GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504



GW2 made 28.9 Billion Won which is about 25.83 Million USD
Box sales weakened as expected
Gem store sales have remained consistent and stable
Overall both gem store and box sales remained strong
Chinese players have an increased interest and high expectation after playing GW2 at ChinaJoy.
Second Chinese closed beta starts in September

So if NCsoft goes ahead with a China based server, how will this affect our NA servers? I.e. SEA guilds play an extremely important role in the NA servers.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302



I remember seeing screenshots of armor models in the Chinese version and they were altered versions of the current armor set (less skin showing). I think the Chinese version will be its own game, separate from the NA/EU servers.

The current Chinese players aren’t playing on Chinese accounts, but in fact NA/EU accounts, so unless they are willing to start from scratch on a new official Chinese account, they are here to stay.

And lol, two of our T1 servers will come crashing down if they lost their Chinese players. Though the aftermath would be cool to watch

GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Simple: More people QQing about "Night Capping’ When there is no such thing, It may be night where you are, but its noon over there xD Peoples logic is so flawed

Isle Of Janthir

GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Simple: More people QQing about "Night Capping’ When there is no such thing, It may be night where you are, but its noon over there xD Peoples logic is so flawed

No no, it means that servers with 24/7 coverage may be affected.

Btw, he was the awesome Trailer at ChinaJoy

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Simple: More people QQing about "Night Capping’ When there is no such thing, It may be night where you are, but its noon over there xD Peoples logic is so flawed

No no, it means that servers with 24/7 coverage may be affected.

Btw, he was the awesome Trailer at ChinaJoy

God first off… They make everything in guild wars 2 look so freaking bad kitten , I wish WvW and sPvP was really like that. Would be amazing. Second off, That theory of balancing out servers over night time coverage only applies if the chinese evenly spread out throughout all server that dont already have night coverage. Soooo, If they go to a select few servers, kittens gonna be kittened again anyways. ;o

Isle Of Janthir

GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


I imagine a lot of SEA guilds would leave. As an Oceanic I’d be tempted to join, but the language barrier would be an issue. I’ve always disliked “nightcapping” to a moderate degree. But I understand why SEA and Oceanics play NA because we generally get a better connection to NA than EU. What I have never liked is how large EU guilds move to NA so they can PvDoor. They have access to their own servers. That said, it’s pretty obvious why they do it. Most of the large active EU guilds I’ve played against that are on NA servers are pretty terrible at the game and it seems as though they moved across to NA to PvDoor and barely win fights against significantly smaller numbers or run away to either find an undefended door or bring more numbers and come back.

GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Shoe.5821


I mean i dont see any reason they wouldn’t just all play on the chinese servers.

Charr sound hilarious in chinese though.

(edited by Shoe.5821)

GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


I imagine a lot of SEA guilds would leave. As an Oceanic I’d be tempted to join, but the language barrier would be an issue.

I think everything would be in Mandarin. I really hope that SEA guilds dont leave because so much friendship has been created this year , including co-ordination.

A plus side is that more money will be pumped into WvW(hopefully).

Anyone knows if the CN servers will be based in texas like the EU servers or will they move to some China cloud server?

PS. That Video is amazing. !

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

I don’t think alot of the SEA guilds would leave as i heard somewhere it is locked so you can’t transfer in chinese servers and you can’t transfer out unlike EU-NA (there are actually ingame differences). But on the hypotehical that many SEA players/guilds do leave, SoS will be laughing.

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows

GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Yeah, pretty sure this is going to be totally seperate and people outside China won’t be able to play on the Chinese servers. Now how Hong Kong will be handled, no idea.

GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I remember seeing screenshots of armor models in the Chinese version and they were altered versions of the current armor set (less skin showing). I think the Chinese version will be its own game, separate from the NA/EU servers.

The current Chinese players aren’t playing on Chinese accounts, but in fact NA/EU accounts, so unless they are willing to start from scratch on a new official Chinese account, they are here to stay.

And lol, two of our T1 servers will come crashing down if they lost their Chinese players. Though the aftermath would be cool to watch

I really hope they leave now, I wanna see that aftermath XD

Isle Of Janthir