Gift of Battle Feedback [merged]
When i finally got my badges needed for my legendaries (took me like 2 weeks, its very hard to do proper wvw on my servers and i dont have a lot of time) its changed, that really makes me unhappy, and please dont say things like there was a patchnotes about that, because not everyone have time to check every patchnotes in every details.
So you wanna say because u have to raid 100hours+ in pve you dont wanna play 90 hours in wvw? I dont even see the link. When wvw players have to do pve stuff why pve players shall get wvw stuff for free? When anet gives li for no work to wvw players than it would be fair when pve players get their free gob. 500badges is in my eyes for free. Now you have at least to do sth for gob.
So you wanna say because u have to raid 100hours+ in pve you dont wanna play 90 hours in wvw? I dont even see the link
. When wvw players have to do pve stuff why pve players shall get wvw stuff for free? When anet gives li for no work to wvw players than it would be fair when pve players get their free gob. 500badges is in my eyes for free. Now you have at least to do sth for gob.
Earning badges takes time and effort as well. It’s only right to have both options.
I made the thread, I casually pvp and sit on 25k badges waiting for legendary armor info for 8 months… I played and prepared, but they removed the option that was there for a long long time.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Well i dont say there arent players hit by this change. But most of the players complaining come frome pve and they have earned wvw badges only through ap chests. And when u have about 10k ap you only had to enter wvw to claim their gob. And for these players i dont feel pity, like they dont do for me having to do exploration/dungeons (before the reward tracks)
They have to go into debt for yourself in which inserted the Desert Borderlands for Alpine borderlands. And They Patch it back for thinking ppl comes back “* facepalm *”.
This Reward Track for Gift of Battle wouldnt bring the ppl back to WvW.
A-net has now finally managed to drive away even more Players from the Game. It is now forced 5 – to spend 10 hours WvW If you still playing on a bad Server one has definitively lost. And the Edge of the mists, it is equally. Thanks a lot for this. Give us the Vendor back. I speak for Casual Players wo have no Time to Spend hours for this.
Well i dont say there arent players hit by this change. But most of the players complaining come frome pve and they have earned wvw badges only through ap chests. And when u have about 10k ap you only had to enter wvw to claim their gob. And for these players i dont feel pity, like they dont do for me having to do exploration/dungeons (before the reward tracks)
If a player worked for it they worked for it, you don’t diminish the efforts.
Players are players, and it doesn matter if they are new or veteran, the issue is removal of an option.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Haha u can solo cap some camps and slay some veterans and u have the 195 pints then u need to kill 1veteran every 10minutes and you get maximum track points where is the efford and need to be on a good server?
Haha u can solo cap some camps and slay some veterans and u have the 195 pints then u need to kill 1veteran every 10minutes and you get maximum track points where is the efford and need to be on a good server?
The removal of the option is the point of this thread and players have the right to be bothered by this change. Please stop with the silly “you pveers are whiners” and “haha u can solo cap” stuff…
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
I like this change, I was thinking that anet should have made a repeatable reward track for WvW players that rewarded a gift of exploration after you complete it multiple times, similar to SPvP’s Perfect Mist Core, but this is better instead. Forces PvE players to do WvW similar to how we are forced to do PvE.
[oof] Crystal Desert
I just stated that you are wrong with your thinking that now its hard to get the gob. It became way easier for new players. Because without ap chest u dont have the pain to grind 500badges. And i didnt call anybody silly i just stated that the people complain before they think.
But like evellynn capone said there are some casualties me included who have to go the way for playing again for gob
I did not know of this change, Anet needs a better way of talking to the gamers who have no time to read the forums, some of these changes should be mailed to gamers in a weekly in game mail, or some type of prompt on screen about future changes..
I actually laughed. No time to read long patch notes, but plenty of time to grind a legendary.
Except when that grind involves a few hours of repairing walls for participation credit.
These people are actually hilarious
A few hours, really? I’d love to know how many “few hours” it takes to get 1 gift.
so according to you about 2 hours in WvW and I get a gift? lets test that. laugh
Most people don’t consider “few” to be two hours, though it can certainly be defined as such. With that being said, even if it were 10 hours, it would still be far less than what it takes to grind out a Gift of Exploration and is just a tiny fraction of the overall time it would take to do something like make a Legendary weapon. Especially with reward track buffs.
I guess the lesson you learned was to actually read the patch notes. It’s a good lesson to learn, especially when you go to do something like purchase a home or a car and you really SHOULD be paying attention to the fine print.
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
Dont know if my boost simply bug, can someone confirm that they should work? because if not it is impossible to do it in under 8h… maybe with some dailys, still 4-5h seems very unrealistic.
I started trying to think about this issue from a If the shoe was on the other foot standpoint. Not that it hasn’t been on the other foot at times, but let’s think about it none the less.
You can now earn dungeon tokens via reward tracks in WvW to spend at the LA dungeon vendor right. What if there was no LA vendor? What if he only spawned at the end of a dungeon path?
So, there you are, you’ve gotten your tokens from wvw reward tracks, but you still have to do a dungeon to spend them. It’s pretty messed up when you think about it.
I don’t know why anyone that disliked wvw would sit on badges, especially if they had enough to purchase GoB, inventory space was brought up, but its not my call to say what they should have done.
All I know, is if after 3 years of almost completely ignoring dungeons because I didn’t like them, but managing to gather those tokens via the kindness of Anet anyway, then suddenly having my vendor taken away and being told I have to run the content anyway, I’d be a little peeved. I mean, it’s doable, but still a pain.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Well i dont say there arent players hit by this change. But most of the players complaining come frome pve and they have earned wvw badges only through ap chests. And when u have about 10k ap you only had to enter wvw to claim their gob. And for these players i dont feel pity, like they dont do for me having to do exploration/dungeons (before the reward tracks)
Well this is a wide sweeping generalization if ever I saw one.
I do PvE and WvW in varying amounts over the week, some nights I spend all evening in WvW, some nights I spend mostly in PvE. I’d say I’ve spent thousands of hours already in WvW and more than earned my gift of battle over the last 2.5 years.
For me I now have to do this reward track whenever I need the gift of battle rather than popping to the vendor and simply buying it. I have more than paid my dues and want to go play the game and get things on my terms, my schedule and when I want it rather than it being changed for no reason at all to a system that requires me to grind out a reward track. That’s without mentioning the other junk you get from the reward track you don’t want…
For reference I’m rank 1500+ not someone who does WvW just because I have to for the gift.
Edit: @HazyDaisy, there’s a difference between running a dungeon 5 times (each path takes maybe 15mins) and having to spend 4-5 hours doing something. Sure if dungeon paths were all like Arah P4 then your analogy would hold but they aren’t, they’re easily done in a fraction of the time.
(edited by apharma.3741)
Seems like it is our fault for playing the game and missing the small print in the biggest update log ever. Good communication job devs, well done! And I even watch Points of Interest every week, not like I am not following what you guys do…. Screw me anyway, I suppose. =/
Their communication remains shocking with items such as this. There should have been at least 2 days advance notice that this was going to happen.
Reading is fundamental.
They could have sent an in-game mail to people….
I guess the lesson you learned was to actually read the patch notes. It’s a good lesson to learn, especially when you go to do something like purchase a home or a car and you really SHOULD be paying attention to the fine print.
TIL: An online video game should be treated just like buying a home or a car.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
I guess the lesson you learned was to actually read the patch notes. It’s a good lesson to learn, especially when you go to do something like purchase a home or a car and you really SHOULD be paying attention to the fine print.
TIL: An online video game should be treated just like buying a home or a car.
You can learn life-lessons from everywhere. Just because you’re playing a video game doesn’t mean you have to turn your brain off.
I guess the lesson you learned was to actually read the patch notes. It’s a good lesson to learn, especially when you go to do something like purchase a home or a car and you really SHOULD be paying attention to the fine print.
Are you seriously comparing playing a video game to a major life milestone such as buying a house? LOL
I guess the lesson you learned was to actually read the patch notes. It’s a good lesson to learn, especially when you go to do something like purchase a home or a car and you really SHOULD be paying attention to the fine print.
Are you seriously comparing playing a video game to a major life milestone such as buying a house? LOL
Thanks for illustrating my concern in the post directly above yours.
Well when did they ever communicate such a change? I mean if they would have done this we all would sit on 20+ gob. So you can guess it was intentional.
A reward track in WvW for the Gift of Exploration. A Mystic Forge recipe from Miyani for the Gift of Battle. WvW players don’t have to PvE anymore. PvE players don’t have to WvW anymore. Problem solved for everyone. Except the people who saved up their Badges of Honor; bring back the vendor for a limited time for these people. I think these solutions will garner far fewer complaints than the current change.
Well when did they ever communicate such a change? I mean if they would have done this we all would sit on 20+ gob
. So you can guess it was intentional.
In the April 19th patch notes which contained one of the largest updates to WvW rewards ever.
Regardless of whether or not it was announced or someone is crafting their legendary right now, it was a bad change that unnecessarily gates an otherwise reasonably accessible item for legendary crafting
I still don’t find any logic in removing the Gift of Battle from the vendor.
Why does it have to be one or the other instead of both?!?
Well when did they ever communicate such a change? I mean if they would have done this we all would sit on 20+ gob
. So you can guess it was intentional.
They did in April… I thought the change had already happened before this. When they announced it I bought 1 just for the hell of it. Glad people who are now complaining learned how to read patch notes and updates finally.
Regardless of whether or not it was announced or someone is crafting their legendary right now, it was a bad change that unnecessarily gates an otherwise reasonably accessible item for legendary crafting
I think all the PvE BS that is often required is unnecessary gates BS as well… so what’s your point? If we don’t want to do dungeons for tokens for some of the legendaries we are forced to do time gated reward tracks that reward those tokens…
I started trying to think about this issue from a If the shoe was on the other foot standpoint. Not that it hasn’t been on the other foot at times, but let’s think about it none the less.
“At times” is a massive understatement. From the game’s launch until the current reward tracks for WvW were implemented, WvW was playing second fiddle to PvE in the rewards department.
There were very, very few ways which a WvW player could even think to compete with a PvE players’ earning power; practically none until recently.
PvE exclusive statspreads like Sinister and Nomad’s were entirely unobtainable in WvW; if you’re a pure WvW player, getting Sinister gear is still a stretch. Only with this patch were the HoT spreads made broadly available to pure WvW players.
And we’re talking about a component of a legendary which takes, assuming you can push your participation reasonably quickly, about 8 hours to farm out, if you are consuming no Daily potions and are not using the guild flask. We’re completely ignoring the other components including Gift of Exploration which requires far more than that invested in PvE. Like really if ya’ll so stressed out about it just chill, build it over a longer time, do your daily vet beast slayer and land claimer and master of monuments, drink the potions and get it easy.
Besides, if you had explicit plans to build a legendary and already had the required Badges of Honor and rank, why didn’t you already buy them? It was a steal; ANet has always been explicit about wanting some kind of WvW requirement for Legendary weapons, you knew that the status quo wasn’t working to push you into WvW because you’d just get your badges from Achievement chests and if you were really stingy about getting the ranks you could get them through guild comms/LLC/KC.
Let’s think about putting the shoe on the other foot in another way: Maybe WvWers should get 4 legendaries whose precursor collection steps take place exclusively in WvW, you need to run in WvW for about 50 hours (that seems like a fair guess for World Completion time to me) and you need to do about 8 hour’s PvE.
I don’t know, maybe I’m just rambling. But WvW gets practically no rewards for over three years, nobody bats an eyelid, ANet decides to change the WvW requirement for Gift of Battle to actually require you to WvW and everyone loses their minds.
haha guys you are right ;D it was in the notes. so noone should complain about it. and i dont care about doing the reward track. so everybody complaining should blame himself
Tho I play wvw rarely I ammased like 4k badges which I feel are worthless now since there is nothing I’d want from it.
You don’t want gold? They can be converted to siege and either sold or upgraded to superiors and sold for even more.
The whole point is that doing this essentially robs those of us who used to play WvW avidly but no longer do so. I’m rank 141 in WvW, but that means NOTHING as far as anet is concerned when it comes to getting a legendary.
See – I’m level 14. I used to play before there were wvw ranks. Tried it, got some fun, got like 6k badges and left 4k for future legendaries. Then AN introduced wvw lvl and I got nothing from my previous time spent in WvW. Thats when i though – OK i dont care anymore about WvW. Now Im being robbed from my chances to do legendaries unless I will spend more time in WvW which robbed me twice now.
I dont mind WvW req for legendaries, I’m even supporting it. Thats why i spent my time farming Badges back when there were NO reward tracks, no level rewards, NO WvW dailies and no achi points. I’d say farming 6k badges back then took me way more than doing stupid reward track like 6 times. Thats why I feel bad about that change.
And no, the ‘notice’ we got is silly. Gift of battle is not JUST WvW thing and should be listed in general path notes, not WvW ones. OK there was notice. We probably could read it. Just I wonder how many WvW players are reading raid/fractals patch notes they dont give a kitten about.
@Deli.1302 Are you kitting me? Just double checked @gw2efficiency best you can make out of sieges is 59c/badge. Thats a great amount of ~24? gold for 4k badges. Trully worth my time.
(edited by Gibon.1705)
Regardless of whether or not it was announced or someone is crafting their legendary right now, it was a bad change that unnecessarily gates an otherwise reasonably accessible item for legendary crafting
I think all the PvE BS that is often required is unnecessary gates BS as well… so what’s your point? If we don’t want to do dungeons for tokens for some of the legendaries we are forced to do time gated reward tracks that reward those tokens…
I think a lot of people are upset because this change was added several years into the game instead of being a requirement from the start and it just caught a bunch of them by surprise. I can kind of understand why someone would be upset if they had the badges of honor and thought they were good, just holding off on buying the gift until they needed it to save an inventory space, and then they were surprised by this.
Nope. Nope, nope, nope. ANet please revert this so that we can purchase the gift from the vendor. I never played WvW that much (just long enough to get a daily) and now I never go into this game mode at all. IMO, it feel like you’re forcing people to have to take part in a game mode they don’t care for.
I know you guys are really big on trying to make WvW and PvP something awesome for the fans of those modes, but for people like myself who strictly spend their time in PvE this is absolutely unfair and forces us to spend a long time doing something we absolutely hate just to make progress on our legendaries.
Imagine if you told PvPers they had to run Silverwastes event trains for hours to raise their rank? How much backlash would that cause? Or what if you told WvWers they had to win 20 ranked PvP games a week to be able to spend the rank points they earned? It would really kitten off or discourage people from playing as much as the do because they are obligated to put up with situations they never cared for in the first place.
I have no problem spending my BoH that I earned when I cared about WvW… but having to get my kitten kicked by zergs for hours to gain miniscule progress on the gift and developing a deep resentment for the game? Not cool at all, ANet. Not cool at all.
This thread is just rlly sad… to see how toxic some wvw’lers are… allways moaning, and complaining, and being happy others have to suffer. I can understand that you dont like 100% World, im not a fan of this either, even though i think seeing the whole world is a part of being legendary, i liked it far more when you had to complete the wvw map with it, since i thought it made sence. But the point with map completion is, YOU DONT NEED ANYONE or anything for that. I accepted the fact that i have to do the track… and guess what there are so little players on my server, and pretty much every time we try anything we are getting wipped that im already cursing this bs after 2h… maybe it’ll change, maybe my server will, after 2 months of constant decline suddendly get strong…who knows? Btw 500 Dungeon badges can now be acquiert by the tracks. I dont like the idea of binding stuff to certain content like they did it since HoT’s, dont know why the pvp back is in my Opinion so much nicer, but ill never be able do get it, but thats an other topic. so in the the end i dont like the change, and i think the reaction of some ppl here is sad.
sorry for ever spelling mistake.
Right…. because almost every “meta-event” on the PvE maps people aren’t yelling at other people, moaning, or complaining… IT is strictly just “wvw’lers” smh…
Anything us WvWers want that is shiny or nice we basically are forced out of our game mode to get so just stop. There are boosters you can buy to take off a significant amount of time
I guess the lesson you learned was to actually read the patch notes. It’s a good lesson to learn, especially when you go to do something like purchase a home or a car and you really SHOULD be paying attention to the fine print.
TIL: An online video game should be treated just like buying a home or a car.
You can learn life-lessons from everywhere. Just because you’re playing a video game doesn’t mean you have to turn your brain off.
What life lesson will you be learning when you are back here in a few weeks complaining about all the players in WvW who just sit there doing nothing more than take up a spot on the map?
Plenty of us that have already played WvW and earned thousands of badges and now can’t spend those badges are very angry over this!
What will you do if players organize a “sit in” in WvW effectively preventing success?
Why would I read the beta patch notes for a part of the game I don’t enjoy and don’t play, when the change is for Legendary Weapon components and should have been shown there, were we did read?
This is Anets oversight and they should fix it.
Sorry, but if i have to go into PvE land to farm for a legendary (which I did, got map completion, as painful as it was), you should have to go into WvW.
Just be glad that for some reason WvW doesn’t count for map completion anymore.
I guess the lesson you learned was to actually read the patch notes. It’s a good lesson to learn, especially when you go to do something like purchase a home or a car and you really SHOULD be paying attention to the fine print.
TIL: An online video game should be treated just like buying a home or a car.
You can learn life-lessons from everywhere. Just because you’re playing a video game doesn’t mean you have to turn your brain off.
What life lesson will you be learning when you are back here in a few weeks complaining about all the players in WvW who just sit there doing nothing more than take up a spot on the map?
Plenty of us that have already played WvW and earned thousands of badges and now can’t spend those badges are very angry over this!
What will you do if players organize a “sit in” in WvW effectively preventing success?Why would I read the beta patch notes for a part of the game I don’t enjoy and don’t play, when the change is for Legendary Weapon components and should have been shown there, were we did read?
This is Anets oversight and they should fix it.
Precisely this, gift of battle should belong to the “Legendary Weapon” section of the patch notes. If this is how ANET is gonna encourage wvw, then they are doing it wrong. Since people who now wants a gift of battle will just afk in there. If you wvwers like it that much, then dont blame us for taking up spots that are required for wvw raids especially on server’s peak hours. Blame ANET, we are just doing things our way after the nonsensical change (:
This is quickly becoming my favorite thread of the week
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
My personal opinion is there should be a substitute for the gift of battle (maybe a mastery in pve could be done as much), since there are substitutes for pve in WvW via heroics and it could involve those badges.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
Anet, remove map completion from my legendary journey. I’ve done it once, I worked very hard for it, just create a NPC that sells more gifts. I deserve it.
Thank you.
I’ve never made a Legendary before, so am I able to put one together now doing WvW only?
No! Even if you manage to get everything you need for it on WvW only (which can be done) you would still need PvE Map Exploration for them.
@ArchonWing, @CaptainCaveman, the problem is not how to get it. Even in the most extreme case, like Najten, where the playing is very sporadic and short, getting there is a matter of time. We play WvW, we’ll get there eventualy.
The problem is those like Shanks R Us, and me, that already played enough WvW and saved enough badges to get the gift we wanted, but got penalized for managing inventory space by keeping currency “in cash”.Some of us are done playing WvW and wouldn’t like going back to it, some of us even played WvW ONLY for those badges. Doesn’t matter the case, those player (us) feel robbed of their efforts towards the Gift of Battle.
What happened here is clear, there was an intention to change a currency that was very poorly communicated. And that is even for us, that care enough to come here, read patch notes and talk about it. How many more players are only going to figure this out once they get their 500 badges and look for that NPC with no success?
For everyone else, you can convert your badges of honor into Badges of Tribute ( and sell them on the Black Lion Trading Post for some gold, but the price has been dropping steadly since the update, so you might want to consider your options:
I understand it’s not a matter of difficulty or even time, but the problem I have here is that you weren’t buying the gift of battle outright due to inventory management issues. Currency in this game, in particular any that are not gold have gone through many changes, and it’s generally worth the few slots on such a large expenditure. Keeping anything as currency as opposed to the actual item is risky. The game has always been updated to keep up with its current state; that’s why dailies were increased to 2 gold because the old rewards could not keep up. Badges, on the other hand, have been constantly devalued to the point where monetizing them is a waste of time and it’s clear why 500 badges isn’t the same as it was back then. That’s also why the commander tag went from 100 to 300g, as 100 gold back then meant a lot more.
There was a little less than 2 months notice as well, though I will admit that they need to really post info maybe in the game’s launcher or something.
It seems to me though, there should be a substitute for the Gift of Battle much like heroics are a pve substitute.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
For me personally, because I just got my very first precursor drop ever just a few hours ago. I was always so skeptical that I’d never get a precursor so I never did the research into all the numerous gifts I would need. Sure I could have bought a bunch of gifts for a bunch of different legends “just to have them just in case” but I’d rather keep that bank space open for things that I know I need.
So, again people are upset they have to WvW (drop in the bucket of time) compared to WvW players who have to pve to get the gift of exploration?
The PvE crowd is very vocal, like my children when they don’t get there way.
Don’t get me wrong, I was surprised how little something like this was communicated, but the amount of time required to get a gift of battle, pales in comparison to what people who prefer other game modes have to do in PvE.
To be honest, the legendary should be more balanced around the complete game even throwing in spvp, not just people’s preferred game mode. These are optional items that if you want, you should have to put in work.
Or alternatively, buy it from the TP if you do not want to put in the effort. By a long shot, crafting a legendary in gw2 is a very time consuming tedious at times task. I just don’t understand why people who want optional items, almost demand to have the easiest route that accommodates there preferred game mode.
So many times over the years, I’ve read the threads about (first) world completion requiring the WvW maps … and how many threads were posted about that. Now, they have effectively made it easier to get the GoB (you don’t get badges from sitting in a keep repairing a wall), but you do get reward track points every tick for your contribution. I read on another thread, some guy got 2k, from watching a movie on the other screen and just recapping a single point every now and then. Ever try doing world completion while watching a movie?
The people who actually lose out here, are those who failed to unload there badges in time, and to be honest, the WvW community. This change will not bring in more people to play WvW or follow some zerg, it will likely bring in a bunch of people who want to do the safest, minimal amount of effort to get the track complete, and a handful of afk’ers.
Anet could have made it a little more in your face about the change prior to, but they do things for their reasons.
And the Toxic people … are from both game modes.
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
My personal opinion is there should be a substitute for the gift of battle (maybe a mastery in pve could be done as much), since there are substitutes for pve in WvW via heroics and it could involve those badges.
To answer your question as to why ppl dont stock up gift of battle. Think about why currency page was introduced in the first place. It was meant to clear up clutters, save inventory space and a all-in-one page for all currencies. So.. since you have this currency storage, why would ppl spend their badges on gift of battles and take up space. Likewise to people who have 20k+ dungeon currencies, you dont see them stocking up on potions or any other things but kept them in their currency storage. Using “why dont you use your badges in the first place” as an argument isn’t really justifiable for this change.
i understand why anet made this change, now you have to do something to help get your legendary instead of just map completion and a few hours in wvw. I personally would of prefered to keep it the old way being a vet with nothing i really need from wvw it is just a wasted currency for me and just more grind for something i might only have so many hours per week to attain
Well i dont say there arent players hit by this change. But most of the players complaining come frome pve and they have earned wvw badges only through ap chests. And when u have about 10k ap you only had to enter wvw to claim their gob. And for these players i dont feel pity, like they dont do for me having to do exploration/dungeons (before the reward tracks)
Well this is a wide sweeping generalization if ever I saw one.
I do PvE and WvW in varying amounts over the week, some nights I spend all evening in WvW, some nights I spend mostly in PvE. I’d say I’ve spent thousands of hours already in WvW and more than earned my gift of battle over the last 2.5 years.
For me I now have to do this reward track whenever I need the gift of battle rather than popping to the vendor and simply buying it. I have more than paid my dues and want to go play the game and get things on my terms, my schedule and when I want it rather than it being changed for no reason at all to a system that requires me to grind out a reward track. That’s without mentioning the other junk you get from the reward track you don’t want…
For reference I’m rank 1500+ not someone who does WvW just because I have to for the gift.
Edit: @HazyDaisy, there’s a difference between running a dungeon 5 times (each path takes maybe 15mins) and having to spend 4-5 hours doing something. Sure if dungeon paths were all like Arah P4 then your analogy would hold but they aren’t, they’re easily done in a fraction of the time.
I know alot of people see dungeons, raids and other PVE content as quick and easy, but understand alot of others don’t. It’s the same argument as a wvwer telling a pver how quick and easy reward tracks are.
As a wvw rank 1500+ myself (who bought 7 GoBs the DAY I read that obscure line in the notes and warned BL map chat several times that week to look into it), I was simply saying not all content is easy or fun for everyone. Sure, us wvwers could go the too bad, so sad route lIke “the pvers” have done before. But, as we’ve learned time and again, nothing lasts forever, and later in the year is actually 2 weeks from now, and none of this is kitten versus them issue. So, if Anet decided to make a minor change next week (like banishing the dungeon NPC to the end chest, forcing you to run the dungeon to be able to purchase dungeon stuff that you already have currecy for) there would be some that had no problem with it, but you better believe there’d be some miffed souls out there. Just something to think about.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
For me personally, because I just got my very first precursor drop ever just a few hours ago. I was always so skeptical that I’d never get a precursor so I never did the research into all the numerous gifts I would need. Sure I could have bought a bunch of gifts for a bunch of different legends “just to have them just in case” but I’d rather keep that bank space open for things that I know I need.
Well that I can understand more. I was only thinking about people who were aiming to get badges because of a legendary. Personally, if I were of that mindset, I’d buy my gift of battle immediately after hitting 500, dropping whatever what I was doing.
That being said, I did get reminded of resentment towards Precursor RNG, because there’s no way to plan it out. Ultimately, despite getting my map compleition notes and the gift of battle still taking place in my bank and also having the maguuma legendary parts I can never get because I simple am too unmotivated to get Central Tyria Mastery any legendary I get will be purchased directly whenever I feel like finding the gold for it— just makes things more simply, you know. Although personally, I’m trying to get the perma bank thing which costs almost as much and the price always slightly increases outside of my reach every single time! I almost had enough and they introduced more shared slots and gg.
Anyhow, I’d like to say that I don’t actually approve of the change, especially since the game automatically selected the next track to be GoB so I can waste my points towards something I’ll never use. It wouldn’t hurt to make these things sellable would it? I was just protesting the point about suddenly losing value on the badges as honestly it’s not the first or last time currency in this game acts like that.
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
My personal opinion is there should be a substitute for the gift of battle (maybe a mastery in pve could be done as much), since there are substitutes for pve in WvW via heroics and it could involve those badges.
To answer your question as to why ppl dont stock up gift of battle. Think about why currency page was introduced in the first place. It was meant to clear up clutters, save inventory space and a all-in-one page for all currencies. So.. since you have this currency storage, why would ppl spend their badges on gift of battles and take up space. Likewise to people who have 20k+ dungeon currencies, you dont see them stocking up on potions or any other things but kept them in their currency storage. Using “why dont you use your badges in the first place” as an argument isn’t really justifiable for this change.
The wallet was intended for actual currencies, and as for badges, well, so you didn’t have to fir them in your bank. But Gift of Battle isn’t a currency, it’s a component. Even if you had 10 legendaries to make, it’d be like 1/2 of a bank tab? Maybe a full tab or two if you filled it up with stuff you needed
This is not like bloodstone dust lol.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
My personal opinion is there should be a substitute for the gift of battle (maybe a mastery in pve could be done as much), since there are substitutes for pve in WvW via heroics and it could involve those badges.
My thoughts…
We have had zero info on legendary armors and it’s being speculated that we will need 6 gifts of battle. So no info to prepare players for 8 months, release final wing and kill off vendor.
So if you’re sitting there with badges like I am waiting for info, it kinda sucks to be in a position where I have 25k badges and now may have to grind out that track 6 times. It’s a lack of options thing and I don’t see why both methods can’t exist.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Maybe we should re-add WvW to map completion now that you have to actually and really do wvw to get the gift of battle.