(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
Gandara Vs Piken Square Vs Augury Rock
Hey, no mention of us, not feeling the love Gand :’(
Srsly, looking forward to this week, lets have some good fights
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
AH! GG I knew I forgot someone!
Rookni is actually like that… no jokes.
You’re too easy to forget Sylas! =D
You’re too easy to forget Sylas! =D
Is because last matchup he didn’t have any cool bow to make him be remembered :P
Gl to all.
15 mins and tis already awesome! :P
Fun fights against [GG], [ATFL] and [Echo] so far; we started off with 26 players – bit the end we had 12, was good to see the progression here, [GG] at the stage of the run through enemy Zerg, regroup and charge back stage – we’re on the one just prior to that, group up, run into enemy zerg and flop about hoping they die
One time we had a random SM rush, whilst we were all spilt up and an Infantry member decided to place a golem, we only had a few [WvW] with us, thought it might be okay because there was fighting inside Lowlands outer, but oh no, 30 [ATFL] + infantry portal long behind us and wiping our disorganised group with ease xD
Nice to see you again Piken, I get the feeling this won’t be as easy and lucrative as T4…
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
Looking forward to meet pikels guild again on my day off work, See ya on the battlefield
Awesome reset at Piken Borderlands tonight. I think the Semper Yak force numbered 23 on its own with infantry pushing that number to 27-30. Epic clashes with EXE and SFRJ in garrison early on. Great fights with NR from AR too (Unlucky about longview, I was the guy who turned the corner to find you buffing up and managed to save our lives. :P)
lol 5 AR golems hit hills after we all log off on piken borders. It’s going to be a messy week!
I had some awesome fights tonight ! We (Piken Square) just managed to cap Augury Rock’s keep in EB with an absolutely epic fight inside the keep before AR came back with a vengeance… I’m sure this will be an exciting matchup all week long !
Legio Umbra [LU]
Piken Square
Yep AFTL enjoyed the fights tonight alongside GG and a few others on EB, that keep siege was indeed epic AR where coming from every direction was a very tough standoff in the courtyard
AH! GG I knew I forgot someone
Rookni is actually like that… no jokes.
Hopefully we’ll give you reason to remember us after this week, but we’ll wait and see
Fantastic fights as usual from your guys Eze, some very tough fights in getting you out of SM, you guys certainly improved since we last fought you which is great to see And holy kitten, that fight in AR’s keep, epic job whoever was there working with us to take that, and props to AR for making it so hard for us to take it! Looking forward to more of the same this week
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
Very Good to see Piken in a healthier postion again… keeping a close eye on this matchup
Please no repeat of last time these 3 servers went at it in best of 4 series. Piken/Gandara drop down and join the tier 4 fun… you know you want too
Virtually impossible for any of you to drop to tier 4 this week… but maybe next week if lucky <3
Enjoy your matchup will be great just like the original’s.
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
An incredible three-way battle is still going on at Stonemist Castle ! An epic saturday afternoon fight, that’s how WvWvW is really fun, I hope it stays that way during the entire matchup.
Legio Umbra [LU]
Piken Square
I am SO happy that we’re back to fighting AR and Gandara!
Second Law [Scnd], Baruch Bay
An incredible three-way battle is still going on at Stonemist Castle ! An epic saturday afternoon fight, that’s how WvWvW is really fun, I hope it stays that way during the entire matchup.
I don’t, an hour’s worth of lag was horrific during the SMC battle.
That was the end of a 5-hour russian raid. So much loot…
Gotta give props though to both AR and Gan for persistence. They kept coming back after losing so many fights. That takes guts. And great job defending your towers and keeps. That was excellent use of defensive siege.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
had the most fun raid in weeks tonite in AR bl. good job to everyone who participated
piken square
I am SO happy that we’re back to fighting AR and Gandara!
Indeed. So much more fun than the massive AoE zergs in t2.
Had some epic battles tonight while defending Anza. I cant remember if it was against AR or Gandara, whoever holds the northern keep, heh. Anza was literally shot to pieces (two walls and the gate down) and there must have been 25+ attackers while Piken had a small amount of defenders (commanding the fight was SU with a whooping 4 people, together with a couple of randoms). Piken held it in the lord room not once but twice, after reinforcements from VII.
For anyone that was there on the attacking side – thank you for the glorious battle, lol. I was the big cat in heavy metal wielding a hammer :p
Just like everybody said before, it was a very good day today! I had a lot of fun to fight both Gandara and Piken. Many good guilds on both server (and very clever when they play). A real 3 way battle and each server takes some risk to move on. I think we all like it.
And many good guilds on Piken (DZ how many are you?? You guys are impressive when you move It was impossible to stop you this morning…). This match up seems to be very good and I want to see more.
See you!
Augury Rock
Great fights in PS BL tonight. Fights vs WvW and Dius early on, SNOW and Hail later on, and even got jumped by XxX, luckily our guys were on hand to updraft you off the cliff surprised by how hard you guys hit for the numbers you run, so should be interesting to fight you again this week. Fought Tohu from AR as well, you logged our zone when most of ours had left unfortunately, but still good fights
hopefully more to come!
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
no more culling, lags , no more blobs ( I remember only osc,, zd , con or riot from Sfr). And no more noobs tieves from the server. They use only one button and probably don;t know what dodge is Nice to see you again old enemies
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
A lot of fun as a Piken. Great fights against both sides.
Just like everybody said before, it was a very good day today! I had a lot of fun to fight both Gandara and Piken. Many good guilds on both server (and very clever when they play). A real 3 way battle and each server takes some risk to move on. I think we all like it.
And many good guilds on Piken (DZ how many are you?? You guys are impressive when you move
It was impossible to stop you this morning…). This match up seems to be very good and I want to see more.
See you!
Dalzone [DZ] runs with about 15-20 + some members from other russian guilds on teamspeak (Nug, RuNL, GF, INS) making a total of about 30.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
(edited by Centrix.4065)
Fought Tohu from AR as well, you logged our zone when most of ours had left unfortunately, but still good fights
hopefully more to come!
Yeah, it was not expected to play WvW yesterday evening. We were in fractal and we wanted to try guild missions. But we failed our guild bounty so bad we went to our BL to finish our day. We tried to take bach Bay but unfortunately we were not enough to do that… See you today
@ Centrix : thanks for the information. Great coordination you have here with all these people
Augury Rock
[ODA] play this night.
I want fight again Piken <3
there are some guild who roam with 20 member max?
My IRL m8’s and me are having a blast of fun being vs AR and Gandara again! Missed you guys sooo much!
Yesterday night we went for some lame play and a little 15-20 man AR zerg thought they would play along with us!
Don’t mind the saxy danish voices from our Skype! This is in no way meant as anything more then some random fun :P
WvW Roaming movies!
[Gnou ]= 7-12 members.
[Tohu] = 15-25 members.
[ODA] = 10 members and 30+ members only the Wednesday and Sunday.
[LDF] = 15- 25 membres.
[War] = 15-20 members.
[BH] = 15-30 members.
[BLACK] = 15-25 members.
And no, Gnou are not 300.
And no, Tohu are not 500.
[Gnou ]= 7-12 members.
And no, Gnou are not 300.
And no, Tohu are not 500.
Haha I love this.
Always funny to hear that x guild runs with 200 people etc
You forget [Echo] :P Everyone seems to… [ODA] definitely runs with a lot of people, [PSY] also, and not to mention you all have hundreds running around after you
The only ones I’ve seen with less numbers all of the time are Tohu and Gnou pretty much
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
yeah we are 10-15 members. Sometimes we are between 15 and 20 but it’s not often unfortunately… But we love to hear that we have 100 people (we are spartiaaaat)
And yeah, WvW you are pretty tough. Well organised and your moves are very clever Always a hard time when we see you
See you
Augury Rock
We were 5 Gnous yesterday evening.
Even if we have had fun fights, it’s a bit too few to be efficient in WvW. We have been sent several times back to our warcamp.
Whatever … to me PS-G-AR is definitely the best match up for fighters.
CommandRoux – Gnou -
New job, sorry commander ^^.
@ Nemesys
Here the video " http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VZBa2Nt875U " of our 30+ raid fleeing away from you, Good watching ( can’t remember when this MU was though)
(edited by Seed.5714)
New job, sorry commander ^^.
@ Nemesys
Here the video " http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VZBa2Nt875U " of our 30+ raid fleeing, Good watching ( can’t remember when this MU was though)
But I thought you were 200. I’m kinda disappointed ^^
And I love : “Tiens, voilà du rouquin”
Augury Rock
New job, sorry commander ^^.
@ Nemesys
Here the video " http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VZBa2Nt875U " of our 30+ raid fleeing away from you, Good watching ( can’t remember when this MU was though)
u are right not 30 19/20 with pug behind:p sorry to count bad there are still 2/1 us no?
9+min to so gnou+8/9 pug?indeed was a good fight but still outmaneed as always,and this video remember me the less number of t5 fight,hope gandara fall back 2 tier so culling cant win.
How many did you have when you tired to jump us with veil at Hills in PS BL yesterday? All I remember is seeing you grouped up, seeing a veil go down, and calling the direction to my guys before we’d pushed through, and then had to continue pushing because the rest of the Gandara server had catapults at the far end of the cliff ^^ Be interested to hear what your numbers were. Heard good things about you, so we were a little surprised we didn’t get completely kittened when you caught us by surprise there. We had 20 GG and probably 10 pugs
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
Just like everybody said before, it was a very good day today! I had a lot of fun to fight both Gandara and Piken. Many good guilds on both server (and very clever when they play). A real 3 way battle and each server takes some risk to move on. I think we all like it.
And many good guilds on Piken (DZ how many are you?? You guys are impressive when you move
It was impossible to stop you this morning…). This match up seems to be very good and I want to see more.
See you!
Well, let me be the first to declare that the good times are back, for piken square. The queues are low to non-existent, morale seems high and the battles and scores of this match up seem even.
The enjoyment of WvW seems to have returned much quicker than I would have anticipated and this tier and our opponents seem to be working out positively.
How many did you have when you tired to jump us with veil at Hills in PS BL yesterday? All I remember is seeing you grouped up, seeing a veil go down, and calling the direction to my guys before we’d pushed through, and then had to continue pushing because the rest of the Gandara server had catapults at the far end of the cliff ^^ Be interested to hear what your numbers were. Heard good things about you, so we were a little surprised we didn’t get completely kittened when you caught us by surprise there. We had 20 GG and probably 10 pugs
13 i think or 14 dont remember exactly in that moment,we was simply passing to go further north and all enemy appeared few step front of us few dead and the other retreated,we stepped in all the aoe u all are doing on solitary commander i think,
we play all day evening time,no GvG for us we prefer roam and play to take advantage of map,flank inc etc etc,we have 10 max 20 depend which day of the week,just roam and we met for sure,can handle a lot of pug,but cant handle BIG guild,we can have one lucky inc like yesterday where we wiped all XT raid but need a lot of lucky to do that.
We always looking to fight and we try even if we think its was a suicide.
Dosent matter die we want just play the best part of this game like old daoc time.
Some moments from Saturday SM defense
We’d had word of Gandara at NW outer of hills, so we pushed out, killed maybe 10, mixture of pugs, I was closest to you guys, saw you, saw you veil and push, so had to shout to my guys on TS to react, was certainly a nerve wracking experience ^^ Hope we see you guys again, maybe with your max numbers of 20, hopefully give us some good fights We are one of the bigger guilds on PS now, running sometimes up to 30 people(although not in the last few weeks), usually its around 20-25.
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
New job, sorry commander ^^.
@ Nemesys
Here the video " http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VZBa2Nt875U " of our 30+ raid fleeing away from you, Good watching ( can’t remember when this MU was though)u are right not 30 19/20 with pug behind:p sorry to count bad there are still 2/1 us no?
9+min to so gnou+8/9 pug?indeed was a good fight but still outmaneed as always,and this video remember me the less number of t5 fight,hope gandara fall back 2 tier so culling cant win.
yeah we started only us with less number than you, then few Pug added while we killed your pug then we where a bit more at the end, " orange sword" cause our 5 pug resisted all the fight then 2/3 more at the end
Missed last night’s raid, but i had a ball in LA with some of KA instead at the late hours…
It all started with a rare mob in the cellar of the pub!
Surrender Dorothy!
Wth no drama? You are all being so nice to each other. You do realize we have to disembowel each other, right?
Leader and commander of Necrosis[Necr] Greek pvp Community
Proud to be in Piken Square
Nugos/RuNLraid is about to start in Gandara bl
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
And painful it was – a that point we had 20 [WvW] but a lot of infantry, only problem being how painful it is to face a more organised group with so few and the majority of our team unorganised. Most of our players had gone to dinner by then, and are probably still eating as I type, making our class balance skewed as well. You guys also pack a punch, the pain factor was great, so many bags for you I’d guess. Didn’t help either that our only fight at LV had a scout informing us of your numbers, which we subsequently discovered were 3x less than you actually had ah how we hate culling, enemies appearing from the mists of nothingness.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/