Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
I’ll be making my way to that windmill on FS today methinks, only an amateur as far as duellin goes, but I’ll try to fight a bit – anyone who can present Osi with a challenge can tear through me…
Would like to face you, Siege Herder – might bring some Backstab thieves for back up just in case though
Is it weird that the name ‘Siege Herder’ gives me the image of a Dolyak? o.O
great fights, too bad most times it comes down to autoattacking and hoping one of your utilities activates once every 30 seconds.
Cant wait for the patch, we might be able to actually play the game
It almost seems like Anet made culling/fpsl/lag worse these last 2 weeks so they can say, look we fixed it!
I’ll be making my way to that windmill on FS today
Is it weird that the name ‘Siege Herder’ gives me the image of a Dolyak? o.O
He’s totally the Dolyak of the guild, don’t worry!
I’m not sure if He meant the chracter name to be Siege Hoarder, but got it wrong. Who knows!
We encountered a lot of great fights last night with TNA. I am proud to say we stood strong, ( we did get our kitten kicked a few times ) but kitten did we scout well!
I am truly enjoying this matchup, and am sort of giggling at the fact people were super worried about how we’d do in t4.
It’s monday, winter is coming.
I’ll be making my way to that windmill on FS today
Is it weird that the name ‘Siege Herder’ gives me the image of a Dolyak? o.O
He’s totally the Dolyak of the guild, don’t worry!
I’m not sure if He meant the chracter name to be Siege Hoarder, but got it wrong. Who knows!
We encountered a lot of great fights last night with TNA. I am proud to say we stood strong, ( we did get our kitten kicked a few times ) but kitten did we scout well!
I am truly enjoying this matchup, and am sort of giggling at the fact people were super worried about how we’d do in t4.
Giggle all you want, the week is not over yet.
It’s monday, winter is coming.
Bring it. We live in the Far Shiverpeaks, a little cold doesn’t scare us.
I’ll be making my way to that windmill on FS today
Is it weird that the name ‘Siege Herder’ gives me the image of a Dolyak? o.O
He’s totally the Dolyak of the guild, don’t worry!
I’m not sure if He meant the chracter name to be Siege Hoarder, but got it wrong. Who knows!
We encountered a lot of great fights last night with TNA. I am proud to say we stood strong, ( we did get our kitten kicked a few times ) but kitten did we scout well!
I am truly enjoying this matchup, and am sort of giggling at the fact people were super worried about how we’d do in t4.
Giggle all you want, the week is not over yet.
Just let me be happy. Or you planning to stalk and flame me here too?
Being a former and disgruntled member doesn’t become you, at all.
(edited by maloki.3527)
I’ll be making my way to that windmill on FS today
Is it weird that the name ‘Siege Herder’ gives me the image of a Dolyak? o.O
He’s totally the Dolyak of the guild, don’t worry!
I’m not sure if He meant the chracter name to be Siege Hoarder, but got it wrong. Who knows!
We encountered a lot of great fights last night with TNA. I am proud to say we stood strong, ( we did get our kitten kicked a few times ) but kitten did we scout well!
I am truly enjoying this matchup, and am sort of giggling at the fact people were super worried about how we’d do in t4.
Giggle all you want, the week is not over yet.
Just let me be happy. Or you planning to stalk and flame me here too?
Being a former and disgruntled member doesn’t become you, at all.
Nothing like that, just saying its too early to celebrate.
Yup, it is monday. Hide your women and children.
Kaleygh, I did in no way say I was celebrating. I was glad about the matchup. And we’ve done great this weekend. I do not see anything wrong in being happy about that fact.
@Matt and FURY – lot of respect for you guys, even when heavily outnumbered, you guys are a tough nut to crack.
Lets hope they fix the lag issues in the upcoming patch so that the epic fights will continue
[FURY] will normally run around with around 25 – 30 guild members (with the occasional pug [commander icon] not done on purpose). But we will never back down from the fights, and you can always count if you do take us, we’re gonna take as many of you with us ^^
man never seen such a big zergserver as gandara, even the striketeams going for a dolly are 15+ :s
man never seen such a big zergserver as gandara, even the striketeams going for a dolly are 15+ :s
Shouldnt be a problem righ? Every time I try to intercept your dollies you are guarding them with 25 :P.
we dont have 25 pugs that are bored enough for that XD
Had some great 1v1s in the Battlegrounds jumping puzzle this afternoon, special shout out to the Gandaran Guardian that I just could not bring down :P Shame so many fights got interrupted though (I’m looking at you, Far Shiverpeaks Thief!), but still, lots of fun
Olindorrrrr I’m hoping that was me
shame some Gandarans didn’t share the sense of honour with not interrupting 1v1s, good to also fight some skilled opponents like yourself, unfortunate the attitudes of some to interrupt and ruin fights despite being asked not to.
Yup, it is monday. Hide your women and children.
Hide your kids, hide your wife
and hide your husband
cuz we’re rapin errbody out here. ^^
we arent in the lead anymore, you can stop doubleteaming us now :x
I think we hurt them too much during the weekend
I’m hoping that was me
Yes, it was you! Well fought Hung around for a while after that, but yours was easily the most…challenging match up :P
And hey, every side is guilty of a little tampering here and there
We told ya that we are weak during the weekend. Let the slaughtering begin.
I am kind of disappointed with the turnout from Gandara, but tbh morale is low and people have been waiting a while to get out of the blob-fest of T3 – that kind of stuff… It just gets to you, you know!? ~breaks down sobbing with tears~
I can’t help myself byt I find this rly hilarious
talking about getting out of blob play while doing nothing else is just epic
Gandara Real Estate Company
We are selling a fancy garrison located in the middle of Far Shiverpeaks. The garrison is a huge property with state of the art walls, stairs and modern portals to escort you safely through the walls.
As it stands now it has a beautiful view of the scenery around it and got water access.
It does have some damage to pretty much all the walls and gates, but for a property like this it is worth it. Well, basicly every gate is down and so is 50% of all walls. Other than this it is a state of the art garrison
The Gandara Real Estate Company is accepting any bid.
Some players just go ahead and ruin everybody’s fun. A guardian and ranger from guild Army of Albion [AoA] repeatedly passed through the gate at Sunnyhill during Far Shiverpeak attack on it at Gandara Borderland right now.
You put a shame on the guild whose name you wear and your server. Shame on you!
If you are ramming you can get thrown trough that gate at sunny when it is being cata’s from inside the tower. Happens quite often actually.
No idea what the real cause of it is, but i’ve seen it happen many times before.
I’m always willing to give a benefit of a doubt but this ranger and guardian both entered twice that I saw them and then hit the players inside – this players downed me (I’m an ele and I mistformed inside) and went to attack the Lord.
Yeah, Sunnyhill gate is bugged somehow, have seen people gone threw it by accident a few times. If it happens , hopefully people are smart enough to stand next to gate and get killed or jump over the wall. If they don’t do that, you should report them.
(edited by Boomstin.3460)
Welcome to Gandara on the Weekdays Far Shiverpeaks, Ag has fought this beast before so they were prepared.
Keep it up Far Shiverpeaks and Aurora Glade fun matchup thus far <3
I am kind of disappointed with the turnout from Gandara, but tbh morale is low and people have been waiting a while to get out of the blob-fest of T3 – that kind of stuff… It just gets to you, you know!? ~breaks down sobbing with tears~
I can’t help myself byt I find this rly hilarious
talking about getting out of blob play while doing nothing else is just epic
Firstly, 30 around is not blob play, up to 40 same – 50-60+ is.
Secondly, why don’t we all quote what someone said about the Gandaran reset turnout 3 days ago and cry about it now during the week, when Gandarans are at their strongest :P this reset was poor even by Gandaran standards.
Even so, blobs are fine because we wipe them pretty easily on the field, it’s more the defensive blobs that hit you whilst you’re sieging a keep that we’re annoyed with – in an open field fight we can mostly slaughter them.
Nice fights today both solo in the EB JP, and guild based in AGBL, no resistance taking Bay, but then we hurried it so as to achieve that. Good to spar with UNTY and KISS as well as the other zerg of pugs or w/e that seemed to be floating around. Good team play with [INT] and glad of their help many times.
So glad I decided to pull [WvW] away from the Garrison badge farm in order to check Bay, was thinking that wall was down too long… sorry that you guys were so close [UNTY], amazing work there, just unlucky and would have taken it if you had been a few seconds quicker.
In other news – Patch Day Tomorrrrrowww!
how are we supposed to compete with that, EVERYwhere i went had 20+ gandaran guildzergs running around.
also it doesnt help that AG is targeting us primairily.
So glad I decided to pull [WvW] away from the Garrison badge farm in order to check Bay, was thinking that wall was down too long…
Heyhey let’s make an agreement, we call your [WvW]; imposter[WvW] and our [WvW]; real[WvW], deal? Clears things up a lot
Just kidding ofcourse
Hope to have some nice fights against you just like the last time we faced Gandara
Welcome to Gandara on the Weekdays Far Shiverpeaks, Ag has fought this beast before so they were prepared.
Keep it up Far Shiverpeaks and Aurora Glade fun matchup thus far <3
Despite being prepared for what was to come, AG isn’t exactly doing that much better than we are atm
And it’s not that bad really, you usually have around 300-350 ppt, sounds reasonable keeping in mind you are really a T3 server. Would have been horrible if you didn’t up your game after such a weekend :p
So glad I decided to pull [WvW] away from the Garrison badge farm in order to check Bay, was thinking that wall was down too long…
Heyhey let’s make an agreement, we call your [WvW]; imposter[WvW] and our [WvW]; real[WvW], deal? Clears things up a lot
Just kidding ofcourse
Hope to have some nice fights against you just like the last time we faced Gandara
You mad bro? Come at me! :P
Hope to see you guys on the field soon, I have a new breastplate christened in AG blood this evening; sure you guys would be a welcome addition to me breaking it in
As stated before by my colleague Rookni, Gandaran Real Estates limited is intending to sell this Pristine peice of Garrison property in the Far Shiverpeaks area of the world with access to a beautiful lake with its very own Quaggan populace and a beautiful view of two scenic towers to the east and west.
It also comes with a free state of the art, homemade ‘windows’ which allow a beautiful view of the surrounding scenery. Pictures can be found in the following scrapbook.
Edit: I must also ask; How can you beat us so hard at the weekend but we ‘normally tick 300-350’ :O?
Edit 2: All credit to [YaK] for the diy efforts on our real estate.
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
As stated before by my colleague Rookni, Gandaran Real Estates limited is intending to sell this Pristine peice of Garrison property in the Far Shiverpeaks area of the world with access to a beautiful lake with its very own Quaggan populace and a beautiful view of two scenic towers to the east and west.
It also comes with a free state of the art, homemade ‘windows’ which allow a beautiful view of the surrounding scenery. Pictures can be found in the following scrapbook.
http://imgur.com/S65OMRG,zYnRiiC,V1wPSj1#2Edit: I must also ask; How can you beat us so hard at the weekend but we ‘normally tick 300-350’ :O?
Edit 2: All credit to [YaK] for the diy efforts on our real estate.
Wasent funny the first time and it certainly is not funny the second time either
As stated before by my colleague Rookni, Gandaran Real Estates limited is intending to sell this Pristine peice of Garrison property in the Far Shiverpeaks area of the world with access to a beautiful lake with its very own Quaggan populace and a beautiful view of two scenic towers to the east and west.
It also comes with a free state of the art, homemade ‘windows’ which allow a beautiful view of the surrounding scenery. Pictures can be found in the following scrapbook.
http://imgur.com/S65OMRG,zYnRiiC,V1wPSj1#2Edit: I must also ask; How can you beat us so hard at the weekend but we ‘normally tick 300-350’ :O?
Edit 2: All credit to [YaK] for the diy efforts on our real estate.
Wasent funny the first time and it certainly is not funny the second time either
Thanks, I do try!
Maybe [Yak] can trade it for our soon to be capped garrison :P
We can’t get in the map its queued for us :-(
Anyway I didn’t mean it in an overly harsh way I was just looking for some banter, normally there is some in these threads but not in this one :-(
As stated before by my colleague Rookni, Gandaran Real Estates limited is intending to sell this Pristine peice of Garrison property in the Far Shiverpeaks area of the world with access to a beautiful lake with its very own Quaggan populace and a beautiful view of two scenic towers to the east and west.
It also comes with a free state of the art, homemade ‘windows’ which allow a beautiful view of the surrounding scenery. Pictures can be found in the following scrapbook.
http://imgur.com/S65OMRG,zYnRiiC,V1wPSj1#2Edit: I must also ask; How can you beat us so hard at the weekend but we ‘normally tick 300-350’ :O?
Edit 2: All credit to [YaK] for the diy efforts on our real estate.
You were so busy rearranging the furniture that you lost your whole home border in the process
As stated before by my colleague Rookni, Gandaran Real Estates limited is intending to sell this Pristine peice of Garrison property in the Far Shiverpeaks area of the world with access to a beautiful lake with its very own Quaggan populace and a beautiful view of two scenic towers to the east and west.
It also comes with a free state of the art, homemade ‘windows’ which allow a beautiful view of the surrounding scenery. Pictures can be found in the following scrapbook.
http://imgur.com/S65OMRG,zYnRiiC,V1wPSj1#2Edit: I must also ask; How can you beat us so hard at the weekend but we ‘normally tick 300-350’ :O?
Edit 2: All credit to [YaK] for the diy efforts on our real estate.
You were so busy rearranging the furniture that you lost your whole home border in the process
Dat funiture it’s just so out of place though </3 (See.. this guy gets it!)
As stated before by my colleague Rookni, Gandaran Real Estates limited is intending to sell this Pristine peice of Garrison property in the Far Shiverpeaks area of the world with access to a beautiful lake with its very own Quaggan populace and a beautiful view of two scenic towers to the east and west.
It also comes with a free state of the art, homemade ‘windows’ which allow a beautiful view of the surrounding scenery. Pictures can be found in the following scrapbook.
http://imgur.com/S65OMRG,zYnRiiC,V1wPSj1#2Edit: I must also ask; How can you beat us so hard at the weekend but we ‘normally tick 300-350’ :O?
Edit 2: All credit to [YaK] for the diy efforts on our real estate.
Heh, had an odd feeling of deja vu looking those pictures as it’s very similiar to AG’s garrison yesterday during our guild event. :P You guys seemed to keep it green for hours, we quickly had to sacrifice our spacious version of it in order to defend Bay, leaving us no time to plan any furniture or decorations
Omg i love it, FSP hate [Xaoc] above all other guilds…… [Xaoc] have left GH and moved to FSP lmao. Sorry guys but i hope you enjoy them more than we did.
Omg i love it, FSP hate [Xaoc] above all other guilds…… [Xaoc] have left GH and moved to FSP lmao. Sorry guys but i hope you enjoy them more than we did.
Got any proof of that?
It’s the first i hear about this and haven’t seen any xoac run around on our side, if anyone had they sure would have spread the word by now
Funny inc tonight in Aurora Border! ty all…
Had lots of fun farming badges in Garrison for two hours, with Magic Find Banners and Ommnom Berry Bars.
Thank you Far Shiverpeaks And Aurora Glade.
Same tomorrow, After the patch….Boost our WvW Rank.
Like a very wise man once said “when thy will is broken, thy shall blame zerg and double teaming”
Maybe [Yak] can trade it for our soon to be capped garrison :P
I dont get it, Yaks cant take and hold everything all the time.
The Borderlands had a que, that means there were more than enough people on the map to defend it. I heard there was four commanders…? ?
You guys need to Get on TS, get your kitten together and Get Good.
Yes. Xoac is coming to FSP.
we’ll see about that…
Yes. Xoac is coming to FSP.
I believe that is a good thing for our server
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