GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Guru.3245


Oh I know for sure most people probably don’t enjoy steamrolling, I’ve been on HoD since the start, and it got boring when we always owned stuff, no fun at all when there is no one to fight. I’d love to fight your regulars, doesn’t matter who’s winning or losing really, it’s all about the fight

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


Oh I know for sure most people probably don’t enjoy steamrolling, I’ve been on HoD since the start, and it got boring when we always owned stuff, no fun at all when there is no one to fight. I’d love to fight your regulars, doesn’t matter who’s winning or losing really, it’s all about the fight

Dunno if you’d consider it, but a lot of us are coming back for T6, might be worthwhile to hop on there for a week if you’re really interested in seeing a lot of our skilled people in action. (Not sure if I’ll be available, was intending to be but my bloody internet is iffy atm. -.- )

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


I just hope those on Kain who were there before these moves understand that they will most likely be abandoned bynthe same guilds as soon as they meet stiff competition.

If (and I do say “if” – I really think they’ll stay, Kaineng is a great place to be) the transfer guilds transfer again somewhere else… so what? We start losing the points game? Again, so what? We’ve been rock bottom, and I do mean rock bottom. Have you ever, ever, been in LAST place? No? Try it for awhile. It gives you some perspective and makes you realize this game is supposed to be fun. Even when you’re getting roflstomped, this game is fun… until YOU make it so it’s not. Your fault. Not mine. Not ANet’s. Not WM, DE, RE, or any transfer guilds. It’s on you to make the game fun. You’re welcome to play the victim all you want and blame everyone else because you’re not entertained, just understand that’s what you’re doing.

For the record, I rolled Kaineng and have been here the entire time. Wouldn’t go anywhere else. WM, RE, DE, all the new transfers… they’re all Kaineng too now. Hate on ‘em if you want. Hate on Kaineng if you want. Your choice, and you’re not having fun because of it. Me? I’m still having a blast playing the game.

Yep sure is fun getting WtfRoflStomped by 30 or more WM and SOS. Funny thing is those players are so Bad it takes em five minutes to kill five GOM. Must be very awesome to be invaded by terribad players who are so bad they need at least a five to one ratio,before even showing up.

For the record I have never transfered off a server in any MMO I have played on. It is a fail thing to do. In case you dont know what fun is. I will tell you what it is not. Having a pitched battle with evenish numbers only to have the numbers skewed so bad the opposing team can break through a keep door in under a minute with no Rams.

Or running to defend Titan be mowed over by close to ten times the players. I would sit in last place any day of the week if we could have fairly evenish WvW. So yea go tell players to find the fun in not having a hope in hell of making it two minutes outside off home base. Pfft. What I dont understand is how players on Kain are happy bout getting stuck with those guilds. The only ray of sunshine in this nonsense is that they didnt come to the server i reside on. I would have too reroll on a dif server if that happened. As I still would not transfer my already leveled toons. Specially seeing as those uber guilds will just dropdown again when they encounter some evenly matched servers.


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Guru.3245


Oh I know for sure most people probably don’t enjoy steamrolling, I’ve been on HoD since the start, and it got boring when we always owned stuff, no fun at all when there is no one to fight. I’d love to fight your regulars, doesn’t matter who’s winning or losing really, it’s all about the fight

Dunno if you’d consider it, but a lot of us are coming back for T6, might be worthwhile to hop on there for a week if you’re really interested in seeing a lot of our skilled people in action. (Not sure if I’ll be available, was intending to be but my bloody internet is iffy atm. -.- )

Thanks for the offer, but HoD is where I shall remain, with my guild and the remaining fighters. Server transfers are one of the things that brought the server down the ladder, and I don’t want to be a part of that.

(edited by Guru.3245)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


In case you dont know what fun is. I will tell you what it is not. Having a pitched battle with evenish numbers only to have the numbers skewed so bad the opposing team can break through a keep door in under a minute with no Rams.

Well see Dhampyr…there’s the problem in our communication, obviously by this he is a fellow Kaineng member who was here when DR was around. Though he is forgetting all the times we managed to hold them off at Cliffside…Those were great battles despite being outnumbered ridiculously.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


Thanks for the offer, but HoD is where I shall remain, with my guild and the remaining fighters. Server transfers are one of the things that brought the server down the ladder, and I don’t want to be a part of that.

Just as a reminder: You can transfer every 7 days. :p Temporarily hopping Servers isn’t the issue, it’s the Guilds permanently moving to other Servers that cause issues! (This isn’t an attempt to coerce you into doing it anyway, simply saying that it’s a good thing to keep in mind now and in the future! I found it particularly useful for learning about the Tiers Kaineng will soon be fighting in.)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


In case you dont know what fun is. I will tell you what it is not. Having a pitched battle with evenish numbers only to have the numbers skewed so bad the opposing team can break through a keep door in under a minute with no Rams.

Well see Dhampyr…there’s the problem in our communication, obviously by this he is a fellow Kaineng member who was here when DR was around. Though he is forgetting all the times we managed to hold them off at Cliffside…Those were great battles despite being outnumbered ridiculously.

I have only had the game a month and have played GoM for all of that time. I do know i felt for HoD and SF the past couple weeks when we outnumbered them although nothing even close to this garbage we have now. Who finds this fun. I feel like actually transfering over to Kain just to let some people that ruined WvW this week know what I think of them but i just cant stomach being stuck on a server with them for a whole week.


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Scarecrow.5792


Awesome fighting in GoM borderlands earlier, managed to hold Kaineng off for ~ 2 hours at Cragtop tower until eventually you guys took out a lot of our defensive siege with the unnoticed trebs hiding near foghaven supply camp! We were able to get the garrison walls down but had no where near enough to make the push through the countless bodies you guys constantly threw at us. All in all had some good fun.

- RISE – Holy – tM -
Scarecrow Z – Female Human Engineer

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


I have only had the game a month and have played GoM for all of that time. I do know i felt for HoD and SF the past couple weeks when we outnumbered them although nothing even close to this garbage we have now. Who finds this fun. I feel like actually transfering over to Kain just to let some people that ruined WvW this week know what I think of them but i just cant stomach being stuck on a server with them for a whole week.

……After your extensive single month of experience and expertise, you are the sole authority on what is a good fight. From the way you talked I at least expected you to be a veteran. So let me correct some things for you:
1) These odds your facing?…We faced it for nearly 2 months…or was it 3? I think it was only 2 months with the transfers but I could be wrong. Regardless…
2) Those odds taught Kaineng and Fergs how to fight better than you might believe. Ask any DR about “Envy Mesmers” and you’ll get a response that involves fist-shaking and promises for vengeance. Kaineng and Ferg learned to defend like champs with similar percentage of population to what you have to us now. I won’t claim it’s the -same-, but it’s bloody close.
3) We learned to find the fun in every battle, because it is there, you’re just refusing to see it because you’re blinded by the points. When there is a population difference, you need to adjust your view of “Winning” and “Losing”. Otherwise all that will happen is precisely what you’re going through now.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


I recently left HoD. There were other more important reasons why I left although this didn’t help. Nobody can really blame anybody for what is happening. The games design and the free weekly transfer certainly added to that problem. I think what is going on with this wvwvw is the prime example of why this transfers need to be costly and incentives need to be put in place to bring players to lower pop servers in some way, without producing the same effects we have now which is a server that should be in a much higher tier stomping 2 much lower active wvwvw server.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: sheldon.3825


well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.

well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.just saying :p

Valkyrie Slayer Warrior [Commander]
Shelenn Elementalist / Pink Cloak Thief / Valkyrie Templar Guardian
Member of [GR] from Kaineng Server

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


I have only had the game a month and have played GoM for all of that time. I do know i felt for HoD and SF the past couple weeks when we outnumbered them although nothing even close to this garbage we have now. Who finds this fun. I feel like actually transfering over to Kain just to let some people that ruined WvW this week know what I think of them but i just cant stomach being stuck on a server with them for a whole week.

……After your extensive single month of experience and expertise, you are the sole authority on what is a good fight. From the way you talked I at least expected you to be a veteran. So let me correct some things for you:
1) These odds your facing?…We faced it for nearly 2 months…or was it 3? I think it was only 2 months with the transfers but I could be wrong. Regardless…
2) Those odds taught Kaineng and Fergs how to fight better than you might believe. Ask any DR about “Envy Mesmers” and you’ll get a response that involves fist-shaking and promises for vengeance. Kaineng and Ferg learned to defend like champs with similar percentage of population to what you have to us now. I won’t claim it’s the -same-, but it’s bloody close.
3) We learned to find the fun in every battle, because it is there, you’re just refusing to see it because you’re blinded by the points. When there is a population difference, you need to adjust your view of “Winning” and “Losing”. Otherwise all that will happen is precisely what you’re going through now.

Never claimed to be the sole authority on anything. Let me ask you a question though. You claim to have faced the same odds for two months just now but in another thread about how transfers are mucking up WvW you claim Kain was already dominating and that the big guilds transfering over is not really mucking anything up.

So which is it? As well I do not need to adjust anything. I do not believe for one minute Kain faced the same numbers your server now sports for two months although they may indeed have had a hard time. I have played many MMOs over the years and have seen skewed server pops plenty but none that were planned in advance and then allowed by the gaming company. Actually the only time I have ever seen a whole guild move in a game it was from an extremely overpop server to a newly started server.

Anyway although I do not claim to,be an authority on the matter I am not the only one that believes the guilds who moved and Anet themselves are to blame for ruining many players WvW and if garbage like this continues they may as well stop ranking servers altogether. Really what is the point when they can be manipulated every week by shady guilds.


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Llyrx.3497


Also, the lack of respect is appalling from Kaineng, dancing on corpses, laughing etc, it’s just not needed guys.

I took the time to ask people earlier while commanding why the keep doing that. They all pretty much said they are doing it BECAUSE of the forums. So in turn, by people complaining and being disrespectful here, they are doing it back.

Kiridono – GL of RE
Overseer of NEO Alliance -www.NeverEndingOdds.com

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.

well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.just saying :p

Actually i was dead in 2 secs and i watched the battle while having a dirt nap. Just a mumble ….while it may not have been exactly five minutes as I rarely “time encounters” it was a very long time considering the numbers and… mumbles sorry if anyone is kitten it took them so long to take a camp when they so heavily outnumbered the few there.

Just saying.

P. S. Maybe Kain really does need all those numbers.


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


Never claimed to be the sole authority on anything. Let me ask you a question though. You claim to have faced the same odds for two months just now but in another thread about how transfers are mucking up WvW you claim Kain was already dominating and that the big guilds transfering over is not really mucking anything up.

In that Thread my point is that Kaineng and Ferg stood toe-to-toe with DR despite the Population difference. We still lost points-wise, but DR could never manage to faceroll us in order to go up a Tier. As soon as DR was gone, it was Kaineng that proved strongest. The first week Fergs stood strong because their experience against Zergs and being outnumbered by holding their BL with the skill we’ve come to expect from them. Unfortunately, that was many Ferg-Guild’s last week on their Server. Though the upside is that apparently their leaving meant that Fergs was no longer OP for the Tier and they’re enjoying good matches.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: sheldon.3825


well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.

well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.just saying :p

Actually i was dead in 2 secs and i watched the battle while having a dirt nap. Just a mumble ….while it may not have been exactly five minutes as I rarely “time encounters” it was a very long time considering the numbers and… mumbles sorry if anyone is kitten it took them so long to take a camp when they so heavily outnumbered the few there.

Just saying.

P. S. Maybe Kain really does need all those numbers.

np, we got numbers that u guys couldn’t get.
and soon we will be moving up tier.
so don’t be so upset that we flipped t7 this week.
it will be all urs by this coming friday

Valkyrie Slayer Warrior [Commander]
Shelenn Elementalist / Pink Cloak Thief / Valkyrie Templar Guardian
Member of [GR] from Kaineng Server

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


Also, the lack of respect is appalling from Kaineng, dancing on corpses, laughing etc, it’s just not needed guys.

I took the time to ask people earlier while commanding why the keep doing that. They all pretty much said they are doing it BECAUSE of the forums. So in turn, by people complaining and being disrespectful here, they are doing it back.

So by some of us pointing out how utterly mucked up WvW is now that Anet allowed such stupid imbalance that is reason to disrespect players you outnumber and overrun without any problems? Do you want anyone out there to compete against? Or should we come on here and thank the guilds for completely wrecking this weeks WvW for us?

Geeze I am very sorry …….. Lets see now. Thank you WM for repeatedly exploiting keeps away from us earlier in the week even though you heavily outnumbered us. I also want to thank RE for leaving thier server high and dry and moving to Kain so GoM and Hod could have such a wonderful week in WvW. I am just so thankful these guilds put so very much thought into this massive transfer knowing full well how much enjoyment the now outranked guilds Kain will be facing in the weeks to come will enjoy their WvW.

Know can you all kindly stop disrespecting the few diehards that are still venturing out there to feed you badges and loot?


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.

well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.just saying :p

Actually i was dead in 2 secs and i watched the battle while having a dirt nap. Just a mumble ….while it may not have been exactly five minutes as I rarely “time encounters” it was a very long time considering the numbers and… mumbles sorry if anyone is kitten it took them so long to take a camp when they so heavily outnumbered the few there.

Just saying.

P. S. Maybe Kain really does need all those numbers.

np, we got numbers that u guys couldn’t get.
and soon we will be moving up tier.
so don’t be so upset that we flipped t7 this week.
it will be all urs by this coming friday

I surely hope it is not “all ours”. I dont wanna WvW skewed in my servers favor either.


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


Dunno if you’d consider it, but a lot of us are coming back for T6, might be worthwhile to hop on there for a week if you’re really interested in seeing a lot of our skilled people in action. (Not sure if I’ll be available, was intending to be but my bloody internet is iffy atm. -.- )

If you are really looking to have fun you might want to wait for tier 5. Im not sure if you have looked at who you will be facing in T6 but DH is on its way down, and AR has no where near the numbers you do. The problem most of us run into when we watch you, is there is no possible way to determine your skill. You flat out number us by such a large margin that you don’t have to do anything ‘skillful’ to win. Looking at next week projected match up makes me think next week might be more of the same for you.

Also you might want to look rethink your claim that as a player your only responsible for having fun. I mean some might think it is fun transferring to a server that just rolfstomped them and spending the whole week they finally make it into tier 5 just building rams in sm when they hold it, or building 200 rams in their keep. or just giving bad directions. I guess you could claim it is exploiting or cheating. But first, some find exploiting or heating fun. Second I have never seen Anet say it is either of those things. So should the person stop doing something that is fun or is it up to the developer?

There is something to be said for considering those around you.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Inprognito.9487


Dancing or jumping on corpses, or laughing is a tactic used by many to get people to respawn and not be able to spy while dead.

Talons [BT]
http://www.Monstrosadus.com – Monstrosadus now on spotify!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: sheldon.3825


well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.

well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.just saying :p

Actually i was dead in 2 secs and i watched the battle while having a dirt nap. Just a mumble ….while it may not have been exactly five minutes as I rarely “time encounters” it was a very long time considering the numbers and… mumbles sorry if anyone is kitten it took them so long to take a camp when they so heavily outnumbered the few there.

Just saying.

P. S. Maybe Kain really does need all those numbers.

np, we got numbers that u guys couldn’t get.
and soon we will be moving up tier.
so don’t be so upset that we flipped t7 this week.
it will be all urs by this coming friday

I surely hope it is not “all ours”. I dont wanna WvW skewed in my servers favor either.

i meant ‘yours’ for t7.
Be generous if u can plz.
i still have difficult time speaking english since it’s my 3rd language.

Valkyrie Slayer Warrior [Commander]
Shelenn Elementalist / Pink Cloak Thief / Valkyrie Templar Guardian
Member of [GR] from Kaineng Server

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


Never claimed to be the sole authority on anything. Let me ask you a question though. You claim to have faced the same odds for two months just now but in another thread about how transfers are mucking up WvW you claim Kain was already dominating and that the big guilds transfering over is not really mucking anything up.

In that Thread my point is that Kaineng and Ferg stood toe-to-toe with DR despite the Population difference. We still lost points-wise, but DR could never manage to faceroll us in order to go up a Tier. As soon as DR was gone, it was Kaineng that proved strongest. The first week Fergs stood strong because their experience against Zergs and being outnumbered by holding their BL with the skill we’ve come to expect from them. Unfortunately, that was many Ferg-Guild’s last week on their Server. Though the upside is that apparently their leaving meant that Fergs was no longer OP for the Tier and they’re enjoying good matches.

So im a bit confused then. Seeing as neither of those guilds are going against Kain this session then how can you claim the transfers really havent heavily skewed WvW in Kains favor this week? You cant have it both ways. Either Kain had it bad the last two months or Kain was “Dominating” like you claim in other thread.


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.

well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.just saying :p

Actually i was dead in 2 secs and i watched the battle while having a dirt nap. Just a mumble ….while it may not have been exactly five minutes as I rarely “time encounters” it was a very long time considering the numbers and… mumbles sorry if anyone is kitten it took them so long to take a camp when they so heavily outnumbered the few there.

Just saying.

P. S. Maybe Kain really does need all those numbers.

np, we got numbers that u guys couldn’t get.
and soon we will be moving up tier.
so don’t be so upset that we flipped t7 this week.
it will be all urs by this coming friday

I surely hope it is not “all ours”. I dont wanna WvW skewed in my servers favor either.

i meant ‘yours’ for t7.
Be generous if u can plz.
i still have difficult time speaking english since it’s my 3rd language.

Oh im sorry buds. I took it the wrong way. While English is my only language i hear it is one of the most difficult to learn. Good luck with it and kudos on knowing three dif laungages that is awesome.


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


So im a bit confused then. Seeing as neither of those guilds are going against Kain this session then how can you claim the transfers really havent heavily skewed WvW in Kains favor this week? You cant have it both ways. Either Kain had it bad the last two months or Kain was “Dominating” like you claim in other thread.

Please learn to read, I will explain as clearly as possible what I have already said between both threads:
T7 and T8 Servers are on par with each other. All equal or close to it in strength(…Because I can foresee difficulty, the obvious exception now is Kaineng. This is a statement based on CURRENT relative strength.). Ferg WAS the strongest of you 5 in Week 50. Kaineng facerolled Ferg and ET by over 200k points BEFORE Transfers. BEFORE Transfers Ferg strongest Guilds decided to leave because many knew they would soon roll over T8/T7 and found the idea boring. AFTER all this…DE(Then SE) came scouting to potentially join us. Decided to join Kaineng, then WM announced their joining as well.

iow: Kaineng was already crushing opposition. But for week upon week BEFORE this, DR crushed us…repeatedly…we simply took the fight to them more effectively than other Servers have due to lots of practice.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645



While I do agree T5 will be more balanced…a lot of folks are under-estimating T6. I was there up until Tuesday, and I expect many good fights with them. I think the Servers there know and expect to get ROFLStomped…but at the same time, I think they will bring a massive hurting on Kaineng which I will enjoy fighting against. AR and NSP have many many people I have come to respect and I wish them both all the best of luck! I’m just hoping they do gang up on Kaineng…with the NSP “Morning” crew…and AR “Day/Night” crew…they would be hitting Kaineng hard 24/7.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: sheldon.3825


well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.

well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.just saying :p

Actually i was dead in 2 secs and i watched the battle while having a dirt nap. Just a mumble ….while it may not have been exactly five minutes as I rarely “time encounters” it was a very long time considering the numbers and… mumbles sorry if anyone is kitten it took them so long to take a camp when they so heavily outnumbered the few there.

Just saying.

P. S. Maybe Kain really does need all those numbers.

np, we got numbers that u guys couldn’t get.
and soon we will be moving up tier.
so don’t be so upset that we flipped t7 this week.
it will be all urs by this coming friday

I surely hope it is not “all ours”. I dont wanna WvW skewed in my servers favor either.

i meant ‘yours’ for t7.
Be generous if u can plz.
i still have difficult time speaking english since it’s my 3rd language.

Oh im sorry buds. I took it the wrong way. While English is my only language i hear it is one of the most difficult to learn. Good luck with it and kudos on knowing three dif laungages that is awesome.

nah, eng was pretty easy to learn compare to polish, which i gave up to learn.
and thx for gl wish.

Valkyrie Slayer Warrior [Commander]
Shelenn Elementalist / Pink Cloak Thief / Valkyrie Templar Guardian
Member of [GR] from Kaineng Server

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Yep sure is fun getting WtfRoflStomped by 30 or more WM and SOS. Funny thing is those players are so Bad it takes em five minutes to kill five GOM. Must be very awesome to be invaded by terribad players who are so bad they need at least a five to one ratio,before even showing up.

So, by your own account, your epic five minute fight against desperate odds wasn’t a good time? Dude, you do realize they make movies with plot lines just like that? The reason why they do that is because it’s FUN. It’s entertaining. It is YOU who is not enjoying yourself, and blaming everyone around you for it.

Or running to defend Titan be mowed over by close to ten times the players. I would sit in last place any day of the week if we could have fairly evenish WvW. So yea go tell players to find the fun in not having a hope in hell of making it two minutes outside off home base. Pfft. What I dont understand is how players on Kain are happy bout getting stuck with those guilds. The only ray of sunshine in this nonsense is that they didnt come to the server i reside on. I would have too reroll on a dif server if that happened. As I still would not transfer my already leveled toons. Specially seeing as those uber guilds will just dropdown again when they encounter some evenly matched servers.

You do realize that Titan has a waypoint right next to it that can never be contested, right? The north supply camp is one of the most difficult for an invader, because it’s so easy for defenders to rally to it. If you get killed, in less than a minute you’re back in the fight. There’s no reason why you can’t wipe a zerg in the north camp, just from respawning alone. The closest the invaders can get is either Bay or Hills… both several minutes away.

And while you’re sitting happily in last place, realize that there’s a good chance you’re still getting roflstomped. The thing is, the server that’s doing it in your hypothetical last place is stuck in T8 with you. Week in, week out. You can choose to rage, shake your fist, call names, impugn the honor of everyone… or you can realize that this is meant to be fun. You and I are coming from vastly different places. Oh, Kaineng has had just as bad a time as your server – and I don’t even care what server we’re talking about. Thing is, even while we were getting stepped on and knocked around, we were still having a great time, fighting insurmountable odds, sometimes actually winning against them, rather than being angry that the other server has more players. It doesn’t sound like you’ve found that same happy place, and I’m sorry that’s the case for you.

Devona’s Rest was our nemesis in T8 before they started moving up. Am I looking forward to a rematch if/when we end up in the same tier? Absolutely, but not because I want to get payback or revenge or whatever. I’m looking forward to it because those were some really great weeks in WvW, while we were losing to a server who could field tons more bodies than we could.

Point is, raging on our matchup thread in the forums about a policy that was created by ANet really doesn’t do much. What I think would help more is taking those five WvW megastar players you mentioned earlier and wiping some 30+ invader zergs, and having a great time while you’re doing it.

Yep, I still stand by it. YOU are in control of the fun you have. When you choose to have a rotten time, it’s a choice you make… not one that is forced on you.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


That Stoneslammer guy is so angry. Yikes.

I feel like this shouldn’t need to be pointed out but wvwvw wasn’t designed to be fair. Sorry, it’s the truth. I feel like if he was not complaining about getting zerged he would be complaining because he thinks his server is getting 2v1’d or some other nonsense.

If you want even fights then spvp is there for you.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

So this will come off as disrespectful im sure, but I personally don’t feel Kaineng would get very high up in tiers without their transfers.

None taken. I’m sure alot of us knows from the bottom of our heart, as we were at stalemate with DR, basically where they stop is probably where we will stop as well, now, with the new transfers … we might, but we might not as well.

But that doesn’t matter. What matters most is that we need to know what is fun and what is stress

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: kreese.9461


np, we got numbers that u guys couldn’t get.
and soon we will be moving up tier.
so don’t be so upset that we flipped t7 this week.
it will be all urs by this coming friday

Sheldon, T7/8 will continue to get flipped over and over again until anet stops the server transfer abuse – in the mean time we get brief periods of playable wvw

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Just to tell that GoM’s RISE commander, we are sorry

We just wanted to have some fireworks

But then it just went out of hand


“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

(edited by Chaster Sharpshooter.3640)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


I’ll start getting south of Hero’s Supply camp ready in about 6 hours from now, hope to see a lot of GoM/HoD/Kain their, spam in LA/WvW Map

Crazy Leg

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Awesome fighting in GoM borderlands earlier, managed to hold Kaineng off for ~ 2 hours at Cragtop tower until eventually you guys took out a lot of our defensive siege with the unnoticed trebs hiding near foghaven supply camp! We were able to get the garrison walls down but had no where near enough to make the push through the countless bodies you guys constantly threw at us. All in all had some good fun.

They tried Foghaven trebs earlier this week on us too when I was at Cragtop earlier this week. Luckily we had a treb inside to pre-emptively counter it.

I didn’t even know trebs from there could reach ’till this matchup.

Gate of Madness

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.

well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.just saying :p

Actually i was dead in 2 secs and i watched the battle while having a dirt nap. Just a mumble ….while it may not have been exactly five minutes as I rarely “time encounters” it was a very long time considering the numbers and… mumbles sorry if anyone is kitten it took them so long to take a camp when they so heavily outnumbered the few there.

Just saying.

P. S. Maybe Kain really does need all those numbers.

np, we got numbers that u guys couldn’t get.
and soon we will be moving up tier.
so don’t be so upset that we flipped t7 this week.
it will be all urs by this coming friday

I surely hope it is not “all ours”. I dont wanna WvW skewed in my servers favor either.

i meant ‘yours’ for t7.
Be generous if u can plz.
i still have difficult time speaking english since it’s my 3rd language.

Oh im sorry buds. I took it the wrong way. While English is my only language i hear it is one of the most difficult to learn. Good luck with it and kudos on knowing three dif laungages that is awesome.

Such a tool, it’s at the point where reading your bum hurt tirades are not even funny any longer. Have fun next week.

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

Also, the lack of respect is appalling from Kaineng, dancing on corpses, laughing etc, it’s just not needed guys.

I took the time to ask people earlier while commanding why the keep doing that. They all pretty much said they are doing it BECAUSE of the forums. So in turn, by people complaining and being disrespectful here, they are doing it back.

I am sorry, but that is still incredibly childish. Two wrongs do not make a right. “OMG people are complaining about us on the forums, so we should dance on and laugh at their dead bodies.” It’s roughly the same people commenting on this thread, and there are tons more who don’t even read the forums that often. So they get really mad that people are being so rude and have no sense of honor. What am I supposed to tell my friends when they get annoyed that their bodies are being danced on again? “Sorry guys, but we have this coming. Kaineng doesn’t like us complaining about how unfair the matchup is.” I haven’t seen too many HoD complaints on here (haven’t checked in a few days though, so I might have missed something), but I am still finding myself being laughed at and danced on when I get mauled by the zergs. >.<

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


Awesome fighting in GoM borderlands earlier, managed to hold Kaineng off for ~ 2 hours at Cragtop tower until eventually you guys took out a lot of our defensive siege with the unnoticed trebs hiding near foghaven supply camp! We were able to get the garrison walls down but had no where near enough to make the push through the countless bodies you guys constantly threw at us. All in all had some good fun.

They tried Foghaven trebs earlier this week on us too when I was at Cragtop earlier this week. Luckily we had a treb inside to pre-emptively counter it.

I didn’t even know trebs from there could reach ’till this matchup.

I’ve noticed RH is very accurate with their trebs. Very surprised early on in the week when we tried a counter and got taken out almost immediately. Props.

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Debois Guilbert.6413

Debois Guilbert.6413

Hey FoS, AKA Fringe Of Sanity, check your mesmers…a female norn or tall female human, to be exact

Just now a mesmer ported in some GoM players into Craigtop Tower at GoM BL.

The thing is, no wall or gate was down, was a breakout event.

I set up some good defensive seige, and Im glad I had a chance to use it, but I am disappointed that GoM took the tower this way.

Here’s a picture of the gate/wall still up with GoM attacking on the outside with some GoM capping on the inside.

This caught my attention since I was playing on my female norn mesmer last night. This was not me however. When I first saw Sunnyvale and Cragtop with their open faces to the cliff, it just screamed out to be one of those walking on air puzzles like that one vista in Malchor’s Leap. Similarly getting to the Garrison wall from the spawn looks like a jumping type puzzle too. Given the GoM PvEer’s in WvW to do the jumping puzzle, I wouldn’t be surprised if they put their talents to other uses. And jumping puzzles are part of the game. Do I know if that is the case, no, but if ANet has made jumping puzzle skills an effective tactic in WvW, that is beyond awesome.
That said, when word of this reached the commanders, they clearly stated in map chat that breaking the rules was not to be tolerated and there was no indication that anyone on was upset enough to do something problematic. I, like many others, still had a great time in WvW last night and in fact all week. Thanks to Kaineng for the excitement, badges and loot. And yes I provided quite a bit to you all, at least the badges and loot part.

Altoholic Luciana Delaluna, Ranger
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Also, the lack of respect is appalling from Kaineng, dancing on corpses, laughing etc, it’s just not needed guys….

No disrespect taken, if you see anyone from RE playing in this manner, you can feel free to inform any of us. We don’t tolerate hacks and disrespect. There’s always odd ones who do things on there own, but I’m happy to follow up with any who do play in any manner other than respectful and hard. Golden rule. In any event none of your post was seen as disrespectful just to let you know.

Now, for the entire week… the good, the bad, the ugly. Let’s put it aside for now and have fun. We all play, we all have fun in our own ways preferably not hindering others. Do not troll me about transferring once with no intention of ever moving, tell the developer.

Outside of that, I work till 5pm pst, but will try to attend later, and yes… have my back side handed to me so some of you can vent out your frustrations. But keep it light and positive when we come together. It will take all our servers to ensure a peaceful place where we can chill, and enjoy the time.

On that note, I hope i see many of you there, from GoM and HoD.

~X [RE]

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

(edited by Hexin.5603)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Much respect for GoM, thnx for popping over top the AR threads and giving us a heads up! Gunna be a rough fight but we will throw everything we have at Kain.

GoM should come over for a week and get some payback.

<.< >.>

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


Yep sure is fun getting WtfRoflStomped by 30 or more WM and SOS. Funny thing is those players are so Bad it takes em five minutes to kill five GOM. Must be very awesome to be invaded by terribad players who are so bad they need at least a five to one ratio,before even showing up.

So, by your own account, your epic five minute fight against desperate odds wasn’t a good time? Dude, you do realize they make movies with plot lines just like that? The reason why they do that is because it’s FUN. It’s entertaining. It is YOU who is not enjoying yourself, and blaming everyone around you for it.

Or running to defend Titan be mowed over by close to ten times the players. I would sit in last place any day of the week if we could have fairly evenish WvW. So yea go tell players to find the fun in not having a hope in hell of making it two minutes outside off home base. Pfft. What I dont understand is how players on Kain are happy bout getting stuck with those guilds. The only ray of sunshine in this nonsense is that they didnt come to the server i reside on. I would have too reroll on a dif server if that happened. As I still would not transfer my already leveled toons. Specially seeing as those uber guilds will just dropdown again when they encounter some evenly matched servers.

You do realize that Titan has a waypoint right next to it that can never be contested, right? The north supply camp is one of the most difficult for an invader, because it’s so easy for defenders to rally to it. If you get killed, in less than a minute you’re back in the fight. There’s no reason why you can’t wipe a zerg in the north camp, just from respawning alone. The closest the invaders can get is either Bay or Hills… both several minutes away.

And while you’re sitting happily in last place, realize that there’s a good chance you’re still getting roflstomped. The thing is, the server that’s doing it in your hypothetical last place is stuck in T8 with you. Week in, week out. You can choose to rage, shake your fist, call names, impugn the honor of everyone… or you can realize that this is meant to be fun. You and I are coming from vastly different places. Oh, Kaineng has had just as bad a time as your server – and I don’t even care what server we’re talking about. Thing is, even while we were getting stepped on and knocked around, we were still having a great time, fighting insurmountable odds, sometimes actually winning against them, rather than being angry that the other server has more players. It doesn’t sound like you’ve found that same happy place, and I’m sorry that’s the case for you.

Devona’s Rest was our nemesis in T8 before they started moving up. Am I looking forward to a rematch if/when we end up in the same tier? Absolutely, but not because I want to get payback or revenge or whatever. I’m looking forward to it because those were some really great weeks in WvW, while we were losing to a server who could field tons more bodies than we could.

Point is, raging on our matchup thread in the forums about a policy that was created by ANet really doesn’t do much. What I think would help more is taking those five WvW megastar players you mentioned earlier and wiping some 30+ invader zergs, and having a great time while you’re doing it.

Yep, I still stand by it. YOU are in control of the fun you have. When you choose to have a rotten time, it’s a choice you make… not one that is forced on you.

Umm so yea watching a large group of fail take way to long to kill five players was sorta fun. Now what about the other 23 hours and 55ish minutes. The first day of the matchup i was telling players to try harder and not give up and then i finally seen it was just an exercise in futility where Kain would let us do a Breakout and take a keep only to zerg us way before a single player could do a supply run and then rince and repeat. Even that might have been fun had Kain left a few players behind for the fight but is plain as day to everyone we were being farmed. So myself like many others just refuse to be farmed. It really boggles the mind anyone is defending these massive moves that seriously hurt WvW and most definately makes the server ratings a total joke.

Yes I agree we do see things differently. I wont try and feed someone a BS sandwhich and insist it is a BLT.


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


So, who is excited about fight club?!?

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Um did you forget the first rule ?

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Um did you forget the first rule ?


Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Um did you forget the first rule ?

Lol. I love it.


Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Novem Reyn.5816

Novem Reyn.5816

I was..but then some guardian from SoS and some thief from WM alt-F4’ed…I’m just disillusioned by all you now..

[RISE] – GoM

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


I was..but then some guardian from SoS and some thief from WM alt-F4’ed…I’m just disillusioned by all you now..

I didn’t think it started yet…?

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Not in FC, no one kills anyone, just to downed state is all. We all know this o.o

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.

well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.just saying :p

Actually i was dead in 2 secs and i watched the battle while having a dirt nap. Just a mumble ….while it may not have been exactly five minutes as I rarely “time encounters” it was a very long time considering the numbers and… mumbles sorry if anyone is kitten it took them so long to take a camp when they so heavily outnumbered the few there.

Just saying.

P. S. Maybe Kain really does need all those numbers.

np, we got numbers that u guys couldn’t get.
and soon we will be moving up tier.
so don’t be so upset that we flipped t7 this week.
it will be all urs by this coming friday

I surely hope it is not “all ours”. I dont wanna WvW skewed in my servers favor either.

i meant ‘yours’ for t7.
Be generous if u can plz.
i still have difficult time speaking english since it’s my 3rd language.

Oh im sorry buds. I took it the wrong way. While English is my only language i hear it is one of the most difficult to learn. Good luck with it and kudos on knowing three dif laungages that is awesome.

Such a tool, it’s at the point where reading your bum hurt tirades are not even funny any longer. Have fun next week.

If I am a “Tool” what do you call a guild of over 400 who leaves thier original server high and dry so they can join other guilds who pulled the same thing, only to transfer to one of the lowest ranked servers in the game, thusly completely skewing the rankings and ruining the enjoyment of many?

You will excuse me if I am not overly concerned with the opinion of someone who would participate in such nonsense. You might as well get used to players showing contempt towards those who have no qualms about manipulating WvW in such a harmful way. Gamers have long memories RE will at least be remembered right along with WM. Oh congratz on one of the largest griefs I have seen in any MMO to date. Something to be proud of that for sure.

Anyway I have now wasted way too much time pointing out how harmful to WvW these massive server desertions are and how pointless it makes a ranking system. I sincerly hope Kain enjoys no competition for awhile and hopefully the fall is not too far when those big guild leave em high and dry.


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Highlie.7641


They tried Foghaven trebs earlier this week on us too when I was at Cragtop earlier this week. Luckily we had a treb inside to pre-emptively counter it.

I didn’t even know trebs from there could reach ’till this matchup.

We used to use this in pre-sale (along with most high tier servers at the time) it was abandoned by most though. couple reason. there trebs can be Aoe’d from the ground (2 sides) there are 3 entrances to that camp, which make defending it near impossible. If by some stroke of luck they do end up defending it the other team eventally zergs on top of the trebs and fights there. and finally Setting a treb up in Hills vista will reach there. while returning fire seems to hit an invisable wall. And finally the way we took it out, treb from cliffside. Kain you should stop using that spot. (it might still work next tier Anvil doesnt have that much more people then us, but eventually you’ll run into these problems too.

This forums pretty entertaining lots of trolls on all sides, gives me something to read (and i don’t have to troll for once )

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.

well.. just a mumble but if any1 here wants to complain bout being outnumbered by other server. then that person should be stuck at spvp or tpvp. if that individual is so good that him/her and his/her fellas endured over 5 minutes against 30 other guys.just saying :p

Actually i was dead in 2 secs and i watched the battle while having a dirt nap. Just a mumble ….while it may not have been exactly five minutes as I rarely “time encounters” it was a very long time considering the numbers and… mumbles sorry if anyone is kitten it took them so long to take a camp when they so heavily outnumbered the few there.

Just saying.

P. S. Maybe Kain really does need all those numbers.

np, we got numbers that u guys couldn’t get.
and soon we will be moving up tier.
so don’t be so upset that we flipped t7 this week.
it will be all urs by this coming friday

I surely hope it is not “all ours”. I dont wanna WvW skewed in my servers favor either.

i meant ‘yours’ for t7.
Be generous if u can plz.
i still have difficult time speaking english since it’s my 3rd language.

Oh im sorry buds. I took it the wrong way. While English is my only language i hear it is one of the most difficult to learn. Good luck with it and kudos on knowing three dif laungages that is awesome.

Such a tool, it’s at the point where reading your bum hurt tirades are not even funny any longer. Have fun next week.

If I am a “Tool” what do you call a guild of over 400 who leaves thier original server high and dry so they can join other guilds who pulled the same thing, only to transfer to one of the lowest ranked servers in the game, thusly completely skewing the rankings and ruining the enjoyment of many?

You will excuse me if I am not overly concerned with the opinion of someone who would participate in such nonsense. You might as well get used to players showing contempt towards those who have no qualms about manipulating WvW in such a harmful way. Gamers have long memories RE will at least be remembered right along with WM. Oh congratz on one of the largest griefs I have seen in any MMO to date. Something to be proud of that for sure.

Anyway I have now wasted way too much time pointing out how harmful to WvW these massive server desertions are and how pointless it makes a ranking system. I sincerly hope Kain enjoys no competition for awhile and hopefully the fall is not too far when those big guild leave em high and dry.

This guy is just outright trolling right now. What we did is nothing new or even remotely exceptional. It has been going on since the first week of this games life. And in much greater numbers. The only reason you care right now is because you are personally being affected. But in his great experience that he has amassed in only 1 month of playing the game wouldn’t know that.

So carry on with your one man crusade brochacho. You’re the only one that actually seems to care about it at this point.