Give us raid/warband option as a default.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Emnel.1537


And I’m not talking about commanders and squads.
Those are clearly intended for organizing whole servers effort and that 100g seems acceptable (for an account tho for the love of god…).
What is not acceptable? That in game called GUILD Wars my guild has to do WvW in few 5 man parties without being able to see eachother on the map, see others hp etc.
Or simply: without things that EVERY game of this genre offers as a basic options. And I’m not even talking about Warhammer. Even freaking Rift that had no real pvp had easy raid option.

Leave commander as it is for people who want to command whole server but dont make every guild to buy 2, 3 or more of those. It does not only enrage people line anything else but will make a mess with dozens of commanders to pop up within next month due to lack of standard warband/raid option.

So once again – give us:

- 20+ man warband/raid option
- where people have to be invited, just like to the party
- where people can see eachother on a map, just like in a party
- where people can see eachothers health, just like in a party…

Just give us bigger paries, for all what is holy…

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Emnel.1537



So is everyone really content with those 5 man groups?

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Faranox.4217


I’m with you! I’d also like to see something like this:
Parties of 5 form up. Party leader joins a Squad. Squads are made up of Party Leaders (this would entail being in 2 “parties” at once). Squad leader joins Command. Commander leads Squads, Squad leaders lead Parties, Party leader leads individuals.
It probably doesn’t have to be that complex, but it’s essentially what I want.

5 person parties isn’t enough. We need intermediary groups.

Chops Mcgee, of Anvil Rock

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: chainskull.2691


And I’m not talking about commanders and squads.
Those are clearly intended for organizing whole servers effort and that 100g seems acceptable (for an account tho for the love of god…).
What is not acceptable? That in game called GUILD Wars my guild has to do WvW in few 5 man parties without being able to see eachother on the map, see others hp etc.
Or simply: without things that EVERY game of this genre offers as a basic options. And I’m not even talking about Warhammer. Even freaking Rift that had no real pvp had easy raid option.

Leave commander as it is for people who want to command whole server but dont make every guild to buy 2, 3 or more of those. It does not only enrage people line anything else but will make a mess with dozens of commanders to pop up within next month due to lack of standard warband/raid option.

So once again – give us:

- 20+ man warband/raid option
- where people have to be invited, just like to the party
- where people can see eachother on a map, just like in a party
- where people can see eachothers health, just like in a party…

Just give us bigger paries, for all what is holy…

I think that this would really help alot, personaly I’m only in a small guild at the moment so the 5 man party system suits us fine. However i was in WvW on my own earlyer and saw a Guild, about 20-25 players, prepairing to go out into the world. I hung around to watch them so i could follow and posably give they a hand and they stud their for a while. I asked in game chat what they were doing and they replyed “We’re trying to arrange who goes in which party”. I felt so sorry for them. If the system you have stated was in effect they would of came into WvW and started their campaign straight away (after a little planning of course).

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: mangocheesecake.1487


I’m with you! I’d also like to see something like this:
Parties of 5 form up. Party leader joins a Squad. Squads are made up of Party Leaders (this would entail being in 2 “parties” at once). Squad leader joins Command. Commander leads Squads, Squad leaders lead Parties, Party leader leads individuals.
It probably doesn’t have to be that complex, but it’s essentially what I want.

5 person parties isn’t enough. We need intermediary groups.

Bumping this, and med-sized raid group for wvw in general.

There just seems like such a big gap from 5 man to a commander group.

Terrifying Kitties | SBI | Recruiting Active Players for WvW and PvE
PM Carme, Soji, Taper, or Mrsowrd in game

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Malleusx.6092


There just needs to be a cheaper option for guilds, like a 20g captain compendium or something that allows a 20 man party.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


I totally support this. It needs to be done 8/

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Trikki.5803


Yep, the ability to coordinate my guild is crippled by the terrible toolset ArenaNet has provided us. I love the game, but this was a major oversight.

Trikki – GM [NOC] Nocturnal (Oceanic Mature Age Guild)

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


ive played many MMOs and there is a raid feature that worked quite well. How about a 30 person raid. Then have slots where raid lead can move ppl around in raid. How ever warband/party shows up leave it like that but add an arrow to scroll through 5 party/warbands. All people in raid can be listed there and when no one is that spot its grayed out. There is a system like this on a game i used to play. There can be a main leader and a sub leader so everyone isnt bothering one person to be moved to another party and such.

(edited by Mosharn.8357)

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Naerin.6753


I agree with Malleusx, a Captain compendium or something of the sort would be a pretty good way to go about it. Either that, or a ‘Commander’ tag that works only for members of your Guild? What I can see happening in the next few months is every guild and their dog buying at least 2-3 Commander tags out of necessity – just so they can have their own guild organised.

This will mean that on the map, we’re going to have half a dozen commanders running around, like we did in BWE2. Not necessarily the best of ideas.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


yes please.

Make a compendium inbetween the commander and none. I wouldn’t have an issue paying some gold for it if it means I can get all my guildies in the same warband/raidgrp. The commander I don’t care about that much since all the pugs can join it. It’s more like a zerg magnet.

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Cayden.4587


I agree but refunds for the commander books please!!

Back to Planetside 2 beta. Where 500 v 500 v 500 happens everyday with no invisible armies.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Cayden.4587


It doesn’t give you a warband or raid group it is a chat channel that ANYONE can join and one person has the ability to place markers on the map. That is it.

Back to Planetside 2 beta. Where 500 v 500 v 500 happens everyday with no invisible armies.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: tbox.2307


Serious they need to do this like yesterday.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Cayden.4587


Commander literally gives 3 things, 1 person a blue marker, 1 person the ability to mark the map, and anyone the ability to click and join the chat channel.

Our guild pooled our money because we wanted to be able to group as a GUILD. We were envisioning more raid group less chat channel with map markers. We also didn’t realize that there would be no way to keep people out of the group. What we get is a steady stream of zerglings joining the squad which in turn means that the chat channel just becomes the new team chat. We literally had zerglings in our squad arguing with our officers… Glad we wasted the 100g.

What they should do:

-Refund all Commanders books and add in Captain Training which costs say 20g.
-This will allow a person to create an actual group of 20 people.
-This would be a group where people need to be invited and can be kicked without a “vote”.
-The Captain would be allowed to assign 2 other people to the role of assistant. These people could edit map markers and invite people or kick people.
-The channel would show like party (blue) and the leader could use the same map markers they have for the commander which would show up just for the group.
-Like parties you would be able to see anyone who was in the party anywhere on the map.
-There would be no marker over the persons head to the rest of the world which would eliminate the issue of random zerglings trying to attach to you from across the map/the easy spying potential.

Back to Planetside 2 beta. Where 500 v 500 v 500 happens everyday with no invisible armies.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Commander literally gives 3 things, 1 person a blue marker, 1 person the ability to mark the map, and anyone the ability to click and join the chat channel.

Our guild pooled our money because we wanted to be able to group as a GUILD. We were envisioning more raid group less chat channel with map markers. We also didn’t realize that there would be no way to keep people out of the group. What we get is a steady stream of zerglings joining the squad which in turn means that the chat channel just becomes the new team chat. We literally had zerglings in our squad arguing with our officers… Glad we wasted the 100g.

What they should do:

-Refund all Commanders books and add in Captain Training which costs say 20g.
-This will allow a person to create an actual group of 20 people.
-This would be a group where people need to be invited and can be kicked without a “vote”.
-The Captain would be allowed to assign 2 other people to the role of assistant. These people could edit map markers and invite people or kick people.
-The channel would show like party (blue) and the leader could use the same map markers they have for the commander which would show up just for the group.
-Like parties you would be able to see anyone who was in the party anywhere on the map.
-There would be no marker over the persons head to the rest of the world which would eliminate the issue of random zerglings trying to attach to you from across the map/the easy spying potential.

You have posted the same post in about 10 threads. Very sad.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Cayden.4587


You have posted the same post in about 10 threads. Very sad.

I should then what retype the exact same thing because this idea is in multiple threads?

Please who has that kinda time. Clearly they should make an official change the Squad Commander system thread.

Back to Planetside 2 beta. Where 500 v 500 v 500 happens everyday with no invisible armies.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Derrikson.4709


Just +1, this is HUGE FAIL that mmo like GW2 with rich content of mass pvp, have not even basic raid options. ANet must put develop this on highest priority, becouse without this feature even name Guild Wars hardly fails in describing point of this game. Atm this is Pug Wars 2. ANet give us some answers about this issue.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Cayden.4587


Just +1, this is HUGE FAIL that mmo like GW2 with rich content of mass pvp, have not even basic raid options. ANet must put develop this on highest priority, becouse without this feature even name Guild Wars hardly fails in describing point of this game. Atm this is Pug Wars 2. ANet give us some answers about this issue.

Fully agree and the commander system isn’t raid options at all. I would pay the 100g gladly to be able to make a raid ala World of Warcraft. I could care less about any other option such as map markers. Just let me pay 100g to make a raid group.

Back to Planetside 2 beta. Where 500 v 500 v 500 happens everyday with no invisible armies.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: jimdove.5704


defo needs a warband option. 24 man each and all show up on the entire map. Nothing more annoying that losing ur mates in rvr. Atm its pretty much PUG WARS and either getting zerged while u try to find your zerg on the map or u eventually find ur own zerg then watch it take a keep then run off in 5 diff directions while you pray to the gods that the ppl you have followed are going somewhere decent. WARHAMMER Online for all its faults did this beautifully. just copy what worked from there

DAOC – Excalibur
WAR – Karak-Azgal

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: jimdove.5704


Commander literally gives 3 things, 1 person a blue marker, 1 person the ability to mark the map, and anyone the ability to click and join the chat channel.

Our guild pooled our money because we wanted to be able to group as a GUILD. We were envisioning more raid group less chat channel with map markers. We also didn’t realize that there would be no way to keep people out of the group. What we get is a steady stream of zerglings joining the squad which in turn means that the chat channel just becomes the new team chat. We literally had zerglings in our squad arguing with our officers… Glad we wasted the 100g.

What they should do:

-Refund all Commanders books and add in Captain Training which costs say 20g.
-This will allow a person to create an actual group of 20 people.
-This would be a group where people need to be invited and can be kicked without a “vote”.
-The Captain would be allowed to assign 2 other people to the role of assistant. These people could edit map markers and invite people or kick people.
-The channel would show like party (blue) and the leader could use the same map markers they have for the commander which would show up just for the group.
-Like parties you would be able to see anyone who was in the party anywhere on the map.
-There would be no marker over the persons head to the rest of the world which would eliminate the issue of random zerglings trying to attach to you from across the map/the easy spying potential.

agree 100%

DAOC – Excalibur
WAR – Karak-Azgal

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Emnel.1537


Yeah, those some really good ideas by Cayden.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


100% agree

This was also suggested through all BWE’s on the forums as well. Using a Warhammer online “Warband” system or some kind of 20 person raid UI showing raid members on the map, raid member ’s health, and calling targets.

It’s needed… commander & squad is not suited for what people are asking for. A medium size, multiple group raid frame.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Veltoss.9135


I’d be fine with 20 man groups as long as everyone in it is in the same guild and representing it at the time. Otherwise, I don’t want to see a bunch of newbies running around leading groups. Needing to pay a lot of gold assured that they are somewhat dedicated and aren’t complete newbies to wvw.


Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Syklow.4980


I was really surprised to see there was not a system like in WAR with public warbands. You joined a zone and you could see any warbands (40 people iirc) in the area. The public ones you could join if they were not full. Anyone could start a warband. You could also see everyone in the zone on your map.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


What about the idea of guild infrastructure? Purchase 20-25 man warband capability within your guild, then make the formation of a warband a permission, just like promotion and MOTD. I only suggest this because anet seems resistant to just letting people form raids, which I think would be the easiest solution.

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


Couldnt agree more! That’s one thing Warhammer had RIGHT, the ability to have larger groups. 5 man groups is nothing, ok we have vent but being unable to see where all your guild mates or group mates are is a pain. PLEASE give is warbands!

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


This should be about having the tools to help make grouping and activities easy and fun. Trying to keep multiple 5 man groups together in a zone is horrible when you can’t see the other group on the map or call targets as a unit.

The people have spoken… we need something ASIDE of 5 man groups and commander and squad… we need a warband/raid system for at least 20 people.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: kriegerdeath.2053


I’m going to have to agree with OP. There is a seriously large handicap for guilds with the 5man group cap. 20 man /raid (or 4 of those 5man’s combined), pretty please.

Lvl 80 Human Ranger / Dark Prophecy / Stormbluff Isle

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Emnel.1537


Is there a chance for official info on this subject?

We’d love to know if feature like that is worked on and if there is any ETA yet.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Hyper.5328


Bumping great idea.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: albotelho.2931


Agreed. We need bigger parties for guilds.

Turig Wolfsbane Norn Guardian
Rangrorn Charr Necromancer
Ultimate Legion [UL]

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Dintra.2673


I was greatly surprised that there is no option to make a larger ’’warband’’ than 5man.
Something must be done and soon!
Not having a raid is a pain, most of the time and effort is going to keep those 3 separate parties going the same route and always asking and comfirming are they really there or they got lost….really depressing

Right now the situation in our guild (majority wants to play WWW) we sit in que for hours without any ETA or place in que, and not being able to afk because once the que pops it has no indicator aka sound banging or smth to pull your attention.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Nethres.7168


I actually disagree with the direct suggestion, because it impedes on the advantage a server gets from a member of that server that has worked hard to farm out a commander book, also I believe as a guild you can communicate much easier and tell each other what zones you are in via guild chat and find each other.

But agree with the suggestion that guild mates should have a way to easier find each other on a WvW map.

My suggestion to address this would be add a guild information window when opening the WvW map, this information window would tell you what regions your guild mates are in.

An alternative to the above would be set an “Event circle” around specific locations of importance on the map when a guild mate enters that location, when mousing over the location a list of names of guild mates will pop up next to your cursor. These Event circles are not limited to named regions rather they will only be near areas of importance; any capture point (Larger points such as keeps or towers will be based on which door they are at) and quaggan/ogre/dredge bases.

Also adding to the above an battle in which your guild mates are in could have an event circle around as well, also doing the above.

Another cool thing that may or may not overstep the line on the commander, would be a guild marker. Certain ranks in a guild could be allowed to set a “Guild Marker” per map.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Sivorick.1674


Yes please. Anything ingame that would help us function on a larger scale would be great!

Sivorick Andrathi
The Guardians – Isle of Janthir

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: dre.8973


this needs to be done and the Squads need an interface, need to see who’s in your squad and what not, instead of green color circles, if you’re in some one’s squad make purple icons please.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Thunderknuckles.9475


I’d definitely be down with 20 to 30 man raid groups, absolutely. It’s what my guild was rather hoping for when we all bought the game.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: lefteye.7890


Support for this. I see no reason to not have real raid party options.

Lefteye Falconeer of Desolation
[Ajeje Clan]

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Science.6709


Our guild narrowly escaped buying a Commander’s Compendium once we found out it wasn’t what we thought. I’m not convinced that we need bigger grouping systems though. Guild influence is kind of vague…“do things together.” Well do we need to be grouped in WvW? And would a bigger group garner more influence? Or do we just need to be near each other? Or?

Other than that, the only real advantage to being grouped is to be able to see dots on the map. We don’t have to be grouped to receive heals or boons, or to revive/be revived. I think the concept is that we’re all in the same group. That said, I’d like to see more dots on the map. Preferably all of them. The first thing everyone seems to ask when they zone in is, “where’s the zerg?” I’d at least like to be able to see guildies’ dots so I can get to them asap.

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Lurko.7185


I support this completely.

Guild Leader of Pak’Cafan [Darkhaven]

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Replect.3407


I have to disagree with the OP concerning the commander. The way of how you accomplish that position is horrible and what you are capable to do with it is actually worse.

Apart from that, I’ve to agree! :-)

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Chasan.3521


I’d be happy if they just made guildies have dots on the map like party members, make them orange and then we could keep up with each other.

Texas – warrior SoR
Kalima – ranger
resident rally bait

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: NorthStar.3798


I agree.. this needs to be done! Why just have 5 person group.. =/

Sanctum of Rall

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


They can even us the current commander and squad system and add the option to hide the commander pin so only people currently in the squad can see it. Basically making squads private.

I’ll take anything more than what we currently have in the game.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: meep.2601


I love how this thread is from FOUR (4) months ago. 5 person group limit for a game with the word WARS in the title = fail

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


I love how this thread is from FOUR (4) months ago. 5 person group limit for a game with the word WARS in the title = fail

I understand they have more serious issues (culling and que bugs) but I’d hoped to see some improvement…. actually ANY improvement in the ability to group and organize. I’m sure in time this will be addressed, but it just doesn’t seem to be a priority at this time for some reason.

I’d rather see improvements to social and grouping system before seeing new game content.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: The Goat.1940

The Goat.1940

agree we need larger group size, the 5 player isn’t working our guild has to set up 5-6 parties and there is always someone looking for an open spot…

Necrotic Sushi – Necro
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


agree we need larger group size, the 5 player isn’t working our guild has to set up 5-6 parties and there is always someone looking for an open spot…

Not only that, but even in VoIP there is always some group members that can split off during a fight or get seperated from guild groups. It’s easy say “Rally on me” but if there is no indication on that map it takes time and can become difficult.

You can ping and draw on the map, but it’s only visible to your group. The most effective visual in game way is dropping a rally point so everyone can it. But of course you need to have a commander pin up…. and suddenly it’s your guild groups as well as 30 other random people.

Great if you want to lead the zone. Not great if you wanted to do sneak/stealth tactics with your guild groups.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


Serious they need to do this like yesterday.

Well that’s not gonna happen. This post was started 9 months ago and there still haven’t been any significant changes to the C&S system. This is something people are unhappy with and STILL relevant.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry