GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Inprognito.9487


A 30 day cd on transfers would help with the bandwagoners yes, but most all of us that moved to Kaineng and formed the NEO alliance have never switched servers until this. We moved to our new home and it’s where we intend to stay. In RE we’ve had many discussions about when our first loss on Kaineng happens and how to keep others from getting discouraged. We’ve dealt with many losses on Darkhaven and we’re prepared for more. I for one can say winning or losing, I am extremely happy with the community and the participation in Kaineng WvW.

Talons [BT]
http://www.Monstrosadus.com – Monstrosadus now on spotify!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: kreese.9461


Hiya Kain and GoM,

Bugg’s duel

I love this pic btw, thanks for sharing. Big crowd, great effects captured, even a golem in there =) nice job

I understood that RE was prepared to do a Golem vs Golem fight but no one from HoD or GoM built one – during this time Kaineng was intentionally lax on defense so it was easy for either to build one I kinda wish someone had would liked to have seen two golems duke it out

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Kreese stealing my Screeny. My spotlight is ruined!

actually i was JUST about to post that it was your screenshot I just put it on imgur and posted here – I figured most people knew i was just the town crier in Lions Arch so I wasn’t there most of the fights – you can get a sense of just how popular this must be with the RE guild as there are only a few other Kaineng there but TONS of RE guild members

if anyone else has screenshots they would like to share imgur.com is really easy to use and i KNOW people had to be taking tons of screenies

come on now you shutterbugs lets end this thread on a good note

Gotcha, Actually I have a couple screen shots I think, probably not as good, more random … I am just at work atm, and don;’t have them handy. I can check in later, and res the thread and attach ;-) in a departure note.

The reason its so popular with RE (sry havent read pg11 yet) is because it was kinda started by us. Little could give more hindsight, but it’s mostly fun. Sometimes a bad egg happens (1 forum troll I remember months back I believe NSP or FA commander, absolutely hated the idea and let the world know it , over and over again). But nothing is mandatory, just show up if you like and want to give a go. In any event, it looked like many had some good times, and that’s what matters most.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


@ loran while transfers helped, we still would have beaten this teir very badly without them.

We were competative with DR in tier 8 until about 1-2 weeks before they left our tier. We got the transfers after DR left T8. Meaning without the transfers we would have beaten this teir with slightly less score than DR had when they trounced through this tier. Without the transfers it would have been less imbalanced, but in this particular case it wouldnt have affected the outcome too much.

All I hope is at least you managed to have more fun than I did this week (i didnt have much fun in wvw).

The FC was fun, i mean that tea party was fun. Anyone have any jackalope pictures?

Apathy Inc [Ai]

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Yea, Fight Club was started because at times when in WvW the score is set to win or loose, I thought it would be fun to have a cross server event like this, even though there are WvW winners and loosers, it doesnt mean the whole week can not be fun.

Yea some big shot Commander from GODS in FA I think, said he hated the idea lol, well…not every one hates the idea of every one getting together and having fun in WvW like that

Crazy Leg

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Silke.1695


Firstly, I’d like to say a big Thank you to RE for putting the Fight Club event together. It was great fun!

Also, I went as a spectator only and took a lot of screen shots. Since I had so many, I decided to create them into a storyboard form. I hope you guys enjoy it.


Toasted Coaster

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Firstly, I’d like to say a big Thank you to RE for putting the Fight Club event together. It was great fun!

Also, I went as a spectator only and took a lot of screen shots. Since I had so many, I decided to create them into a storyboard form. I hope you guys enjoy it.


Wow Silke. That is pure awesome, I’m floored. I’ve never seen such an interesting way to share and tell the tale of the event. Super, heck even your wordsmithing gave it a nice touch.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


If I’ve learned anything from this week, it’s that Sunnyhill is a place of nightmares.

Gate of Madness

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Impette.6210


Here it is reset day and GOM is making a bit of a comeback before reset. Kain then somehow manages to portal upward from below to get to our siege. Then, they are able to blink 5 times in a row without a cool down. All because we were able to take a tower. How many other hacks did they perform to wipe out all opposition? There is definately no honor Kain in cheating to win!! Such desperation to wipe us out when you’ve already won is pathetic!!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: kreese.9461


Firstly, I’d like to say a big Thank you to RE for putting the Fight Club event together. It was great fun!

Also, I went as a spectator only and took a lot of screen shots. Since I had so many, I decided to create them into a storyboard form. I hope you guys enjoy it.


Thank you very much Silke!!
I was hoping someone was doing what you did

GoM we can resume our normal T7 play in a few hours with… Darkhaven?

I wish Kaineng the best /salute

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


How about you report hackers and stop painting us all with one brush. Exploits need to be reported.

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


You got us, Imp. Every night, every person on Kain gets together in chat and talks about the next cheat we can use to get our next set of points and kill every enemy in existence since we have neither the population nor the skill to just take things normally. And we would’ve gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids and your dog!

Alternatively, you could just, you know, report any exploiters/cheaters you see and send any documented evidence you have to exploits@arenanet.com or whatever it is instead of coming to the forums about it. Why is this so hard for everyone? Sorry for my sassy hat. It’s just getting old.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


Sassy Hat is a good alt name, hrm….

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Impette.6210


I don’t say that all Kain cheat, but do you police yourselves?

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


I don’t say that all Kain cheat, but do you police yourselves?

Of course we do. Come on, we aren’t evil. We are also not omnipotent and can’t be everywhere at once keeping tabs on every single player. No server can. That’s where you come in! Report it if you see it.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


Why do we have to? 99% of each server would never cheat. Look through this thread, your server has been accused of it as well. Report and move on, the week is almost over anyway.

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Actually I’m going to go against the better half of my guildies here and add 1, that’s right … only 1 reason to come here and let people know… and that is “So guilds of the person can handle it as they see just”. IF we all can agree to that, I think that seems to make sense. This is a courtesy.

Reporting it to Anet is vital. However, reporting it to the guild to address in immediate fashion is appreciated but we need a screenshot to help the process. Sometimes it can be seen as a courtesy from one server’s guild to another provide a screen shot, with the guy targeted showing the exploit. At least from my perspective.

In the end though, Anet needs to know to be able to take account related action, the latter is only a nice thing (and I doubt your planning on doing us any favors)you are offering to the guild of the accused. It’s also a personal choice whether or not you do either.

Just saying… “wow kain, you hacks” … will not help anyone. Kinda like me saying “you poisoned the food at the arena”. Neither would help in court. Many of us do not condone any illegal action of any kind, but we are likely to busy looking at the enemy and our move to turn and watch our fellow server kin and their action.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


hahaha of all the trolling i did this week in here, I got infracted for my joke about the new people to Kain needing to change their signatures. I guess it was off topic.

I am sorry to all the people in this thread that may have been led astray or that I might have thrown the thread into chaos by suggesting that people posting on the forum might want a signature that shows the server they are playing for.

Anywho Kain good luck on your climb, looks like DR is already starting to loose some players now that they have stalled out in T5, hopefully they don’t fall out in the week you move up! You would miss your rematch.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Goblin.1586


Seems I missed the fightclub :<

But we’ll be there for the next Lilfeath, I’m a whisper away! Also Silke, fun comic strip of the fightclub, haha.

(edited by Goblin.1586)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Shiver.5903


Fight club was very fun, thanks for this great idea and organizing it Little. Our WvW players from ASH did enjoy it a lot.

Good luck to the top Kaineng, was nice to meet and chat with you yesterday, I guess we won’t see you guys for a while ;-)

- JaĆ«l Fae [ASH] – DD/SB Thief

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


Last post in this thread and on Kain in particular. I decided to move to SBI because I hear more big guilds are planning moves to the lower tiered servers and frankly I play to have fun not be fodder for guilds that for whatever reason simply cant handle it on thier original server. First time since i began playing MMOs have I ever left a server without simply rerolling a different toon.

I just wanted to say sorry to GoM for splitting. It has been a great server to play on and wish everyone luck. You are in for more lopsided nonsense unfortunately and those that stick it out definately deserve kudos.

I also want to say sorry to any from Kain that have been there from the start. I never meant to be disrespectful to the server in general and I wish you luck.

Lastly I want to thank WM and RE for pushing me into even considering a transfer. The few hours i was able to play on SBI was awesome. Fairly evenish fights numbers wise even if SBI was in last place. A special thanks is in order to WM though for vacating SBI before I moved there. Everyone in WVW seemed very happy to see you all head to Kain. Once again sorry Kain I think you may just have some interesting issues ahead but good luck with them all the same.

Lastly thx to all those on HoD who put up great fights while I was on GoM many times outnumbered you guys were almost always a tough fight.

While I have only been around for a little than a month I had an awesome time until this last week and to those you want to use my lackm of time on GW2 as a reason to discount what I say, well I think years of RvR battles on DaoC and Warhammer is enough experience to know bad unsportsmanlike behavior when I see it.

Buhbye guys


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Loran Warmaster.1026

Loran Warmaster.1026

@ loran while transfers helped, we still would have beaten this teir very badly without them.

We were competative with DR in tier 8 until about 1-2 weeks before they left our tier.

Without the transfers; 1. You would still be in T8 and 2. You would not have better then 4x the combined score of two other worlds. I think everyone did a good job in WvWvW but you can’t hide the imbalance with “It would have happened anyway” 50k point spread, sure I would believe that. But look at the score and it speaks for itself.

“Bent but unbroken.”

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


Without the transfers; 1. You would still be in T8 and 2. You would not have better then 4x the combined score of two other worlds. I think everyone did a good job in WvWvW but you can’t hide the imbalance with “It would have happened anyway” 50k point spread, sure I would believe that. But look at the score and it speaks for itself.

The week before the Transfers started coming over Kaineng had 200k points more than Ferg who was in 2nd place, more than both Ferg and ET combined. What it a -total- shutout?…No. But that was primarily because weak NA coverage. The primary reason those Transfers increased Kaineng strength wasn’t due to numbers, but Timezone Coverage. Until T3+, I doubt ANYONE could compare to Kaineng’s “Night” aka “Asian” coverage. SOS alone provided that coverage that would have ridiculously overpowered pretty much anyone in the low tiers. Tactics would have been vastly different though, as during the day Kaineng would’ve been completely defensive while they took everything at night.