 Kain as well and a ballista aimed at our doorway. However you had to save face so brought your zerg over and portal bombed our doorway. If you really require some training give me the time and place and send out 4 of yours to meet me. I will train them to respect HoD!

I already respect HoD. Keep up the good work.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


[The point is, tone down the anti-newcomer rhetoric. Tone down the chest-pumping and bigotry against WM, RE, and company. It’s disrespectful, hateful, and simply rude.]

….And this is rather unfair for those old Kaineng who really fought hard to this tier to get all these negative comments, as if we fought so hard for nothing….


I dont think anyone is critisizing you guys who have stuck with your server and worked hard. Personally I’ve stuck with GOM despite it being dismal in almost every way in WvW. I made my character on this server and dont intend to play the flipper game.

I think the anger is directed at the big guilds who switch servers and wreck it for everyone. Stick with your server, deal with the issues. Flipping is like a 10th grade kid heading over the the first grade and beating everyone up.

This is not what this is about.

RE actually had the intent to move to Ferg to bring it up, but we know we needed a night presence as well for a solid alliance. When we heard WM moved to Kain, we came here because being the last big NA Primetime WvW guild left on a server will not cut it in T5-T4. No matter how big RE is, we are not a 24 hour WvW guild, and we have felt the pain of not having one.

We came here to help bring it up in the tiers, we are starting from scratch here just as SE and WM did, please try to show support if you can, atm we still feel like outsiders, and I can imagine how WM is feeling too. Please, if yall dont mind, we are only trying to help bring this server up.

You don’t get it. For you it’s “Join low level server, roll faces for a few weeks and be bored with easy victories and then find your tier”. For us, we’re already in our tier and all we get is every few weeks some bored and thoughtless higher tier guild decides to make a project out of a lower tier server.

We’re gonna stick out because we have no choice, you’ll be gone next week, and next month someone’s gonna be making a project out of some other server and this bottom tiers will be kittened up again and they’ll be on the forums “Hey, we totally did this to us and you but it’s hard on us too!”.

Hell, we haven’t even settled these tiers yet. We outnumber Henge of Denravi quite a bit.

I had a lot of fun in Gates of Madness borderlands yesterday too (I mean, other than it was us trying to hold only 1 tower and this morning I wake up to holding nothing and another set of excuses from guilds who transferred to the tier that would be the most damaging to the match ups). Really, you all know what tier you belong in and 8th wasn’t it.

Gate of Madness

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


on a side note i had a lot of fun shooting people off the edge of the cliff during the fight, at one time i got shot off as well and just face palmed thinking to myself “With how many people i shoot off the cliff you think i would have been smart and stayed away from it” =)

Dude, was this at Cliffside? I remember a ranger jumping off the wall and me smacking him off the cliff, although if it was you, I don’t think you would have died – you were pretty much at full health. Matter of fact, it was probably your fault that I even remembered that, as a ranger had shoved me almost off the cliff from the wall not 30 seconds prior to that. That was probably you as well. xD

What a great night. You guys (Kaineng/HoD both) rock.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Heros Slayer.7081

Heros Slayer.7081

on a side note i had a lot of fun shooting people off the edge of the cliff during the fight, at one time i got shot off as well and just face palmed thinking to myself “With how many people i shoot off the cliff you think i would have been smart and stayed away from it” =)

Dude, was this at Cliffside? I remember a ranger jumping off the wall and me smacking him off the cliff, although if it was you, I don’t think you would have died – you were pretty much at full health. Matter of fact, it was probably your fault that I even remembered that, as a ranger had shoved me almost off the cliff from the wall not 30 seconds prior to that. That was probably you as well. xD

What a great night. You guys (Kaineng/HoD both) rock.

i was at cliffside for a few minutes but not for long, might have been you. i know none of the people i knocked off ended up dead at cliff or longivew and i didnt die the time i got knocked off but even without killing someone knocking them off is a great victory because they either have to run back or wait to be out of combat and then wp.

Lvl 80 ranger
WvW member of LK on HoD
on a side note no one cares if you 1v3-5 in WvW.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Tossed Fish.7380

Tossed Fish.7380

Even though we couldn’t take Garrison back. It was a pretty epic fight between HoD and Kaineng. Also, there are more trebs in the back where the tower is, couldn’t fit them all in the picture…


Tossed Fish//Necromancer
Valkyria Immortalis [VLK]

(edited by Tossed Fish.7380)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Braddock.5430


Even though we couldn’t take Garrison back. It was a pretty epic fight between HoD and Kaineng. Also, there are more trebs in the back where the tower is, couldn’t fit them all in the picture…

Such a sick picture. Too bad you can’t see the horde of HoD/Kaineng fighting below thanks to ARENA NET and their culling.

Krag Oversteen 80 Norn Guardian
Blank Oversteen 80 Sylvari Warrior
2nd in command of [LK] The Light Keepers – HoD

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Darzinth.7960


It was fun attacking Kaineng BL yesterday. Even though we only managed to hold the tower for a couple hours.

Server: Ehmry Bay
Guild: Celestial Apocalypse
Mesmer – Krissadi | Warrior – Bloodpriest Rosette

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Shroom.9026


Hello everyone, my name is Jaix.

I wanted to say thanks to all those who have reached out to WM and made us feel welcomed. Also if anyone has any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me in game or at http://www.wm-united.com/index.php

Jaix WM officer

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


you worked hard huh. so how recent are these transfers? not one of you is answering that. the funny thing is i was rooting for Kaineng when GOM was in t2, you now see what awaits you. you will be down here with us in due time. gloat now while you can. and now HOD and us will be fighting to stay in this tier. i don’t understand why the recent-ness of the transfers is such a difficult question to answer. if it’s recent, you didn’t work hard at all. if it’s been a while, good job. i give it 2 weeks at most.

This is the score BEFORE WM and the NEO alliance fully made it to kaineng.


And this is the week that they started moving (not all)


And the score you are seeing after reset (aka this match) is the time when WM actually start pouring all their efforts into the battle.

Kaineng earned its ticket up to T7, before their arrival, and this credit should be acknowledged to all who didn’t see the full time line.

everyone complains about transfers being broken until it’s their server that gets the transfers. what you’re saying, showing, and doing exemplifies this point. GOM acted this way as well. as you move up in tiers, you’ll start to do worse and worse. and people will leave. this is what happened to us, it will happen to you. unless of course human nature suddenly changes for the better and all your transfers stay.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


WM has really impressed me. They are extremely coordinated and focused and a huge asset to us. Incredibly polite to boot. Haven’t rolled with RE too much, or DE since they split off from SE for that matter so for them, I can’t say. But WM is notbad.jpg.

Looks like PRO is leaving DR at reset. Let it be a reminder about the transfer cycle… it happens to everyone. Nothing to complain or gloat about. It just is. Just fight the good fight one tower at a time and you will have your 15 minutes of fame.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Inprognito.9487


RE is here to stay. Kaineng is our new home. So no, we won’t be gone next week…

Talons [BT]
http://www.Monstrosadus.com – Monstrosadus now on spotify!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Mogar.9216


I’m not in WM , trasfered from SBI to here a while ago to play with rl friends Kinda funny how WM transferred to the same server a few weeks later. Just like to say I always like WM on SBI and they are doing a great job here. Just wish we wouldn’t zerg so hard. to be honest I was having a blast on Kain when we were zerged by DR. Now days wvw is boring as heck…

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


WM has really impressed me. They are extremely coordinated and focused and a huge asset to us. Incredibly polite to boot. Haven’t rolled with RE too much, or DE since they split off from SE for that matter so for them, I can’t say. But WM is notbad.jpg.

Looks like PRO is leaving DR at reset. Let it be a reminder about the transfer cycle… it happens to everyone. Nothing to complain or gloat about. It just is. Just fight the good fight one tower at a time and you will have your 15 minutes of fame.

nothing to complain about? why do you think we’re not in t2 dude? no guilds come to GOM. at least not nearly enough to make a difference. i’m getting zerg’d so often that i’d rather just alt f4 out when downed. i won’t give a group who i have no chance against the luxury of a finisher

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

(edited by Lightsbane.9012)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


nothing to complain about? why do you think we’re not in t2 dude? no guilds come to GOM. at least not nearly enough to make a difference. i’m getting zerg’d so often that i’d rather just alt f4 out when downed. i won’t give a group who i have no chance against the luxury of a finisher

I don’t know, why aren’t you in T2? You could transfer too. I don’t know you guys or your history other than one time you were bigger and now you’re not, and being on a traditionally T8 server up until 3 weeks ago I don’t and still don’t care about rank or score. I die all the time, I’m not that great. I died a lot on a losing server for months on top of that, a new guild killing me what seemed like every night. It didn’t matter. I still played every day and had fun. We’ve been in your position of steam rolled-ness via zerg, I have nothing but respect for people who stick with a server in this position because of that because I realize not everyone gets their kicks in small victories like I do. I don’t have the fall from grace experience you have, but that time will come, guaranteed. I’m saying it doesn’t matter because one day we will lose everyone and you will gain everyone. That’s just how it works. Whether it’s in 1 month or 1 year from now, it will happen. Let it go, talk about the current fights, not why you’re winning or losing them on a meta scale. This kind of crap just gets our thread closed.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: NastyPiggy.2046


nothing to complain about? why do you think we’re not in t2 dude? no guilds come to GOM. at least not nearly enough to make a difference. i’m getting zerg’d so often that i’d rather just alt f4 out when downed. i won’t give a group who i have no chance against the luxury of a finisher

I don’t know, why aren’t you in T2? You could transfer too. I don’t know you guys or your history other than one time you were bigger and now you’re not, and being on a traditionally T8 server up until 3 weeks ago I don’t and still don’t care about rank or score. I die all the time, I’m not that great. I died a lot on a losing server for months on top of that, a new guild killing me what seemed like every night. It didn’t matter. I still played every day and had fun. We’ve been in your position of steam rolled-ness via zerg, I have nothing but respect for people who stick with a server in this position because of that because I realize not everyone gets their kicks in small victories like I do. I don’t have the fall from grace experience you have, but that time will come, guaranteed. I’m saying it doesn’t matter because one day we will lose everyone and you will gain everyone. That’s just how it works. Whether it’s in 1 month or 1 year from now, it will happen. Let it go, talk about the current fights, not why you’re winning or losing them on a meta scale. This kind of crap just gets our thread closed.

But the thing is… This kind of imbalanced created by large guilds moving to much weaker servers creates situations that aren’t fun for a bunch of servers, it basically destroys the tiered system Arenanet has put in place. Sure you don’t mind, you’re a diehard WvW player, but the people who aren’t, they end up leaving and with that the WvW overall population starts whittling down. It’s kind of like ganking mindset… if they don’t like it, don’t play on a PvP server… then they don’t and sooner or later there’s either no open world pvp or there’s just 1 server that’s underpopulated.

Do you think this kind of imbalanced was the first time it’s happened? SoR got their transfers the week against GOM and destroyed us(like what’s happening this week), the next week Yak’s Bend did the same thing to GOM, Anvil Rock all of a sudden turned it around a week vs us which probably had to do with server transfers(since it was so dramatic). Out of the last 12 weeks(including this one), half the weeks have been complete mismatches(twice in GOM’s favor). The other 50% of the matches were fun and close. There’s a reason why some servers are in the lower tiered, some is skill, some is communication and a lot of it is WvW population.

So why you may not worry too much what the overall effect of having vastly lopsided victories is… I do. I’m tired of watching PvPers destroy their population by basically telling the people being smashed suck it up or leave… in which most of the time they leave and with that… the game’s quality and number of servers drops.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Shaka, nothin against you. What lil’ complaints I have aren’t against you but this week I just want to vent to servers that are thinking about transfers.

It’s really juts prompted by the WM leader saying stuff like “We’re just a small guild” when he’s got more active WvW players than my entire server has or the RE guy saying “Support us!”. Support you at what? Steam rolling us this week so that we can be steamroller by the next sever transfers some weeks from now asking us to support them finding a home again? It’s silly and clueless and I wish guilds looking for a home would give it more thought than “We don’t like how we’re doing, let’s race our way up 4-5 tiers in lopsided matches”.

I mean, I’m sorry about the size discrepancy between us and Henge of Denravi. But that’s different, we have no where else to go and they don’t either (seems like they have a bit more people than the folks in tier but none of that was the conscious decision of some guilds to move for their luls.

All I want is for someone transferrin a guild to read this and put a lil’ more thought to it rather than move to a tier they don’t belong and then complain about what big sacrifice they are by making themselves bored in lopsided victories.

I have no complaints about Kaineng who fought hard and organized themselves and built a server that’s better than mine. Props to you guys.

Gate of Madness

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



About the AR vs GoM match up, I think it was more about you guys losing players then us gaining! :P

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012



About the AR vs GoM match up, I think it was more about you guys losing players then us gaining! :P

save that for another thread so we can argue why you outnumbered us there.
it was quite funny seeing Kaineng place a ram in the middle of a path between our spawn and sunnyhill….and seeing them actually build it was..lol. and when they couldn’t get the gate down, 40 more showed up and they trebbed it from garrison. Good job? GOM has done dumb sieges before but nothing like that. on a tower at least >_>
it is now obvious why you are winning.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


Well… there aren’t a lot of options. You can “suck it up” and wait it out like we did until you get transfers or the transfer rules are changed or servers are merged, all that jazz. You can also leave and go to a server that better suits your needs. That’s pretty much all you can do. People can transfer where they want to, it’s about having fun in the end and you can’t fault anyone for wanting to do that in a video game. If a new player comes in and turns right back around because they’re losing hard, they’d probably do the same if you were good and suddenly weren’t anymore too. I did not like W3 when I started. I jumped into it and NSP/BP were there to traumatize me back into PVE for a few days. I almost quit PVP for good right away.

I’m sorry this is happening to you guys, I genuinely am. I’m not dumb enough to think this hasn’t happened before because it happened to DR too, you know. We also lost our biggest guilds at the time while they were getting tons of transfers. the difference is we were already bottom tier so we had nowhere to fall to. But I can’t stick up for my server, who has dealt with this for a very long time, without sticking up for the guilds who transferred in. I considered them part of Kain as soon as they proved they weren’t a bunch of a holes, and they’ve done nothing wrong just like DR’s transfers did nothing wrong. Could some have thought it through a little more? Maybe, but then again maybe they did and still wanted to shake up the balance regardless, which is just fair play as far as this particular game is concerned. Whether I agree with it or not is not the crux of my argument.

Also, there’s nothing wrong with low tier either. The fights are just as good in T6-8. I’m going to miss T8 like nothing else because the small team tactics I’ve learned there are invaluable and I already feel rusty. I’d be even worse of a player if I had by chance chosen a high-tier server. You’ll settle in somewhere down here, I hope you like it and use the chance once everything evens out so you’re ready for your inevitable ascension.

Anyway, I’ve said what I wanted to say about this off-topic topic and I’m done with this discussion and replying. I truly wish your servers all the best, you all seem a little battle fatigued but are really cool cats considering. Have fun, ok?


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


One of the most hilarious things that happened yesterday and I was laughing so hard I failed to take screenshots, was watching a Kaineng ele kill himself on my Wall of Reflection. He kept spamming his fireball at me and I just stood there watching his hit points go down, down, down and then out. He was determined to kill me I guess!

Theftwind (HoD)