Get Rid Of Grandmaster Marks
make wxp increase your crafting discipline.
A lot of people are annoyed with the full-time job of gaining pips to hit diamond, which I also agree with, but one thing I haven’t seen much of is the ascended marks.
*You need 500 level of whichever craft to make the armor/weapon
*You need 30g+ just to make 1 mark (armors take 3 or 4, thats over 90-120g for 1 armor piece)
*After playing for 30+ hours just to hit diamond chest to even be able to afford 1 piece of armor now you need over 100g to get it (which lets be honest WvW still doesn’t generate that kind of money)Seems like this patch was just hype to get people to play again and the reality is almost no one will get any of this gear.
This needs more caveats. While I agree that having crafting is weird, but it does help deplete stockpiles of mithril/leather/silk. If you wanted to get all 3-4 marks right here and now, then yes it will cost that much gold. The level 500 crafting is still a thing which is eh…
For the minor caveats if you are looking to save some gold.
*Tickets are time gated, so ideally you would craft the 3-4 marks over a week of playtime, and not try to purchase the materials all in one day. This method costs me 30 gold for four marks at worst. Some of the crafted materials are time gated to 1 a day which is why they cost more gold on the market.
*The final set doesn’t require marks, but increased tickets. This is a trade off once you completed T2. This doesn’t apply to weapons that are all stupidly priced and completely inconsistent (e.g. one handed the same price as two handed for some reason…).
Trinity Of Our EU Lords [Kazo] Zudo Jason Betta
Crafting stations were removed from wvw because:
- WvW players don’t craft
- Pvers blocking ques
- People AFKing at crafting stations
:) Does any of that sound familiar?
Add the stations back in and this component of the wvw rewards would make more sense, it won’t solve the afk issue, but nothing would at this point anyway, so who cares, at least people would be able to collect pips while they craft, and in that aspect it would be getting wvw rewards for doing pve!
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Crafting just prevents those who don’t like it, to obtain anything from this pip-system. Too much PvE everywhere, way too much…
Crafting stations were removed from wvw because:
- WvW players don’t craft
- Pvers blocking ques
- People AFKing at crafting stations:) Does any of that sound familiar?
Add the stations back in and this component of the wvw rewards would make more sense, it won’t solve the afk issue, but nothing would at this point anyway, so who cares, at least people would be able to collect pips while they craft, and in that aspect it would be getting wvw rewards for doing pve!
“Hello everyone,
Many of you have been inquiring as to why we made the decision to remove the crafting stations in WvW. We made this decision because we have been seeing an increase in queue times with world linking. Upon observation we found there have been players taking up space in the maps who are only crafting and not participating with their teams.”
In WvW make the reward gain based entirely on WvW play. Do raiders need to WvW/PvP/craft to gain their loot? Do players that do FotM have to WvW/PvP/craft to attain their rewards? So why should WvW players need to craft/PvE to attain theirs?
They do. You want legendary armor, the main draw of raids? Craft. You want non-random boxes from FotM? Craft- you need to craft the exact same marks.
Ignoring the inductive reasoning argument because it doesn’t work;
WvW players need to craft (they don’t need to PvE) because otherwise they’d have an unfair advantage that PvEers and sPvPers don’t have. Why should relatively low-effort WvW play provide better rewards than sPvP ranked play and FotM?
Nevermind that the argument’s undermined in that you can get ascended armor without crafting marks. Get the exotic skinset to unlock the Prestige armor, then buy the Prestige armor, which only requires tickets and Memories of Battle. Cheapest free-stat Ascended armor in the game, outside the timegate and rank requirement.
Crafting stations were removed from wvw because:
- WvW players don’t craft
- Pvers blocking ques
- People AFKing at crafting stations:) Does any of that sound familiar?
Add the stations back in and this component of the wvw rewards would make more sense, it won’t solve the afk issue, but nothing would at this point anyway, so who cares, at least people would be able to collect pips while they craft, and in that aspect it would be getting wvw rewards for doing pve!
“Hello everyone,
Many of you have been inquiring as to why we made the decision to remove the crafting stations in WvW. We made this decision because we have been seeing an increase in queue times with world linking. Upon observation we found there have been players taking up space in the maps who are only crafting and not participating with their teams.”
In other words afking at the crafting stations.
So again, since pips brought afking back, wvw rewards require crafting and wvw vets are complaining crafting (a pve thing) shouldn’t be included in acquiring a wvw reward because it doesn’t prove participation, why not bring the stations back so we can dwindle down our participation while crafting wvw rewards?
They aren’t going to change the marks, might as well try and get something out of it in the meantime.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
I would like to see a Grandmaster mark reward track that you unlock when you get 500 in a craft. The last reward is a mark but the rewards up to that point help you make that mark.
That actually sounds reasonably good…
1 mark of choice per full track…
Or at least something along those lines…
It’s also such a pain that you have to buy crafting recipes for ALL those components as well…
Look at how effective someone is in a full Dire set.
Nice balance.
While I don’t agree that the T2 armor and weapons should be tied to crafting, I believe the bigger issue is the reward chests. If these didn’t reset every week I don’t believe there’d be much complaining.
It’s still going to take a newer player longer to finish out diamond, due to pip acquisition, so I don’t really understand why they need to reset every week.
I was finally able to finish the plat chest for the 1st time just last night. I don’t see me being able to finish a mythril chest by the end of a week for a very long time, which is kind of disheartening, since WvW is all I’ve been doing for my play time for the last almost 2 months.
The crafting element is very annoying.
I’d prefer if they redistributed the tickets amongst the other chests and reward the Diamond chest with 1 grandmaster mark instead. Would also help those who don’t finish the lowers chest tracks generate tickets at a faster pace
yea this is why wvw is dead again, instead of this new reward system they should of just gave wvw players more gold cause at the end of the day you still have to pve to get your gear.
all i want to do is just play wvw to get the gear i need for wvw, not have to pve for it.
I don’t mind the crafting but it requires time gated materials which makes little sense when we are timegated by tickets already. This makes it more tedious than it needs to be. If it could at least provide a advantage over crafting normally that would be good.
They should also reduce the crafting requirement to 450 and also provide crafting xp to help people max it out. Making people spend hundreds of gold, not excluding the actual materials after they earned the tickets is a bit much.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
I got 2 Hot asc staffs and 1 hot asc shield in about 4 days on 1 of my alts without leveling either artificer or huntsman. Just because, now, I’m leveling artificer so I can give my condi mesmer and necro ascended scepters. Welcome to wvw pvers that is how we roll
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
You don’t have to craft anything. Buy the Tier 2 exotic. It also unlocks the sublime (T3) which is ascended and requires no crafting.