Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Croustibat.1304


Us [YaK]‘s are just running as a guild, we are not a blob and it took 5 guild to wipe us which was [rddt], [TUP], [NR], [DAWN] and {War] 5 guild that are good, even if u was all 15 which you all wasn’t you was more, that is 75 people. They was good fight and GG for them all

so please don’t accuse YaKs of blobing when we are not and just enjoy the game they was good fights don’t ruin them by complaining on forums

have fun and will see you on the battlefield

Well, since we [WAR] are on AR, u should see that we run by our own, commander off and dont hesitate to engage even when outnumbered. You [YaK] were a lot, we tryed to do our best with our number, maybe if u were not running 40+ other guilds dont need to regroup then. Anyway, that was a really good evening for [WAR],
We enjoyed to fight [rddt] [DAWN] [TUP] [YaK] and also [Dius], btw kudos to [Dius] who dont hesite to fight even if they are less, great guild.
We really enjoyed to fight [TUP] ,tought guilds aswell with good players !
I hope you enjoyed the fights aswell.
Best regards,
Jhiana, Warforgis

Jhiana [WAR] Raidleader , Croustibat on swtor ( tofn )

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Brahn.8674


well i didnt look at the server there the 5 tag that i saw more then 10+ times, that hit us on the bridge, i apologize for the misstake. i was abit busy tring to fight 4-5 guild plus pugs.

my point is there no point in accusing us of stuff we didn’t do, because we won , when u wipe us we will not come on here and complain we will accept it and try again.

Brahhnnn[YaK] Level 80 Guardian

(edited by Brahn.8674)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Croustibat.1304


well i didnt look at the server there the 5 tag that i saw more then 10+ times, that hit us on the bridge, i apologize for the misstake. i was abit busy tring to fight 4-5 guild plus pugs.

my point is there no point in accusing us of stuff we didn’t do, because we won , when u wipe us we will not come on here and complain we will accept it and try again.

On that bridge you have to know we wiped aswell, sadly 20 players were not enought to manage all that guilds :P , but yeah, i admit we pushed from behind… opportunity ^^ .
Dont worry, you run as a guild we respect that.
I just said with you numbers, you cant really complain if some guilds with less numbers have to regroup to get you down ( not the whole map ofc )

Jhiana [WAR] Raidleader , Croustibat on swtor ( tofn )

(edited by Croustibat.1304)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Brahn.8674


GG to [WAR] always got to take the risks, we wasn’t 40+ but we had a good turn out tonight,

personally i say GG to all 5 of the guild that was in AR bl tonight, [TUP], [DAWN], [rddt] [NR] ,[WAR]. was a very fun fights tonight.

Brahhnnn[YaK] Level 80 Guardian

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Bozzilla.6380


Sorry for blob! Our alliance have 40-50 ppl. IC, LdW, GoD, CA. We’ve asked more times to send another commander to take pug from us but no commander arrives on gandara bl. U R in right, the next time i think we can turn the commander blue icon off.

but…i think also u can split your blob sometimes no???


Bozzilla [IC] Insert Coin – Gandara -

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: kribre.9683


Woah, IC, that’s a print screen of another matchup were you have a random zerg. LOL.
On Gandara borderland AG had 3 guilds running + 1 commander for our pugs. We all started split, none of us grouped up. Had nice fights with BLAK, TVF and the AR zerg. Then we met the Gandara-horrorblob… After that we met BLAK with the AR pug group. So we decided to run a bit closer, so if one of us got engaged, the other could be close enough to get into the fight aswell.

But as you said, you guys run 40-50 people in your alliance, wouldn’t it be a lot easier for the leader to split the forces in 2? So you have 20-25 two places on the map. Cover a lot more ground when you do that aswell. This is just suggestions, I can understand you run together as an alliance, completly respect that. But it got to be borring, when every fight you guys engange, you get skillag, but that might not be for you, most of the time the bigggest group dont get skillag, and it all go out over the smaller group unfortunately :/

So to answer your question, yes we splitted our “blob” all the time on Gandara, except 1 time when you guys started to hit hills. We lost it due to bad scouting on our part. After that fight in lord room and after recapping hills after it. 2 of the 3 guilds logged as we didn’t see the fun in fighting with only skillag against the 70+ groups you guys had.. such a shame some servers are using the gameplay more and more. AG rly looked up to Gandara before as you guys mostly splitted your guilds all the time. But now we can almost only find groups of 40+ of you.. we’re lucky to find TDA, Dius and CL running around alone mostly….

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Kaligula.2713


Search harder then

Field Marshal – Kaligula Razorclaw
Semper Dius [Dius]
EU Gandara

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Bozzilla.6380


we stay in ally zerg only on monday, as u say during the week we stay allways on guild group, w/o commander icon up.

when we stay in IC group we have 20/30 ppl.

sometimes have u seen us in BLOB? i’ve seen AG and AR more and more times in blob. and NEVER rosik for this!

i’m bored only for the skill lag but pls u can’t call US orrorblob! my blob when occured is FANTASTIC!

see u next time in 20 vs 20

Bozzilla [IC] Insert Coin – Gandara -

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Raeyne.5086


Although tonight started a little rocky for us tonight in a very laggy and crowded AR borderland, we had a good night!

It was a shame that our one or two meetings with dius were spoiled by lag. But it was good to see you out at least!

A big shout out to [war]~ you guys run very well and the challenge of battling with you made for a great few encounters. We were actively thinking up strategies and counter strategies to fight with you based on your way of playing considering ours and it really did make the game come alive. I keep my fingers crossed that we will get to fight again much more in the future!

Keep up the game, everyone. It wouldn’t be what it is without everyone who appears to fight for each side. You’re all enjoying the same thing, make some friends!

Commander Taranius Vier – Guardian
Leucetius Vier – Necromancer | Adiella Vier – Ranger
Proudly representing The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


Brahn if you really believe what your write then lol. Yak wasn’t just a guild raid, it was a 40-50 blob which was one of the big contributions to the lag in the zone early on when you were in garrison.

Dius and TDA were running alone when briefly encountered them.

We was running about 20 for awhile.

Some really good fights with WAR tonight from AR, and also the French puggies

Cheers for the fights

/kind regards TUP

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Caid.4932


Well, since we [WAR] are on AR, u should see that we run by our own, commander off and dont hesitate to engage even when outnumbered. You [YaK] were a lot, we tryed to do our best with our number, maybe if u were not running 40+ other guilds dont need to regroup then. Anyway, that was a really good evening for [WAR],
We enjoyed to fight [rddt] [DAWN] [TUP] [YaK] and also [Dius], btw kudos to [Dius] who dont hesite to fight even if they are less, great guild.
We really enjoyed to fight [TUP] ,tought guilds aswell with good players !
I hope you enjoyed the fights aswell.
Best regards,
Jhiana, Warforgis

Only get to hang around for an hour this evening but the fights with war stood out, you gave us a bit of a puzzle in how to counter your tactic. Hope the later fights went better for the rest of dius anyway
The fight around briar that involved pretty much every guild and commander on the map within a few hundred yards could have been amazing but was ruined really by being pretty laggy.

Garrison fights always cause skill lag on a border, always (dont know why im bothering to reply to THAT poster). Its no ones fault its just part and parcel of the game these days.


Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: icey.7368


[rddt], [TUP], [NR], [DAWN] and {War] ty for a great .. fight

Shame people have to moan … We had 30-35 on with most of the Gvg team in the middle ran no commander … And I aim was to keep you busy if we had randoms you should be happy you might rally off them
I’m happy you like DIus and TDA when they run like 10-15 hmm must not be to hard to blob umm ..
Much respect to MM , DIus , TDA for the GG

[YaK] Gandara EU- WvW officer
contact :

(edited by icey.7368)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


I’m not impressed with the 4 people from SVSL guild who magically appeared inside StoneMist Inner without a broken gate or wall in sight…. No mesmer either…. All reported…. But I would suggest an officer of SVSL investigate as it seems you have a bad egg or 2 in the basket.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Boutichou.5304


BLAK running together with the random AR bus…

On Gandara borderland AG had 3 guilds running + 1 commander for our pugs.

On GB we are not an “AR bus” or “pugs”, we are an alliance [ADN], you’ll can see in our bus : [ADL] [BsM] [CRS] [CQFD] [ddp] [ECA] [FB] [FTS] [GeD] [LRS] [EX] [Wolf] [NW] [OcB] [Oops] and [So].
We have so many guilds but we never blob and we enjoyed fighting you.
But with BLAK’s we had to play together sometimes when we saw the blobs wich were on the map.

Arya Hoster [ADN] AR

(edited by Boutichou.5304)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: icey.7368


On GB we are not an “AR bus” or “pugs”, we are an alliance [ADN], you’ll can see in our bus : [ADL] [BsM] [CRS] [CQFD] [ddp] [ECA] [FB] [FTS] [GeD] [LRS] [EX] [Wolf] [NW] [OcB] [Oops] and [So].
<<<< haha lol funny post nice alliance

[YaK] Gandara EU- WvW officer
contact :

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Ghetto Guardian.9520

Ghetto Guardian.9520

Lol that’s not a blob it’s a bunch of organised guild groups.

Tell Me I Can’t And I’ll Show You I Can

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Masslegeek.4692


Us [YaK]‘s are just running as a guild, we are not a blob and it took 5 guild to wipe us which was [rddt], [TUP], [NR], [DAWN] and {War] 5 guild that are good, even if u was all 15 which you all wasn’t you was more, that is 75 people. They was good fight and GG for them all

Do you know that rddt, TUP and DAWN are from AG ? and that WAR and NR from AR ? maybe we were not just fighting you, but also each other ?


And yeah it was quite boring on Ganda BL, we NR tried to split the blob, but we were 12-13 only, and always facing a 30+ group… quite a loooot of skill lag.
I had a speed boost on blocked for 5+ minutes !!!

Blop And Pop [qO] – Augury Rock Coordinator

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Gnomegoddess.1805


I’m not impressed with the 4 people from SVSL guild who magically appeared inside StoneMist Inner without a broken gate or wall in sight…. No mesmer either…. All reported…. But I would suggest an officer of SVSL investigate as it seems you have a bad egg or 2 in the basket.

Any screenshots? Names of Players? Hard to investigate without evidence. Seems like alot of accusations get thrown around but without proof hard to guard against. I am not saying you didn’t see what you saw but you should be careful laying blame without something to back it up.

Gandara EU
Proud member of:
YaK – Guild and LXY / Crow – Havoc Teams

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: MrZigwah.2165


I’m not impressed with the 4 people from SVSL guild who magically appeared inside StoneMist Inner without a broken gate or wall in sight…. No mesmer either…. All reported…. But I would suggest an officer of SVSL investigate as it seems you have a bad egg or 2 in the basket.

Any screenshots? Names of Players? Hard to investigate without evidence. Seems like alot of accusations get thrown around but without proof hard to guard against. I am not saying you didn’t see what you saw but you should be careful laying blame without something to back it up.

Got a quick shot of them


Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Jacky Nipper.3846

Jacky Nipper.3846

Us [YaK]‘s are just running as a guild, we are not a blob and it took 5 guild to wipe us which was [rddt], [TUP], [NR], [DAWN] and {War] 5 guild that are good, even if u was all 15 which you all wasn’t you was more, that is 75 people. They was good fight and GG for them all

Do you know that rddt, TUP and DAWN are from AG ? and that WAR and NR from AR ? maybe we were not just fighting you, but also each other ?


And yeah it was quite boring on Ganda BL, we NR tried to split the blob, but we were 12-13 only, and always facing a 30+ group… quite a loooot of skill lag.
I had a speed boost on blocked for 5+ minutes !!!

He means [NR] Necro Raiders from AG, coz NR from AR are not ringing a bell for us (AG+Gandara)
But yes you tried to run guild grp, cheers for that. Still you moved from the AR BL quickly, perharps to Gandara BL, coz u didnt get there (on AR border) any chances to win some fights probably.
Brahn sorry for that bigger grp we made, it was enough only 3 our our grps would merge to fight the blob around Yak grp (yes i said blob since you do not run as guild only, there is always huge bunch of pugs around your commander tag), but we accidenatly ported TUP and NR at the same time to spawn, so we went for the fight almost at the same time. (just from other sides)

Jacky Nipper – Necro Raiders [NR]
Aurora Glade

(edited by Jacky Nipper.3846)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Krato.4729


If you run a zerg guild expect to get zerged back at some point. Just be thankful that most of the guilds you are fighting are honourable enough to not do this all the time and will engage without blobbing up the majority of the time.

Kratoon – TUP Officer/Warband Leader

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: dangerdoom.3862


Haha TUP you guys are funny. Your server has been guild blobbing from day one and now you’re trying to defend it..

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Masslegeek.4692


He means [NR] Necro Raiders from AG, coz NR from AR are not ringing a bell for us (AG+Gandara)

Mm I hope you will see us soon on the battlefield If you cross some WAR, we are never really far

Blop And Pop [qO] – Augury Rock Coordinator

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Slomo.1029


Haha TUP you guys are funny. Your server has been guild blobbing from day one and now you’re trying to defend it..

He is talking about the fact that we dont have 1 commander – 1 map zergs with queues all the time like RS had for example.
Map/team-chat on AG looks like this (except our own BL where we have most PUGs):
Guild1: We got wiped 3 times at X already, can someone come and help?
Guild2: Ok, we get supply and get to your position
Guild2: Ok we go Y next, ask us if you need help again!

Other servers have 1 commander that is leading 80 all the time, we have 80 only if needed. I think that is one of the reasons why we perform so bad sometimes. For example: I have been sieging Bay for so many times now…. as soon as the outer wall breaches, we go inside, and try to do seperate things as guilds. And often we get eaten by giant blobs seperatly.

That said, mostly against BB and RS. Almost never agains other servers (didnt play much WvW for a bit now, cant tell if AR is better or not :P)


~ Gandara

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Dranul.2094


@Dangerdoom: When a guild group is 40+ (there are a few on each server that have that kinda numbers) some of the 10-20 man guilds will ofc combine and flank to smash in. As believe it or not a 40+ guild group should not lose to 20

In that SS, Yak were fighting WAR (from AR) and I wanted a peice of it so stormed over the bridge to make it a 3way. We had allies attracted by the big battle markers and followed behind, NR hit from the otherside (from behind WAR) and made it one giant ball of bodies.

All in All some titanic clashes, some long fights, some wins some defeats. The first 2hrs 7pm uk time till 9pm was a lagfest (sorry to hear Dius numbers left due to lag, almost had a few leave ourselves), the giant fight on the beach near Redlake coulda been fun, kitten lag.

Cheers WAR, Yak and others for the action. Great working with NR as usual. Shout out to the french zerg later on in the night around the NW of garrison and the NW camp. Kudos for your balls of steel

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Rookni.2469


Gandara dont blob tbh. We only have alliance of YaK, WvW, Dius, IC, REQ, CzSK, Echo, FRI, SEAK, TAC, POPS, GCL, GoD, Hail, VOID, MM, HSPN, LUX, SC, RK, SAG, EsL, GWSI, AoM, HERO, Beer, DTSN, MSN, CM, TDA, YARR, LXY, JDGE, DYE and unguilded people. But sometime we have to blob when we see ohter blob.

Commander Yolo Oh Trollo. The power is in the moustache

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Danielle.3152


we died with honor :P

Nice video, epic roleplay, I love the spirit! I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again, the overall score doesn’t always reflect how close some of the fights were. It certainly felt like we were pressured most of the time and it was never easy to win a fight. Interesting tactic with the bunker engi, to keep enemy in combat and bait an attack.

[Scnd] Daniellita,

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Slomo.1029


we died with honor :P

Nice video, epic roleplay, I love the spirit! I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again, the overall score doesn’t always reflect how close some of the fights were. It certainly felt like we were pressured most of the time and it was never easy to win a fight. Interesting tactic with the bunker engi, to keep enemy in combat and bait an attack.

Once you get your stacks up after the first 2 fights…..

~ Gandara

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Jacky Nipper.3846

Jacky Nipper.3846

Mm I hope you will see us soon on the battlefield If you cross some WAR, we are never really far

You did meet us near Bay, you tried some silly portal, got wiped on it and changed border shortly after

Jacky Nipper – Necro Raiders [NR]
Aurora Glade

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Phoebe Poison.4875

Phoebe Poison.4875

Once you get your stacks up after the first 2 fights…..

No stack weapons in GvG


Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Zigwah, you might get infracted by silly forum mods for posting that screenshot. Even if you were right, they will end up deleting your post and giving you negative karma for it (been there, done that!) as it’s more or less naming and shaming. Just report them via ticket and the evil doers will get pushed off of the cliff or whatever punishments Anet nowadays uses, k? k.

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Plox.4103


I’m not impressed with the 4 people from SVSL guild who magically appeared inside StoneMist Inner without a broken gate or wall in sight…. No mesmer either…. All reported…. But I would suggest an officer of SVSL investigate as it seems you have a bad egg or 2 in the basket.

I’m not impressed with the 4 people from SVSL guild who magically appeared inside StoneMist Inner without a broken gate or wall in sight…. No mesmer either…. All reported…. But I would suggest an officer of SVSL investigate as it seems you have a bad egg or 2 in the basket.

Any screenshots? Names of Players? Hard to investigate without evidence. Seems like alot of accusations get thrown around but without proof hard to guard against. I am not saying you didn’t see what you saw but you should be careful laying blame without something to back it up.

Got a quick shot of them

So first we smack superior cata’s into the wall, while we had a gimpy golem hitting your gate. Cata’s hit from wall -> gate. We get in, cap. Kiss and ECL showup in force and recap it and we hide with 2 thieves/heal guardian/ele on a ledge, the 2 thieves dropping stealth constantly while yall did not even check, other then 1 guy from iCU who kept missing us every time we stealthed. We dropped down after your guys cleared out, tried doing a 4 man on the lord, with your AG guy’s repeatitly coming in, did the best we could. Little did you know, we still had 2 superior cata’s sat slamming into the wall on the side.

a few guys from WvW & MM showup, who can vouge because the MM guys where on teamspeak joking about how they ‘saved us’ that also came through the wall while our thief was still able to keep alive inside stealthing and trolling.

Oh but we hacked in, right? Stop making stupid accusations when we had over 15 people on the teamspeak who can vouge what we where doing in SM at the time listening to us try an fight the lord + your guys + when we died going back to the cata’s yall ignorantly didn’t destroy and left behind.

- Jinster [SVSL]
- Gandara

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Missy.7356


Question for ECL, (this is just a question coz i asked in /m and no one could answer) how did u manage to target the ac’s behind the east Gate Gandara Garrison, we had all ac’s taken out it didnt seem to matter how far back, there was no line of sight coz i tried after, the sup ac’s was instant targeted as soon as built, there was red circles all over the stairs by North East Gate, ofc i never got a screenshot to show what I mean (too slow).

I know we managed to shoot over the wall with a height advantage from inner wall, but just am really interested in what has changed to cause this (know about the new update, but still no one else could answer).

This is not an accusation, just mere interest coz im missing something

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Caid.4932


dragons tooth?


Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Missy.7356


Nope was deff arrows inc.. they were everywhere.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Agincourt.7165


No they were using AC’s, i’d love to know how they did it as we built our own AC’s after in the same spot and could’nt manage it, it was spooky how the red circles appeared straight away over the new AC’s as well we were trying too build.

ECL any answers??

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: OchrisO.8450


Dear Yak will you stop QQing becasue we smashed you in a GvG then take like 20 to wipe 10 that are not event ready?

want to fight GvG us agin

Mr Quackers- Guild leader

The Night Pact Legacy [NP]

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


GvG with RG ruined by silleh commander on AR, patch update and disconnects. I hope that the next time Gandara meets you we can GvG you then RG. Hope to see you guys out in the field. o7

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Brahn.8674


Us [YaK]‘s are just running as a guild, we are not a blob and it took 5 guild to wipe us which was [rddt], [TUP], [NR], [DAWN] and {War] 5 guild that are good, even if u was all 15 which you all wasn’t you was more, that is 75 people. They was good fight and GG for them all

Do you know that rddt, TUP and DAWN are from AG ? and that WAR and NR from AR ? maybe we were not just fighting you, but also each other ?


And yeah it was quite boring on Ganda BL, we NR tried to split the blob, but we were 12-13 only, and always facing a 30+ group… quite a loooot of skill lag.
I had a speed boost on blocked for 5+ minutes !!!

He means [NR] Necro Raiders from AG, coz NR from AR are not ringing a bell for us (AG+Gandara)
But yes you tried to run guild grp, cheers for that. Still you moved from the AR BL quickly, perharps to Gandara BL, coz u didnt get there (on AR border) any chances to win some fights probably.
Brahn sorry for that bigger grp we made, it was enough only 3 our our grps would merge to fight the blob around Yak grp (yes i said blob since you do not run as guild only, there is always huge bunch of pugs around your commander tag), but we accidenatly ported TUP and NR at the same time to spawn, so we went for the fight almost at the same time. (just from other sides)

YaKs do not use commander, we only run as a guild if pug follow us they follow us we cant tell people what to do if you look at that screen shot of the bridge you will notice there no commander tag. but a very pretty red target above a YaK members head:D.

so again please stop accruing us of doing sank we are not as you clearly dont know what your talking about, yaks just want to play the game and have fun as a guild.

im not posting on here again as and here is the kicker its a game chill

Have fun see you all in WvW

Brahhnnn[YaK] Level 80 Guardian

(edited by Brahn.8674)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Kuper.2641


Good Fun on AR BL tonight, we had a little ‘themed’ event in DAWN

[VII] Seventh Legion
Ex-Guild/Raid Leader/Commander

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


Had fun defending AG borderlands yesterday evening, had some good open field fights and managed to pull off some last minute saves of keeps/towers.

As allways FURY is looking for GvG’s, 15/20/25. Message me if you want to get something arranged.

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream:
All names start with Para

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Danielle.3152


GvG with RG ruined by silleh commander on AR, patch update and disconnects. I hope that the next time Gandara meets you we can GvG you then RG. Hope to see you guys out in the field. o7

Yep it has become standard now for someone to try and add-on. I guess we need to find a new spot people don’t know about. I just hope the haters/WvW purists on AR would realise we will play WvW faster and end GvG sooner if they don’t interrupt.

Hopefully we can GvG you in the future, smaller guilds are always more interesting, because we usually outnumber them during normal WvW because we run 25-30 during primetime. It also means tonnes of ppl would have to afk if we did smaller arranged fights like 10v10 or 15v15 that I would like to do a lot.

[Scnd] Daniellita,

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Although I dont mind people doing GvG, I hope with Custom Arenas coming soon that all GvG will go there and free up WvW spots for people who will do WvW.

If is a shame Anet have not added GvG yet and we’re having to take up spots in WvW to do it.

Macros, you can use them as long as they arent macros.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Danielle.3152


Although I dont mind people doing GvG, I hope with Custom Arenas coming soon that all GvG will go there and free up WvW spots for people who will do WvW.

If is a shame Anet have not added GvG yet and we’re having to take up spots in WvW to do it.

Custom Arena’s will be for arranged duels / tPvP, MAYBE they will allow 8v8 but hardly anything above that. That’s at least how I am reading it. Any GvG arranged mode is nowhere near in foreseeable future.

[Scnd] Daniellita,

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Empyre.2531


Although I dont mind people doing GvG, I hope with Custom Arenas coming soon that all GvG will go there and free up WvW spots for people who will do WvW.

If is a shame Anet have not added GvG yet and we’re having to take up spots in WvW to do it.

Custom arenas won’t feature 15v15 or higher for the moment (besides GvG being 8v8 in GW1). Also the guys harassing our GvG with the argument “we do WvW, not GvG2” didn’t even WvW themselves, they could have capped the whole zone, while AG/Gandara were watching. We also had most people on AR side defending us except the VR guild who was doing the griefing.


Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: TofuTactics.7952


Recap video from our guild event april 28th, featuring guild play, a few (suicidal) zerg divings, and a spectacular cliff jump. It’s a slightly long video but hope you can stomach it. We had fun, thanks for the fights Augury Rock and Gandara

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


arena’s should be 25 vs 25. Especially with pvp gear it would make gvg’s much more interesting. Until something like that has been made we’ll be stuck doing it in WvW.

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream:
All names start with Para

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


I’m not impressed with the 4 people from SVSL guild who magically appeared inside StoneMist Inner without a broken gate or wall in sight…. No mesmer either…. All reported…. But I would suggest an officer of SVSL investigate as it seems you have a bad egg or 2 in the basket.

I’m not impressed with the 4 people from SVSL guild who magically appeared inside StoneMist Inner without a broken gate or wall in sight…. No mesmer either…. All reported…. But I would suggest an officer of SVSL investigate as it seems you have a bad egg or 2 in the basket.

Any screenshots? Names of Players? Hard to investigate without evidence. Seems like alot of accusations get thrown around but without proof hard to guard against. I am not saying you didn’t see what you saw but you should be careful laying blame without something to back it up.

Got a quick shot of them

So first we smack superior cata’s into the wall, while we had a gimpy golem hitting your gate. Cata’s hit from wall -> gate. We get in, cap. Kiss and ECL showup in force and recap it and we hide with 2 thieves/heal guardian/ele on a ledge, the 2 thieves dropping stealth constantly while yall did not even check, other then 1 guy from iCU who kept missing us every time we stealthed. We dropped down after your guys cleared out, tried doing a 4 man on the lord, with your AG guy’s repeatitly coming in, did the best we could. Little did you know, we still had 2 superior cata’s sat slamming into the wall on the side.

a few guys from WvW & MM showup, who can vouge because the MM guys where on teamspeak joking about how they ‘saved us’ that also came through the wall while our thief was still able to keep alive inside stealthing and trolling.

Oh but we hacked in, right? Stop making stupid accusations when we had over 15 people on the teamspeak who can vouge what we where doing in SM at the time listening to us try an fight the lord + your guys + when we died going back to the cata’s yall ignorantly didn’t destroy and left behind.

Excellent example of why there’s no option for reporting players for hacking.

Red Guard

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Veldan.4637


looks like gandara WvW population/organization have dropped to a minimum, we can’t even hold T3 towers in the early evening anymore

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Space.8053


Thanks everyone on AR border tonight. Absolutely brilliant fights all around.

There’s so much negativity on the wvw forums with threads about arrow cart buff complaining / defense balls hiding in towers is the future of wvw / wvw is dying etc. etc.

Yet tonight was filled with aggressive play, bold pushes and no shirking away from a fight from everyone we encountered. TUP, NR, FURY, IC, TDA, JDGE, the AR puggies, the rest of my YaK buddies and anyone else that tagged along, thanks for restoring my faith in wvw.

@TUP hope you apriciated us letting you onto shore for a fight

Fat Rob

(edited by Space.8053)