GOOD Militia Commanders on JQ/BG/SoR/TC?
BG has great militia commanders and we have solid 24/7 coverage. So no matter what timezone you choose to play, you are covered.
Beast mode
I fully endorse Sanctum of Rall, friendly community and a very active TeamSpeak, also, most guilds don’t run in passworded channels and won’t mind you running with them.
You might want to take a look at lower tier servers where militia is the main weapon to success. This is the first time I’ve heard of guilds having locked channels with passwords it just silly if you’re just trying to help out.
Otherwise if you simply like huge scale fights, the only higher server I could recommend would be blackgate since its the only higher tier server I have been to.
As a community member of SoR, the teamspeak is filled with many main PvX and WvW guilds and it is a great way to know other rallians from other guilds and join in on their conversations. In each timezone there are public wvw channels for all rallians to use. There are also pre-reset day events like drunk commander night and drinking games for the mature, the occasional karaoke wvw night and a lot of other fun. You can also occasionally see Indo, our glorious leader, take a drink of water……. For several hours.
A recent transfer to SoR commented on how lively our teamspeak is compared to another t1 server he came from where any comments or lively jests would immediately be shot down with a kitten or gtfo.
If you speak more than one language or are a semi xenophile you can check out the other language channels for wvw too. In particular SEA timezone with SAHP and Snownow and Ssq’s super kawaii (cute) voices speaking English or Mandarin.
Developer of GW2 WvW for iOS:
I’ll be completely honest. The TC guilds and guild commanders are awesome. However most of our better militia commanders have started running tagless unless a situation arises that calls for a tag.
Don’t go to any of those servers. With the upcoming leagues you don’t want to be on a top tier server.
There’s a new thing on TC where commanders run tagless. So don’t come to TC for this.
Hello Boosh,
I have to present you the whole thing in its entirety. Sometimes SOR TS has +18 chat content so if you are offended because of religious reasons or otherwise please keep that in mind. And there are folks getting drunk in TS too. Fyi.
SoR TS sounds like a blast…and most importantly, friendly. Thanks for the feedback so far. I’d love to hear more.
To show you the other side of the coin, the SoR community is structured heavily around guilds. While you can certainly have loads of fun as a militia member, you won’t get what I consider the full experience without running in a guild. However, none of us will tell you to “suck it up” or “kitten”, so at least we’re better in that regard.
Lol @ the dude commenting on SAHP voices.
Guild Master
You might want to see if you can get into either of these server’s community TS to get a feel for how the communities operate. BG has it’s fair share of militia commanders that tag up when one of our guilds aren’t out in full force. These commanders are also in constant communication with guilds who may be running tagless in the BL via commander chat in TS.
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai
Looking to make a move to one of the above servers.
You’re doing it wrong.
Don’t worry, it’s nothing personal. Everyone who transfers up is doing it wrong.
Boosh, JQ is your server. I remember when we fought TC the first time they were amazed at how everything was left to our militia. Our successes are definitely thanks to a cadre of great commanders that really know how to get the best out of our dedicated forces. We have a public TS server that everyone uses. And most of the guild channels are accessible without a password. If you see a guild pin up in WvW, just join their channel. No problem. Also we have a server-wide guild of asuras that runs on certain days. I can tell you more about it in game. Whisper me for more details if you’re interested.
(edited by Minoru.1237)
I don’t think there are many militia commanders in JQ (I’m from JQ during SEA timing). If anything I find it mostly anemic where only a few guilds in NA/EU are trying really hard to sustain JQ’s 3rd place in tier 1. Now SOR, on the other hand, feels like there are multiple blobs around everywhere during NA/SEA hours, then finally losing steam during SEA hours.
BG on the other hand feels like they have coverage 24/7, where they hold their own grounds against JQ SEA (with tons of arrow carts and fast reactions), and they hold the highest score out of the 3 servers.
If you want 24/7 gaming, it’s BG. Although I’m not from BG, I can feel the militia commanders working to cap stuff during the NA>SEA transition.
If you want godly NA presence, it’s SOR. Honestly, they are a blob. So many players during NA timing. I won’t be surprised if there are a lot of multiple commanders from the guilds there leading PUGs.
If you want a challenge, it’s JQ where commanders lead a smaller zerg during NA-SEA timing to fight as hard as possible (the ultimate militia defender in EB NA>SEA hours has to be cloud fly, he leads the PUGs like a boss, holds SMC for long stretches of hours.). JQ has almost no EU presence, so if you want EU coverage, you are better off going to other servers.
PS: JQ militia commanders doesn’t really use teamspeak.
(edited by LoneWolfie.1852)
No matter who you choose, militia tend to follow already established commanders, which tends to be the commander with the bigger group. Their "bigger group "comes from rallying their guild. Ive read your post and im under the impression that you wont be joining a wvw guild? if so Good luck and knock em dead!
JQ’s full of commanders who run on public TS, though generally with their guilds. I ran guildless on JQ for about a month, and one guild was kindly enough to basically absorb me after I had run with them on several resets. We have several commanders who put having fun right up there with success, for better or worse, but it’s always a good time. It’s definitely 18+ type humor though. We had a guildy recently suggest we have a drunk raid night. A leader responded with “Yeah, it’s called reset.” What the fellow said above about EU coverage, or lack thereof, was pretty accurate though.
Praise Jedsus!
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.