Shiver Me Timbers – Elementalist – SoS
Getting Loot Bags
Shiver Me Timbers – Elementalist – SoS
I’m not sure, I know if I want to get badges I’m going to have to roll a ranged class. I can get them occasionally as a guardian doing various things, but in massive fights I don’t see as many as my engineer. I do quite well as far as badge drops in small skirmishes however when things live long enough for me to get into range and do some damage.
I don’t believe the exact value is published anywhere, but I’ve read that you have to do somewhere around 5-10% of the total damage to an enemy to get loot in PvE, and I’d imagine it works the same way with player kills in WvW.
[KnT] – Blackgate
usually for me its 1-2 hits depending on the build i’m running. Sometimes 3 if using a ranged weapon.
best solution is to build and man an arrow cart
Apathy Inc [Ai]
from my observation it seems to be approximately 3000-3500 worth of damage needing to be dealt. But there has also been times I have seen a downed player so I get close and Whirlwind attack with my warrior and somehow I get a badge. Othertimes Ill solo a guy down and get nothing. It seems very random.
If you’re hardly getting any bags as an engineer please revise your build. You’re not doing your server any favors :P
SBI WvW Junkie
I don’t think it’s straight do x% get a bag. I solo people down and never get a bag, and other times I mindlessly AoE a zerg… and still don’t get a bag.
Yak Cultist and follower of the Great Golem God
I dont know how much damage is needed, but is true, i get much more badges with my thief than with my boon-heal guardian.
Gomen eng : 3
glass cannon builds and straight DPSers certainly get a lot more badges and loot bags then support builds/classes.
If you get xp for the kill you have a chance at loot. Usually that’s around 1k damage (might be more or less depending on target max health).
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
I firmly believe that some classes are tagged to get less drops, even while manning siege. Either that, or your character slots themselves are flagged for more/less drops.
Although it doesn’t appear in the patch notes, anecdotally (me and others in my borderlands) were noticing far fewer drops of loot bags in WvW – we took 2 keeps, 2 towers and 3 supply back, and countless vets/dolyaks and I think the only loot bags I got were off player characters.
Feeling like a tin-hat conspiracy theorist, BUT have they nerfed the loot bag drop rate in today’s patch? If so, shouldn’t it have been advised in the patch notes?
Keep in mind, there are a lot of design holdovers from Warhammer Online and by proxy, DAoC. One of the principal holdovers is the fact that support roles (and support functions) in general are poorly rewarded. Some might even argue there are disincentives built into the mechanics to their play.
By it’s very nature this makes for faster and more deadly combat. The theory being that such play is more exciting, creates more dynamic large-scale battles, and is an indirect economic sink (repair costs). This theory is what ravaged the ranks of dedicated healers (Rune Priests and Zealots) in favor of melee healers (Disciples of Khaine [DoKs] and Warrior Priests).
This theory has been combined with archetype munging and pushed to a horrid corruption of “everyone is a druid” (backhanded WoW reference) — spec any toon for any role.
Unfortunately, the spec’ing itself is an insidious economic sink too… though, how many people actually go to the effort (and expense) of maintaining different sets of exotic armor in active inventory for the quick role change?
If one wants bags (or individual rewards), spec for ranged, burst DPS and/or AOE. If one wants to play the game the designers are not providing incentives or rewarding well, spec for anything else.
If one wants to see how the incentives are affecting the game, one need look no further than the ranger profession.