Get rid of all walls

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Skeletor.9360


The walls in this game are meaningless.
People just run up to the wall…spam AOE on top of it.
The players on top can’t get a target to counter. If they get close to the edge then they die. It incredibly bad design. The siege is quickly destroyed by a single elementalist and you can’t put siege out of a person range. Its really quite silly.

What is the point? Build a huge castle to not be able to counter attack. Shouldn’t there be an advantage?

So just get rid of all the walls. I’d ask for them to be made wider and a siege camera to be swapped into when you manned siege….but I know that is crazy talk.

This is part of your blob problem….

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Rambitshouse.8712


Kinda agree. Whats the point of trying to defend if one ele spams their super power blob staff build with meteor shower and melts an ac?


Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


the walls are apparently higher in the new borderlands map, likely because of reasons like this

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


But without walls, people would just go around the doors :/

Without the need for doors, we dont need any keeps.

With keeps being redundant, all we really need is a single champion standing in a capping circle out in the open.

In fact, screw the capping circle and just award wvw points when the champ is killed.

Surely it will be fun.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Ranger Emeritus.2905

Ranger Emeritus.2905

We already had a No Walls Week with the golem thing. I am hoping for a lets give love to the defense week where you can stay on something longer than 3 seconds against a zerg. If you have a death wish get on a cannon. Its faster than standing in front of a firing squad.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Varonth.5830


How about this:

Walls apply a buff to anyone standing at the top of a wall called ‘High Ground’. Players affected will takes 20% less projectile damage, 40% less AoE damage and 75% less PBAoE damage from any source that does not have the ‘High Ground’ buff themself.

That way you could fight back if enemies attack your keep, and if fights between groups happen ontop of the walls everyone will deal damage as if it is plain ground.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


Should take a look at videos of the new borderland maps, they feature towers and keeps with much better defensive designs.

Couple of things anet talked about:

1. “Boxes” of walls around gates to allow defenders to shoot at attackers hitting gates from all angles

2. Floating platforms around/above accessable via teleports inside the keep to hit attackers with

3. more natural chokepoints ie: long bridge leading to the keep door

That and the new shield generator seige blueprint should make fighting to take structures (when defended) more interesting then they are now.

Yaks Bend Alliance

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Holland.9351


Do they have anything to prevent defenders from being pulled off the new walls and floating platforms?

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: AmberUK.5380


How about this:

Walls apply a buff to anyone standing at the top of a wall called ‘High Ground’. Players affected will takes 20% less projectile damage, 40% less AoE damage and 75% less PBAoE damage from any source that does not have the ‘High Ground’ buff themself.

That way you could fight back if enemies attack your keep, and if fights between groups happen ontop of the walls everyone will deal damage as if it is plain ground.

Great idea except that in the garri there are some points where an enemy on the outer wall can hit you on the inner wall.
Defending should be worth it and possible. Its just a joke atm that someone on the ground can hit me but I cannot hit him.

I also wonder if there should be some kinda ‘over confidence’ debuff – ie u are a small group defending a tower and the large group come at you – they are over confident as they are large numbers compared to your smaller numbers.

Would be nice if there were some map changes to the lower tiers that took lower overall numbers into account.

We Asura are just the best
UW WvW player – TooT !

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Moonlit.6421


Do they have anything to prevent defenders from being pulled off the new walls and floating platforms?

I hope not lol, I find that to be one of the most hilarious things in WvW. Else about to cast meteors on our group? Nope- yoink! X3

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: MuffinMan.3285


But without walls, people would just go around the doors :/

Without the need for doors, we dont need any keeps.

With keeps being redundant, all we really need is a single champion standing in a capping circle out in the open.

In fact, screw the capping circle and just award wvw points when the champ is killed.

Surely it will be fun.

Sounds alot like Hall of Hero’s from the first game…and I am actually interested in seeing a map like this.

(with restricted members on each side so it isnt 60vs60vs10)

WvW isnt fun anymore :(

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Varonth.5830


How about this:

Walls apply a buff to anyone standing at the top of a wall called ‘High Ground’. Players affected will takes 20% less projectile damage, 40% less AoE damage and 75% less PBAoE damage from any source that does not have the ‘High Ground’ buff themself.

That way you could fight back if enemies attack your keep, and if fights between groups happen ontop of the walls everyone will deal damage as if it is plain ground.

Great idea except that in the garri there are some points where an enemy on the outer wall can hit you on the inner wall.
Defending should be worth it and possible. Its just a joke atm that someone on the ground can hit me but I cannot hit him.

I also wonder if there should be some kinda ‘over confidence’ debuff – ie u are a small group defending a tower and the large group come at you – they are over confident as they are large numbers compared to your smaller numbers.

Would be nice if there were some map changes to the lower tiers that took lower overall numbers into account.

If both sides are on a wall they both have the same disadvantage: Less space to naviagate on and less spaces to attack from.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Random.4691


Siege can be build out of aoe range. Learn the placement and use it, what would be the point of trying to siege if you couldn’t do anything to the defenders ? People simply would stop sieging because why subject yourself to being shot like fish in a barrel ?

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Zania.8461


Since, my friend, you have revealed your
Deepest fear,
I sentence you to be exposed before
Your peers.
Tear down the wall!

That aside, walls buy you a bit of time to get response team in place, and the breach provides a narrow point to lay down your AEs. I will agree that from defensive standpoint that’s probably not how the walls should act.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: xivor.8754


Kinda agree. Whats the point of trying to defend if one ele spams their super power blob staff build with meteor shower and melts an ac?

The problem with this is simply not the elementalist being able to use Meteor Shower. It is that the person that placed down the siege did not place it in a good location, and instead chose a vulnerable location.

Walls are not the problem. Skill and tactics are the problem.

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Ranger Emeritus.2905

Ranger Emeritus.2905

No . I think specifics to the wall problems from the “experts” are the problem. Doesn’t take skill not to back up a claim. Just takes a keyboard and a whole lot of assuming.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Maybe give people on walls a -90% dmg/condition income buff

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


Thats is a lot of BS, there is no were you can build siege that can protect South wall, east wall and gate in CragTop that enemy players cant destroy with normal attack skills.

Siege can be build out of aoe range. Learn the placement and use it, what would be the point of trying to siege if you couldn’t do anything to the defenders ? People simply would stop sieging because why subject yourself to being shot like fish in a barrel ?

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: runeblade.7514


How about this:

Walls apply a buff to anyone standing at the top of a wall called ‘High Ground’. Players affected will takes 20% less projectile damage, 40% less AoE damage and 75% less PBAoE damage from any source that does not have the ‘High Ground’ buff themself.

That way you could fight back if enemies attack your keep, and if fights between groups happen ontop of the walls everyone will deal damage as if it is plain ground.

Then the enemy break in, they go up the walls and die because the buff still works there.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


How about this:

Walls apply a buff to anyone standing at the top of a wall called ‘High Ground’. Players affected will takes 20% less projectile damage, 40% less AoE damage and 75% less PBAoE damage from any source that does not have the ‘High Ground’ buff themself.

That way you could fight back if enemies attack your keep, and if fights between groups happen ontop of the walls everyone will deal damage as if it is plain ground.

Then the enemy break in, they go up the walls and die because the buff still works there.

Per his idea, the buff would be nullified (both friendlies and enemies on the same wall have it).

That said, the boon would be waaaaaaay too strong. Defenders have a huge advantage on the inside of the walls – stairs act as choke points.

If they did this, I think it should be something much simpler, like say the wall applying regeneration to friendlies (to represent their “safer” location on the wall)

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: MoonT.6845


The simple fact is a castle or tower should give the defenders a significant advantage over any attackers below them. This is not reflected in game as the immovable siege is useless within 2 seconds of an attack beginning, and enemy siege can be placed in ridiculous positions but still clear your own siege whether well placed or not.

The top of almost every real castle a crenelation to allow the defender to attack the enemies below whilst still having a degree of defensive cover. They have arrow slits and murder holes to rain death down on the attackers, whilst very well defended.

Non of this is reflected in the game mechanics, so every time a blob comes knocking the defenders with fewer numbers will typically lose. Taking a garrison or major keep should be a monumental achievement, not a quick 2 minute task by a blob that is karma training a whole map.

WvW can be a very unrewarding place for those of us that enjoy scouting and defending, very little reward for hours of work which can be wiped out in seconds by every huge blob that turns up at the gates, whilst the masses run around gathering vast quantities of loot-bags and rewards on the K-Train.

Give me a castle that works like a castle ArenaNet, if a few defenders could hold or at least seriously slow down an enemy then more people would scout and defend, especially if our efforts were rewarded in loot. You get loot for taking a tower, why not for a successful outnumbered defence?

A workable defence would even help smaller servers that are outnumbered constantly in periods when the majority of the servers population are sleeping and prevent the huge discrepancy in scores that happens overnight. Just look at the statistics, the bigger servers score more points in the periods where the majority of the players in the time zone are asleep.

If I was sleeping in a castle and it was suddenly attacked, I’d wake up and defend it. Clearly we can’t in the real world send alarm calls to the servers population all night, so giving defences that actually function as defences and provide a significant advantage is the better answer.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: AmberUK.5380


Yes we should be able to defend with a small number of people – but there is a fine line between stopping a blob just being able to ktrain the map and lack of movement on the map. If you log in in the morning to find the nite cappers have flipped the whole map (and often upgraded them – though they will not need to bother soon with the autoupgrades) and you are not very many people your chances of flipping things are low and so the points will just keep ticking. There is only so much solo camp flipping you can do till you get bored.
I dunno as someone on a low pop server I think the idea that there is a one rule and one map fits all solution is just crazy

We Asura are just the best
UW WvW player – TooT !

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


People have been saying this since the game came out. Nothing was ever done. The structures in EoTM are much easier to defend, ironically.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Aenaos.8160


Being on the walls should give defenders a serious defensive buff.
Like 90% reduced damage from players,50% reduced damage from siege,
immune to CC.
That way it could simulate the effect of a defender being covered behind
defensive structures,without having to actually build elaborate walls in game
and have to worry about geometry,LoS issues etc etc.

-Win a pip,lose a pip,win a pip,lose a pip,lose a pip,
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Thats is a lot of BS, there is no were you can build siege that can protect South wall, east wall and gate in CragTop that enemy players cant destroy with normal attack skills.

Siege can be build out of aoe range. Learn the placement and use it, what would be the point of trying to siege if you couldn’t do anything to the defenders ? People simply would stop sieging because why subject yourself to being shot like fish in a barrel ?

Well considering there is NO wall on the east side, lol

But yes, Random is correct, there are plenty of ways to siege up and avoiding aoe from outside — heck even nasty placed outside ACs.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


There are a heap of things like this in WvW that need refining… if they enemy blob is big enough you can’t set foot near the wall … and you’ll get chain Mesmer pulled form halfway down the stairs, which is a real thing.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


Cannons are the worst. I can count on one hand the times that this siege actually aided in saving a keep or lasted long enough to actually help defend. Last night, our garri was attacked by a blob that outnumbered us maybe 8vs1. They even brought 5 golems-just in case . The AOE on our wall was so intense. The cannon that I attempted to use was reduced to ash in about .000001seconds along with my necro. No one could get near me for a rez. I have no problem with dying in game. It happens. But, what is the sense in upgrading with cannons in a scenario like this especially when your server is outnumbered most of the time? Something needs to be done to provide some protection for cannons & their users. Yea, there is other siege to man. But cannons are in the forefront for a reason. And it should not be to provide bags for the enemy , especially an enemy with overwhelming odds.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Kro.7984


Moveable seige! Pass it on.

Sarcasm rules!

(edited by Kro.7984)

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

Ahhhh, T1 problems. I feel for you guys, really I do. However, down in my tier, getting a group larger than 15 people on either side is a miracle. Most of the time its just little me and some other peep ramming doors with our golems and then swapping to heal tank solo builds. I feel for you guys =P

made for humor, do not get angry or offended XD

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


Or just a thought, make siege (and the player manning it) invulnerable to attacks (and pulls) from the outside. The only way they can be damaged is once the person is inside the structure.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


People just don’t understand how to utilize walls and it’s quite embarrassing at this point. All a commander needs to do is veil to the edge of a wall with a group of people, spam AoE on rams, and profit. But, no. Something so effective and obvious could never cross peoples minds. Even the veil isn’t necessary.

Enemy teams don’t spam the wall with AoE if there’s noone there. Get the jump on them, spam AoE below, and it wouldn’t look so stupid to be up there.

… I still want tengu.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Ahhhh, T1 problems. I feel for you guys, really I do. However, down in my tier, getting a group larger than 15 people on either side is a miracle. Most of the time its just little me and some other peep ramming doors with our golems and then swapping to heal tank solo builds. I feel for you guys =P

made for humor, do not get angry or offended XD

Sorry to hear, it’s why the Dev’s should have consolidated server’s a year ago already.

For the wall issues, wall depth needs to be increased by 50%. This way you can stand on the back of the wall in safety. Also, Mesmer Temporal curtain needs to be reworked badly! Talk about a LoS issue….. Same with Dragon’s tooth. Though at least the Ele has to get right up against the wall for it.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


Thats is a lot of BS, there is no were you can build siege that can protect South wall, east wall and gate in CragTop that enemy players cant destroy with normal attack skills.

Siege can be build out of aoe range. Learn the placement and use it, what would be the point of trying to siege if you couldn’t do anything to the defenders ? People simply would stop sieging because why subject yourself to being shot like fish in a barrel ?

Well considering there is NO wall on the east side, lol

But yes, Random is correct, there are plenty of ways to siege up and avoiding aoe from outside — heck even nasty placed outside ACs.

Yes i ment west.