Gear question
Which type of gear you need depends on your build.
Exotic gear comes with three stats on it; one higher and two lower stats. You can find the list of combinations here:
Also on that page it will let you know where the prefix you want can be found (either from dungeon tokens, item crafting, the temples in Orr, WvW trainer, or maybe mystic forge).
Class guides in the respective class forums should specify what sort of equipment, runes, and gems to look for to get you started.
“best gear for PvP” is irrelevant. When you go into PvP, you can only use gear from a provided set. ANet has done an excellent job making sure your PvE progress and pvP stay completely separated.
i mean for example gear buying with karma or honor badges more suitable for outdoor pvp , i dont want to be PWE GEAR GODMODE 1SHOTER :=)
Glass cannon builds are viable on classes like thief that have mechanics to support that. You should be looking for WvW builds on the class forums.
Go grind that silly dungeon if you want best gear.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
My advice;
As the WvW armor is outrageously exie, keep your badges. Spend karma, much cheaper in time/effort.
Go to Orr and get the sets you want with karma.