Gift of Battle - state of WvW
Those things stack. It would have taken one slot.
However, I agree with your suggestion.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
Players had a couple months warning that this was going to happen. There’s no need for every player to have been able to summon the vendor one last time.
Yup. Just spent another 15 minutes. I tried to take a camp but 1 of the enemies was invulnerable/bugged. Still haven’t seen anyone.
Here you go maybe next time look around to post your input in a already made thread.
Yup. Just spent another 15 minutes. I tried to take a camp but 1 of the enemies was invulnerable/bugged. Still haven’t seen anyone.
Check their buff bar. If they have something called righteous indignation, it means they’re immune to damage and can wallop players insanely hard until it wears off after 3-5 minutes.
Will.9785I’ve just been wandering between 2 points back and forth capturing them.
Actually, that sounds like an ideal trip to WvW land to me.
I normally only go there for a daily when the PvE ones are lousy. There is always a queue for the top one, and sometimes for the next one, so I’m typically in EotM or one of the bottom two (Borderlands maps, right?)
Are you NA or EU? What time of day? I’ve been in early (3:00-4:00 AM PST) and late, and always see people.
Yup. Just spent another 15 minutes. I tried to take a camp but 1 of the enemies was invulnerable/bugged. Still haven’t seen anyone.
Camp supervisors, Tower Lords, and Keep Lords all have a 5(?) minute invuln after being flipped, you have to wait that out before you can flip it back.
Players had a couple months warning that this was going to happen. There’s no need for every player to have been able to summon the vendor one last time.
The thing is, ANET has said that legendaries should take time. OK. So alot of folks aren’t in a rush because of that. Some of us have real life responsibilities that force us to go away from the game from time to time. We cannot be expected to keep up on every whisper from a dev.
I was slowly working towards the goal. Now my progress has been erased. Folks have every right to be angry and expect better of ANET.
Do EOTM if you are looking for a fight. EOTM applies towards the reward track progress.
- What region and server are you on that you find no other players?
- Are you aware that by taking camps, claiming land and killing yaks that you can advance the reward track? A zone without opponents is ideal for this. What I’m faced with is the fact that roaming in ones and twos is less viable, as there are too many opposing players running in groups of 4 and up_.
- I unlocked the CoE reward track the other day. I’m a third of the way through it after playing for 1 hour two days ago and about 2 yesterday. Nine hours of active play doesn’t seem all that onerous.
- The Gift is one item. You couldn’t sacrifice the crap from a single slot in your bank to get it before? Really? You made an assumption. It proved to be erroneous. Too bad.
I’ll re-emphasize number 3. ~9 hours. 9. If that’s too much to ask to rectify the mistake you made, then it seems to me that the problem is more with you than it is with the game.
Players had a couple months warning that this was going to happen. There’s no need for every player to have been able to summon the vendor one last time.
No, players did not have a warning. There was a message hidden in the WvW section for the description of one of the lengthiest set of patch notes. And it merely said this change would happen …eventually. It gave no date, only that it would become unobtainable at the same time the reward tracks came out of beta. There was no warning before that specific event happened.
I don’t have a problem with ANet changing the requirements so that obtaining the Gift requires active WvW instead of passive. I don’t have a problem with it being moved to a reward track (although I think that particular reward track will remain relatively anemic even after adding mystic clovers etc).
I think these changes are, ultimately, good for the game and good for WvW.
I just don’t think anyone should confuse a “warning” or “announcement” with a buried mention of a vague time in the future. ANet gave people “one last chance” to take advantage of karma buffs on karma consumables in similar situation; I’m saddened that ANet decided not to give one last chance for spending badges, too.
(I suspect, though, that it’s just more effort than they’d like to put into backtracking. I can’t blame them, even as much as I dislike their lack of communication on the topic.)
Players had a couple months warning that this was going to happen. There’s no need for every player to have been able to summon the vendor one last time.
No, players did not have a warning. There was a message hidden in the WvW section for the description of one of the lengthiest set of patch notes. And it merely said this change would happen …eventually. It gave no date, only that it would become unobtainable at the same time the reward tracks came out of beta. There was no warning before that specific event happened.
I don’t have a problem with ANet changing the requirements so that obtaining the Gift requires active WvW instead of passive. I don’t have a problem with it being moved to a reward track (although I think that particular reward track will remain relatively anemic even after adding mystic clovers etc).
I think these changes are, ultimately, good for the game and good for WvW.
I just don’t think anyone should confuse a “warning” or “announcement” with a buried mention of a vague time in the future. ANet gave people “one last chance” to take advantage of karma buffs on karma consumables in similar situation; I’m saddened that ANet decided not to give one last chance for spending badges, too.
(I suspect, though, that it’s just more effort than they’d like to put into backtracking. I can’t blame them, even as much as I dislike their lack of communication on the topic.)
Whether there was a date mentioned or not doesn’t matter. There was a notice about it and you could’ve gone straight to the vendor and bought all of the gifts. It would’ve taken less than five minutes. If players decided that they were just going to procrastinate to the last possible minutes then that’s on them. Looks like it didn’t turn out so well.
People really should read the patch notes. Chances are if they don’t read them, they probably don’t read any other thing from Anet. Also, there’s always a thread or two on patch days that highlight key changes and such. This announcement was one of them. I remember seeing in on reddit too. Unless you think an in-game mail would have been sufficient but even some players don’t read that. Massivelop website even mentioned in in one of their articles as well as tentonhammer. Actually, practically every website mentioned it including some vloggers
I can’t agree^. I’m pretty much up on what’s going on in-game and always read the patch notes, but I missed the announcement, because that particular set of patch notes was truly long. I’m sure many were anxious to get in-game, and thus, read only the parts that applied most to them. Not being an avid WvW player, I must have skimmed that section, and if there were any threads about it, it must have been in the WvW sub-forum, which I don’t visit often.
Regardless, ArenaNet has decided, for whatever reason, it’s worth the ill-will to not reinstate the NPC’s feature of trading BoH for the GoB, sobeit. Sobeit.
Time to bring my noob PvE butt to WvW and be the rally bot our enemy servers need but don’t deserve. sigh
I agree that the change was poorly communicated and while it means that I personally can’t just buy the gift once I’m ready to start working on my first legendary (I’m currently on the 3rd collection for the precursor), I like the addition of reward tracks to WvW and am okay with the new method of acquisition.
Unfortunately, the nature of MMOs means that game mechanics, etc. are subject to change and sometimes that means players long term plans get disrupted. In this instance, ANet could have easily done more to let people know and minimise the disruption, but even if they had done so, there would still be players who missed the notification complaining about missing out on buying the gift with badges.
Players had a couple months warning that this was going to happen. There’s no need for every player to have been able to summon the vendor one last time.
I’m sorry, what warning?
There was no warning in the game launcher, no warning in the news, forums, let alone an in-game mail…
Corsair CX500 PSU, Kingston V300 60GB SSD
Players had a couple months warning that this was going to happen. There’s no need for every player to have been able to summon the vendor one last time.
I’m sorry, what warning?
There was no warning in the game launcher, no warning in the news, forums, let alone an in-game mail…
“Also, once the reward tracks feature exits beta testing, the Gift of Battle legendary crafting component will no longer be available as a vendor purchase and will be earned via its own reward track.”
patch notes of spring’s quarterly update. they warned us that once the reward track leaves beta this would happen.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
It was a poorly communicated change, but what is done is done now. The last feedback thread was closed with a definitive reply from the devs.
All i can say is that it took me a week in EOTM to get mine, which is a more than reasonable time frame for me. I found borderlands too slow to gain for me as a non wvwer. Overall I found it a more logical and fun method to gain the gift.
kinda surprised someone managed to acquire enough badges for gift of battle, yet still doesn’t know about RI mechanic or how to find other players in wvw.
Well Eotm supposedly gains less wvw track pts than normal wvw. I do not go their at all its to boring. I just take a few camps/kill a few roamers and my wvw track bar is maxed.
Everyone has been acting like its the end of their legendary progressing because of the gift of battle . That is not even the hardest part of crafting a legendary :P. That’s why I do not feel for them. Legendaries are a long term project that are slowly getting the mats for. You focus a little bit on it every week and eventually you make it.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
Players had a couple months warning that this was going to happen. There’s no need for every player to have been able to summon the vendor one last time.
I’m sorry, what warning?
There was no warning in the game launcher, no warning in the news, forums, let alone an in-game mail…“Also, once the reward tracks feature exits beta testing, the Gift of Battle legendary crafting component will no longer be available as a vendor purchase and will be earned via its own reward track.”
patch notes of spring’s quarterly update. they warned us that once the reward track leaves beta this would happen.
Corsair CX500 PSU, Kingston V300 60GB SSD
Players had a couple months warning that this was going to happen. There’s no need for every player to have been able to summon the vendor one last time.
That “warning” was ONE line of text buried deep inside of a 40 page long patch note.
Also, prepare to have this thread merged and buried in the WvW section in 3,2,1…
Get the reward track xp buff from guild halls – Step into wvw/eotm for a cpl of hours and dont forget to complete dailies for the reward potions.
Happy grinding!
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
It isn’t anet’s responsibilities that you miss out that one line of text in the long patch note. If you can’t read, it is really your issue, no matter how hard you try to justify it.
Henge of Denravi Server
Players had a couple months warning that this was going to happen. There’s no need for every player to have been able to summon the vendor one last time.
That “warning” was ONE line of text buried deep inside of a 40 page long patch note.
Also, prepare to have this thread merged and buried in the WvW section in 3,2,1…
There were threads on the forums/Reddit about it as well as practically every site that covers news about GW2 mentioning it.
Players had a couple months warning that this was going to happen. There’s no need for every player to have been able to summon the vendor one last time.
That “warning” was ONE line of text buried deep inside of a 40 page long patch note.
Also, prepare to have this thread merged and buried in the WvW section in 3,2,1…
ex you get charged more for something in small letters in a new contract (let’s say internet). who’s fault is it?company’s or your’s for not reading your contract? they could have it somewhere in the news section but they said it. and reddit talked about it a lot. many of us knew it.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
Players had a couple months warning that this was going to happen. There’s no need for every player to have been able to summon the vendor one last time.
That “warning” was ONE line of text buried deep inside of a 40 page long patch note.
Also, prepare to have this thread merged and buried in the WvW section in 3,2,1…
There were threads on the forums/Reddit about it as well as practically every site that covers news about GW2 mentioning it.
Not any time in the month before the change actually hit the game, because ANet never gave a date for when the reward tracks would move out of BETA (the reported trigger).
Still, I’m going to stop trying to make the point that ANet did the bare minimum in announcing the change and never warned anyone. Regardless of whether their communication was great, sufficient, or (in my opinion) horrid, the reality would be the same:
- ANet is moving the game towards rewarding active play over passive.
- New players (and those working on their Nth legendary) would have to use the reward track to obtain the Gift of Battle.
- We can expect that there will be other changes to 1st Gen (and probably 2nd Gen) legendaries that will also require more active play.
tl;dr it’s a moot point whether players had sufficient warning. We would still have to adapt to ANet’s plans to encourage active play, if not ‘now’ then soon™.
(I do hope that ANet takes more care in the future to let folks know about changes that impact them…and stop doing things like moving this discussion to the WvW forum — changes to the Gift of Battle affected everyone, not just WvWers).
Ermmm, but the gw2 general discussions forum though no one explicitly mention it, it is mainly for pve stuffs. afterall, all wvw discussions are eventually moved into wvw section.
since the item is only obtainable from wvw, having it in wvw forum is only appropriate.
also, having to give a headup to the existing players can be considered unfair from another perspective, since all future new players has no option but to go through that route.
Henge of Denravi Server
1) I don’t give a toss how many unofficial pages mentioned it. I shouldn’t have to find GW2 info on other sites.. So stop bringing up Reddit, MassivelyOP, Dulfy, Site Yada yada etc etc etc… They don’t count. End of.
2) I read patch notes, I just skip over the parts that I find unlikely to affect me and/or my gaming experience (as I assume a LOT of people do, especially when the patch notes are the length of a short story). Since I no longer play WvW actively I could not give two flying squirrels about notes pertaining to WvW—REWARD TRACKS (Beta). I for one do not feel the changes of Gift of Battle acquisition should be placed under that headline, but under something more in the lines of LEGENDARY CRAFTING CHANGES which I’m sure more people would’ve actually read..
3) While this change might mean “less work” for anyone with a brand new account (9 hours of grind is less time spent than gaining 14 World Ranks after all) it is a kick in the face for anyone that already earned the right to buy their Gift(s) of Battle.. Yes, technically, if you spent 20 Laurels + 500 Badges of Honor to buy Taste of Liquid World Experience between the dates of March 16 2015 (when WvW Mapping was removed from Gift of Exploration) and October 23 2015 (when HoT was released removing the ability to purchase Taste of Liquid World Experience) you could get the WXP needed to acquire the items necessary to make a Legendary Weapon without actually setting foot in WvW, but at any other time, and assuming you weren’t so totally anti WvW you really did go about it this way, you actually had to work for it.
4) I can’t see how effectively “forcing” people into WvW (especially if they’re already “finished” the part they “had to” before) rather than enticing them is going to have a positive effect on the game.
5) Yes, crafting a Legendary is a time sink unlike most things in this game. It does take a lot of effort, and no, the 9 hours we now need to spend in WvW isn’t even a majority of the time it takes; but the other parts we started on KNOWING what we got ourselves into. This change, just moved the finish line just as we were about to cross it. That’s like all of a sudden adding the HoT maps to the “World Completion” right before you finish your last PoI. Sure, “your fault for not finishing it last week” but still, I doubt you’d find it fair. I know I wouldn’t.
(edited by Najten.2418)
I just want to have fun again in wvw with epic fights and roam without getting cheese builds poured all over my head while the enemy dips nachos into my corpse.
I just don’t care for rewards, weapon skins, stacking servers, and whatever else we cry about. I just care about everyone having an awesome experience when they log into wvw and having that community feel again. Though…it probably is long gone lost in time.
That is what anet is missing. They seem to think throwing rewards at players and coming up with useless polls is what we need. We need a face of wvw, some type of John Cena.
1) I don’t give a toss how many unofficial pages mentioned it. I shouldn’t have to find GW2 info on other sites.. So stop bringing up Reddit, MassivelyOP, Dulfy, Site Yada yada etc etc etc… They don’t count. End of.
Good point. It’s hardly a new thing that ANet did not adequately communicate.
2) I for one do not feel the changes of Gift of Battle acquisition should be placed under that headline, but under something more in the lines of LEGENDARY CRAFTING CHANGES which I’m sure more people would’ve actually read.
That’s a good idea.
4) I can’t see how effectively “forcing” people into WvW (especially if they’re already “finished” the part they “had to” before) rather than enticing them is going to have a positive effect on the game.
This will offer no comfort at all, I’m sure, but it’s highly likely ANet does view this as “enticing.” rather than forcing. It’s very hard for a creator to expand their PoV enough to encompass that of people who don’t see things as they do. Since WvW is their baby, they may see it as a good game mode that more players would appreciate if they gave it a chance.
See italics.
Meanwhile I lost my soul getting enough Tyria masteries and exp for the legendary tracks, getting HoT mastery points and maxing out every single mastery track, doing all those world bosses, events and all that other crap for days while getting the gift of battle in 1 day. Seems kinda fair that people whine about the gift of battle, right?
Every time I think of this and the defence that it was “in the release notes” it reminds me of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!
On the (somehow overlooked) plans to demolish his house
But Mister Dent the plans have been available in the planning office for the last nine months!
Yes! I went round to find them yesterday afternoon. You’d hadn’t exactly gone out of your way to pull much attention to them have you? I mean, like actually telling anybody or anything.
The plans were on display.
Ah! And how many members of the public are in the habit of casually dropping around the local planning office of an evening?
Er – ah!
It’s not exactly a noted social venue is it? And even if you had popped in on the off chance that some raving bureaucrat wanted to knock your house down, the plans weren’t immediately obvious to the eye were they?
That depends where you were looking.
I eventually had to go down to the cellar!
That’s the display department.
With a torch!
The lights, had… probably gone.
So had the stairs!
Well you found the notice didn’t you?
Yes. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet, stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying “Beware of the Leopard”. Ever thought of going into advertising? _
(edited by Jong.5937)
All I see in here is… WA WAAAAA WAAA! I didn’t read the patch notes! How dare anet make me play WvW!
Well ya know what. They gave us a heads up. Yes it was buried in the patch notes, and it’s no ones fault but your own for not reading them. No matter how you justify it. I know plenty of people that did and bought theirs before hand.
On the note of I don’t want to play wvw! Tough. It’s a legendary weapon and requires elements from all gamemodes. Maybe you pve people will finally understand the pain that primarily WvW people have suffered since the start of the game with having to go to an unprefered game mode to farm needed items to reach goals they want.
Honestly if you don’t like it sell your mats and precursor and buy a completed legendary off the tp.
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.
Ugh, just remove legendary from the game.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
More Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy stuff following minutes after the demolition of Arthur Dent’s house!
“‘People of Earth, your attention please,’ a voice said, and it was wonderful. Wonderful perfect quadraphonic sound with distortion levels
so low as to make a brave man weep.
‘This is Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz of the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council,’ the voice continued. ‘As you will no doubt be aware, the
plans for development of the outlying regions of the Galaxy require the building of a hyperspatial express route through your star system, and
regrettably your planet is one of those scheduled for demolition. The process will take slightly less than two of your Earth minutes. Thank you.’
The PA died away.
Uncomprehending terror settled on the watching people of Earth. The terror moved slowly through the gathered crowds as if they were iron filing on
a sheet of board and a magnet was moving beneath them. Panic sprouted again, desperate fleeing panic, but there was nowhere to flee to.
Observing this, the Vogons turned on their PA again. It said:
‘There’s no point acting all surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display in your local planning
department in Alpha Centauri for fifty of your Earth years, so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start
making a fuss about it now.’
The PA fell silent again and its echo drifted off across the land. The huge ship turned slowly in the sky with easy power. On the underside of each a
hatchway opened, an empty black square.
By this time somebody somewhere must have manned a radio transmitter, located a wavelength and broadcast a message back to the Vogon ships,
to plead on behalf of the planet. Nobody ever heard what they said, they only heard the reply. The PA slammed back into life again. The voice was
annoyed. It said:
‘What do you mean you’ve never been to Alpha Centauri? For heaven’s sake mankind, it’s only four light years away you know. I’m sorry, but if
you can’t be bothered to take an interest in local affairs that’s your own lookout.
‘Energize the demolition beams.’
Light poured out of the hatchways.
‘I don’t know’ said the voice on the PA, ‘apathetic bloody planet, I’ve no sympathy at all.’ It cut off.
There was a terrible ghastly silence.
There was a terrible ghastly noise.
There was a terrible ghastly silence.
The Vogon Constructor Fleet coasted away into the inky starry void.”
You had months of notice.. If you didn’t play the game in that time you can’t really complain. Just play the WvW track and be done with it.. Think of it as part of your journey towards obtaining a legendary item.
Enough with these lame posts asking for the same thing.. If you don’t want to work for your “legendary item” then buy it from the trading post.
(Same goes to all the raid peeps complaining about making armor cheaper or use less LI, it’s legendary for a reason.. hard work and playing the game.)
Go back to WvW.. maybe you will enjoy your experience more now with the new changes. It won’t take you that long and you will feel like you earned the “legendary” rather than buying the mats of the TP :P
(edited by boolah.1325)
Yup. Just spent another 15 minutes. I tried to take a camp but 1 of the enemies was invulnerable/bugged. Still haven’t seen anyone.
That’s because the NPC had been capped within 5mins. I mean, seriously, come on… You don’t deserve your WvW badges if you didn’t know that.
Again, play the game and you will appreciate your legendary more..
Lol, I can’t believe there’s another thread on something that’s been asked about, debated ad nauseum, and received a final comment from Anet already.
The effort that’s gone into these threads exceeds the effort needed to finish the reward track.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
Lol, I can’t believe there are still people who refuse to understand or admit there’s a problem.(PvE only players were not given proper notice to redeem their saved Badges of Honor for Gifts of Battle)
The effort that’s been spent coming in here and bashing PvE players,(who just want to redeem what they’ve already earned) could be much better spent appealing to Anet to make more/better WvW reward tracks. So that WvW players don’t have to spend so much time in PvE.(Which evidently makes them quite bitter and resentful – As a PvE only player, I can sympathize.)
<edit, typo, clarity>
(edited by Elden Arnaas.4870)
Unless Anet took the GoBs out of your in inventory or banks then they’re not taking anything you’ve earned. You earned a currency that can be used to purchase an array of items, you never earned the GoB because you never bothered to buy it. I’m sure is inconvenient for you but describing the situation as such is going a step too far. Slugging out Tyria map completion for the average WvWvWr probably isn’t their idea of fun either but if they want the “legendary” skin, they’re going to have to just deal with it. All this complaining about cosmetics that you can earn the item for in a few hours of play when WvWvWrs were getting kittened over to invest far more time PvE for character/guild stat upgrades for the longest. I can’t muster any empathy.
Not to mention, the regular wvw only player, when creating any of the new legendaries, will have to spend DAYS or WEEKS in PVE not only to get a gift of exploration, but now to also get a gift of Maguuma mastery and a gift of insights.
Running a few hours in wvw for a gift of battle is a small consequence for a PVE only player. Everyone was warned about the change in aquiring GOB, if they didn’t catch it, it’s not Anets fault.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
re: @ Mike O’Brien I play PvE only so I can keep playing WvWvW. Stop violating my game mode. – So why do you want PvE only scrubs(I say this as one of them) being forced into your preferred game mode, dragging down your server and interfering with your hard-earned progress? Many of us are tying to contribute, but we’re taking up slots that could be used by experienced WvW players, who would be much more helpful.
So instead of wasting your time bashing people who have been wronged, why don’t you appeal to Anet to make more and better reward tracks so that you don’t have to spend as much/any time in PvE? Why don’t you try to help your situation?
re: Unless Anet took the GoBs out of your in inventory or banks then they’re not taking anything you’ve earned. – Yeah, ‘cuz “Bait and Switch” isn’t a thing. Proper notice was not given. That is the problem. The GoB reward track is generally considered to be a good thing.(Though it is also agreed that rewards need to be reworked.) Anet just needs to give people with saved badges a chance to redeem them for Gifts of Battle.
IMO we don’t need green, desperate, PvE only players invading WvW intent only on grinding out the GoB reward track. I see that as being overall a bad thing for WvW. And yes, I think that Anet should make it so that no one need leave their preferred game mode to achieve their goals. I do think that they should incentivize people to try other game modes. Long ago they had a period of time where bonus XP was offered in WvW. IMO this was a good way to persuade player to try WvW. Why can’t they do more stuff like that? (Actual incentive, rather than arm-twisting, coercion, or whatever you want to call it.)
re: Everyone was warned about the change in aquiring GOB, if they didn’t catch it, it’s not Anets fault. – One line, in the WvW section of the patch notes, with no hard date given for the change is not proper or sufficient warning. To suggest otherwise is blatantly insincere.
re: the regular wvw only player, when creating any of the new legendaries, will have to spend DAYS or WEEKS in PVE not only to get a gift of exploration, but now to also get a gift of Maguuma mastery and a gift of insights. – I sympathize. I don’t want to have to spend time outside of my preferred game mode, either. Don’t you think your time would be better spent appealing to Anet to make changes to allow WvW only players to achieve their goals without having to leave WvW?(Or having to spend less time out of WvW?) Is it so much easier to bash others than to try and help yourself?
MMOs change, this is something that’s commonly found in their ToS. You earned some currency that you could have used and didn’t, Anet didn’t promise or take anything so now you’re just meandering down entitlement avenue calling the change bait and switch. In your opinion, they didn’t give you enough of a heads up because it’s a big deal for you. Not everybody shares those thoughts, and personally, I think the reward track is reasonable amount of effort to ask for absolute, top tier prestige skins.
Also, critique based on fact sans name calling is equivalent to “bashing”? Hardly. I don’t remember even remotely implying that I care about what other people do when they’re on the map or why they’re there in the first place, or even calling anyone a “scrub”. Please don’t base your arguments on assumptions and try to concern troll, it’s really not a good look. In the same vein, the GoB could have been earned in the time taken here to complain about it’s new acquisition method.
Lol, I can’t believe there are still people who refuse to understand or admit there’s a problem.(PvE only players were not given proper notice to redeem their saved Badges of Honor for Gifts of Battle)
The effort that’s been spent coming in here and bashing PvE players,(who just want to redeem what they’ve already earned) could be much better spent appealing to Anet to make more/better WvW reward tracks. So that WvW players don’t have to spend so much time in PvE.(Which evidently makes them quite bitter and resentful – As a PvE only player, I can sympathize.)
<edit, typo, clarity>
You completely missed the point, which was that nothing has been said in this thread that wasn’t already said repeatedly in the other monster thread that was already shut down. And why was it shut down, because Anet already said nothing was going to change and nothing new has been said since.
You’re practically yelling at the sky demanding to know why it’s blue.
But let’s be real… it’s not a real “problem”. A small percentage of the player base (a) saved up enough to buy a Gift of Battle in the old system, but (b) didn’t bother to actually buy one, and © missed the patch notes that said the vendor was going, but (d) want to make a legendary right now, without (e) spending any more time in wvw.
You’re looking at a relatively tiny time investment that you hadn’t counted on. Yeah, sure, I’m sure everyone can understand how that slight inconvenience might be annoying. But try to keep some perspective… it’s not a problem worthy of this much salt.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
So I was away for a long time but before I left I endured WvW to get enough badges to get a Gift of Battle, but I didn’t buy one because I didn’t have the bank space to hold it.
You didn’t have 1 slot? I kind of doubt that.
It takes about as much effort now to earn the Gift of Battle as it did around launch.
Not to mention, the regular wvw only player, when creating any of the new legendaries, will have to spend DAYS or WEEKS in PVE not only to get a gift of exploration, but now to also get a gift of Maguuma mastery and a gift of insights.
Just a heads up for you then; stop wasting your precious “out of WvW time” on World Exploration, since it is not required for the new HoT Legendaries. There, saved 90 hours! Woop!
I don’t remember even remotely implying that I care about what other people do when they’re on the map or why they’re there in the first place, or even calling anyone a “scrub”.
Good for you. Unfortunately, I can’t remember many times I’ve entered WvW without reading atleast 1 line about what “some PvE scrub” is currently doing wrong: be it taking the wrong supplies, using them on the wrong thing, being too squishy, using the wrong weapons, not bringing the right skills etc.. I’m sure this varies on different servers, but on mine there’s usually not a friendly or welcoming atmosphere. And any WvW lover that seriously thinks I am going to statchange my Ascended gear or even bother getting a 2nd set to grind a boring as eff track in a game mode I don’t really want to play any more: HAH. Right.. Not going to happen! So eff off and stop telling me how to gear or play my toon. Too bad I’m not being very useful while taking up a precious slot for 9 hours but it’s not something I asked for so quit putting me down for it.