GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Sekin.7803


Despite the imbalance issue… I have collected 192 badges since Saturday. Big thank you to Kain.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: TronIcefiend.3769


Personally, I hate what it seems Kaineng, my own server, is becoming. I don’t really get on WvW anymore because of the immature players that don’t seem to understand honoring your opponent. Also, while it is sometimes necessary, I try to not run with huge zergs because that takes the fun out of being able to fight, and die, knowing that you fought with all of your own skill, not 20 other guys all hitting the same target. I will still run WvW with my guild, but that’s because I know they help when needed, not just aim for one guy out of ten or so. If I am given the chance, I would love to fight GoM and HoD players 1v1, because I know that I’ll of done all I could, and if it isn’t enough, then expect me to get stronger and come back to try again. Good luck to all servers.

(edited by TronIcefiend.3769)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Adult Magazine.9052

Adult Magazine.9052

I don’t care if you get mad or I get banned Kain is full of a bunch of kittens. I’m standing on a roof dancing minding my own business then a group of about 40 WM and DE pull me off and then kill me. That part doesn’t bug me but then like 8 of you decide to dance on my body. Really? There is like 100 of you kitten on a map at one time wtf are you dancing on our dead bodies like you actually accomplished something amazing? The only amazing thing you can do is keep over 100 people on every map at 1 time. Keep it up. This is mainly for DE and WM btw not all of Kain, the original people from Kain are cool

Commander Shakalakazam
Fat Kids Lag IRL [FAT]
Henge of Denravi

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Good luck to all servers, and if I catch anyone on Kaineng doing anything dishonorable like I’ve seen reported, I will make your life a living hell. That’s a promise.

While I agree with the sentiments expressed in your post, I’m thinking that threats probably aren’t all that acceptable. Please refrain from doing so on the forums. Thanks.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: bradderzh.2378


Hey kain, can you skip our tier please. I want to have fun in wvw :P

In reference to ascended items:
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: lcc.9374



then u guys should stay at your spawn and dont come out

So that we move up faster yes.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: TronIcefiend.3769


Good luck to all servers, and if I catch anyone on Kaineng doing anything dishonorable like I’ve seen reported, I will make your life a living hell. That’s a promise.

While I agree with the sentiments expressed in your post, I’m thinking that threats probably aren’t all that acceptable. Please refrain from doing so on the forums. Thanks.

Yeah, I’m sorry about that. I get easily riled up when it comes to that. My deepest apologies. I promise it won’t happen again.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Talia.7412


Now to those complaining about this week’s matchup – who says losing can’t also be fun?

This is what HoD does when we basically have nothing…


Btw, hope you KAINs enjoyed our dance.

Charter Vanguard [CV], on HoD since the betas

(edited by Talia.7412)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Silke.1695


Now to those complaining about this week’s matchup – who says losing can’t also be fun?

This is what HoD does when we basically have nothing…


Btw, hope you KAINs enjoyed our dance.

That is hilarious! You guys did a great job doing the story board comic look. Way to go guys and girls too. /salute!

Toasted Coaster

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: il Mietitrice.4261

il Mietitrice.4261

Nobody posts anything complimentary/educational. Mostly just crying/raging/gloating etc, so I’d thought I post what I’d actually like to see on the forums:

1) Respect to the GoM/HoD folks who are willing to slug it out against overwhelming odds. Kaineng has been there since the first day of our server creation. We’ve been stomped on for months, and we know the pain of losing the desire to WvW. Hang in there!
2) I haven’t faced HoD much personally- but I’ve seen some really good GoM groups pull some sneaky moves, and pull some hard fought wins out of the hat. Remember that true WvWers don’t just want a win… they want a good fight! GoM shows that day and night…
3) To the Kaineng folks who complain about server transfers (WM/DE/RE). These folks are welcome additions to Kain. They bring good numbers, skilled players, and have ushered in a sense of TOTAL server community to Kain. I’m glad to have them here!
4) Regardless of server we all like to have fun. Because of Anet’s “awesome” ranking formula apparently we need to curb stomp everyone to raise tier… that’s not fun for anyone. If any of the HoD or GoM want to organize head to head battles (zerg or small party), and not focus on PvDoor they can PM or mail me “Villon Hood.” You want us out, we want to leave, we all want to have fun… let’s find a way to do all that at once. XD

Long live Kain/GoM/HoD!!!!

Villon Hood, KAIN Officer, Currently bouncing between SoS and Kaineng

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: il Mietitrice.4261

il Mietitrice.4261

I should correct myself- some folks do post good stuff. Like the HoD story board, and some funny/relevant things. So sorry for speaking in generalizations.

Villon Hood, KAIN Officer, Currently bouncing between SoS and Kaineng

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Looks like we’ll see you guys next week.
Not you Kaineng. Wohahaha.

Operation Fail Train has commenced.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Looks like we’ll see you guys next week.
Not you Kaineng. Wohahaha.

Operation Fail Train has commenced.

Look forward to it, you guys are good folk.

Edit: Talia, love it!

Gate of Madness

(edited by styx.7294)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Wintuo.1356


Ok been a while since I’ve posted on the forums but I’ve kept up with most of the talk/chatter. Lotta hate going on about transfers, yet all I see are groups recruiting all the time, is it just me or are most of the transfer haters looking to see wasteland maps where you might encounter a fight every half hour or so? Because thats what a lot of the haters sound like they want. If one server has good wvw and gets more transfers, yea there will be an imbalance, but here’s the thing if these guilds had gone up into the higher tiers, it would shatter every other tier just as badly, no matter where transfers go, up or down its going to rock the system. This is the first week NEO alliance has been on kain together with all the guilds here in full so yes its going to be enormously bad with how many of us there are in wvw. People say why did you move if you were in a higher tier already why come ruin another tier. Ok here’s the deal its human nature that people and bad politics aka groups with big egos can ruin any chance for teamwork for wvw. Thats what a lot of us went through, cost the server we were on to break apart, now the ones that were left fought it out hard and as long as we could but improvements/help stalled, our former server wasnt going to get transfers to save it from mass exodus. So you say we shouldve stayed rebuilt there. TBH what is there to rebuild, on a server that was clearly labeled a dont transfer there server(at least it felt like it) We needed help and the transfers were the best option to combine strengths, while I am sorry that its made wvw unbearable for a bit, it is something that had to happen and will continue to happen so long as there are chest beating people that play this game and brainwash half a server to fight against the other half of their own server for control. Right now the alliance is trying not to step on anyones toes in the new server, so yea training ppl that had bad tactics is gonna be slow due to the fact the new guilds havent earned the right to tell the home server what to do, only to advise as carefully as we can. So far I feel that has gone smoothly, to the people on kain who wish/expect a lot of us to leave, remember most of us were die hard on the server we came from there from launch, we were pushed down to the bottom tier and clawed our way back up, but the bad blood/politics of our old server were just too great hence why we chose to come back down to rebuild. Here’s hoping that the old kains and the new kains, will avoid history and mend together to become at least a good standing wvw server that remains in mid to high tiers. If anyone really objects to my post, 5 ppl reply negatively to it, and I have no problem deleting it.

Win Two Ohhh lvl 80 Human Mesmer
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104



Wow, long post dude! Haha

TL;DR for this post (without the TL part) – haters gonna hate. You guys are here, you’re Kaineng now. Your folks are respectful, honorable, and a good influence. Ignore the criticism, and get ’er done. Glad you guys are here.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Wintuo.1356


lol now u see why i dont post much, if u look at my history all my posts are this long

Win Two Ohhh lvl 80 Human Mesmer
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Skyblue.9358


Wintuo, may be split it into paragraphs make it easiler to read

Winter Skyblue, Elementalist, Kaineng

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: kreese.9461


I disagree with sudden large WvW player base transfers to lower tier servers

It DESTROYS existing communities as they get overrun by the new comers
and the evitable tide of bandwagon riders

It DESTROYS tier balance

I disagree with the complete lack of reward for staying on a server

I have created a forum post on the suggestions forum to address this

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


It’s plain and simple. RE was the last major WvW guild to leave DH after people started leaving after our loss in T4. We stuck it out, but we saw the writing on the wall and Ethersin wanted to do something new and exciting. So now we bring our dedication and strength to Kain with our new alliance members. We are Kains now and want to prove how strong this server can be as we climb the tiers with everyone.

Our commanders want to help teach as much as the officers and members want to. We want to have fun and win, so let’s all work together even through rough patches we’ll inevitably run into as we climb. See you in the field, and to HoD/GoM, I have enjoyed the fights we’ve had whether the are skirmishes or sieges.

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

(edited by Ninya.3942)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Looks like we’ll see you guys next week.
Not you Kaineng. Wohahaha.

Operation Fail Train has commenced.

Agreed with styx. I enjoyed fighting against NSP in that match-up a few weeks ago. Looking forward to the next!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: ZombiiDuud.1428


They can’t be on all maps all the time. So go where they are not, if it’s a problem. See how they play and what their style is, read their movements and counteract them. That’s how it works, that what makes this all fun.

You still still need enough people to make an attack. This is the problem, the lower tier servers don’t have the population to make up for when the non diehards get tired of dying and just quit logging into WvW. That’s the point where GOM is at, no it’s not a great WvW server, hence being in the 2nd to the bottom tier of WvW servers.

I’ll still log on and fight, there are others who will also log in and fight when heavily out manned, but there’s only so much you can do when you don’t even see 15 allies on the same battlefield with you.

I just think the imbalance is going to slowly kill the population of GW2’s WvW, once the bottom servers are deserted, slowly the new smallest servers will start thining out even more… it’s just something that will keep on happening till we’re down to a handful or less of servers.

Are you aware that we dealt with the same for 4-5 weeks? If you are tired of having low population you have 3 choices:

1. Start reaching out to other guilds in PvE looking for more WvW players. Remember the buffs that are accrued in WvW are server wide so it benefits everyone, not just WvW players.

2. Transfer servers with your guild/friends who are also tired of having low population. Since it bothers you so much this is a viable option even though you would then be considered a hypocritical scumbag, you know like you are calling WM and RE, and DE, and any other transfers we have had come in.

3. Quit, like someone pointed out before me, Forum QQ is not going to help your server. In fact frequent forum QQ just makes the servers in this matchup look like crap and potentially gets our thread closed.

And before you throw out any accusations I have been on Kaineng this entire time, I’m not a transfer, and even if I was — QQ harder, I’ve been there, Done that. and got the T-Shirt just like the rest of our natives.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Binafus.8153


Kain just keeps getting more people on it every day.

All the people moving here are moving here to WvW as well, I think when it all settles down Kain will be one of the better if not the best WvWvW server in NA.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Talia.7412


Kain just keeps getting more people on it every day.

All the people moving here are moving here to WvW as well, I think when it all settles down Kain will be one of the better if not the best WvWvW server in NA.

Well, “best in WvW” means nothing when it’s only temporary. And there’s a huge risk of that while free transfers are up, so I wouldn’t start getting my hopes up.

Charter Vanguard [CV], on HoD since the betas

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Sals.9534


I love Kaineng and have really enjoyed this week match up.
Guild server transfers is an animal Anet created, so lets not get mad at the players for using a tool that was created by the game developers. Lets not give them the satisfaction as to argue with each other for using it.

I love Kaineng and have really enjoyed this week match up.

Colegate / Selos Song Kaineng-DE Guild

(edited by Sals.9534)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Valenna Tiefling.5806

Valenna Tiefling.5806

Kain just keeps getting more people on it every day.

All the people moving here are moving here to WvW as well, I think when it all settles down Kain will be one of the better if not the best WvWvW server in NA.

Well, “best in WvW” means nothing when it’s only temporary. And there’s a huge risk of that while free transfers are up, so I wouldn’t start getting my hopes up.

This is ultimately correct.

Absolutely best case scenario, assuming that you were currently the best server in NA (I’m making no statement on whether this is remotely near true or not), it would take a bare, likely unrealistic, minimum of two months to rise up the rankings to T1. Through that whole time you’d have to have some perfect storm of continued population gain while not losing your existing large guilds.

As we’ve seen time and again, if you lose your momentum, you start getting transfers away at a rapid pace. In the current environment, it appears unlikely that any server can advance 6 tiers without running into major roadblocks along the way, which would further slow any progression to T1.

Commander Valenna, Genesis Theory [GT]
“Neither the sudden shock of battle, nor the long-drawn trials of
vigilance and exertion will wear us down. Give us the tools and we will finish the job.”

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: NastyPiggy.2046


Are you aware that we dealt with the same for 4-5 weeks? If you are tired of having low population you have 3 choices:

1. Start reaching out to other guilds in PvE looking for more WvW players. Remember the buffs that are accrued in WvW are server wide so it benefits everyone, not just WvW players.

2. Transfer servers with your guild/friends who are also tired of having low population. Since it bothers you so much this is a viable option even though you would then be considered a hypocritical scumbag, you know like you are calling WM and RE, and DE, and any other transfers we have had come in.

3. Quit, like someone pointed out before me, Forum QQ is not going to help your server. In fact frequent forum QQ just makes the servers in this matchup look like crap and potentially gets our thread closed.

And before you throw out any accusations I have been on Kaineng this entire time, I’m not a transfer, and even if I was — QQ harder, I’ve been there, Done that. and got the T-Shirt just like the rest of our natives.

I guess you haven’t understood why I’m talking about this… it’s because time after time MMOs with large number PvP gametypes die. This isn’t about me being discouraged and wanting to leave, but about a certain portion of the WvW population getting tired of not having a chance to have fun in WvW.

QQ harder, that’s your response? That’s the voice of someone who doesn’t care about the longevity of this game. The reason I haven’t transfered is because there’s not that many people on the server who are die hard WvW(compared to most servers) and I don’t want to contribute to the problem. I’m just tired of watching MMO after MMO with open world PvP die out PvP wise or go down to 1 medium to low populated server and instead of sitting back and watching the same thing happen, thought I might voice my concerns before Guild Wars 2 becomes just 3 medium populated WvW servers.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


I disagree with sudden large WvW player base transfers to lower tier servers

It DESTROYS existing communities as they get overrun by the new comers
and the evitable tide of bandwagon riders

It DESTROYS tier balance

I disagree with the complete lack of reward for staying on a server

I have created a forum post on the suggestions forum to address this

So if we move to high tier servers we’re only after easy victories, but if we move to low tier servers we mess up “exiting communities”. What are we supposed to do then? We tried fixing our old server and that didn’t work due to so many irreparable issues. Our community died. So again, what are we supposed to do?

Free transfers are only a symptom of the problem that Anet created with how the rankings work. If you absolutely have to blame some one or something, put the blame where it’s due: Anet.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: kreese.9461


I disagree with sudden large WvW player base transfers to lower tier servers

It DESTROYS existing communities as they get overrun by the new comers
and the evitable tide of bandwagon riders

It DESTROYS tier balance

I disagree with the complete lack of reward for staying on a server

I have created a forum post on the suggestions forum to address this

So if we move to high tier servers we’re only after easy victories, but if we move to low tier servers we mess up “exiting communities”. What are we supposed to do then? We tried fixing our old server and that didn’t work due to so many irreparable issues. Our community died. So again, what are we supposed to do?

Free transfers are only a symptom of the problem that Anet created with how the rankings work. If you absolutely have to blame some one or something, put the blame where it’s due: Anet.

you had 17 other options outside of T7 and T8 and i would say transferring down to T7 and T8 is the “easy victories” at least in the upper tiers you are facing equal numbers – I would never say you shouldn’t transfer sometimes things just don’t work out i get it and i would not say you or your guild and certainly not Kaineng is the problem far from it – it is the system currently in place which is exactly what my suggestion tries to address

Also as time goes by and word gets out Kaineng is likely to become a victim of many transfers that if the community there (including you) had an ability to choose would vote them off the server – it is one of the same things that caused TA to break up back in the day on HoD

(edited by kreese.9461)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


I disagree with sudden large WvW player base transfers to lower tier servers

It DESTROYS existing communities as they get overrun by the new comers
and the evitable tide of bandwagon riders

It DESTROYS tier balance

I disagree with the complete lack of reward for staying on a server

I have created a forum post on the suggestions forum to address this

So if we move to high tier servers we’re only after easy victories, but if we move to low tier servers we mess up “exiting communities”. What are we supposed to do then? We tried fixing our old server and that didn’t work due to so many irreparable issues. Our community died. So again, what are we supposed to do?

Free transfers are only a symptom of the problem that Anet created with how the rankings work. If you absolutely have to blame some one or something, put the blame where it’s due: Anet.

you had 17 other options outside of T7 and T8 and i would say transferring down to T7 and T8 is the “easy victories” at least in the upper tiers you are facing equal numbers – I would never say you shouldn’t transfer sometimes things just don’t work out i get it and i would not say you or your guild and certainly not Kaineng is the problem far from it – it is the system currently in place which is exactly what my suggestion tries to address

Also as time goes by and word gets out Kaineng is likely to become a victim of many transfers that if the community there (including you) had an ability to choose would vote them off the server – it is one of the same things that caused TA to break up back in the day on HoD

We are not looking for ‘easy victories’. Moving servers loses all influence, guild bank, items etc and you have to rebuild it up again (including build time). It’s not intended for ‘yay we won a battle’, the direction we (NEO) … was to develop and build a wvw focused server and raise it from the ground up as such. There are some core elements in doing this, none of which we we able to do.

Trust me, these efforts were exhausted, and it took much time and planning by some of the guilds who also had similar goals.

It also takes time to get to know and learn about a server, guilds, and the people who have put in there all, develop relations, and learn about play styles and strengths. Personally, I’m here to contribute my efforts into all aspects of the server where I can. Many in my guild feel the same.

Yes, you are correct though in noting ‘as time goes on, the cycle will repeat’ … it likely will. I do not hold a crystal ball, and wouldn’t make such assumption to be able to tell the future, but in time… if things do not improve, and the windows always open… it will likely occur again. Over and over. Maybe to Kaineng, or possibly other servers. The system obviously needs some better mechanism’s in place to manage this. People do not enjoy being stalemated. Competitive esport players enjoy win lose outcomes to improve upon. Anet has the power to improve upon there systems. This has been suggested by many people on many threads, including one from Jang and it should hold weight. you may have posted some threads as well. We will see what Anet has taken and improved upon next month. Until then, my efforts and resources will go to kaineng, and to supporting an environment and server with a focus on WvW, and developing relations, respect and understanding. Already I can tell you I have the utmost respect for the players* and guilds who are actually in (all servers this match), battling every day.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

(edited by Hexin.5603)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


I disagree with sudden large WvW player base transfers to lower tier servers

It DESTROYS existing communities as they get overrun by the new comers
and the evitable tide of bandwagon riders

It DESTROYS tier balance

I disagree with the complete lack of reward for staying on a server

I have created a forum post on the suggestions forum to address this

So if we move to high tier servers we’re only after easy victories, but if we move to low tier servers we mess up “exiting communities”. What are we supposed to do then? We tried fixing our old server and that didn’t work due to so many irreparable issues. Our community died. So again, what are we supposed to do?

Free transfers are only a symptom of the problem that Anet created with how the rankings work. If you absolutely have to blame some one or something, put the blame where it’s due: Anet.

you had 17 other options outside of T7 and T8 and i would say transferring down to T7 and T8 is the “easy victories” at least in the upper tiers you are facing equal numbers – I would never say you shouldn’t transfer sometimes things just don’t work out i get it and i would not say you or your guild and certainly not Kaineng is the problem far from it – it is the system currently in place which is exactly what my suggestion tries to address

Also as time goes by and word gets out Kaineng is likely to become a victim of many transfers that if the community there (including you) had an ability to choose would vote them off the server – it is one of the same things that caused TA to break up back in the day on HoD

We are not looking for ‘easy victories’. Moving servers loses all influence, guild bank, items etc and you have to rebuild it up again (including build time). It’s not intended for ‘yay we won a battle’, the direction we (NEO) … was to develop and build a wvw focused server and raise it from the ground up as such. There are some core elements in doing this, none of which we we able to do.

Trust me, these efforts were exhausted, and it took much time and planning by some of the guilds who also had similar goals.

It also takes time to get to know and learn about a server, guilds, and the people who have put in there all, develop relations, and learn about play styles and strengths. Personally, I’m here to contribute my efforts into all aspects of the server where I can. Many in my guild feel the same.

Yes, you are correct though in noting ‘as time goes on, the cycle will repeat’ … it likely will. I do not hold a crystal ball, and wouldn’t make such assumption to be able to tell the future, but in time… if things do not improve, and the windows always open… it will likely occur again. Over and over. Maybe to Kaineng, or possibly other servers. The system obviously needs some better mechanism’s in place to manage this. People do not enjoy being stalemated. Competitive esport players enjoy win lose outcomes to improve upon. Anet has the power to improve upon there systems. This has been suggested by many people on many threads. We will see what Anet has taken and improved upon next month. Until then, my efforts and resources will go to kaineng, and to supporting an environment and server with a focus on WvW, and developing relations, respect and understanding. Already I can tell you I have the utmost respect for the players* and guilds who are actually in (all servers this match), battling every day.

As I’ve noted in other places, I play on HoD and think it was a good move. We need more guilds to think this way – provided they remain respectful of the dedicated people who are on the lower tier servers when they get there (eg – they are there to help – not take over and do it for them).

A healthy spread of guilds and players from full all the way down to medium servers is a great thing for the future of the game. If it means we have a few weeks of uncomfortable matches while that takes place, then I say that is a sacrifice worth making for the long term benefits it provides (better population spread across ALL servers).

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


I actually tend to agree. In a perfect world the WvW population would be spread through all the servers. But people like to win.

Of course if we could find a guild with 15 people who WvW consistently they would be the biggest WvW guild on GoM so come on! Ill even shine your shoes and let you push me down in the mud!

You will have to enjoy herding cats though because we here on GoM like shiny things and are easily distracted.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: NastyPiggy.2046


There’s good and bad happening with the large amount of transfers…

It’s good to spread that talent and numbers around and make more servers viable in WvW.

It’s bad to be on the smaller servers who are on the other servers who aren’t getting large transfers. If it were a one time thing that would be fine, but this seems to be happening about 33% to 50% of the time for some of the smaller servers.

It would be wonderful if some of the large guilds who are really into WvW would all get together and try to spread the numbers/talent to all the servers all at one time, but it’s not happening that way, it’s happening every few weeks… large tier destroying transfers.

So a single event… no big deal, not your problem, it’s just when it keeps happening(which it is), that’s when it’s a problem. So this latest large transfer isn’t “bad” by itself, but remember, it’s 1 transfer after other big transfers have already happened(and will continue to happen). So understand, people are getting tired of not having a chance to do well or have good fights a good portion of the time. Nothing like every 2-3 weeks not able to hold a single tower in your own battlegrounds much longer after the 1st place team notices it.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


One thing that’s been glossed over so far is the timing of the situation. You guys chose to take your T8 project server out for a spin during the holidays. The influx of new players who got the game for Christmas that we low tiers so desperately needed? Yeah, their WvW experience was one and done. Nobody in their right mind would want to give a situation like that a second chance.

This goes back to the whole respect thing. It’s perfectly within the game rules and your right as a player to play on whatever server you want and transfer as you see fit. That’s fine. If that’s how you want to play the game, then so be it and more power to you. But you need to understand that your enjoyment of the game is coming at the expense of ruining the enjoyment of other players whose only options at this point are to either transfer themselves or simply not play. It’s up to you whether you give a crap or not, but at least understand why everyone is so angry about it.

But, it happened and the tiers will eventually re-stabilize. And it’ll happen again, and re-stabilize again as long as transfers are unlocked. No point in arguing.

(edited by TeamBattleAxe.3901)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ralloff.7359


Noticed a lot of people saying Kain and DR kept each other tier 8. While it’s true DR pushing us kept a lot of our pop inactive, Fergs definitely deserve to be mentioned more when discussing that matchup. Very skilled players before they all broke up. Not sure about now.

Leader of the 3 man Pop Up Pirates(POMF)
Pretty OK Elementalist

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


I have a lot of respect for Ferguson and Eredon myself. I think if FC gets a bunch of transfers, they will shoot up like Kaineng and Devona

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


Only been playing GW2 and WvW about a month now and although i love the WvW concept having loved RvR in DaoC years back, the server transfers are BS and it makes any rankings completely broken. Also as miffed I am at the current imbalance I feel sorry for those on Kain whom are like myself and dont transfer servers as often as we change our underwear. The guilds like WM will leave once they come across an even fight leaving the server in a bracket they should not be in.

Seriously , Training? Come on now. Seems to me they just could not hack it in the bracket they were in and to ease a hurting butt they dropped down to a low ranked server so they could easily overwhelm the competition thus somehow raising thier self esteem. I know if i was in WM i would have quit the minute this transfer was discussed. All i see from them is excuse after excuse for how they mucked up WvW for so many of us. How about just admitting that WMmis a horrible guild full of bad players. Is a shame Kain got stuck with them.

Server transfers should cost 50 to 100 bucks per player then at least similar guilds who drop down so severley so they can just steamroll any competition with pure numbers will have to ask themselves. Is it worth that much dough just to pretend our guild is some kind of good.


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: joehurt.8724


Interesting week but HoD barely has any players and it seems like GoM with equal numbers would beat us comfortably. I am learning new things rolling with some of the commanders from WM and RE.
A shout out to Raven Hold you @#$%’s are almost as bad as the old Envy groups that would destroy Zergs.

Zangief Spd/Tarnsman/Ericb Rakim and various others.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: ghtchill.7613


I have to say; although I’m not sure why I would bother, but almost universally I have seen people from Kain complimenting the other side, only to get mud thrown in their face by so many here. Really, all this rage vented against Kaineng is uncalled for. We’re just playing the game and winning at the moment. WM, DE or whoever can transfer wherever they like, as any Guild can.

Some of you just need to relax already. Then again, if I’d never read this forum I wouldn’t know the difference, perhaps something to keep in mind next week I guess as I expect it could be more of the same.


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: ghtchill.7613


One thing that’s been glossed over so far is the timing of the situation. You guys chose to take your T8 project server out for a spin during the holidays. The influx of new players who got the game for Christmas that we low tiers so desperately needed? Yeah, their WvW experience was one and done. Nobody in their right mind would want to give a situation like that a second chance.

This goes back to the whole respect thing. It’s perfectly within the game rules and your right as a player to play on whatever server you want and transfer as you see fit. That’s fine. If that’s how you want to play the game, then so be it and more power to you. But you need to understand that your enjoyment of the game is coming at the expense of ruining the enjoyment of other players whose only options at this point are to either transfer themselves or simply not play. It’s up to you whether you give a crap or not, but at least understand why everyone is so angry about it.

But, it happened and the tiers will eventually re-stabilize. And it’ll happen again, and re-stabilize again as long as transfers are unlocked. No point in arguing.

You know I just don’t think the notion that this week’s WvW Tier 7 match up has turned a lot of new players away really rings true. If they really want to play the game, and play in WvW they will. Any of them who have played other MMOs (as so many of us have) and played in PvP matches in those games would know better. As I said before, some of you really just need to chill a bit. I also don’t believe that it’s a cycle that is necessarily guaranteed to repeat, as you seem to have determined. It remains to be seen.

I do know one thing…the world is not ending.

So no, I honestly don’t understand why you are so mad. Honestly. It’s a game, and one you do not control…only one you chose to spend your leisure time on. If you love the game to the degree that you want to provide feedback and input, awesome; give it to the correct people, not to Kain, or WM, etc.

Edit: I am replying to your post but not singling you out. I’ve seen the opinion expressed by a few is all.


(edited by ghtchill.7613)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


I have a lot of respect for Ferguson and Eredon myself. I think if FC gets a bunch of transfers, they will shoot up like Kaineng and Devona

I hope they shoot up like Kaineng and Devona, those match-ups were fun. I hope ENVY goes back to Ferguson’s. I wonder where they are. Those guys ate zergs up and many of their players were awesome. They were really hard to kill.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


One thing that’s been glossed over so far is the timing of the situation. You guys chose to take your T8 project server out for a spin during the holidays. The influx of new players who got the game for Christmas that we low tiers so desperately needed? Yeah, their WvW experience was one and done. Nobody in their right mind would want to give a situation like that a second chance.

This goes back to the whole respect thing. It’s perfectly within the game rules and your right as a player to play on whatever server you want and transfer as you see fit. That’s fine. If that’s how you want to play the game, then so be it and more power to you. But you need to understand that your enjoyment of the game is coming at the expense of ruining the enjoyment of other players whose only options at this point are to either transfer themselves or simply not play. It’s up to you whether you give a crap or not, but at least understand why everyone is so angry about it.

But, it happened and the tiers will eventually re-stabilize. And it’ll happen again, and re-stabilize again as long as transfers are unlocked. No point in arguing.

You know I just don’t think the notion that this week’s WvW Tier 7 match up has turned a lot of new players away really rings true. If they really want to play the game, and play in WvW they will. Any of them who have played other MMOs (as so many of us have) and played in PvP matches in those games would know better. As I said before, some of you really just need to chill a bit. I also don’t believe that it’s a cycle that is necessarily guaranteed to repeat, as you seem to have determined. It remains to be seen.

I do know one thing…the world is not ending.

So no, I honestly don’t understand why you are so mad. Honestly. It’s a game, and one you do not control…only one you chose to spend your leisure time on. If you love the game to the degree that you want to provide feedback and input, awesome; give it to the correct people, not to Kain, or WM, etc.

Edit: I am replying to your post but not singling you out. I’ve seen the opinion expressed by a few is all.

The thing with playing other MMO’s with similar WvW or RvR is the transfering of whole guilds as well as other bads whom transfer to whichever server they think is the most powerful. This weeks WvW has and will turn players off from WvW and the game in general. I will say one thing if it was GOM that WM and those other guilds transfered too they would not get the time of day from me. I am sure there are many on Kain not very happy either. I have no problem with players from Kain but understand this.

Those guilds who couldnt hack it at the tier they were on will leave Kain when the time comes and fudge up WvW for some other servers so that they can has thier fix of feelin oh so powerful. No way would I ever stay in a guild that pulls crap like this. They really should be quite ashamed of themselves for ruining other players enjoyment of the game. Not to mention Anet should hang thier heads as well for allowing such nonsense to continue.

Commanders have taken the week off or just left the server. Many players are discussing transfering and or quitting GW2. Is it really worth the headache Anet, so that a few horrible guilds can feel good about themselves?


(edited by Stoneslammer.3650)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

I mean I like to win sure, but even loosing I like to cap and hold stuff and feel like I am making progress. None of that is even remotely possible. It was just as boring last week for the same reason. There is no way to progress when you have everything.

And then here comes a server you have never even played before, so there are no ’friends’. Just a bunch of kittens trying to kill you!!

And really when It comes down to it at the end of the day, I like GoM I like the people here, everyone is friendly and helpful, and most people rollin in EB don’t treat WvW like it is the end of the world. Perfect. But I’m Jealous. I want to win, I want to be relevant I don’t want to be just another Server at the bottom.

When AR wins and Moves up or BP or some of the others that have passed our way up or down, it was ok we knew them, they ’earned it’. They weren’t just some server coming from no where full of spit, and beating us like a drum!

I guess I just need a hug and someone to cuddle me and tell me it will be alright. They have hit me so many times!! Not one hug!!

*gives a hug*

trust me, I know what it’s like getting beaten all the time.

Kaineng has been in the lowest tier for like, what, 4 months?

With being the lowest populated server at the time, I can still manage to grow over 500 members in that server. Not to mention I have to put up with people jumping to other server because we are not winning, and we are constantly getting beat up, and just having not enough people.

But so what? My trick to hold the people in Kaineng and give them motivated is doing like this video.


Instead of focus on winning or losing, focus more on how to have FUN while getting suppressed. That change of attitude is the key to keep one motivated to play WvW.

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


I hope they shoot up like Kaineng and Devona, those match-ups were fun. I hope ENVY goes back to Ferguson’s. I wonder where they are. Those guys ate zergs up and many of their players were awesome. They were really hard to kill.

There are still Envy folks on FC. Ended up 1v1 with one of their mesmers a few times during that week. xD

Also, I’ve seen the Envy tag in Lion’s Arch on Kaineng in the past day or two… wonder what that’s all about?

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


There just is no way to have fun if you cant even leave home base. Seriously for me it is not so much the winning or losing it is fighting a hard won or lost battle. There is none of that this week. It is leave the home base get kitten and rinse and repeat. Not sure what is worse, being on a server that can easily own all three maps or being on a server that cant hold a single tower or camp. Seems equally boring and frustrating to me. Then when you see players from the server that owns the maps exploiting a keep that we were lucky enough to get it is almost enough to uninstall.


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


There just is no way to have fun if you cant even leave home base. Seriously for me it is not so much the winning or losing it is fighting a hard won or lost battle. There is none of that this week. It is leave the home base get kitten and rinse and repeat. Not sure what is worse, being on a server that can easily own all three maps or being on a server that cant hold a single tower or camp. Seems equally boring and frustrating to me. Then when you see players from the server that owns the maps exploiting a keep that we were lucky enough to get it is almost enough to uninstall.

Need to focus on the fun more. There were a few GoM guys who sieged up the JP in Kaineng BL last night, I’m sure they got a bunch of loot bags off a few of us who just kept running in. LOL It was just too funny to see ACs and ballistas in the JP, I couldn’t resist… xD

Edit: And I’ve heard our commanders on multiple occasions tell people to stop spawn camping. Agreed that that is no fun. Get a mesmer to drag a few of those clowns into your legendary guards, they’ll back off, I’m sure.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Fannwong.3059


To the GOMs that built 5 trebs 1/2 hour ago on the spawn area of the GOM spawn area to take the GOM keep doors down. Totally ingenious. /salute.


No sarcasm intended. Truly impressive.

[SoX] – JQ

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Lonya.2384


Although many seem to be upset over the imbalance, I don’t see it as imbalanced but a challenge which my friends and I were willing to take.

A very small group, 4 of us captured Greenbriar tower and had it upgraded by the time your zerg patrol reached us. In addition we had plenty of supply because before we took Greenbriar, we capped 3 of your supply camps. Without using Breakout or using a commander.

So, I suppose it is imbalanced but in our favor

HoD = home for life

(edited by Lonya.2384)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Only been playing GW2 and WvW about a month now and although i love the WvW concept having loved RvR in DaoC years back, the server transfers are BS and it makes any rankings completely broken. Also as miffed I am at the current imbalance I feel sorry for those on Kain whom are like myself and dont transfer servers as often as we change our underwear. The guilds like WM will leave once they come across an even fight leaving the server in a bracket they should not be in.

Seriously , Training? Come on now. Seems to me they just could not hack it in the bracket they were in and to ease a hurting butt they dropped down to a low ranked server so they could easily overwhelm the competition thus somehow raising thier self esteem. I know if i was in WM i would have quit the minute this transfer was discussed. All i see from them is excuse after excuse for how they mucked up WvW for so many of us. How about just admitting that WMmis a horrible guild full of bad players. Is a shame Kain got stuck with them.

Server transfers should cost 50 to 100 bucks per player then at least similar guilds who drop down so severley so they can just steamroll any competition with pure numbers will have to ask themselves. Is it worth that much dough just to pretend our guild is some kind of good.

You have no idea what your talking about. No one came here because we couldn’t “hack it” in our teir, we came here to bring Kain up.

Crazy Leg

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Paul.5032


Only been playing GW2 and WvW about a month now and although i love the WvW concept having loved RvR in DaoC years back, the server transfers are BS and it makes any rankings completely broken. Also as miffed I am at the current imbalance I feel sorry for those on Kain whom are like myself and dont transfer servers as often as we change our underwear. The guilds like WM will leave once they come across an even fight leaving the server in a bracket they should not be in.

Seriously , Training? Come on now. Seems to me they just could not hack it in the bracket they were in and to ease a hurting butt they dropped down to a low ranked server so they could easily overwhelm the competition thus somehow raising thier self esteem. I know if i was in WM i would have quit the minute this transfer was discussed. All i see from them is excuse after excuse for how they mucked up WvW for so many of us. How about just admitting that WMmis a horrible guild full of bad players. Is a shame Kain got stuck with them.

Server transfers should cost 50 to 100 bucks per player then at least similar guilds who drop down so severley so they can just steamroll any competition with pure numbers will have to ask themselves. Is it worth that much dough just to pretend our guild is some kind of good.

You have no idea what your talking about. No one came here because we couldn’t “hack it” in our teir, we came here to bring Kain up.

You’ve got to be kidding.
Nobody believes that.
Not even lvl 100 politics can make your statement believable.

There’s a world of difference between WM/DE and RE.
And this comes from my experience of fighting WM/DE/SoS and RE.

I can write in details, but I’m sure it will get flagged.

Keep on dreaming.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Inprognito.9487


I cant believe people actually think we moved to Kain to boost our self-esteem or what not. We talked for a while before it happened saying how we were going to have several boring weeks before we got into a better matched tier. If we could have kept the even matchups we had when we on DH against Maguuma, DB and such servers we would have stayed. To me those matches that were all within 10,000 – 20,000 points in the end were by far the most fun. I’m sure all of [RE] would tell you the same. We just wanted to build a server that was based on WvW and had a lot less PvE only players.

P.S. for most of us, this was our 1st transfer since launch

Talons [BT]
http://www.Monstrosadus.com – Monstrosadus now on spotify!