Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Without a guaranteed badge drop, what is the motivation for me to engage and kill anyone? Many times I’ll go for several kills without getting a single badge. Far more time efficient to just farm the jumping puzzles everyday isn’t it?

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: Mooodster.3470


Without a guaranteed badge drop, what is the motivation for me to engage and kill anyone? Many times I’ll go for several kills without getting a single badge. Far more time efficient to just farm the jumping puzzles everyday isn’t it?

the motivation is……so the other world that is trying to take your keep/tower/camp fail….

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: Mada.5319


The badge drop rate is too high lol. I got a bank tab full of them and I don’t even run in a zerg.

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Without a guaranteed badge drop, what is the motivation for me to engage and kill anyone? Many times I’ll go for several kills without getting a single badge. Far more time efficient to just farm the jumping puzzles everyday isn’t it?

the motivation is……so the other world that is trying to take your keep/tower/camp fail….

But how do I personally benefit? Say because I kill someone my team gets a tower…. So what? It’s not enough motivation when you don’t really benefit in any way no?

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


Umm sorry its not Call of duty?

Dedicated WvW people I know are in it for the fun of the fight not personal rewards… if thats what you want you might need a different game… they have pretyt much done everything ever other large scale fight mmo has done for rewards I wouldnt expect to see much more.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


If you want badges and you need a motivation for killing ppl, then the chance to get a badge is your motivation

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


If you don’t enjoy PvP and the only reason you engage in it is to acquire badges (I’m guessing for your legendary), then you are correct, you should just farm the JPs daily.

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Have you been playing since GW2 release? In 5 months of WvW play I only have 109 badges to show on those first months. But then they increased the drop rates of badges and I have 7k badges on my bank and I laready spent lots of badges to get armors and weapon for my alts.

The thing is, you don’t feel that it is hard if you play the game because you want to play it and not because you are aiming for something like the gift of battle.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: Uther Deathhand.1570

Uther Deathhand.1570

Have you been playing since GW2 release? In 5 months of WvW play I only have 109 badges to show on those first months. But then they increased the drop rates of badges and I have 7k badges on my bank and I laready spent lots of badges to get armors and weapon for my alts.

The thing is, you don’t feel that it is hard if you play the game because you want to play it and not because you are aiming for something like the gift of battle.

Thank you very much for saying this i feel that if you focus on just getting the reward then not only does it seem like its taking too long but you will not have fun doing it. Try to enjoy the journey and the goal may come faster than you think. Also if you are in a guild try to run with them. On a average reset night i get about 100-150 badges. Of course this is with a rather dedicated wvw guild so may not be usual.

Work for a cause, not for applause.
Live life to express, not to impress.
Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: Scootus.3251


Without a guaranteed badge drop, what is the motivation for me to engage and kill anyone? Many times I’ll go for several kills without getting a single badge. Far more time efficient to just farm the jumping puzzles everyday isn’t it?

the motivation is……so the other world that is trying to take your keep/tower/camp fail….

But how do I personally benefit? Say because I kill someone my team gets a tower…. So what? It’s not enough motivation when you don’t really benefit in any way no?

This guy is trolling, sadly however there are some people in the game that really won’t do anything just because its fun to do so…

Scootus Khan [WBC] – Whiteside Ridge

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: echo.2053


wait you mean to tell me that badges arent guarenteed drop when you kill enemies players/npcs? I guess my badge dropping machine is broken then, prolly should send anet a ticket to fix it

Bender the offender – Proud violator of 17 safe spaces –

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: Vizier.3164


People play for different reasons.
Simple fact is, if you only want dedicated WvW players, there would only be a few left.

The only good way to farm badges on my server is NA prime, witch is in the middle of the night for me… so ya, i hardly get any drops at the times that i play (most of them are from guild claimers :/)

So saying “just play the game and you’ll get em” is incorrect for people that cant play during a servers prime zerg time.

i7-3770K, XFX HD7970, ASUS SABERTOOTH, G.Skill ARES 16 GB 1600
Vizier: 80 mesm-guard-ele-war
Fort Aspenwood

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


OP’s logic doesn’t make sense any way you turn it.

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Without a guaranteed badge drop, what is the motivation for me to engage and kill anyone? Many times I’ll go for several kills without getting a single badge. Far more time efficient to just farm the jumping puzzles everyday isn’t it?

the motivation is……so the other world that is trying to take your keep/tower/camp fail….

But how do I personally benefit? Say because I kill someone my team gets a tower…. So what? It’s not enough motivation when you don’t really benefit in any way no?

lol everyone laugh and point at this guy for trying to benefit in WvW lol

Seriously though WvW is not there to benefit from unless you roam or zerg bust 24/7. There’s a reason dedicated WvW players are generally poorer than their PvE counterparts.

I played a support class before the drop rate increase. That is a literal death sentence for anyone who wants to get kills and rewards from WvW. The point is you do it because it’s what you want to do, because you find WvW/PvP fun even without rewards.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: Truga.5897


Without a guaranteed badge drop, what is the motivation for me to engage and kill anyone? Many times I’ll go for several kills without getting a single badge. Far more time efficient to just farm the jumping puzzles everyday isn’t it?

the motivation is……so the other world that is trying to take your keep/tower/camp fail….

But how do I personally benefit? Say because I kill someone my team gets a tower…. So what? It’s not enough motivation when you don’t really benefit in any way no?

It’s called glory or something, you get it in spvp.

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: multivira.7925


Got 257 badges yesterday, it’s all just a matter of killing more than one person.

Twirling – Pie Eating Guardian – MM – Gunnar’s Hold

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Without a guaranteed badge drop, what is the motivation for me to engage and kill anyone? Many times I’ll go for several kills without getting a single badge. Far more time efficient to just farm the jumping puzzles everyday isn’t it?

the motivation is……so the other world that is trying to take your keep/tower/camp fail….

But how do I personally benefit? Say because I kill someone my team gets a tower…. So what? It’s not enough motivation when you don’t really benefit in any way no?

It’s called glory or something, you get it in spvp.

Actually sPvP glory directly benefits you. You rank up and can show off. I PvP a lot and have reached the tiger rank so far. So glory has a very real motivation.

I just wish they would increase the personal rewards in WvW so I will enjoy my time spent there more.

Give Guaranteed Badge Drops from Players

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Npnp, play more and you’ll get to be a Footman eventually! Don’t you want to be a footman?!