Gandara Vs Piken Square Vs Augury Rock
some fight of yesterday evening.
Nicely done PS and AR… cleaned out all our T3 towers in EB while our zerg zombies obsessed over the castle we can’t hold.
Proves again that we don’t belong in this Tier…
…Not until we lose the players who shout in /team “Leave [T3 Tower], save [T1 SMC], noobs!” and get commanders to understand the value of a T3 tower.
Nicely done PS and AR… cleaned out all our T3 towers in EB while our zerg zombies obsessed over the castle we can’t hold.
Proves again that we don’t belong in this Tier…
…Not until we lose the players who shout in /team “Leave [T3 Tower], save [T1 SMC], noobs!” and get commanders to understand the value of a T3 tower.
You are doing a pretty good job of taking things out of context.
Your so called “zerg zombies” numbered a grand total of 5 players.
Its totally not unreasonable when you know you have a queue on EB to expect to be able to mount a 10 man defense of SM despite what is happening elsewhere on the map. And in this case a 10 man defense would have been ample as it was lost to 10-15 attackers.
It also became pretty obvious shortly after that some sort of queue bug was in effect. We had a queue on EB but were not able to mount a defense at SM OR the towers.
I’d guess we were no more than 20 players on EB, so really get over yourself and stop throwing needless blame about.
I will however agree that Gandara in T3 is laughable since outside midweek primetime we have a T5 population.
Terrible lag in SM today…i am not even sure if T2 had those lags…
SM changed so many times i lost count.
[Necr] did some commando operations today as we were very relaxed, no serious raid forming up.We ninjaed a couple of T3 keeps in EB..Gandarans..y u no defing ur keeps? >.<
Server-Piken Square
Yeah so I just been totally excited for this match up …
… aaaand its gone
Daily raid of russian guilds Nug+RuNL+SPRT. Commander Letard[Nug]
Today were fight against AR bl at Gandara Garrison and Piken Square bl
Nice axe single target usage there, you know you’re being pretty much useless in those fights..i hope
(edited by dangerdoom.3862)
Want to say tnx to Gandara & AR for some excellent fights in AR Borderlands was really fun, love this tier so much more. Tnx from GoW
Servant of Dhuum
I want to thank lag today for being a fierce opponent. Also a nudge towards culling. You must have been recruiting. Saw alot of you today. Anyway. Lag and culling shouldnt have to team up. You are good each on your own. Also want to thank blob and blob for good fights today. And blob! kitten Hit like a truck. To the other blob and blob that was together. Good fights. Blob and blob seriously though, some amazing fights at the bridge there. And to blob. See you tomorrow
Ah! So many familiar tags.. Nug, SFRJ, BC, XT
Any Greenfire or War Inc in there?
Privet Tovarish!
Alv E
Daily raid of russian guilds Nug+RuNL+SPRT. Commander Letard[Nug]
Today were fight against AR bl at Gandara Garrison and Piken Square bl
GG [Nug]. Really GG.
U kick our kitten [ODA].
We want revanche!
Ah! So many familiar tags.. Nug, SFRJ, BC, XT
Any Greenfire or War Inc in there?
Privet Tovarish!
Alv E
WIC are coming to Piken’s soon as far as I’m concerned
That lags in Gandara’s garrison! Was crazy, we couldn’t use skills for 5 or more seconds was funny to see people running around not even touching each other. But still it was an epic battle inside, thanks a lot
Was a pretty awful night, the lag in GBL was beyond a joke couldn’t use skills in spawn let alone GG, was a spirited defence considering we were being attacked from multiple directions.
Switched to Piken BL to get away from the lag bomb, bit over the top taking a T1 hills back with 5 golems but I suppose they could of been just sitting in the piken spawn.
Also out-manned in our own BL at 6.30pm uk kind of terrible, don’t think i’ve ever seen that on a sunday.
[MM] recruiting currently
Good fights in ARBL, so many guilds! Garrison Inner was particularly interesting, I was rather incredulous when our scout reported 5 guilds entering in quick succession… I can’t remember everyone but [BH], [Tohu], [DT], [GoW] were the more prominent ones, on our side we had [Dius], who helped a lot and saved us from wiping at least a couple of times in there.
The skill lag was rather painful, it seemed you guys had an entire army in there, the arrow carts didn’t help either, nor the ballista and barrage of AR from their spawn I think we did very well, only wiped finally when we pulled back with our 10 or so survivors, only to have 20+ [Tohu] and Infantry spot us and slaughter us… the pain factor was great.
[DT] shine out as the main opposition we faced from Piken, good fights, sorry for the extra numbers today, it was literally after a Guild Mission, so we had people we wouldn’t normally on a spontaneous group. Running with 40 for the first time in months, just under that but yknow… if there was one thing I’d ask, it would be stop running away [DT]! Every time, outrunning the durations of our preparation buffs! :P
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
Any Greenfire or War Inc in there?
The majority of [GF] is left the game or slacking till the “WvW-patch”.
(edited by Shadow of Azrael.1205)
Nice axe single target usage there, you know you’re being pretty much useless in those fights..i hope
I play necr for 3 days and were 24 lvl at this video, i know that i’m useless at this moment
We want revanche!
u can do this every day at 16:00-20:00 GMT xD
The lag inside the stonemist lord room was horrible last night, but presumably it was laggy for the opposition as well. What was it, an hour battle where 50 min was spent trying to pop skills, lol?
Great fun either way. The static battles we have in this tier are amazing. Later there was a massive fight on the west plains of the augery rock garrison I believe (held by piken). It was like two armies colliding, probably the widest engagement I have seen in the game. Piken was eventually driven back
Thanks to everyone who turned out on reset in EB. Had a lovely frolick throigh the grass snd some fun fights in ARs third. ;-) Also props to dius and war last night. Nuce little 3 way action just outside AR hills <3
Executed [ExE] – Piken Square
That was indeed a fun fight there, even though we were only 10 guys we managed to stay alive for quite a bit
Anyway, I’d love to go back to lag-free wvw soon. This was totally unplayable and killed all the fun.
Had alot of fun on saterday but yesterday was pretty bad. So much lag I could barely do anything. In the early evening when both AR and Piken breeched Garrison on Gandara border the lag was so immense, I fell down next to XT and expected sudden dead but due to lag took ages =D
Hope theyll fix the lag soon, currently as soon as I start lagging I know the enemy is nearby, at least a plus to the new lag alarm.
Looking forward to hopefully some good battles this week =D
Thanks to everyone who turned out on reset in EB. Had a lovely frolick throigh the grass snd some fun fights in ARs third. ;-) Also props to dius and war last night. Nuce little 3 way action just outside AR hills <3
Yep best fight of the evening we enjoyed it aswell
Epic three ways? lolnope epic 10 second lag.
On a more positive note; I hope Piken enjoyed having their towers on EBG constantly flagged for about 3 hours. Was hilarious watching that zerg going from tower to tower trying to check whats going on and catch me. With that said I also had fun saving a guy from GNAM who was being hit by three AR’s. I’m glad you didn’t kill me after I saved you! Lots of Love Dius Ranger in Pink with the Quaggan backpack <3
Epic three ways? lolnope epic 10 second lag.
On a more positive note; I hope Piken enjoyed having their towers on EBG constantly flagged for about 3 hours. Was hilarious watching that zerg going from tower to tower trying to check whats going on and catch me.
With that said I also had fun saving a guy from GNAM who was being hit by three AR’s. I’m glad you didn’t kill me after I saved you! Lots of Love Dius Ranger in Pink with the Quaggan backpack <3
So that was you! You my good sir, got my hate! You should have seen our map chat! such a pain running from tower to tower trying to figure out wtf was going on, and when we realised it was only one palyer doing it, a witch hunt began!!
WvW Roaming movies!
If its any consolation, I did do it too AR as well :P
Thanks to everyone who turned out on reset in EB. Had a lovely frolick throigh the grass snd some fun fights in ARs third. ;-) Also props to dius and war last night. Nuce little 3 way action just outside AR hills <3
Yep best fight of the evening we enjoyed it aswell
Lots of fun until a train crashed our little lovely fight
Semper Dius [Dius]
EU Gandara
Any Greenfire or War Inc in there?
The majority of [GF] is left the game or slacking till the “WvW-patch”.
“WE’ll be back”©
A bit of us running with [Nug] raid…3-4ppl most of time
Nice play [WvW] last nigh on ARBL, You make us think twice before we attack you again and we had adapt new tactic to this situation Looking forward for more action with you guys.
That’s not really zergs. Not even close to SFR zergs anyway, lol.
Also… We got some good Mesmers on Piken but we’re not THAT good so we can cloak ourselves into Kodash.
Yep best fight of the evening we enjoyed it aswell
Jhiana: You guys showed some nice PvP skills in SwToR. Waiting eager to meet you guys at battlefield!
Timo Taikuri – Mesmer
EXE (Executed), Piken Square
Another Epic SM fight tonight on EB against AR, one of our towers was being treb’d from SM so AFTL decided we would take it down but with the added pug support we decided to take the whole thing.
Took us a few attempts to get through the outer wall then a longer stint outside inner as the randoms where not carrying sufficient supply and a little difficult to organise not to mention you where heavily defending with numbers and siege everywhere, we had little option but to beat the gate down the old fashioned way but your resistance was commendable even though we got it in the end lol.
Later AFTL put some pressure on Gandara with our rag tag of friendlies but eventually even you guys had had enough of our antics and called in the big boys (XXX), was fun though running around with our Havoc squad many open field clashes some won some lost but def enjoyable all round .
(edited by Axle.5182)
We just had an awesome commander on PS bl as well.
AR taking our hills, and we were hiding with 4 undetected. Spamming mapchat that we can portal everyone in, and no one even bothers to reply :P
Got inner gate to 5% before we got owned
Piken, piken, piken – what happend to you? I just witness something incredible.
A Commander on Piken BL leads it’s players and everyone who follows to defend Bluebriar and camp French spawn point – while loosing Bay, Garrison and Sunnyhill in a span of 20 minutes. But it gets better – no one said anything about any incoming on either of the Keeps or Tower in a map/team chat. No one cared?I also noticed alote of Towers and Keeps beeing left unupgraded. Is this what Piken is turning in to Guild vs Guild vs Guild in Open World PvP?
I was the commander leading on PS(unfortuantelly the only in this time). Our guildraid was about to be finished when we got Bluebriar tower, thats why we just decided to wipe you 5 more times before we left the game. And well, we didn’t have so many people to leave scouts in every place on the map.
and… 7 golems vs WOODEN KEEPS+ninja attack, I would call it an attack of frustrated people I need to say that i “love” the new “orange crosses” system, it doesn’t work at all…
Enjoyed fights, +800 kills in 3 hours!
GN mates, we’re waiting for more fun this week!
Yep best fight of the evening we enjoyed it aswell
Jhiana: You guys showed some nice PvP skills in SwToR. Waiting eager to meet you guys at battlefield!
I miss my healer tbh x) .
Anyway really fun evening on AR bl !
Seems like our 10man can kite zerg for a while :p !
Amazing lag during that 3way ( like 6-10s lag ) near bay..
Great fun in the ps bl tonight. Big shoutout to the EVO guild, especially the warrior that refused to let me kill him! And thanks to AR for not ganking me in your supply camp while you built 3-4 golems and went away leaving me in peace to (try) and kill your comrades.
Cheers for many fun in EB last night, ty both enemy for good fighting spirit and friendly, especialy commander of <AFK> for nice teamplay.
/Osicat <Judge>
This lag is a pain in the a.., every time we are more than 30 on a narrow area, skills request at least 5sec of casting.
Bye culling, welcome lagging.
Oh and by the way, nice video XxX Nemesys, the best part is when you try to replicate to my taunts 2 or 3 days later, with a poor english and no sense of humor.
Thank you for the quote, I was proud of this joke.
GvG contact – Black Horde [BLAK]
Augury Rock
(edited by superbutt.6475)
yesterday i found BLs almost un unplayable… only big zergs and no spare roaming groups in each borderland.
This lag is a pain in the a.., every time we are more than 30 on a narrow area, skills request at least 5sec of casting.
Glad someone points this out. It is unplayable atm. I’ve never experienced this before. We all known those big fights can be a pain but not being able to cast a spell is something new.
I’ve counted up to 8 seconds not being able to cast a insta-skill. I’m pressing the button but nothing happens, I can run around, I can see people run around, I’m getting crazy hits but my skills won’t go off.
A lot of people leave wvw because of this. :/
This lag is a pain in the a.., every time we are more than 30 on a narrow area, skills request at least 5sec of casting.
Glad someone points this out. It is unplayable atm. I’ve never experienced this before. We all known those big fights can be a pain but not being able to cast a spell is something new.
I’ve counted up to 8 seconds not being able to cast a insta-skill. I’m pressing the button but nothing happens, I can run around, I can see people run around, I’m getting crazy hits but my skills won’t go off.
A lot of people leave wvw because of this. :/
Tip of the day:
Split your zerg, have fun with all of your skills.
Luckily I’m not on t1/t2, so it’s not daily that this bothers me. But man is it annoying! It’s even worse in pve, with so many people on dragons you cannot even target them!
Hard time yesterday evening on Piken BL. It’s your home map and we saw you wanted to defend it (may be too much). So much people there… It was very difficult to move freely… We started to move with 2 groups but each time, XT was there to kick our kitten. Guys, it’s hurt a lot… You move very quickly and hit hard (I lost my kitten, if you find it, wisp me pls
So we decided to split into 3 groups and had 3 different targets each time (so only one group was hunted by you). It worked quite well but it wasn’t an easy task… We tried to “ninja” etheron with our omega golem but we only managed to break p1 before you arrived. We finally sacrificed ourself to save our golem (wp spawn 3s before you reached it; lucky there
And yes, so much ally culling yesterday… And lag was the biggest opponent I think. Spells worked 5s after we launched them and sometime, only skill 1 worked (after 10s…). It was nearly impossible to play in a serious fight… Anet needs to do something about that…
Augury Rock
This lag is a pain in the a.., every time we are more than 30 on a narrow area, skills request at least 5sec of casting.
Glad someone points this out. It is unplayable atm. I’ve never experienced this before. We all known those big fights can be a pain but not being able to cast a spell is something new.
I’ve counted up to 8 seconds not being able to cast a insta-skill. I’m pressing the button but nothing happens, I can run around, I can see people run around, I’m getting crazy hits but my skills won’t go off.
A lot of people leave wvw because of this. :/
Tip of the day:
Split your zerg, have fun with all of your skills.
^This. Stop blobbing and steamrolling. I have had no skill lag in EB (apart from that when the cool kids blobs up in SM lord’s roomand makes the whole map lag) whatsoever because I never run in bigger groups than 15 people :>
This lag is a pain in the a.., every time we are more than 30 on a narrow area, skills request at least 5sec of casting.
Glad someone points this out. It is unplayable atm. I’ve never experienced this before. We all known those big fights can be a pain but not being able to cast a spell is something new.
I’ve counted up to 8 seconds not being able to cast a insta-skill. I’m pressing the button but nothing happens, I can run around, I can see people run around, I’m getting crazy hits but my skills won’t go off.
A lot of people leave wvw because of this. :/
Tip of the day:
Split your zerg, have fun with all of your skills.^This. Stop blobbing and steamrolling. I have had no skill lag in EB (apart from that when the cool kids blobs up in SM lord’s roomand makes the whole map lag) whatsoever because I never run in bigger groups than 15 people :>
yeah but it also depends of the map too… Sunday evening, awful lag on RA BL. Switch on Gandara BL → no lag even if we were the same number of opponents… Weird :/
Augury Rock
Had alot of fun last night on EB! Thanks for all the guilds, enemy and friends, on that border. Thankfully not to much to which made the fights alot more enjoyable.
Can’t wait for it to be freed of work and it to be evening again, hopefully more great battles ahead.
Quite dissapointed by the matchup so far. BLAK (RA) are the only guild raid we’ve encountered and we are three days in. I guess we have been unlucky with zone choice.
VII will be in Gandara BL again tonight if anyone likes the 15-20 man guild roaming scene.
Quite dissapointed by the matchup so far. BLAK (RA) are the only guild raid we’ve encountered and we are three days in. I guess we have been unlucky with zone choice.
VII will be in Gandara BL again tonight if anyone likes the 15-20 man guild roaming scene.
XxX are worth a look Vanz and CNTK. hopefully HoB will also make it into Gandara tonight.
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade
This lag is a pain in the a.., every time we are more than 30 on a narrow area, skills request at least 5sec of casting.
Glad someone points this out. It is unplayable atm. I’ve never experienced this before. We all known those big fights can be a pain but not being able to cast a spell is something new.
I’ve counted up to 8 seconds not being able to cast a insta-skill. I’m pressing the button but nothing happens, I can run around, I can see people run around, I’m getting crazy hits but my skills won’t go off.
A lot of people leave wvw because of this. :/
Tip of the day:
Split your zerg, have fun with all of your skills.^This. Stop blobbing and steamrolling. I have had no skill lag in EB (apart from that when the cool kids blobs up in SM lord’s roomand makes the whole map lag) whatsoever because I never run in bigger groups than 15 people :>
15 man is what we do…. still 8 second lag. We’re not just talking massive fights either, we’re talking fights on the other side of the map in garrison say while we’re at orchard. It doesn’t help that we’re forced to zerg up to counter the incredibly large groups we’re finding.
Quite dissapointed by the matchup so far. BLAK (RA) are the only guild raid we’ve encountered and we are three days in. I guess we have been unlucky with zone choice.
VII will be in Gandara BL again tonight if anyone likes the 15-20 man guild roaming scene.
XxX are worth a look Vanz and CNTK. hopefully HoB will also make it into Gandara tonight.
we cant roam in gandara bl with our number where the enemy are always x2 x 3 :/
bandwagoning sucks gandara gain only brainless pug,other server guild of 30 40 50 member:/