Gandara Vs Piken Vs Augury Rock: Round 2
In VII we do ask friendlies to follow another commander during our guild raids and the reasons for doing so are numerous. Mainly It’s poor distribution of manpower to stick to a guild raid if there are other commanders available and I won’t even start on the hazards of the rally system when you run an average of 15 vs all.
With that said, I like to think we are respectful with our requests. We know VII only plays 3-4 hours primetime, it’s the friendlies who make Piken tick.
XxX are perfectly respectable about how they ask and have listed their perfectly valid, non-elitist reasons why they ask people to do so numerous times. They’ve been getting a far harder time off everyone (especially gandarans, which is rediculous) than they deserve recently.
Each guild runs things differently and if XxX want their own space it seems valid they should have it. Personally I don’t mind the randoms follow us when MM are operating if we have commander badges on.
If we want to do our own thing we operate with badges off.
The guilds of Gandara really shouldn’t be infighting over this and should get back to the unity that was around a few weeks ago.
Had a couple of fun nights this week, winning some and losing some, keep it up Gandara for the rest of the week.
[MM] recruiting currently
PFF tried 10 hour on WvW and yaks going to bed finlay … thanks for all the fights in all borderland we where in but LOVE AR bl and the time we defending Garisson …
im over xxx … just need to think that reporting for harasment wont stop yaks following you just make them to it more … lol
should be happy to have them follow you if so they are some of the most dedicated wvw players we have in our guild, doesnt seem to matter anyways Happy hunting <3 YAK
hopoe you had fun like we did …
contact :
Awesome badge farming in Augury Rock garrison last night. We deliberately left the gates and walls down so pikes and augury can fight so we could kill them both.
Thnx guys your great, Same time Tomorrow?
And I actually wasn’t trolling. I wanted to play with xxx I like the way they roll. I’ve been a commander for less than a week now so I don’t see how i am experienced.
It may seem like I was trolling them but I wasn’t, they were at hills with south gate open we asked for a portal inside so we could come help, they ignored us.
We ran inside. And they stood on top of the walls and watched at the piken zerg wiped us. Then they left the keep.
Yea, whose helping Gandara?
The guild bought me commander so they can see where I am as their main pusher, but
I’ve took it upon my self to be an actual commander and I intend to be a dam good one at that, with my guild and with pugs.
The idea is XxX you don’t push the pugs away and tell them to F off, teach them. Roll with the pugs and watch as they learn.
Lots of pugs roll with Yaks. We teach em to stack up, buff up, and Push. How to blast in water fields for aoe heals, and lots more. Many non yaks members have had the best WvW experience they had since the start of the game rolling with yaks. The more people you show how to play the stronger server gets.
But it’s alright your not into that, you don’t have time to help players on your server learn the ropes.
What you need to realise is that the sooner we come together as one server, playing really well together (guildies, and pugs alike) the sooner Gandara will be one of the best WvW servers. Not relying on massive zergs to take stuff, but skilled organised players working together.
And someone said XxX vs YAKs ………..yea we’re called YakSlappers, not FlySwatters. LOL
Tell Me I Can’t And I’ll Show You I Can
It is all true what Ghetto Guardian says.I was in his group and saw our allies not attacking.Did not see the guild tag tbh but could not believe that this is hapening.And i was just one of many pugers who join the commander available.
Great fights that night.Thanks for your commanding Ghetto.
Paco de Lucia Guardian
Not sure if is correct topic as looks like as internal Gandara trolling stop.
Any way nice fights at AR last night, gg Yak and WvW, nice to see Gandara wake up finaly.
Garrison farm mention before was sick place. Culling kill my squad when we find ours safe spot for regroup before push further turn to be middle of zerg fight funny how it looks on fraps.
Lots action before, some got slapped we get slapped so keep it up.
good luck guys
(edited by Khrums.3765)
nice to see Gandara wake up finaly.
What, what? Is the patch here?
Oh no, time to sleep some more! :P
We aren’t at our real game yet. But we’ll slowly get back in shape. Might get a nice boost when that patch actually hits (question would be, for how long)!
All in all, let’s have fun (and blob less)!
Yea, all waiting for patch with hope so we can use other skills but 1 in fights … let see
Yuki i understand the frustration but its not XxX’s fault and giving them a hard time isn’t going to achieve anything. We are in need of some fresh commanders so if you feel up to it then go for it. I’m sure many players would appreciate and enjoy following you around.
I hope it didn’t come across like I wanted to blame them. I know it’s not their fault and I just wanted to show that it’s a problem on both sides and why some randoms might want to follow you around. And of course I let groups do their thing if they ask me, either becaus they do it nicely or because they’re rude and I don’t want to hang out with rude folks anyway
Yuki i understand the frustration but its not XxX’s fault and giving them a hard time isn’t going to achieve anything. We are in need of some fresh commanders so if you feel up to it then go for it. I’m sure many players would appreciate and enjoy following you around.
I hope it didn’t come across like I wanted to blame them. I know it’s not their fault and I just wanted to show that it’s a problem on both sides and why some randoms might want to follow you around. And of course I let groups do their thing if they ask me, either becaus they do it nicely or because they’re rude and I don’t want to hang out with rude folks anyway
I also really thought about getting me the commander title but am a bit insecure.
Like I said, not many people in my guild play WvW regularly and I’m afraid I would have a lock of people I know and can absolutely count on, that would then attract more people to help etc.
Also, I would have to learn a lot and am not sure if I could live up to it without someone teaching me or going the way of the good old fashioned “trial & erro” and I know people don’t tend to take kindly to the later. And then I of course also am aware, that commanders have to take a lot of kitten at times, no matter how big their efforts and how good their strategies.
Great close fought week so far, enjoying it!
Also to the people on gandara borderlands who were messing around with ruminant tonics with us the other day, was fun!.
I made this little vid about it
Aztro [Engineer] Extro [Warrior] Xilent [Thief] Tyrax Deathrain [Ranger] Krogax [Guardian]
Just lost our EBG keep for what appears to be a second time today, just signed in to see us lose a non-reinforced gate Keep. And PS is camping our spawn. Going to be a long week. /sigh
Seems VII is flexing their muscles. Would appreciate it if you gave a rest on our Keep, don’t scare off all our players, unless you don’t want badges anymore.
Oh sorry, I didn’t give any circle jerk shout outs to “awesome” battles.
(edited by Esprit Dumort.3109)
Gandara had a good day today. GJ.
Saw [WvW] guild (with pugs) who wiped us at LV (or SH) today (when u built to many ballistas and killed our trebs in your tower 1st).
AR are one week fighters.
[WvW] and [DYE] guilds from Gandara – best opponents atm in russian pt (but you should know that we must split to 2-3 parts for fun).
Piken Square (unofficial
[VII] and [TNTD] have been spawn camping Gandara for the last few hours. Legit tactic? Sure. But it’s pretty low and unsportsmanlike. Lost a lot of respect from us today, if there was any to begin with. Most just see them as zerg cappers who take advantage of culling to win battles.
(edited by Esprit Dumort.3109)
What could have bin really fun is become extremly bad, i recon 30-40 Piken has our Gandara keep, we at Gandara about 10 or 15% less players, still it should have bin fun fighting doing great tactic etc…..its all ruined by the lag that is so bad, im actually screaming to my comp for my skills to execute, nothing works in the heat of the moment. Shame that Anet cant keep servers for joyments, lagfest ruin it all.
Props to Piken for great tactic, you are truly a opponent to fight.
super lag in zerg fights and on all borderlands and ppl just move in big groups
if you are lucky you can find thief for 1on1 or go with blob and lag -.-
Well those fights on Gandara Borderlands today we’re great, especially those in Bay. The mighty DT pirate crew shooted with our treb boat The Blood Of Bay the enemy land rats! YARR!
And some vids from our side. Date: 07.03.
DT vs AR
DT vs Gandara.
Cheers guys!
Yes, tonight the lag is particularly horrible. Yet the fights are great.
No lag tonight in AR bl … but then we had about 20 or 30 in total on the bl.
Was fun anyway some nice teamwork amongst guilds and randoms around redlake and XxX joining later on gave us the extra bit we needed to cap hills.
Also seems to be a bug atm with some people getting lag all the time, a guildie has a 1 second ish lag even when on a deserted map
(edited by Caid.4932)
Not so fun for me.
I logged back in after a few hours and everything works again as it should. Is anyone of those other servers encountering the same problem??
[WvW] ran on GBL tonight, was quite fun despite having a majorly large amount of Infantry coming with us, which might have given us an unfair advantage in combat, even though we are perfectly happy to have and bring Infantry with us, I feel for you Piken guys, as I myself get rather frustrated whenever (most all the time) you guys hit us with 2-4 guilds at the same time
We’re a bit newer and less experienced with proper guild tactics and fighting, but I daresay doing well and learning along the way, even with pugs we couldn’t take down the super-mega-roflstomp Zerg that HoB Exe and COTG put together along with their pugs… but I suppose that’s life and not new.
Thanks for the fights today, good fun and partly myself leading and mostly Azradel who did excellently might I add.
Hope to see some of you Pikeys at Duel Day, as far as I can tell the response hasn’t been all that thrilling as I had hoped or even there at all! But then who would want to miss a chance to pound my failish excuse for fighting into the ground with their finisher?
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
Well those fights on Gandara Borderlands today we’re great, especially those in Bay. The mighty DT pirate crew shooted with our treb boat The Blood Of Bay the enemy land rats! YARR!
And some vids from our side. Date: 07.03.
DT vs AR
DT vs Gandara.
Cheers guys!
nice fights indeed at bay! my first forray into commanding, shame your numbers dwindled and ours swelled but it is our borderland you pesky invaders!
Not so fun for me.
I logged back in after a few hours and everything works again as it should. Is anyone of those other servers encountering the same problem??
Same for me at borderlands…
Heals please! HEALS PLEASE!!!!! …..defeated.. What thekitten!!! >(
[VII] and [TNTD] have been spawn camping Gandara for the last few hours. Legit tactic? Sure. But it’s pretty low and unsportsmanlike. Lost a lot of respect from us today, if there was any to begin with. Most just see them as zerg cappers who take advantage of culling to win battles.
Erm? We took a keep, you took keep door down, we defend the keep, you build siege outside, we come and kill loads and loads of siege, we go back to defend keep, non-stop fighting at the keep with all doors down from all sides and servers for two hours, literally.
Does this mean that we should have let you cap the keep back because it was next to your spawn and you just kept coming back in at it with numbers? Do not belittle the efford of your servermen did there as they gave us full run for the money.
O_O am i on the right post?? Am sure i enter Gandara vs Piken vs Augury Rock and not Yak vs xxx -
Also thank you guys the [Yak] (i like u guild name too awesome lol) for a really fun gvg fight the other day vs [SPRT] would have love to run over to u guys and puur the rose on u, but got pwn by the officer who told us to stay in group :x
Also to the other mostly Augury Rock- thank you soo much for all the lootbags. I got some rares from it which i rarely get since i dont have much luck :<
Really love to meet AR’s zerg coz for me it means free loots that ofc if i manage to pick them all up before dying myself LOL
Not so fun for me.
I logged back in after a few hours and everything works again as it should. Is anyone of those other servers encountering the same problem??
Same problem. Not every time but still irritating.
And a new video from the 11th March. Incorrect date in the name of the movie and in.
Thanks for a nice fun Gandara and Augury Rock.
Xeno Tavern [XT] – Piken Square EU
(edited by Blondaz.2305)
Not so fun for me.
I logged back in after a few hours and everything works again as it should. Is anyone of those other servers encountering the same problem??
Same problem. Not every time but still irritating.
And a new video from the 11th March. Incorrect date in the name of the movie and in.
Thanks for a nice fun Gandara and Augury Rock.
lol my golem spin at 15:00!
yeah you thumped us pretty hard that night I blame our new commander
That was a fun tussle outside south hills. Augury wanted in on the action too!
(edited by Space.8053)
AR are one week fighters.
Maybe you’re rigth, and the week has already passed…. :/
Not so fun for me.
I logged back in after a few hours and everything works again as it should. Is anyone of those other servers encountering the same problem??
Hmm, I think you are better than me … ur skills had some delay but works … mine is only for psychedelic UI effects
Hand of Blood [HoB]
Piken Square
lag on primetime are really bad,too much delay they have changed something on border cap and when too many are on the same border/zone is a bit unplayable.
Hi5 to that Piken lowbie warrior with longbow (think the guild tag had WAR in it? I have memory of a goldfish) inside our keep in EB yesterday, I was the ranger hiding by the lion statue while we were trying to take the keep back. Was pretty awesome pokewars right there! Too bad I got zerged down, would have been lovely to continue it :>
Might I suggest less QQ, more pew pew?
Exaggerating numbers and such does not really leave a great impression of yourself and/or your guild.
just a very long fight.
Might I suggest less QQ, more pew pew?
May I suggest not? I want more QQ.
just a very long fight.
Best fight of yesterday, its amazing how we seems to be alot when we were only 17 ( WAR and NR were playing together on the same ts ).
Anyway gg we enjoyed that long fight
Well my vacation on Piken has ended and I must say, was one hell of a fun week indeed A call out to all the awesome people I met and who welcomed me despite mah heritage
! (Vayle the Eternal, Calem Silvermist, Entirety of Second Law [Scnd], Rahkesh and NNF <3) Now, to meet you all once more upon teh battle field!
Well my vacation on Piken has ended and I must say, was one hell of a fun week indeed
A call out to all the awesome people I met and who welcomed me despite mah heritage
! (Vayle the Eternal, Calem Silvermist, Entirety of Second Law [Scnd], Rahkesh and NNF <3) Now, to meet you all once more upon teh battle field!
We’ll miss you Lloantix!
Immortal Kingdom [KING] – Officer
Second Law [Scnd] Filthy Casual
Well my vacation on Piken has ended and I must say, was one hell of a fun week indeed
A call out to all the awesome people I met and who welcomed me despite mah heritage
! (Vayle the Eternal, Calem Silvermist, Entirety of Second Law [Scnd], Rahkesh and NNF <3) Now, to meet you all once more upon teh battle field!
We’ll miss you Lloantix!
For a gandaran, you’re alright
Well my vacation on Piken has ended and I must say, was one hell of a fun week indeed
A call out to all the awesome people I met and who welcomed me despite mah heritage
! (Vayle the Eternal, Calem Silvermist, Entirety of Second Law [Scnd], Rahkesh and NNF <3) Now, to meet you all once more upon teh battle field!
Tired of getting Slaughtered by Gandara ? I dont blame you coming back. At least you dont get farmed :P
Tell Me I Can’t And I’ll Show You I Can
Well my vacation on Piken has ended and I must say, was one hell of a fun week indeed
A call out to all the awesome people I met and who welcomed me despite mah heritage
! (Vayle the Eternal, Calem Silvermist, Entirety of Second Law [Scnd], Rahkesh and NNF <3) Now, to meet you all once more upon teh battle field!
We’ll miss you Lloantix!
For a gandaran, you’re alright
Bye bye Lloan! Don’t forget to wave on the battlefield
Second Law [Scnd], Baruch Bay
Spam wave if you see us Lloan, we’ll wave back
Second Law.
i’ll wave with my hammer is that ok ?
And this summarizes the week I’ve been having. Please AR you dont need 10+ guys to kill two, its become embarassing.
Officer of [JDGE] – [EU] Gandara
Formerly [EU] Desolation
Last Friday was totally amazing in E.B , we Piken compadres totally annialated the opposing Zergs when they stormed Stonemist several times. It shows just how important a good commander is and how if they know their stuff, how it can really bring a team together. The best ones I say are the ones that actually talk, command the team and aware as not to leave valuable manpower behind. Find the opposition, annialate and move on to keep valuable manpower safe. Sad to say I have seen a few poor commanders who are fixated on their own thing and simply " hope" others will follow. It’s not a great battle plan but thankfully on Piken we have some great commanders to make up for the poor ones.
Now I am not a person to say " I told you so" but for you guys on Gandara, I am really sorry you guys are having issues but this was exactly the BS we were getting on Piken before some of the big guilds left. Piken got well undermanned further when the rest of the fame cheezeballers left to go with them cause they were now on " the losing side" Payback sucks hard and comes at a price :P
It’s not as if we never told people this would happen, we all did and guess what … “it’s happening and many moved regardless”
I have been on the Piken square side for months and I must say the people on there are really cool. I have never been asked to stop following because we know every person on our server is valuable to balance the French Zergiest. The answer for those suffering from elitest and unfriendly guilds and said groups, is " quantity is not always quality, they may be good fighters but some have very questionable personalities and really bad people skills".
I will admit I am not a fan of AR gameplay, I find the manner in which they play very questionable and a little trollish, relying on numbers to gain kills. However is this any different in life ?, hunting in packs is as old as mankind is . However it is WvW, groups will naturally spawn and AR are organised in what they do and the game is to beat your enemy. Where we have fault is the fact that AR serves both French and French Canadian players and because of that, we have the situation such as on Piken where we are very undermanned. This is due to them literally clocking in on rota /sharing time, therefore creating almost 24 hour clock of larger numbers and therefore capitalizing on points – when we sensible euros are tucked up in bed for work the next day. It’s not anyones fault but Anet’s fault and the fact they need to address this .
The other answer is come fight for Piken, worry less about the fame of big guilds ( cause most of them are not that great :P) and have fun. Nuff said .
(edited by mzt.3270)
muahahahaha, the canadian players legend is back, lol
Some superior tactics from [DYE] today in Hills
I think you guys need to get some mesmers so you can portal more frequently!
Server-Piken Square
muahahahaha, the canadian players legend is back, lol
LOL, Need I say more on the subject. I hardly think legend is a word I would use for a server team build mostly of thieves and mesmer classes, but hey , what do I know :P
(edited by mzt.3270)
Some superior tactics from [DYE] today in Hills
I think you guys need to get some mesmers so you can portal more frequently!
We had no WvW event today (thursday) but we had decided to have some “fun” messing around with mesmers. :P
Rottis – Mesmer | Hyrskytin – Engineer | Rullakebab – Warrior
This is due to them literally clocking in on rota /sharing time, therefore creating almost 24 hour clock of larger numbers and therefore capitalizing on points – when we sensible euros are tucked up in bed for work the next day.
Have to say Pikens night presence is probably the weakest i’ve seen since T6 or so (numbers wise, not commenting on ability). I suspect that every server in or around this tier will take a lot of points off you at night.
I’d say your morning / afternoon presence is probably the strongest i’ve seen of any server though, (Kodash maybe being the exception) you have a LOT of guilds on at 8am.
So while i can understand your frustration at losing points at night you more than make up for them while most of us are at work and I dont think your in much of a position to complain.
(edited by Caid.4932)