Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade
Quite dissapointed by the matchup so far. BLAK (RA) are the only guild raid we’ve encountered and we are three days in. I guess we have been unlucky with zone choice.
VII will be in Gandara BL again tonight if anyone likes the 15-20 man guild roaming scene.
XxX are worth a look Vanz and CNTK. hopefully HoB will also make it into Gandara tonight.
we cant roam in gandara bl with our number where the enemy are always x2 x 3 :/
bandwagoning sucks gandara gain only brainless pug,other server guild of 30 40 50 member:/
HoB will probs have 20 ish VII will likely have 15.. always up for fights. speaking purely from HoB we try and get away from other guilds on PS as much as it is possible and try and shed the friendlies following us to be a smaller compact force.
if you are bringing 15 ish hob have smaller numbers on mondays, thursdays and saturdays of around 15 so hopefully we’ll see you on one of those nights. just a heads up that we aren’t running 30+ groups and my previous recommendation was made out of respect for the way you guys setup and run.
I like instant solutions people give to not get lag, last time I checked blob wasn’t 10-15 man you know. Also when you can’t speed buff due to 5s+ setback on opposite side of where major fights are going on is bollocks If this means that we have to polish our button “1” skills, so be it… ^^
i know hob move alone they do that always but all the other guild no,and this is not a whine but not pretend other guild come to play on a blob border,many time we are the only guild on a border so is XxX vs all,and is not fun die always against a blob.
Login servers not working… how kitten wonderful. We dont even have 10 people across the maps anymore… classy ANet… very classy.
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
It is my impression that Gandara and Piken Square are so much alike, WvW oriented servers that attract well organized roaming guilds and dedicated players, only PS’s average group size has swelled to adapt to the top tier’s environment while Gandara is going through its first top flight stint and frankly don’t belong here yet, and perhaps never will. On the other hand Augury struck me as a “little Vizunah”…lets just say they find their strenght in numbers and collective purposes rather than in individuals. To put it in other words: they zerg like there’s no tomorrow.
Add to this the insane culling that turns every strategy into a gamble, and the ( newly acquired) ludicrous skill-lag that turns many fights into button-mashing contests; and what you get is a very frustrating matchup for Gandara that is seeing its numbers dwindle each day.
Lets hope Anet stops tampering with the servers and wait until Gandara drops a tier or two where it belongs, and we’ll have the ideal context for a confrontation between PS and Gandara WvW guilds
(edited by Nerolucido.6798)
nice taunt, but thanks anyway for the “little vizunah”
nice taunt, but thanks anyway for the “little vizunah”
oh common! I restrained myself the whole day to not respond!! It’s not fair man, it’s not fair!!!
“i know hob move alone they do that always but all the other guild no,and this is not a whine but not pretend other guild come to play on a blob border,many time we are the only guild on a border so is XxX vs all,and is not fun die always against a blob.”
Thats what we had to deal with when we moved to AG vs GD on your bl… and it was more fun than t2… and best fights we had in awhile tbh and yes its in its own league of different challenge when everything is tier 3, and there is no other realm in zone… so its Server Vs Guild (aprox 20)… with scouts spotting you everywhere and everyone aiming for the only battle marks on map.
I just saw your video of XxX vs TUP and lol at the map chat… you missed out some of the better fights where you died too, but i guess not many guilds show themselves wiping like krato does haha.
It was a bit frustrating because of we were used to working with people/being rusty from tier 2 being crap lag/blobs/ques. Another guild on bl would of made a difference or let alone some riverside guys… But still it was the most fun we had in awhile, some of the open fights in the nw bay area are up there with best fights we’ve had. Looking forward to more.
Not Sure who will replace you in tier 3 Gandara… T4 is a very balanced matchup
Yesterday we attacked keeps and towers first with a group of 14 (we kept on facing much bigger groups, we were dead even before we could cast anything) After a while we were 20-30 (we turned the commander on). It was unplayable. I pressed an instant skill and it didn’t go off.. I pressed it again and again, and again.. After about 10 seconds, when I was almost dead, it went off. It’s not our fault that other servers call in the zergs when their keep/tower is under attack.
So what are people suggesting? That we don’t attack keeps/towers anymore and run around avoiding lag at all times?
JDGE I don’t know what you guys are doing but for us it’s unplayable. You can’t take a keep in this matchup unless you have 20+ in primetime, and that’s a fact. If that’s a zerg, we should all play sPVP.
Tip of the day:
Split your zerg, have fun with all of your skills.
Best joke ever. Can you tell your serverbuddies that please? So they can laugh and laugh and just don’t give a ffff.
Just a little side note:
yesterday at the Greenwater supply camp in ARBL I fought a thief.
I played very bbad and basically messed up the fight and got downed.
The thief waved at me and didn’t stomp me.
He knew he won and didn’t have to prove that any further.
I was genuinly impressed by this noble behaviour.
In case there were more victims… I was the clumsy Asura engineer not having a clue what to do first in this fight.
It was a bit frustrating because of we were used to working with people/being rusty from tier 2 being crap lag/blobs/ques. Another guild on bl would of made a difference or let alone some riverside guys…
Riverside were on the map, they had 30 or 40 in the supply camp and were trebbing bay. The numbers going your way were total overkill and most of us felt bad about it tbh. They were somewhat necessary for the riverside force though.
The lag has killed this match up for me. Piken has been a bit dissapointing really but its the lag that makes me just want to /log and not bother.
Piken disappointing how?
Is true some of guilds are bit more fat like another but we cant ask them to leave part in WC to make fight more fair. Add always few flowers and we have zerg.
Also events like siege or defense always will bring more numbers, but WvW is about cooperation between guilds and commanders, better it work, easier counter even heavy enemy.
Will be nice to see attitude to not chase smaller groups by ours raids if they cant stand to fight and they position is not danger to your campaign (like: low lands),
DT – we often let go enemy, which run away as chasing few by 20-30 is simple lame, ofc we can ask pug zergs to do it too but that zergs/pug cant count on mercy also is more towards guild groups or solo players which roam but remember setting siege have some consequences
For good fight GvG is option I’m sure many PS guilds will like try so don’t be shy, gvg can be full of fun for everyone and we can get nice equal fights. On PS you can find few hardcore guilds but also casual so fights can get balanced.
If any guild is up for gvg just post at forum. 15vs15, 20vs20 or more
WvW table: Piken vs AR vs Gandara
in reality:
Russian primetime: Piken vs precision/power stacks vs badges
EU primetime: Piken vs Pugs on 2 of 4 maps vs Pugs on 1 of 4 maps
4 am (GMT): 0 vs AR ZERG vs 0
war night cap. war night cap never change
Can I just say that Augury have some rather honourless cowards? :P
I think you’ll agree with this, I was kind of raging and wtf-ing afterwards.
GBL, wondering around, and 10 augury decide to chase me, I keep moving away from them despite being on my Guardian, they spread out quite quickly, and I’m able to separate some off, I down 2 of them and kill a third, am wondering where the other 7 are, when I lose 6k health, of the 7k I had left… then they crash into me, and beat me down. When I’m dead I can see they set up a Ballista on the slope… they set up a kittening Ballista to kill me!? What the hell? 1vs10 and they place siege?
I don’t know if you guys have heard of the [AE] ‘Assassins D’Elite’ guild, but if you see them, direct them to me, I want to roll them over repeatedly with my guild group…
Do you guys know this guild? Does this happen regularly? o.O
I happens regularly against this server or servers with this zerg mentality, with their sheer number advantage, I’m often getting chased across maps by 10+ AR :p I was on late last night (last day of holiday) and AR used 15 golems to take Piken BL un-contested :p That’s right, 15….
Did some solo roaming today – I will just say the lag on abilities is silly… which is making me play less and less.
Piken disappointing how?
Well i’ve seen very little of the piken guilds I’m more familiar with (I’m aware a lot have gone elsewhere). Think I’ve seen [GG] once on Piken bl, we were running about 10 and shortly after starting [WvW] left the map leaving us on our own vs a 20+ (?) GG raid. GG are a great guild and it would have been a really, really tough fight with equal numbers, so it was just a mismatch really. We were a bit sloppy and slow to react to commander anyway on that day so … yeah, weren’t great fights from our PoV. (Having said that you were impressive in the manner you beat us, your pre-fight movement around cragtop was particularly impressive).
Seen VII once on gandara at water gate of garrison. We somehow managed to beat them, the comments on /m chat and TS were basically ‘how the hell did we win that fight’. They didn’t play well but every guild goes through the odd one and we know they’re better than that. We left that map shortly after because the entire bl was just a lag fest with a 10 sec delay on every skill (if you were lucky) due to garrison lords room fight.
Haven’t seen any others really (hope not anyway, maybe they were buried in the blobs).
The new guilds that have joined your server are frankly lame. We’ve had guilds who outnumbered us 2v1 run away and wait till they had back up from a second guild who outnumbered us 2v1 before engaging. If they dont straight out blob up, then one will wait to one side and tear into your flank or back line 2 secs after you engage.
You seem to have lost a lot of smaller guilds, like the 5 / 10 man camp camping groups so you really need quite high numbers to compete against you, if you dont have the numbers then your left with a pretty crap experience.
Its been a lousy week for gandara and the lack of players logging in could be a large part of the problem. If theres only one group of 10 on the map its understandable that all your guys are going to come kill us, not like they have anything better to do. I could be being harsh, the circumstances of this week aren’t the best for judging you.
(edited by Caid.4932)
CNTK were out last night and we felt seriously outnumbered nearly the whole night(we had about 15 at start but were down to 12/13 quick when ppl had to log for early shifts).
We roamed about with INT a bit to try even the numbers some which is something we have not done before.
We will be back out later this week and hope for more fights. Few Piken guilds we would still love to meet
Seriously. Worst WvW performance week since launch. I see some people and guild qq over skill lag etc.. Still I see the same guildtags in huge zergs running around with their mighty 1 button.
Now I am confused
Well i’ve seen very little of the piken guilds I’m more familiar with (I’m aware a lot have gone elsewhere). Think I’ve seen [GG] once on Piken bl, we were running about 10 and shortly after starting [WvW] left the map leaving us on our own vs a 20+ (?) GG raid. GG are a great guild and it would have been a really, really tough fight with equal numbers, so it was just a mismatch really. We were a bit sloppy and slow to react to commander anyway on that day so … yeah, weren’t great fights from our PoV. (Having said that you were impressive in the manner you beat us, your pre-fight movement around cragtop was particularly impressive).
Yeah, I remember that, we had some good fights against a tonne of guilds that night. Dius, WvW, XxX, Hail, SNOW, Tohu, Sang, very very fun night. I remember when we killed you at Cragtop, and the first thing I said was, ‘for a 10-15 man raid, their melee train hits so kittening hard’, so respect to you guys We’ve had some good fights all during the week, tried so hard not to group with other guilds, sometimes assisted other guilds in the open if they’ve been heavily outnumbered, but if they’re winning, we usually leave them to it. Obviously inside Garrison, where it was that massive 3 way clusterkitten, we tried so hard to operate independantly, but its difficult when there’s so much lag, so many enemies, etc ^^ so apologies if we’ve ganged up on some of you guys this week, not how we like to play.
We don’t think we grew too much in the higher tier, we think 20-25 is enough to compete (Except against like 40+ ZDs) but we don’t want to adapt to that kind of playstyle anyway. Hoping to see you guys again this week, hopefully with you running similar numbers to us!
And yeah, we were 20 that night I think, with a few friendlies with us ^^
(edited by Snowstorm.3897)
Well i’ve seen very little of the piken guilds I’m more familiar with (I’m aware a lot have gone elsewhere). Think I’ve seen [GG] once on Piken bl, we were running about 10 and shortly after starting [WvW] left the map leaving us on our own vs a 20+ (?) GG raid. GG are a great guild and it would have been a really, really tough fight with equal numbers, so it was just a mismatch really. We were a bit sloppy and slow to react to commander anyway on that day so … yeah, weren’t great fights from our PoV. (Having said that you were impressive in the manner you beat us, your pre-fight movement around cragtop was particularly impressive).
Yeah, I remember that, we had some good fights against a tonne of guilds that night. Dius, WvW, XxX, Hail, SNOW, Tohu, Sang, very very fun night. I remember when we killed you at Cragtop, and the first thing I said was, ‘for a 10-15 man raid, their melee train hits so kittening hard’, so respect to you guys
We’ve had some good fights all during the week, tried so hard not to group with other guilds, sometimes assisted other guilds in the open if they’ve been heavily outnumbered, but if they’re winning, we usually leave them to it. Obviously inside Garrison, where it was that massive 3 way clusterkitten, we tried so hard to operate independantly, but its difficult when there’s so much lag, so many enemies, etc ^^ so apologies if we’ve ganged up on some of you guys this week, not how we like to play.
We don’t think we grew too much in the higher tier, we think 20-25 is enough to compete (Except against like 40+ ZDs) but we don’t want to adapt to that kind of playstyle anyway. Hoping to see you guys again this week, hopefully with you running similar numbers to us!
And yeah, we were 20 that night I think, with a few friendlies with us ^^
That melee train did hit hard.. got me nearly down But my memory is failing here.. which guild was that again?
oh and sorry for the extra numbers caused by friendlies tagging along with us.. Culling makes it hard to raid without badging up ;p
Well i’ve seen very little of the piken guilds I’m more familiar with (I’m aware a lot have gone elsewhere). Think I’ve seen [GG] once on Piken bl, we were running about 10 and shortly after starting [WvW] left the map leaving us on our own vs a 20+ (?) GG raid. GG are a great guild and it would have been a really, really tough fight with equal numbers, so it was just a mismatch really. We were a bit sloppy and slow to react to commander anyway on that day so … yeah, weren’t great fights from our PoV. (Having said that you were impressive in the manner you beat us, your pre-fight movement around cragtop was particularly impressive).
Yeah, I remember that, we had some good fights against a tonne of guilds that night. Dius, WvW, XxX, Hail, SNOW, Tohu, Sang, very very fun night. I remember when we killed you at Cragtop, and the first thing I said was, ‘for a 10-15 man raid, their melee train hits so kittening hard’, so respect to you guys
We’ve had some good fights all during the week, tried so hard not to group with other guilds, sometimes assisted other guilds in the open if they’ve been heavily outnumbered, but if they’re winning, we usually leave them to it. Obviously inside Garrison, where it was that massive 3 way clusterkitten, we tried so hard to operate independantly, but its difficult when there’s so much lag, so many enemies, etc ^^ so apologies if we’ve ganged up on some of you guys this week, not how we like to play.
We don’t think we grew too much in the higher tier, we think 20-25 is enough to compete (Except against like 40+ ZDs) but we don’t want to adapt to that kind of playstyle anyway. Hoping to see you guys again this week, hopefully with you running similar numbers to us!
And yeah, we were 20 that night I think, with a few friendlies with us ^^
Honestly meant no disrespect to you whatsoever. You seemed to be the only group on that bl and 20 (with the odd random) is a perfectly reasonable number to run around with (would be nice to see some variety in guilds from Piken having said that, your smallest guilds seem to start at 20 and grow from there : /).
Would’ve loved to have given you a better fight but wasn’t to be. Thanks for the kind words, though im sure your being more generous than we deserve on that occasion.
No disrespect to anyone involved with any of the garrison numbers, its unavoidable and with the lag they’re crap fights so you cant ruin it anyway.
I’m complaining about 30 man guilds running away from us when we have 12/15 on. Then coming back with a second 30 man guild 2 mins later and holding each others hand the whole night. You guys got poor replacements for some of the guilds you’ve lost. Im particularly complaining about them ruining the one really, really good fight we’ve had this week against some AR guys that went on for about 10 mins with their stupid blob.
dius btw emiko.
(edited by Caid.4932)
What guild is so dangerous? Let me know cos I;m going to flee away next time
(edited by genowefapigwa.5769)
GG to piken, you did an exellent prime, it was like a lesson for us. On EB, i liked the fights near danelon/quentin with [GG].
For gandara, “the little piken” server ( ), there were some great figths with XXX, you move well guys 0/*
This is my personal observation on the current situation on Gandara WvW, which may not have anything to do with how things truly are.
Gandara has always been a very pug reliant server, with many regulars working hard daily and as a high pop server, having lots of PvE focused players hopping in throughout the day. When our WvW guilds start their events, it marks the beginning of our server’s primetime and the WvW population reaches quickly reaches its peak. Usually guild groups (mostly 10-25 people) roam on their own and work on different objectives. Pugs would be flipping camps, spotting, tag along with guild groups or follow a separate commander if one was present.
The largest factor dropping our WvW population seems to be the playstyle in higher tiers, where there are fewer but bigger groups roaming around, which in turn cause the skill lag, culling and performance issues in the fights. The biggest issue still is the 2-10 second delay on skill usage in the largest of fights, usually combined with getting steamrolled by an enemy massively outnumbering you which pretty much drains the fun out of the fights. The skill lag issues are just way too common compared to lower tiers and our guilds would rather not hold hands to fight the larger sized groups, because those just result in slideshow fights. However, the skill lag issue might be a screw-up on anets part, as many other servers have reported having it increased, even though the size of the fights has not.
Imo the zerg size ain’t as bad on Piken as it was on Kodash, but what seems to happen instead is that one guild engages a fight with enemy and another joins in a few moments later. Most Piken guilds already have larger numbers than we have, but atleast it’s not blobbing into a single unit and I guess one can’t blame guilds from cooperating with each other. It’s not like these interventions ever happen with our guilds as well.
Another issue are the so-called “fair weather players”, that keep on playing as long as things are going well. Commanders that successfully cap a lot of stuff or win many battles gain a lot of following, but many times when things aren’t going that well, the people following him or the commander himself may suddenly disappear, causing more of the pugs to leave. Prime example on this is EB on tier 4, which would have a queue way before primetime. We held SM most of the time and there would almost always be 1-2 commanders flipping towers that were trebbed from SM. In tier 3 our towers were constantly flipped by Kodash and AR zergs and suddenly outmanned buff was a common sight, sometimes even during prime. Occasionally a commander would show up to retake the towers, but they were quick to disappear once we should have defended the recapped towers. There are of course the WvW regulars and good commanders that keep on playing regardless of outcome so props to them. In tier 4 when we were constantly steamrolling our opposition during primetime (400+ potential score), there would be queues on 2-4 maps (mostly 2-15mins). Now outmanned buff is a common sight, our potential points are lower than usual during prime and we are lucky if we have a queue to a single map.
Some of the Piken WvW guilds start few hours before prime, resulting in all of the borderlands quickly turning green. Almost none of our guilds during this time have numbers to match up the ones from Piken and trying to cap anything usually results in getting rolled over by a guild group as it’s hard to put a fight with pugs of similiar or lesser numbers against organized groups. This also recudes the morale and fun factor of people playing during this time, as there is pretty much nothing to do against them. Of course holding all the objectives on the map leaves white sword / enemy group hunting the only activity to do, which obivously attract multiple guild groups on the scene when attacking an objective. Funnily enough, we did this against AG/RS and suddenly being on the receiving end is not that fun for many.
Of course there is still the recent patch that added some PvE content or made them more appealing, but the population reduction from that should affect every server.
TL;DR: Too big zergs or already bigger guild groups cooperating with each other cause performance and currently, severe skill lag issues during fights which make it less fun for our guilds (and just in general) to play. Also, not doing well greatly reduces the amount of pugs and commanders present. But most important issue: skill lag.
dius btw emiko.
I remember now , ty
And about the skill lag, I personally am not experiencing it THAT bad… Maybe it’s because I’ve seen how it is in T2 (god that was awful… 20 sec delay at LEAST) but I can get my skills off just fine… And I play on a laptop, imagine that ;p
Can the Gandara guys be as kind as to let us know who the big guilds/30 man guilds are on Piken? It would really help our raid planner if we could get them onto our Community site.
Thanks in advance.
Great fights all around.. Think I like being in tier 3.. To bad Piken couldnt make it to top this time I would love to switch between tier 2 and tier 3 sometimes.. Fun seeing some guilds just run from us here.
Great fights all around.. Think I like being in tier 3.. To bad Piken couldnt make it to top this time I would love to switch between tier 2 and tier 3 sometimes.. Fun seeing some guilds just run from us here.
‘Great fights’ is a bit of an exaggeration in my opinion. There has been some fun to be had but the good fights between similar numbers on either side have been very few and far between.
Maybe you’ve just been lucky
Can the Gandara guys be as kind as to let us know who the big guilds/30 man guilds are on Piken? It would really help our raid planner if we could get them onto our Community site.
Thanks in advance.
The only guild group of a single tag I’ve seen close to those numbers are [XT].
Many of the outnumbering issues are caused by our guilds running less numbers than usual this week. Also with Piken holding most of the borderlands near primetime, it’s easy for multiple guilds to respond to defend a single objective, as they might have nothing better to do.
Anyway, the skill lag or group sizes are nowhere near as bad as it was against Kodash and we were doing slightly better in that match-up. This week has been more fun for me atleast.
(edited by MorkZe.4321)
Great fights all around.. Think I like being in tier 3.. To bad Piken couldnt make it to top this time I would love to switch between tier 2 and tier 3 sometimes.. Fun seeing some guilds just run from us here.
‘Great fights’ is a bit of an exaggeration in my opinion. There has been some fun to be had but the good fights between similar numbers on either side have been very few and far between.
Maybe you’ve just been lucky
Well we run guild raids with 15-25 people and fight mostly twice our numbers.. so been great from my side of view
Piken disappointing how?
Well i’ve seen very little of the piken guilds I’m more familiar with (I’m aware a lot have gone elsewhere). Think I’ve seen [GG] once on Piken bl, we were running about 10 and shortly after starting [WvW] left the map leaving us on our own vs a 20+ (?) GG raid. GG are a great guild and it would have been a really, really tough fight with equal numbers, so it was just a mismatch really. We were a bit sloppy and slow to react to commander anyway on that day so … yeah, weren’t great fights from our PoV. (Having said that you were impressive in the manner you beat us, your pre-fight movement around cragtop was particularly impressive).
Seen VII once on gandara at water gate of garrison. We somehow managed to beat them, the comments on /m chat and TS were basically ‘how the hell did we win that fight’. They didn’t play well but every guild goes through the odd one and we know they’re better than that. We left that map shortly after because the entire bl was just a lag fest with a 10 sec delay on every skill (if you were lucky) due to garrison lords room fight.
Haven’t seen any others really (hope not anyway, maybe they were buried in the blobs).
The new guilds that have joined your server are frankly lame. We’ve had guilds who outnumbered us 2v1 run away and wait till they had back up from a second guild who outnumbered us 2v1 before engaging. If they dont straight out blob up, then one will wait to one side and tear into your flank or back line 2 secs after you engage.
You seem to have lost a lot of smaller guilds, like the 5 / 10 man camp camping groups so you really need quite high numbers to compete against you, if you dont have the numbers then your left with a pretty crap experience.Its been a lousy week for gandara and the lack of players logging in could be a large part of the problem. If theres only one group of 10 on the map its understandable that all your guys are going to come kill us, not like they have anything better to do. I could be being harsh, the circumstances of this week aren’t the best for judging you.
With the loss of some of our bigger guilds the smaller camp flippers you mention are now the new front line troops having stepped up to the plate to replace the deficit leaving the friendlies and pugs mostly with the camps, we have some new guilds that are just settling in so they may be a bit rough round the edges.
On the lack of individual guild tags you see well you really need to roam among the bl’s to see who we have as were fairly spread out, your guys on EB have had an interesting time in EB fighting us Afterlife (AFTL) with our max of of about 15 and friendlies against SM on both reset and Monday night but tbh with our lack of any strong numbered guilds were relying more on pug support when taking well defended objectives as apposed to fighting in the field where you may find more of a chance of even numbers.
(edited by Axle.5182)
Virtually never log onto EB … maybe i should
Great fights all around.. Think I like being in tier 3.. To bad Piken couldnt make it to top this time I would love to switch between tier 2 and tier 3 sometimes.. Fun seeing some guilds just run from us here.
‘Great fights’ is a bit of an exaggeration in my opinion. There has been some fun to be had but the good fights between similar numbers on either side have been very few and far between.
Maybe you’ve just been lucky
True like late last night when your 15-20 Yaks felt the need to use 4 Catapults to overwhelm the 4 Pikey’s defending ( we musth have looked scarey :P) that last tower in Gandara BL…you could have made it more interesting!! I had fun though baiting and picking off your members + pugs from our spawn!
Really good fights in Augory Rock Borderlands this evening. Alot of good fight outseide Keeps aswell, nice to see.
Great fights all around.. Think I like being in tier 3.. To bad Piken couldnt make it to top this time I would love to switch between tier 2 and tier 3 sometimes.. Fun seeing some guilds just run from us here.
‘Great fights’ is a bit of an exaggeration in my opinion. There has been some fun to be had but the good fights between similar numbers on either side have been very few and far between.
Maybe you’ve just been lucky
True like late last night when your 15-20 Yaks felt the need to use 4 Catapults to overwhelm the 4 Pikey’s defending ( we musth have looked scarey :P) that last tower in Gandara BL…you could have made it more interesting!! I had fun though baiting and picking off your members + pugs from our spawn!
Sorry Loco to disappoint you.. We will make it more interesting next time and put up 8 catapults so you dont have to wait so long to “picking off our members + pugs”.
And dont blame us when you dont have the numbers to fight back and have to hide in the tower. We just taking back what´s belong to us. And you where just 4 jumping on the walls so why should we even try to engage you…?? Now we gave you a chanse to run instead of giving us some badges.
Anyway take care and see you on the fields…
Some nice fights tonight on Gandara Border
Both Gandara and Augury needed the whole zone to get us down
Gandara:YAK, WvW, OOS (or atleast something like that)
And probaly i forgot some more it was allot fun tho
True like late last night when your 15-20 Yaks felt the need to use 4 Catapults to overwhelm the 4 Pikey’s defending ( we musth have looked scarey :P) that last tower in Gandara BL…you could have made it more interesting!! I had fun though baiting and picking off your members + pugs from our spawn!
at least we dont use 4 golems like AR
Really fun game tonight at Augury Border! tnk a lot! see u friday
Bozzilla [IC]
Something something something handholding
Great fights all around.. Think I like being in tier 3.. To bad Piken couldnt make it to top this time I would love to switch between tier 2 and tier 3 sometimes.. Fun seeing some guilds just run from us here.
‘Great fights’ is a bit of an exaggeration in my opinion. There has been some fun to be had but the good fights between similar numbers on either side have been very few and far between.
Maybe you’ve just been lucky
True like late last night when your 15-20 Yaks felt the need to use 4 Catapults to overwhelm the 4 Pikey’s defending ( we musth have looked scarey :P) that last tower in Gandara BL…you could have made it more interesting!! I had fun though baiting and picking off your members + pugs from our spawn!
Sorry Loco to disappoint you.. We will make it more interesting next time and put up 8 catapults so you dont have to wait so long to “picking off our members + pugs”.
And dont blame us when you dont have the numbers to fight back and have to hide in the tower. We just taking back what´s belong to us. And you where just 4 jumping on the walls so why should we even try to engage you…?? Now we gave you a chanse to run instead of giving us some badges.Anyway take care and see you on the fields…
I wasn’t hiding in the tower (more fun using knockbacks on the peeps on the catas) and you didn’t get my badge I got several of your members though!! I had a really nice fight with one of your members earlier, a ranger who actually knew how to play, felt bad though cos an AR zerg turned up and ruined the fight
Well this should be fun! Currently on Piken for a week to visit some friends of mine and WvW with them (It’s the only thing any of us like doing so Guesting is out of the question )just a note to Piken players; No Dius is not transferring to Piken and all chances to assist you in wiping Dius would be much appreciated
Also Gandara; Blame Ravi and Kali for the garrison siege guys! I was only going to siege up the inner but noooo Ravi wanted to do the whoolleee thing :P
Lloantix. Send more people next time!
Looks a little Heated on this Page …. dont hate me im a YaK
looks like we might be up for some G V G / dont generaly run without guild so just might catch us out there somewhere :s
p.s please dont moan about using sige we lucky to have any thanks to Ravi and Kali
<3 from Yak’s x
I hope you liked our little GG present PS & AR :P
And since our guilds are on slack period with not getting enough members on, we decided to pull randoms together tonight. Might be zergy because of that but was a needed counter measure :P
A lot of hate for AR players in this thread, I don’t have any complaints even if they did use 7 golems on Gandara Boderland the other day So sending some love your way from Gandara
As for Piken, Duraz Tarag [DT] you guys are fun to fight, want see you more on Gandara Boderland
A lot of hate for AR players in this thread, I don’t have any complaints even if they did use 7 golems on Gandara Boderland the other day
So sending some love your way from Gandara
As for Piken, Duraz Tarag [DT] you guys are fun to fight, want see you more on Gandara Boderland
Fun? ;> we have guild raids just 2 days at week now, other days just casual with 1-2 party’s and play for fun any time, sadly you cant find us tonight on Gandara but please drop by to PS Brd tonight at prime time for lot of fun. o/
(edited by Khrums.3765)
Kinky who was the Dius guy running with us in GoW, screaming “go find and kill Dius” cracked us up on TS
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