Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Crusheddiamond.1895


Let’s get our guilds together and work on a plan to bring us back to the top.

Please send me a message with guild names and sizes.

I plan to have a meeting with all WvW centric guild leaders about pushing us forward.

It’s time to take responsibility of our servers protection.

Time to fix miscommunication

Time to fix misinformation

Lets show the world that we’re a force to be reckoned with.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Good idea. Would be great if this forum had server forums as this thread will probably get lost in the shuffle. Have spoken to a few WvW-centric guilds about the prospect of forming an alliance for the sake of coordination, [totn] and [SANC] in particular. [totn] has a massive TS3 server that they have offered use of to any guilds/players that feel like such a thing would be an asset to their guild/group. Would love to see some of the regulars post in here and get some serious talks underway.


Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Kalafax.9185


Sent you a PM, [Toke] has been waiting for an alliance to form.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


idk anymore. last time this was proposed they all switched.


As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


I doubt any of the less organized WvW servers will really make much headway with server transfers to bandwagon servers still being open. I’m hoping the massive queues deter the transfers but I think people hate losing more than waiting.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Crusheddiamond.1895


I want to help our server in anyway possible be the guild you have a small amount of members or a large number your help is needed. It’s time to unite the server. Opening communication is the first step.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


I want to help our server in anyway possible be the guild you have a small amount of members or a large number your help is needed. It’s time to unite the server. Opening communication is the first step.

you first need to find someone worthy of of leading each allied guild. chances are it’s not current leaders

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Crusheddiamond.1895


I want to help our server in anyway possible be the guild you have a small amount of members or a large number your help is needed. It’s time to unite the server. Opening communication is the first step.

you first need to find someone worthy of of leading each allied guild. chances are it’s not current leaders

So far getting the lines open is a bigger feat then deciding who will lead each guild. Each guild has their own ranking system.

I have two people in my guild that have proven themselves time and again to be great leaders and well off in tactics.

The fact remains that we need to get people to start talking

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Risky.4132


I’m looking to join a WvW guild, willing to do whatever I can to help our server. I have an 80 thief and necro. We definitely need some coordination, we should try and get a group in a ts3 server tonight and see what we can do.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Crusheddiamond.1895


Your open to join ours.

[EtG] Eternal Guard

We have plans to join up in a alliance with ToTn

Talks went well. The lines are now open and we plan to change our server around

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Khalous.7430


TDE and MAW are currently in an organized alliance, and looking to grow. TDE is starting a recruitment drive this Wednesday, and will be looking for additional allies for WvW and beyond.
Or talk to Khalous.7430 in game.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Bumping for visibility. Lets see some more guilds in here

Looking at [PWN], [Beer], [NZST], etc.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Crusheddiamond.1895


[ToTn] Has a teamspeak large enough for all of us to get on and talk about WvW and where were going with all this

Look for Alejos Totenreich in game

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Raist.4580


[KBD] Killed by Death is willing to talk. We pretty much have groups in WvW most hours of the day since the first hour of launch. We consider ourselves a pure pvp guild with a long history. But we are also a adult group that believes “pvp is serious business” hehe.

Tactics is not really something we would really be interested in but having organized goals for the server is. And having open lines of communications to have us all on the same page is a great start.

Teaching others WvW basics like the roles of classes and builds related to WvW is something we as a server need to focus on. With many fights coming down to the zerg, having our server population with a higher pvp IQ will help.

Anything ya’ll work out or need our help with, we are there. If a new forums needs to be setup or website for communication that can be done. We use ventrilo but are open to send members to other guilds voicechats to broadcast into ours for organization.

Raist Delirium | [KBD] Killed by Death | Tarnished Coast
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Crusheddiamond.1895


Hit me up anytime (in game) to set up meetings

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Vulpix.4580


See, this is how you play in WvWvW, not post in this forum and whine/kitten about unfairness of organized play. Oh noooo, another server has guilds working together and actually communicating with each other to maximize efficiency against other servers, please nerf.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Crusheddiamond.1895


Get organized and then progress forward instead of doing nothing and expecting something to happen

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Temper.7265


Finally players who get it,

I’m glad it’s GoM,make sme proud =P

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Spyder.8304


Guillotine Therapy [Stab] is willing to help, but we are more on the small skirmish tactical side of things.


Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Merendel.7128


As a crystal dessert player I wish you guys luck. Its really not all that fun dominating by as much as we are atm and I much preferred the massive fight we were having with you guys and BG over the weekend than what we’ve had during the week. Winning is fun but wining without much of a fight is hollow.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Raist.4580


As a crystal dessert player I wish you guys luck. Its really not all that fun dominating by as much as we are atm and I much preferred the massive fight we were having with you guys and BG over the weekend than what we’ve had during the week. Winning is fun but wining without much of a fight is hollow.

Fail troll is fail.

This is the first week we are down. As of Sept 13th you had what a 50k lead in 7th place on the rankings over us.

And its what the first month, yeah ya’ll r kitten!

Raist Delirium | [KBD] Killed by Death | Tarnished Coast
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Reef.2089


As a crystal dessert player I wish you guys luck. Its really not all that fun dominating by as much as we are atm and I much preferred the massive fight we were having with you guys and BG over the weekend than what we’ve had during the week. Winning is fun but wining without much of a fight is hollow.

Fail troll is fail.

This is the first week we are down. As of Sept 13th you had what a 50k lead in 7th place on the rankings over us.

And its what the first month, yeah ya’ll r kitten!

Blackgate and GoM band together and take CD down in these last two days. Who is up for it? Bueller Bueller.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


As a crystal dessert player I wish you guys luck. Its really not all that fun dominating by as much as we are atm and I much preferred the massive fight we were having with you guys and BG over the weekend than what we’ve had during the week. Winning is fun but wining without much of a fight is hollow.

Fail troll is fail.

This is the first week we are down. As of Sept 13th you had what a 50k lead in 7th place on the rankings over us.

And its what the first month, yeah ya’ll r kitten!

Blackgate and GoM band together and take CD down in these last two days. Who is up for it? Bueller Bueller.

GoM basically just gave CD Blackgates Garrison.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Raist.4580


Made a very simple website to get contact info. Just a shoutbox and a small forum section. Its a start. Forums and websites has never been our thing as a guild but in this case we need to at least get open communication between guilds on gate of madness that want to group up and be organized in WvW. At the minimum we should be able to get in voicechat with each other when we are in WvW. If interested post your contact info on the site and maybe this weekend into next week we can start being on the same page. Already beat up a bunch of servers no reason with a little communication that we don’t compete every week.

Raist Delirium | [KBD] Killed by Death | Tarnished Coast
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: doomknight.9762


I’ll try and spread the word around in-game, hopefully we can make this work GoM has some really good players just need some organization

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Myrkur.7049


I’ve been at contacting guilds and trying to help get the server better organized for almost about a week now. I’ve met with Alejos Totenreich of [Totn], met Darine Marine of [SANC], Drakniel of [RAD], General Typhus of [GanK], Drtrider of [EtG], and I have friends in [CYT]. We’ve all talked to eachother. We’ve all tried to kickstart the alliance individually.

I get the feeling there is a bit of apathy towards creating an alliance on GoM. Everyone says they want to do the alliance, but don’t work at it. I hear from people once, and then never again. I think all of us are complacent within our own guild bubble. We have these tools to get much better organized, but no one is using them. There is a good GoM alliance recruitment thread over in the GW2 Guru Stonemist Castle forum. I’ll copy/paste my post from there. If you are serious about WvWvW, get into IRC and idle. Ask questions. I typically know where some of the larger or better guilds are operating and can let you know what map you could either join a good force or if you have the #s start taking territory on other maps.

I’ve set up an IRC Channel on the gamesurge network. I urge any and all GoM players to idle in there. We can easily coordinate what maps guilds are playing on. I’ve been spamming the info the past couple days, and people are slowly starting to trickle in. Once we have a good base of users in there it can be leveraged by the server to find groups for Dungeons, tPvP, and WvWvW in addition to knowing what guilds are present on what maps and easy to know info like what is currently being sieged by large groups.

We ([IHOP]) have been working with [CYT] the past couple of nights and we are getting some good success. Totenreich [Totn] is usually doing work in the GoM Borderlands and the EBG when they can get in there. They have a nice size force lead by Alejos, and are doing good to take territory each and every day. I know of Darine Marine and his guild(I’m so sorry I can’t think of the tag), as well as General Typhus leading [GanK]. Drakniel and The Radiance Brotherhood [RAD] are still leveling a bit but are eager to join the cause and have offered their website forums as a place for the server to talk strategy. I am doing my best to gather intel on where each of us are operating and trying to place my team on maps I think we will best help, but we can do better.

We welcome any and all guilds on GoM to participate in WvWvW. We are starting to build a nice list of WvWvW active guilds, and are looking to move towards putting together a GoM Alliance website. This is in the very beginning stages and we are looking for anyone that does work in websites for help in finding hosting, domain name, and most importantly design and powerful forums to fit our needs. In the mean time, get in IRC, contact other guild leaders, get active and start working together.

Visit for more information about the gamesurge IRC network. Including how to create and authorize your “nick” on the IRC Server, create your own channels and more. Popular IRC clients are mIRC (you don’t have to register if you don’t mind dealing with the popup), IceChat, XChat, Colloguy, or chatzilla. There are also IRC Client Apps for Android and iPhone, so check that out too.

It’s time we stopped screwing around as one big PUG Zerg server and do some real WvWvW. Feel free to contact myself, or any other GMs of other guilds (that’s right, I’m putting you all out there). I play Jaryn Har in game and my account is Myrkur.7049 add to friends.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Crusheddiamond.1895


Drtrider and me (Crusheddiamond) are the leaders of Eternal guard [EtG]

The communication has to work both ways we approached many guilds that say they are wanting to start an alliance but nobody has continued talks much past the first meeting.

We all have things to do in RL but if we want this to work we need to solidify this alliance and turn things around before server resets.

So far it seems that [Totn] is willing to let the alliance use their teamspeak (which is large enough for us all) I would like to plan a meeting with all guild leaders {and one officer} soon so we can set out what we would like to do.

I’m in game as Crusheddiamond.1895

The Eternal Guard is here to help I started this thread now its time for people to step up. Saying “ya I’ll join up with the alliance” isn’t good enough you gotta show up present yourself and show that you really want in. Actions speak louder then words.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Myrkur.7049


Added you to friends, I also have Drtrider on my list from Monday night

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Punny.9210


the only reason that CD is on top because they have full of players 24 / 7 …

During NA prime time, they really have nothing special …..


Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: doomknight.9762


the only reason that CD is on top because they have full of players 24 / 7 …

During NA prime time, they really have nothing special …..

hopefully they can do something about this

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Good post Myrkur. One of the concepts I touched on briefly in my talks with [TOTN] and [SANC] was that it’s very difficult to motivate people to conform to an Alliance when we’re in a position of crushing defeat and weakness. You would think that it would have a unifying effect on the human psyche but since there are no tangible stakes here in an online world its far easier to fall into a state of apathy than one of furious productivity. Once our next pairing begins I think we should gather our thoughts start a much harder recruitment and unification drive when people are refreshed instead of beat down and pathetic.

I’m idling in the IRC if you want to talk it over.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Raist.4580


IRC works great, jut need to get everyone in it and using it every time they are in WvW. KBD will start having members use it tonight into this weekend as it spreads.

Raist Delirium | [KBD] Killed by Death | Tarnished Coast
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Myrkur.7049


Thanks for the support Raist.

Yea, it’s difficult. I can talk about how awesome IRC could be for us till I am blue in the face. If everyone uses it, then it’s a very quick way to find out what guilds are operating on what maps. Quicker than logging onto some secure web forum and wade through posts for the info, or to individually message every guild leader online. The trend is for someone to log into IRC however (at this beginning stage) and only see a few people in there, and then leave. If no one ever left, then we’d have plenty of people to talk to.

Hopefully people start using it. Every game I’ve ever played for any length of time, the community did a lot of planning and talking through IRC, so I’m partial to it.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Jois.4827


the only reason that CD is on top because they have full of players 24 / 7 …

During NA prime time, they really have nothing special …..

You guys fought well the first day of the war and then it went downhill ever since. yeah we’re nothing special but so is GoM

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Arok Vaar.6758

Arok Vaar.6758

Well nice to read this thread. Hope it works out.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Myrkur.7049


Big night for WvWvW this evening guys! We should coordinate our opening strategy tonight before the reset. We can do this on IRC or Totn’s Teamspeak.

I know for a fact that you have IRC info. If you need Totn’s Teamspeak Info you can PM me, or contact Alejos Totenreich in game. Let’s open up strong and crush the spirit of our enemies tonight!

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Crossposting thread from guru which seems to be getting a lot of interest:

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Echelon.7026


The [TDE] receuitment Drive was a success though we are still looking for addisional members and alliances.

We do need to be better organised which im myself am GLAD to hear this from other like-minded people.

So if any of you are interested in helping ourselves get more organised in WvW and expand our alliance even further. you can sent a PST In-game to Khalous.7430 [TDE] and Gloga.4187 [MAW] and Zhaj [Bloodcreed].

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Crusheddiamond.1895


Keep expanding and we will have a unstoppable server force. So far Our groups together achieve big things in a short amount of time due to communication.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Hux.8739


Yea, keep hacking Orbs GoM that will show everyone how good you are. Bring us the heads of those responsible and BG MAY forgive you.

Huxer(EC) Economic Collapse
Asura Warrior

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Echelon.7026


Yea, keep hacking Orbs GoM that will show everyone how good you are. Bring us the heads of those responsible and BG MAY forgive you.

First, Its as far as we are concerned quit flame baiting… it solves nothing

Second. This isnt the only server thats being under attack by hackers IE look at other threads -_-.

Third. If your talking about a Particular Orb..its glitched and its a known issue; we would gladly give it up if we knew how to unbug it but we dont.

Fourth. We dont need ANYONES forgiveness, because the people in this thread didnt do a thing to cause it, and so we definately do not want one from someone who trying to start a flame war here.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Tanith.5264


Folks, let me direct you to a Facebook page I made for our server shortly before launch…

You’re more than welcome to make use of it for this purpose. Our guild is small, but a few of us are now dabbling in PvP and are willing to talk!


Tanith Fencewalker, Tanni Mindbender, Thyra Wrathbringer, Lovecraft Thrall
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Echelon.7026


Ok a site has been created for those interested in making a BIG alliance in Gates of Madness.

First things first is we need all GM’s/ WvW officers of each guild and their guilds personel that is interested sign up/register here here so we can finally open up communication between Guilds and post different strategies and ideas that would help us overall in WvW

Then we need to one day get all GM’s/ WvW officers that have registered on the website on a Vent or TS server and layout our options and strategies and teams.

Afterwords its usually best to do this once a week right before a WvW resets happens.

(edited by Echelon.7026)