Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

Thank you to all Gandara for fights, even if we wiped few times.
I was the commander with the group of mix DAWN and RDDT.
Ty Yaks for the fights, at the start of the evening was boring as hell just siege and siege, then you started to come out and everyone on our side had fun, i hope you had fun too.
P.S. One of our guys dropped Zap on bay attack from one the body of the gandaras defender, ty

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

(edited by Amelia Knox.9362)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Slomo.1029


Where did all of RS go? :O

~ Gandara

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: genowefapigwa.5769


Rgds TUP and BOON! We miss you a little

Goraca Mariola
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Bero.2193


To the few YAK guys that were fighting me and few other in water camp cheers for the awesome fights ! I was the big charr guardian from DAWN guild you kept nuking down <3

Commander Tálok

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Frosty.5107


Yay ECL is still complaining about RS"zergs" . Srsly guys is it just me or did this "RS BLOB trolol thats all they can do (you can continue this “awesome list” by your own will) just become really annoying? Every freaking server has its own zerg (or call it “blob”) (btw who kitten came up with this title?) but all i ever read is “RS zerg here RS zerg there”.
The same kitten happends when RS players withdraw in a fort/tower/whatever “RS: all they can do is hide behind the walls of their keeps….”. Srsly that is how WvW works. Why should anyone fight openfield when you got a keep/tower to withdraw to? Don’t come on with “super uber fights on open field where all you do is spamm aoe like there is no other day” yay n1 fights. But yeah AC are freaking op :S

Anyway whish you all a good night from RS an keep up those not blaming each other posts.

(shame on me played since beta and this is my first forums post :S )

Eleltlin | AroX Mesmer
Mesmerize your mind since beta!

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Furball.7368


To the few YAK guys that were fighting me and few other in water camp cheers for the awesome fights ! I was the big charr guardian from DAWN guild you kept nuking down <3

Yeah had great fun there to, I was the Asura Warrior. Thanks for the fight!

The Yakslappers [YaK]

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Immolator.5640


Dam you AG guys, the nightca kitten trong with you :/ caught us at the Lord at Hills with our 4 man group, which is rather unfortunate as we can’t stand against you guys with 30 each :/

Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Usually Saturday and Sunday mornings are pretty quiet, my favourite solo roaming time but this weekend it was rather.. Crowded. And coyotelicious. Had hard time finding small skirmishes and when I found some I ended up tanking the floor. Shoutout to dw necro and ranger buddy, was nice that the ranger didn’t get involved :> Also Tuppie hunt at the end of zeh video

The video quality is much better this time, won’t make you want to claw your eyes off. Switched some settings and tried out Sony Vegas Pro for editing, success! :>

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Cluster.4159


Could you tell me which skill makes you able to use it through the gate and pull the enemys standing at 1200 range at the door? wtf? o.O

-]Deadly Fragrancy[- we are imbO!
Yeah my voice was heard, I’ve got my permanent Rabbit-Finisher <3!

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


Was a coyotelicious fight, indeed
Greetings from the [dw] necro in your video.

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: multivira.7925


I understand people whining about a lack of riverside guilds to fight in the open, but we’ve met [dw] a couple of times and they definitely do fight… Good thing about them is that they don’t seem to be as big as most of the AG guilds

Twirling – Pie Eating Guardian – MM – Gunnar’s Hold

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Pheppo.9286


Draugis… when I was around on reset there was 3 commanders on AG Bl spread out across the map… TUP being one of them. We encountered VU led pug blob, with MNSG & others usually in it too… 90+ guys all on same comms channel.

Hi Wamgor … there was no VU led pug blob … It was an Alliance raid containing also members of smaller guilds such as AVE and OW. We often raid AND train together.
We try to make alliences because our guilds are to small to make effective ~30 people raids on our own.

We meet TUP quite often in the open fields, but unfortunatelly you decided quite often to retreat.

Only the commanders are in one common channel. And VU/OW/AVE and MNSG-Raids only joint together when the commanders decided to attack a well defended keep.
Anyway there where some really nice and decent fights against TUP and others.
Hope to meet you again in the fields

Server: Riverside [DE]
Chars: The fluffy Flapsi (Ele), Fipsip (Mesmer), Flappo (Necro), Fenix (Engi)

(edited by Pheppo.9286)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: sketchy.8193


Pheppo you call that nice and decent fights? To run over 20 guys with that friggin zerg.. o.O

Can’t wait to get rid of Riverside (up or down a tier I don’t care). As long as I don’t see them in WvW.
Last week was so great and now back to this boring playstyle with 5000 arrowcarts and giant zergs. I really do miss AR, had so many great fights… alot of guilds roaming around. All I can say about this week is BLEH!

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Draugis… when I was around on reset there was 3 commanders on AG Bl spread out across the map… TUP being one of them. We encountered VU led pug blob, with MNSG & others usually in it too… 90+ guys all on same comms channel.

Hi Wamgor … there was no VU led pug blob … It was an Alliance raid containing also members of smaller guilds such as AVE and OW. We often raid AND train together.
We try to make alliences because our guilds are to small to make effective ~30 people raids on our own.

We meet TUP quite often in the open fields, but unfortunatelly you decided quite often to retreat.

Only the commanders are in one common channel. And VU/OW/AVE and MNSG-Raids only joint together when the commanders decided to attack a well defended keep.
Anyway there where some really nice and decent fights against TUP and others.
Hope to meet you again in the fields

If you want a fight in the open field just look for KISS, we’ve been waiting for you RS but you wont come out and play.

Macros, you can use them as long as they arent macros.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Pheppo.9286


Hey guys … it was map change … do you really expect to meet only 5-10 peoples on your map on map change?

And believe it or not … we also face a gazillion of arrow carts when we try to attack a keep

Anyway … i got now really bored by these never ending RS is only blobbing posts … its ridiculous as it is definitly wrong.
If RS is running with higher numbers its called blobbing. If AG or Gandara is running with higher numbers its called superiour skills or what ever … come on guys … find your Cohones again.
We got so often wipped … but if you guys die once everything is about blobbing and zerging and mimimi

Last post from my side on this topic. Have a nice day and start fighting and stop crying!

Server: Riverside [DE]
Chars: The fluffy Flapsi (Ele), Fipsip (Mesmer), Flappo (Necro), Fenix (Engi)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dranul.2094


“Rs is only blobbing posts… its ridiculous as it is definitly wrong”

God I hope we have fraps footage of reset boyo! VU + “alliance” in their operation “i’ma take your hills!” had 90-100 guys. Moving as one. Tbh your points total was pathetic and a total waste of manpower, the wipes we got on you made all the sweeter.

Ever thought you could split the 100 into 3*30 man groups, just a thought.

That wipe of you in the SE tower was especially sweet – shame you dissappeared after that… moved zone?

What happened to your BL yesterday, was like a messed up traffic light… started evening all red, then all blue, red, blue, hardly ever a green light in sight ;P

Why so serious

Kind regards to my enemies


Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: kribre.9683


atm it’s pretty blue, mostly just their garri is green now Dranul

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Caid.4932


If RS is running with higher numbers its called blobbing. If AG or Gandara is running with higher numbers its called superiour skills or what ever

Hey dont drag us into this : /
If you look at the guild names you’ll notice they tend to be on one particular server

Were trying to keep the whining and kitten slinging to a minimum- they just lead to a crappy atmosphere.


(edited by Caid.4932)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


You really believe what you wrote mate? because from my screen things looked entirely different… 90 guys just for a wooden hills? you don’t remember those 90 guys going to supply camps, taking lake, going for garrison, basically hand holding the entire time?

Weird. Vu was at the heart of it, and mnsg not far behind. So yes Vu led pug blob.

As for us retreating… I don’t know who your trying to fool with that as many people know us for quite the opposite and engaging heavier numbers.

I feel bad for riverside, I don’t know where your fighting spirit as gone… pre Christmas you guys were a different animal to fight. One or two wipes these days and you guys soon disappear, and generally only engage when you outnumber the enemy 3 to 1 otherwise its just bunker time.

I don’t know how using siege skills is more fun than using class profession skills. You guys are stuck in never ending cycle at the moment because of the way you choose to play. Your a siege server, surrounded by warrior servers. Piken, Baruch, AR, Gandara, AG all warrior servers who love open field fights.

Your server will never become dominant because warrior servers will knock you back down. Before you disagree.. You guys used 8 arrow carts, 4 trebs and 80 people to take your wooden spawn tower that is definition of a siege server… I don’t see AG or Gandara ever do that.

I miss the riverside, never die, never surrender attitude which use to come out and play awhile ago. Instead its just spoil tactic after spoil tactic zzzzzzzz

Work on your open field and spreading then maybe your server will get a better reputation. If you don’t care about your reputation then you will continue to be a yo yo tier 3-4 server tossed around between the warrior servers and cycle repeats.

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


To post something that has is not complaining, here’s one of many highlights we had last week

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream:
All names start with Para

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Caid.4932


Your server will never become dominant because warrior servers will knock you back down. Before you disagree..

Im actually inclined to agree with that.
RS does get a lot of focus, that whole bunker in hills thing might get you a lot of points but it also annoys whatever server you do it to quite a bit : /
They tend to focus on messing you up at every opportunity for the week following that.

Dont feel like getting in an argument about RS’s style / strategy. We had that discussion when Gandara first ran into you a couple of months back and it ended on fairly friendly terms so happy to leave it at that


Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Its all gooood.. soon a new week and maybe we get a server who actually likes pvp again)

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dina Van Heyr.3018

Dina Van Heyr.3018

riverside pls sort your hackers , found 2 tiefes at briar today killed them they ported back in second and then finaly the got killed by lord .. maybe you loosing but keep at least your pride

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Reztek.7805


warrior servers

LOL, made my day. Incredible pathetic.


Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


For anyone who likes to see DTK and DW being afraid to fight as a guild, watch the fury stream at

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream:
All names start with Para

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Crysis.9308


Whats the point of running as a guild if it takes two of you to take a camp


Domisium [DM] Diversity and Economics council, also Guild Chef.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


And youre cutting your grp then to match our 20?

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


we only have 25..

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream:
All names start with Para

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


You are so funny, LD, NR, FURY and TUP were on the map and you pushed more than often altogether in us, so funny you are talkig such bullkitten.

dw was about 16 guys and we were about 20, + pugs but clap more on your shoulders you need that………….

So i see you wiped both of us on your own, we are all noobs and you have tremendous skill………………..we are still worthless.

Have fun and its senseless to talk with you, my last post forever.

Greets Myrmi

pls to me a favor and be at least one time honest……thank you

@Crysis should i post screen of bay were DTK is alone and you are there with FURY TUP and pugs? pls……

(edited by Myrmidone.4362)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


LOL myrmi, GW just admited they have 20 so + your 20 makes 40. plus the other RS guilds/pugs.

But thats ok, wiping you guys gets me more views

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream:
All names start with Para

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Crysis.9308


Myrm we were helping save a keep mate, Gandara were pushing inner and you jumped in after so……….. Got plenty of you blobing us in hills, which tbh you expect in a keep @ prime time, that’s a supply camp fella

Domisium [DM] Diversity and Economics council, also Guild Chef.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


And there was me thinking [dw] wanted to fight us, hello [ZORN].

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


Ok what do you think happened all the time at Hills?
Its just one-sided all the time, i know exactly our problems and faults but today you are wrong sorry.
Have fun we are off.

Greets Myrmi

btw………….thanks to FURY. NR, TUP and LD for the intense fights gn8

Stefanovic…………as i said before just one question you get never wiped by us or dw alone so far?

(edited by Myrmidone.4362)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


Ok what do you think happened all the time at Hills?
Its just one-sided all the time, i know exactly our problems and faults but today you are wrong sorry.
Have fun we are off.

Greets Myrmi

btw………….thanks to FURY. NR, TUP and LD for the intense fights gn8

Stefanovic…………as i said before just one question you get never wiped by us or dw alone so far?

Oh i’m pretty sure you guys or DW wiped us on their own before, and my respect to you when that happens. I just like to fight a guild head on, fighting two or three guilds at the same time is just not so much fun. Sometimes we might have some more numbers and sometimes you will, its about the challenge.

And don’t get me wrong i don’t mean to offend you, its just too bad we get targeted by multiple guilds at once in open field.

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream:
All names start with Para

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


So this sounds respectful and reasonable nothing more i ask for.
Believe me it’s not your privilege to be targeted by multiple Guilds;-)

Greets Myrmi

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


We try to run solo as often as possible, we dont wait for our other grps to arrive, these things just happen.
I think you had your revenge now at ruins
Thx for the fights tonight, cya tomorrow.

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Crysis.9308


Aye we did :P
Thnx for fights, same time tomorrow I expect

Domisium [DM] Diversity and Economics council, also Guild Chef.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Immolator.5640


A few good battles this evening under the lead of Mminas, pretty awesome for his 2nd time I’d say

Had a good day today, nice balanced fights.

P.S. Riverside never blobs…


Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain

(edited by Immolator.5640)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: XxTronic.9310


Greets from [ZORN] and ty for good fights
and special greets to [FURY] for good and fair fights

(edited by XxTronic.9310)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: General Ragefist.3952

General Ragefist.3952

DTK and DW fighting together…. mhh i think this game was about killing each other. Why should i let DW “kill/die against” you alone when i have the chance to grab some loot and EXP O.o ?
Im on the field to kill kitten and have fun and when i see guys fighting against each other, you can bet a big fat bag of gold that i will jump into that.
GvG at mill would be the only thing i i would exclude from the “red = dead” rule.

but if you wanna do GvG style fight in same size, than plan them for yourself and don’t start crying on the general forum about getting killed on open field because you face to many enemy’s.

I think the most player of Ganadara, Aurora and Piken dont understand how German or French server are playing this game.
Its about community and that does means 300 player at reset on one teamspeak. 90 Guys one channel. With one goal. and that goal is not to be special or any other closeminded in-house kitten kitten kitten you would like them to do.

If you do like the game like that than it shall be so. I will not stop you and i will also not stop doing what i do. So you may make yourself familiar with that or you leave your server and drop down 2-3 tiers with all the other guys that wanna play solo in there sad little cave.

May in the end the Language barrier between the international server be the ultimate reason why no community drive emerges from alone. I don’t care. Just stop trying to force player into your playstyle because you think its the only regular and good and reasonable way to play this game. its not. Its a game and people play it as they want to. period.

greez Edana Atreides

Edana Atreides, Elementalist
DTK | Die Technokraten – Guild Leader
Flußufer/ Riverside [DE]

(edited by General Ragefist.3952)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: General Ragefist.3952

General Ragefist.3952

A few good battles this evening under the lead of Mminas, pretty awesome for his 2nd time I’d say

Had a good day today, nice balanced fights.

P.S. Riverside never blobs…

That was a nice blob or ? My zerg was 66 guys big after 15 mins of zerging around. 990 supply we had with us ! Sadly, red keep is the best fortress in the game if more than 20 Guys defend it, even more so with the new arrowcarts.
It does take some more coordination beside the standard blob to take that down.
We could have used golems, to rush the keep in under 1 Minute. But where would have bean the fun if I would have used the thing we are best at against such a well minded and honorable server.

May you also liked my arrowcart action before all that starter, preventing you to set up trebuchets at all on the red keep for allmost 2 hours. I must say, if you find someone that has Arrowcart level 4 or higher, it does make trebuchet killing easy as hell.

greez Edana Atreides

Edana Atreides, Elementalist
DTK | Die Technokraten – Guild Leader
Flußufer/ Riverside [DE]

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: WhiskeyJack.5839


DTK and DW fighting together…. mhh i think this game was about killing each other. Why should i let DW “kill/die against” you alone when i have the chance to grab some loot and EXP O.o ?

For some players it isn’t about loot and experience points, its about having guild pride.

Gunnars Hold
Furious Cookies[FURY]

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


DTK and DW fighting together…. mhh i think this game was about killing each other. Why should i let DW “kill/die against” you alone when i have the chance to grab some loot and EXP O.o ?
Im on the field to kill kitten and have fun and when i see guys fighting against each other, you can bet a big fat bag of gold that i will jump into that.
GvG at mill would be the only thing i i would exclude from the “red = dead” rule.

but if you wanna do GvG style fight in same size, than plan them for yourself and don’t start crying on the general forum about getting killed on open field because you face to many enemy’s.

I think the most player of Ganadara, Aurora and Piken dont understand how German or French server are playing this game.
Its about community and that does means 300 player at reset on one teamspeak. 90 Guys one channel. With one goal. and that goal is not to be special or any other closeminded in-house kitten kitten kitten you would like them to do.

If you do like the game like that than it shall be so. I will not stop you and i will also not stop doing what i do. So you may make yourself familiar with that or you leave your server and drop down 2-3 tiers with all the other guys that wanna play solo in there sad little cave.

May in the end the Language barrier between the international server be the ultimate reason why no community drive emerges from alone. I don’t care. Just stop trying to force player into your playstyle because you think its the only regular and good and reasonable way to play this game. its not. Its a game and people play it as they want to. period.

greez Edana Atreides

And you have every right to play it the way you want it. I’m not trying to force anything on anyone, i’m giving my opinion on it as that is my right

See you on the battlefield!

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream:
All names start with Para

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Immolator.5640


Btw, why do all Riversiders emphatically and consistently end their sentences with ‘greetz [enter character name here]’?

Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Seregon.2187


Meanwhile, while everyone is accusing everyone of blobbing: Golem vs Golem.


Ruby Ruby Rubyyy / Lord Snickersnak
[team] Team Team Team Team Team Team
[TUP] The Unlikely Plan

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Rookni.2469


It is not blobbing. They are training

Coordinated guilds are so 2012

Commander Yolo Oh Trollo. The power is in the moustache

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: icey.7368


Wow thoose arrows carts in AG BL bay .. Can’t do that cus they have this can’t kill this cus they have thoose. Can’t kill thoose cus of that kitten arrows so restart and treb endless cycle that’s ends up. Ac 1 / 0 yak and 3 hours later
GJ all AG guild that kept us busy much love from yaks x

[YaK] Gandara EU- WvW officer
contact :

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: General Ragefist.3952

General Ragefist.3952

There is no pride in winning a situation that is uneven.

greez Edana Atreides,
ending this posts like that since 2005, if he does not forgett

Edana Atreides, Elementalist
DTK | Die Technokraten – Guild Leader
Flußufer/ Riverside [DE]

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: sorenrye.7238


It’s always nice fighting Riverside and Gandara, but I really dislike the number of cheaters on these 2 servers. I see many enemy players in wvw fly, teleport out of water, non-thieves stealth for 20 secs+, etc I hope that the some of the lawful players on both Riverside and Gandara will report the cheaters in their guilds.

That said, thank you for the good fights we’ve had this week.

Ps. I have omitted player-identifiers and guild-tags. Is it allowed to post the guild tags, and player identifers of the cheaters?