Give me a reason to spend Money here!!!

Give me a reason to spend Money here!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Graveside.9253


This is a F2P game and I have $15 per month to spend easily since I dropped my monthly subscription game for this.

I wanted play GW2 for the WvWvW and have some fun with open world battles. Those are more like zerg fest of the most populated servers. Currently, all I see is hacks and cheaters in WvWvW. I am not level 80 so now it is becoming more of ugh do I really want to give it another try…no. I go back to PvE and 30 minutes later I am bored and logging off.

This game has multiple type of players, if you want only hardcore pvpers, cheaters and such continue down this path and that is all you will have.

This isn’t a whine or qq…it is what is actually been seen in the game and being posted on the internet by other players and even some of the cheaters themselves laughing about it.

Good Luck, guess time will tell if Arena Net is really trying to curb this or just take the cash and run….almost reminds me of EA.